746 research outputs found

    Past, Present and Future of a Habitable Earth

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    This perspective of this book views Earth's various layers as a whole system, and tries to understand how to achieve harmony and sustainable development between human society and nature, with the theme of " habitability of the Earth." This book is one effort at providing an overview of some of the recent exciting advances Chinese geoscientists have made. It is the concerted team effort of a group of researchers from diverse backgrounds to generalize their vision for Earth science in the next 10 years. The book is intended for scholars, administrators of the Science and Technology policy department, and science research funding agencies. This is an open access book

    Proceedings of the Lunar Materials Technology Symposium

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    The meeting was organized around a possible lunar outpost scenario, featuring industrial technologies, systems, and components applicable to the extraction, processing, and fabrication of local materials. Acknowledged space resources experts as well as investigators from outside the field whose knowledge could be applied to space development activities were brought together. Presentations came from a variety of specialists in fields such as minerals processing, environmental control, and communications. The sessions of the symposium were divided into the following areas: resource characterization, energy management, materials processing, environment control, and automation and communications

    Acidic Aqueous Solutions and Sulfate-Rich Mineralogy: Raman Investigations of Rio Tinto, Spain, a Model for Acid Mine Drainage and a Potential Martian Analog

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    En esta tesis doctoral he caracterizado soluciones acuosas sintéticas que se reproducen las condiciones extremas de las aguas de Río Tinto, Huelva, un ejemplo de entorno contaminado por drenaje ácido de mina, considerado como un escenario geo/bio/mineralógico unico en nuestro planeta que ofrece situaciones comparables a las de Marte. He analizado muestras naturales de agua del río usando espectroscopia Raman; en concreto, he estudiado las relaciones de equilibrio y especiación, y las propiedades de transporte de materia. También he caracterizado eflorescencias ricas en sulfato de Río Tinto utilizando espectroscopía Raman como herramienta fundamental, además de otras técnicas complementarias como la reflectancia en el infrarrojo cercano y el visible (VNIR) y la difracción de rayos-X. He desarrollado rutinas de procesado automático de datos para obtener la máxima información de los espectros Raman y minimizar la contribución del ruido y otras interferencias en los espectros.Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Cristalografía y Mineralogí