2,691 research outputs found

    Software quality and reliability prediction using Dempster -Shafer theory

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    As software systems are increasingly deployed in mission critical applications, accurate quality and reliability predictions are becoming a necessity. Most accurate prediction models require extensive testing effort, implying increased cost and slowing down the development life cycle. We developed two novel statistical models based on Dempster-Shafer theory, which provide accurate predictions from relatively small data sets of direct and indirect software reliability and quality predictors. The models are flexible enough to incorporate information generated throughout the development life-cycle to improve the prediction accuracy.;Our first contribution is an original algorithm for building Dempster-Shafer Belief Networks using prediction logic. This model has been applied to software quality prediction. We demonstrated that the prediction accuracy of Dempster-Shafer Belief Networks is higher than that achieved by logistic regression, discriminant analysis, random forests, as well as the algorithms in two machine learning software packages, See5 and WEKA. The difference in the performance of the Dempster-Shafer Belief Networks over the other methods is statistically significant.;Our second contribution is also based on a practical extension of Dempster-Shafer theory. The major limitation of the Dempsters rule and other known rules of evidence combination is the inability to handle information coming from correlated sources. Motivated by inherently high correlations between early life-cycle predictors of software reliability, we extended Murphy\u27s rule of combination to account for these correlations. When used as a part of the methodology that fuses various software reliability prediction systems, this rule provided more accurate predictions than previously reported methods. In addition, we proposed an algorithm, which defines the upper and lower bounds of the belief function of the combination results. To demonstrate its generality, we successfully applied it in the design of the Online Safety Monitor, which fuses multiple correlated time varying estimations of convergence of neural network learning in an intelligent flight control system

    Architectural level risk assessment

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    Many companies develop and maintain large-scale software systems for public and financial institutions. Should a failure occur in one of these systems, the impact would be enormous. It is therefore essential, in maintaining a system\u27s quality, to identify any defects early on in the development process in order to prevent the occurrence of failures. However, testing all modules of these systems to identify defects can be very expensive. There is therefore a need for methodologies and tools that support software engineers in identifying the defected and complex software components early on in the development process.;Risk assessment is an essential process for ensuring high quality software products. By performing risk assessment during the early software development phases we can identify complex modules, thus enables us to enhance resource allocation decisions.;To assess the risk of software systems early on in the software\u27s life cycle, we propose an architectural level risk assessment methodology. It uses UML specifications of software systems which are available early on in the software life cycle. It combines the probability of software failures and the severity associated with these failures to estimate software risk factors of software architectural elements (components/connectors), the scenarios, the use cases and systems. As a result, remedial actions to control and improve the quality of the software product can be taken.;We build a risk assessment model which will enable us to identify complex and noncomplex software components. We will be able to estimate programming and service effort, and estimate testing effort. This model will enable us also to identify components with high risk factor which would require the development of effective fault tolerant mechanisms.;To estimate the probability of software failure we introduced and developed a set of dynamic metrics which are used to measure dynamic of software architectural elements from UML static models.;To estimate severity of software failure we propose UML based severity methodology. Also we propose a validation process for both risk and severity methodologies. Finally we propose prototype tool support for the automation of the risk assessment methodology

    Quantitative Measures for Software Independent Verification and Validation

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    As software is maintained or reused, it undergoes an evolution which tends to increase the overall complexity of the code. To understand the effects of this, we brought in statistics experts and leading researchers in software complexity, reliability, and their interrelationships. These experts' project has resulted in our ability to statistically correlate specific code complexity attributes, in orthogonal domains, to errors found over time in the HAL/S flight software which flies in the Space Shuttle. Although only a prototype-tools experiment, the result of this research appears to be extendable to all other NASA software, given appropriate data similar to that logged for the Shuttle onboard software. Our research has demonstrated that a more complete domain coverage can be mathematically demonstrated with the approach we have applied, thereby ensuring full insight into the cause-and-effects relationship between the complexity of a software system and the fault density of that system. By applying the operational profile we can characterize the dynamic effects of software path complexity under this same approach We now have the ability to measure specific attributes which have been statistically demonstrated to correlate to increased error probability, and to know which actions to take, for each complexity domain. Shuttle software verifiers can now monitor the changes in the software complexity, assess the added or decreased risk of software faults in modified code, and determine necessary corrections. The reports, tool documentation, user's guides, and new approach that have resulted from this research effort represent advances in the state of the art of software quality and reliability assurance. Details describing how to apply this technique to other NASA code are contained in this document

    The development and application of composite complexity models and a relative complexity metric in a software maintenance environment

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    A great deal of effort is now being devoted to the study, analysis, prediction, and minimization of software maintenance expected cost, long before software is delivered to users or customers. It has been estimated that, on the average, the effort spent on software maintenance is as costly as the effort spent on all other software costs. Software design methods should be the starting point to aid in alleviating the problems of software maintenance complexity and high costs. Two aspects of maintenance deserve attention: (1) protocols for locating and rectifying defects, and for ensuring that noe new defects are introduced in the development phase of the software process; and (2) protocols for modification, enhancement, and upgrading. This article focuses primarily on the second aspect, the development of protocols to help increase the quality and reduce the costs associated with modifications, enhancements, and upgrades of existing software. This study developed parsimonious models and a relative complexity metric for complexity measurement of software that were used to rank the modules in the system relative to one another. Some success was achieved in using the models and the relative metric to identify maintenance-prone modules


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    With the replacement of old analog control systems with software-based digital control systems, there is an urgent need for developing a method to quantitatively and accurately assess the reliability of safety critical software systems. This research focuses on proposing a systematic software metric-based reliability prediction method. The method starts with the measurement of a metric. Measurement results are then either directly linked to software defects through inspections and peer reviews or indirectly linked to software defects through empirical software engineering models. Three types of defect characteristics can be obtained, namely, 1) the number of defects remaining, 2) the number and the exact location of the defects found, and 3) the number and the exact location of defects found in an earlier version. Three models, Musa's exponential model, the PIE model and a mixed Musa-PIE model, are then used to link each of the three categories of defect characteristics with reliability respectively. In addition, the use of the PIE model requires mapping defects identified to an Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) model. A procedure that can assist in the construction of the EFSM model and increase its repeatability is also provided. This metric-based software reliability prediction method is then applied to a safety-critical software used in the nuclear industry using eleven software metrics. Reliability prediction results are compared with the real reliability assessed by using operational failure data. Experiences and lessons learned from the application are discussed. Based on the results and findings, four software metrics are recommended. This dissertation then focuses on one of the four recommended metrics, Test Coverage. A reliability prediction model based on Test Coverage is discussed in detail and this model is further refined to be able to take into consideration more realistic conditions, such as imperfect debugging and the use of multiple testing phases

    Estimating Software Testing Complexity

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    Context: Complexity measures provide us some information about software artifacts. A measure of the difficulty of testing a piece of code could be very useful to take control about the test phase. Objective: The aim in this paper is the definition of a new measure of the difficulty for a computer to gen erate test cases, we call it Branch Coverage Expectation (BCE). We also analyze the most common com plexity measures and the most important features of a program. With this analysis we are trying to discover whether there exists a relationship between them and the code coverage of an automatically generated test suite. Method: The definition of this measure is based on a Markov model of the program. This model is used not only to compute the BCE, but also to provide an estimation of the number of test cases needed to reach a given coverage level in the program. In order to check our proposal, we perform a theoretical val idation and we carry out an empirical validation study using 2600 test programs. Results: The results show that the previously existing measures are not so useful to estimate the difficulty of testing a program, because they are not highly correlated with the code coverage. Our proposed mea sure is much more correlated with the code coverage than the existing complexity measures. Conclusion: The high correlation of our measure with the code coverage suggests that the BCE measure is a very promising way of measuring the difficulty to automatically test a program. Our proposed measure is useful for predicting the behavior of an automatic test case generator.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER under contract TIN2011-28194 (the roadME project

    A Survey on Trust Metrics for Autonomous Robotic Systems

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    This paper surveys the area of Trust Metrics related to security for autonomous robotic systems. As the robotics industry undergoes a transformation from programmed, task oriented, systems to Artificial Intelligence-enabled learning, these autonomous systems become vulnerable to several security risks, making a security assessment of these systems of critical importance. Therefore, our focus is on a holistic approach for assessing system trust which requires incorporating system, hardware, software, cognitive robustness, and supplier level trust metrics into a unified model of trust. We set out to determine if there were already trust metrics that defined such a holistic system approach. While there are extensive writings related to various aspects of robotic systems such as, risk management, safety, security assurance and so on, each source only covered subsets of an overall system and did not consistently incorporate the relevant costs in their metrics. This paper attempts to put this prior work into perspective, and to show how it might be extended to develop useful system-level trust metrics for evaluating complex robotic (and other) systems


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    Continuous integration (CI) development environments allow software engineers to frequently integrate and test their code. While CI environments provide advantages, they also utilize non-trivial amounts of time and resources. To address this issue, researchers have adapted techniques for test case prioritization (TCP) and regression test selection (RTS) to CI environments. To date, current TCP techniques under CI environments have operated on test suites, and have not achieved substantial improvements. In this thesis, we use a lightweight approach based on test suite failure and execution history, and “continuously” prioritizes commits that are waiting for execution in response to the arrival of each new commit and the completion of each previously commit scheduled for testing. We conduct an empirical study on three datasets, and the result shows that, after prioritization, our technique can effectively detect failing commits earlier. To date, current RTS techniques under CI environment is based on two windows in terms of time. But this technique fails to consider the arrival rate of test suites and only takes the results of test suites execution history into account. In this thesis, we present a Count-Based RTS technique, which is based on the test suite failures and execution history by utilizing two window sizes in terms of number of test suites, and a Transition-Based RTS technique, which adds the test suites’ “pass to malfunction” transitions for selection prediction in addition to the two window sizes. We again conduct an empirical study on three datasets, and the results show that, after selection, Transition-Based technique detects more malfunctions and more “pass to malfunction” transitions than the existing techniques. Adviser: Gregg Rothermel, Sebastian Elbau
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