773 research outputs found

    Query Interactions in Database Systems

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    The typical workload in a database system consists of a mix of multiple queries of different types, running concurrently and interacting with each other. The same query may have different performance in different mixes. Hence, optimizing performance requires reasoning about query mixes and their interactions, rather than considering individual queries or query types. In this dissertation, we demonstrate how queries affect each other when they are executing concurrently in different mixes. We show the significant impact that query interactions can have on the end-to-end workload performance. A major hurdle in the understanding of query interactions in database systems is that there is a large spectrum of possible causes of interactions. For example, query interactions can happen because of any of the resource-related, data-related or configuration-related dependencies that exist in the system. This variation in underlying causes makes it very difficult to come up with robust analytical performance models to capture and model query interactions. We present a new approach for modeling performance in the presence of interactions, based on conducting experiments to measure the effect of query interactions and fitting statistical models to the data collected in these experiments to capture the impact of query interactions. The experiments collect samples of the different possible query mixes, and measure the performance metrics of interest for the different queries in these sample mixes. Statistical models such as simple regression and instance-based learning techniques are used to train models from these sample mixes. This approach requires no prior assumptions about the internal workings of the database system or the nature or cause of the interactions, making it portable across systems. We demonstrate the potential of capturing, modeling, and exploiting query interactions by developing techniques to help in two database performance related tasks: workload scheduling and estimating the completion time of a workload. These are important workload management problems that database administrators have to deal with routinely. We consider the problem of scheduling a workload of report-generation queries. Our scheduling algorithms employ statistical performance models to schedule appropriate query mixes for the given workload. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our interaction-aware scheduling algorithms outperform scheduling policies that are typically used in database systems. The problem of estimating the completion time of a workload is an important problem, and the state of the art does not offer any systematic solution. Typically database administrators rely on heuristics or observations of past behavior to solve this problem. We propose a more rigorous solution to this problem, based on a workload simulator that employs performance models to simulate the execution of the different mixes that make up a workload. This mix-based simulator provides a systematic tool that can help database administrators in estimating workload completion time. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach can estimate the workload completion times with a high degree of accuracy. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that reasoning about query interactions holds significant potential for realizing performance improvements in database systems. The techniques developed in this work can be viewed as initial steps in this interesting area of research, with lots of potential for future work

    A Big Data Analyzer for Large Trace Logs

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    Current generation of Internet-based services are typically hosted on large data centers that take the form of warehouse-size structures housing tens of thousands of servers. Continued availability of a modern data center is the result of a complex orchestration among many internal and external actors including computing hardware, multiple layers of intricate software, networking and storage devices, electrical power and cooling plants. During the course of their operation, many of these components produce large amounts of data in the form of event and error logs that are essential not only for identifying and resolving problems but also for improving data center efficiency and management. Most of these activities would benefit significantly from data analytics techniques to exploit hidden statistical patterns and correlations that may be present in the data. The sheer volume of data to be analyzed makes uncovering these correlations and patterns a challenging task. This paper presents BiDAl, a prototype Java tool for log-data analysis that incorporates several Big Data technologies in order to simplify the task of extracting information from data traces produced by large clusters and server farms. BiDAl provides the user with several analysis languages (SQL, R and Hadoop MapReduce) and storage backends (HDFS and SQLite) that can be freely mixed and matched so that a custom tool for a specific task can be easily constructed. BiDAl has a modular architecture so that it can be extended with other backends and analysis languages in the future. In this paper we present the design of BiDAl and describe our experience using it to analyze publicly-available traces from Google data clusters, with the goal of building a realistic model of a complex data center.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Quality of service based data-aware scheduling

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    Distributed supercomputers have been widely used for solving complex computational problems and modeling complex phenomena such as black holes, the environment, supply-chain economics, etc. In this work we analyze the use of these distributed supercomputers for time sensitive data-driven applications. We present the scheduling challenges involved in running deadline sensitive applications on shared distributed supercomputers running large parallel jobs and introduce a ``data-aware\u27\u27 scheduling paradigm that overcomes these challenges by making use of Quality of Service classes for running applications on shared resources. We evaluate the new data-aware scheduling paradigm using an event-driven hurricane simulation framework which attempts to run various simulations modeling storm surge, wave height, etc. in a timely fashion to be used by first responders and emergency officials. We further generalize the work and demonstrate with examples how data-aware computing can be used in other applications with similar requirements

    Learning workload behaviour models from monitored time-series for resource estimation towards data center optimization

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    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of the demand of Cloud Computing resources executed in Data Centers. Modern Data Centers are complex systems that need management. As distributed computing systems grow, and workloads benefit from such computing environments, the management of such systems increases in complexity. The complexity of resource usage and power consumption on cloud-based applications makes the understanding of application behavior through expert examination difficult. The difficulty increases when applications are seen as "black boxes", where only external monitoring can be retrieved. Furthermore, given the different amount of scenarios and applications, automation is required. To deal with such complexity, Machine Learning methods become crucial to facilitate tasks that can be automatically learned from data. Firstly, this thesis proposes an unsupervised learning technique to learn high level representations from workload traces. Such technique provides a fast methodology to characterize workloads as sequences of abstract phases. The learned phase representation is validated on a variety of datasets and used in an auto-scaling task where we show that it can be applied in a production environment, achieving better performance than other state-of-the-art techniques. Secondly, this thesis proposes a neural architecture, based on Sequence-to-Sequence models, that provides the expected resource usage of applications sharing hardware resources. The proposed technique provides resource managers the ability to predict resource usage over time as well as the completion time of the running applications. The technique provides lower error predicting usage when compared with other popular Machine Learning methods. Thirdly, this thesis proposes a technique for auto-tuning Big Data workloads from the available tunable parameters. The proposed technique gathers information from the logs of an application generating a feature descriptor that captures relevant information from the application to be tuned. Using this information we demonstrate that performance models can generalize up to a 34% better when compared with other state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, the search time to find a suitable solution can be drastically reduced, with up to a 12x speedup and almost equal quality results as modern solutions. These results prove that modern learning algorithms, with the right feature information, provide powerful techniques to manage resource allocation for applications running in cloud environments. This thesis demonstrates that learning algorithms allow relevant optimizations in Data Center environments, where applications are externally monitored and careful resource management is paramount to efficiently use computing resources. We propose to demonstrate this thesis in three areas that orbit around resource management in server environmentsEls Centres de Dades (Data Centers) moderns són sistemes complexos que necessiten ser gestionats. A mesura que creixen els sistemes de computació distribuïda i les aplicacions es beneficien d’aquestes infraestructures, també n’augmenta la seva complexitat. La complexitat que implica gestionar recursos de còmput i d’energia en sistemes de computació al núvol fa difícil entendre el comportament de les aplicacions que s'executen de manera manual. Aquesta dificultat s’incrementa quan les aplicacions s'observen com a "caixes negres", on només es poden monitoritzar algunes mètriques de les caixes de manera externa. A més, degut a la gran varietat d’escenaris i aplicacions, és necessari automatitzar la gestió d'aquests recursos. Per afrontar-ne el repte, l'aprenentatge automàtic juga un paper cabdal que facilita aquestes tasques, que poden ser apreses automàticament en base a dades prèvies del sistema que es monitoritza. Aquesta tesi demostra que els algorismes d'aprenentatge poden aportar optimitzacions molt rellevants en la gestió de Centres de Dades, on les aplicacions són monitoritzades externament i la gestió dels recursos és de vital importància per a fer un ús eficient de la capacitat de còmput d'aquests sistemes. En primer lloc, aquesta tesi proposa emprar aprenentatge no supervisat per tal d’aprendre representacions d'alt nivell a partir de traces d'aplicacions. Aquesta tècnica ens proporciona una metodologia ràpida per a caracteritzar aplicacions vistes com a seqüències de fases abstractes. La representació apresa de fases és validada en diferents “datasets” i s'aplica a la gestió de tasques d'”auto-scaling”, on es conclou que pot ser aplicable en un medi de producció, aconseguint un millor rendiment que altres mètodes de vanguardia. En segon lloc, aquesta tesi proposa l'ús de xarxes neuronals, basades en arquitectures “Sequence-to-Sequence”, que proporcionen una estimació dels recursos usats per aplicacions que comparteixen recursos de hardware. La tècnica proposada facilita als gestors de recursos l’habilitat de predir l'ús de recursos a través del temps, així com també una estimació del temps de còmput de les aplicacions. Tanmateix, redueix l’error en l’estimació de recursos en comparació amb d’altres tècniques populars d'aprenentatge automàtic. Per acabar, aquesta tesi introdueix una tècnica per a fer “auto-tuning” dels “hyper-paràmetres” d'aplicacions de Big Data. Consisteix així en obtenir informació dels “logs” de les aplicacions, generant un vector de característiques que captura informació rellevant de les aplicacions que s'han de “tunejar”. Emprant doncs aquesta informació es valida que els ”Regresors” entrenats en la predicció del rendiment de les aplicacions són capaços de generalitzar fins a un 34% millor que d’altres “Regresors” de vanguàrdia. A més, el temps de cerca per a trobar una bona solució es pot reduir dràsticament, aconseguint un increment de millora de fins a 12 vegades més dels resultats de qualitat en contraposició a alternatives modernes. Aquests resultats posen de manifest que els algorismes moderns d'aprenentatge automàtic esdevenen tècniques molt potents per tal de gestionar l'assignació de recursos en aplicacions que s'executen al núvol.Arquitectura de computador

    Architecting Efficient Data Centers.

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    Data center power consumption has become a key constraint in continuing to scale Internet services. As our society’s reliance on “the Cloud” continues to grow, companies require an ever-increasing amount of computational capacity to support their customers. Massive warehouse-scale data centers have emerged, requiring 30MW or more of total power capacity. Over the lifetime of a typical high-scale data center, power-related costs make up 50% of the total cost of ownership (TCO). Furthermore, the aggregate effect of data center power consumption across the country cannot be ignored. In total, data center energy usage has reached approximately 2% of aggregate consumption in the United States and continues to grow. This thesis addresses the need to increase computational efficiency to address this grow- ing problem. It proposes a new classes of power management techniques: coordinated full-system idle low-power modes to increase the energy proportionality of modern servers. First, we introduce the PowerNap server architecture, a coordinated full-system idle low- power mode which transitions in and out of an ultra-low power nap state to save power during brief idle periods. While effective for uniprocessor systems, PowerNap relies on full-system idleness and we show that such idleness disappears as the number of cores per processor continues to increase. We expose this problem in a case study of Google Web search in which we demonstrate that coordinated full-system active power modes are necessary to reach energy proportionality and that PowerNap is ineffective because of a lack of idleness. To recover full-system idleness, we introduce DreamWeaver, architectural support for deep sleep. DreamWeaver allows a server to exchange latency for full-system idleness, allowing PowerNap-enabled servers to be effective and provides a better latency- power savings tradeoff than existing approaches. Finally, this thesis investigates workloads which achieve efficiency through methodical cluster provisioning techniques. Using the popular memcached workload, this thesis provides examples of provisioning clusters for cost-efficiency given latency, throughput, and data set size targets.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91499/1/meisner_1.pd

    Cost-Effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud

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    This paper presents a new MapReduce cloud service model, Cura, for provisioning cost-effective MapReduce services in a cloud. In contrast to existing MapReduce cloud services such as a generic compute cloud or a dedicated MapReduce cloud, Cura has a number of unique benefits. First, Cura is designed to provide a cost-effective solution to efficiently handle MapReduce production workloads that have a significant amount of interactive jobs. Second, unlike existing services that require customers to decide the resources to be used for the jobs, Cura leverages MapReduce profiling to automatically create the best cluster configuration for the jobs. While the existing models allow only a per-job resource optimization for the jobs, Cura implements a globally efficient resource allocation scheme that significantly reduces the resource usage cost in the cloud. Third, Cura leverages unique optimization opportunities when dealing with workloads that can withstand some slack. By effectively multiplexing the available cloud resources among the jobs based on the job requirements, Cura achieves significantly lower resource usage costs for the jobs. Cura's core resource management schemes include cost-aware resource provisioning, VM-aware scheduling and online virtual machine reconfiguration. Our experimental results using Facebook-like workload traces show that our techniques lead to more than 80 percent reduction in the cloud compute infrastructure cost with upto 65 percent reduction in job response times