111 research outputs found

    Big five personality and influencer marketing related behaviors and attitudes : an exploration

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    With social media deeply rooted into individual’s lives, influencer marketing has become one of the most used marketing tools by brands. However, it is still necessary to conduct more empiric research to understand the factors involved in consumer’s answers to influencer market. This study aims to explore relations between consumers’ personality, supported by the Big Five personality theory, and influencer marketing related attitudes and behaviors. To do so, data was collected through an online survey targeted at Millennials and Generation Z. Results were tested for covariance and significante mean differences. Findings indicate correlation between extraversion and active engagement with influencers, and between conscientiousness and previous purchases made by influencer recommendation. When it comes to platform utilization, there was evidence of higher conscientiousness in users of LinkedIn, while Twitter users showed a lower score in this personality trait. Meanwhile, TikTok users demonstrated higher neuroticism and Twitch users demonstrated lower extraversion. Higher conscientiousness and openness to experience were found in followers of influencers on LinkedIn, lower openness to experience was found in followers of influencers on YouTube, and lower extraversion when it comes to followers of influencers on Twitch. Additionally, higher agreeableness was found in followers of celebrities, higher conscientiousness in fashion and beauty followers, lower conscientiousness was found in gamming followers and lower extraversion in humor followers. Lastly neuroticism was lower in users preferring travel content, conscientiousness was higher in users preferring fashion and beauty content and extraversion was lower in users preferring lifestyle content. This research intends to complement and extend the literature in influencer marketing and consumer behavior, and to provide relevant guidelines to the definition of brands’ influencer marketing strategy.Com as redes sociais enraizadas na rotina das pessoas, o influencer marketing tornouse uma das ferramentas de marketing mais utilizadas pelas marcas. No entanto, é ainda necessário desenvolver estudos empíricos para compreender melhor os fatores que afetam a resposta dos consumidores ao influencer marketing. Este estudo pretende contribuir para esta lacuna na investigação, ao explorar as relações entre a personalidade dos consumidores, suportada pela teoria de personalidade dos Cinco Fatores, e as suas atitudes e comportamentos face ao influencer marketing. Nesse sentido foram recolhidos dados através de um questionário junto de uma amostra de consumidores das gerações Millennial e Z. Os resultados foram testados para a covariância e diferenças significativas de médias. As evidências indicam que existe uma correlação entre a extroversão e o envolvimento ativo com influenciadores e entre a conscienciosidade e as compras passadas, feitas devido a recomendações de influencers. No que diz respeito às plataformas, os utilizadores do LinkedIn, revelaram uma conscienciosidade mais alta, enquanto os do Twitter registaram um valor mais baixo nesta dimensão da personalidade. Por outro lado, os utilizadores do TikTok demonstraram um neuroticismo mais elevado e os do Twitch uma menor extroversão. Indivíduos que seguem influencers no LinkedIn denotam uma maior conscienciosidade e abertura a novas experiências, aqueles que os seguem no YouTube caracterizam-se por uma mais baixa abertura a novas experiências e os que o fazem no Twitch apresentam valores mais baixos de extroversão. Relativamente às categorias de conteúdo, os seguidores de conteúdos de celebridades revelaram valores mais altos de amabilidade, os de moda e beleza uma maior conscienciosidade, os de gamming uma menor conscienciosidade e os de humor uma menor extroversão do que não seguidores destes temas. Por último, o neuroticismo registou valores mais baixos em indivíduos que preferem conteúdo de viagens, a conscienciosidade foi mais elevada em quem prefere conteúdo de moda e beleza e a extroversão foi mais baixa em quem prefere conteúdo de estilo de vida. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para completar e alargar a literatura sobre influencer marketing e comportamento do consumidor, e trazem contributos relevantes para a definição da estratégia das marcas que recorrem a esta ferramenta

    헬스케어를 위한 대화형 인공지능의 모사된 페르소나 디자인 및 사용자 경험 연구

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 인문대학 협동과정 인지과학전공, 2021.8. 이준환.디지털 헬스케어(Digital Healthcare) 기술의 발전은 일상 헬스케어 영역에서의 혁신을 주도 하고 있다. 이는 의학 전문가들의 정확한 진단, 질병의 치료를 도울 뿐만 아니라 사용자가 스스로 일상에서 자기관리를 할 수 있도록 돕는다. 디지털 헬스케어 기술의 대표적인 목표 중 하나는 효과적으로 헬스케어 서비스를 개인화 시키는 것인데, 이러한 측면에서 대화형 인공지능(Conversational AI)은 사용하기 쉽고 효율적인 비용으로 개인화된 서비스를 제공할 수 있기에 주목받고 있다. 기존의 개인화된 케어 서비스들의 경우는 대부분 의료기관의 질병치료 서비스들에 포함되었는데, 대화형 인공지능은 이러한 개인화된 케어 서비스의 영역을 일상에서의 질병 예방을 위한 관리로 확장하는데 기여한다. 일대일 대화를 통해 맞춤형 교육, 테라피, 그외의 관련 정보 등을 제공할 수 있다는 측면에서 일상 헬스케어에 적합한 디지털 헬스케어 기술로의 활용도가 높다. 이러한 이점으로 인해 다양한 역할을 가진 대화형 인공지능들의 개발이 이루어지고 있다. 그러나, 이러한 대화형 인공지능들에게 사용자의 선호도에 적합한 페르소나를 부여하는 연구는 드물게 이루어 지고 있다. 대화형 인공지능의 주요 기능인 자연어 기반 상호작용은 CASA 패러다임(CASA Paradigm)에서 제기하는 사용자가 시스템을 의인화하는 경향을 높인다. 때문에 페르소나에 대한 사용자의 선호도가 지속적인 대화형 인공지능의 사용과 몰입에 영향을 미친다. 또한 대화형 인공지능의 장기적인 사용을 위해서 적절한 사용자와의 사회적, 감정적 상호작용을 디자인 해 주어야 하는데, 인지된 페르소나에 대한 사용자의 선호도가 이 과정에도 유의미한 영향을 미친다. 때문에 지속적인 참여가 결과에 큰 영향을 미치는 일상 헬스케어 영역에서 대화형 인공지능을 활용하는데 개인화된 페르소나 디자인이 긍정적인 사용자 경험 및 사용자 건강 증진의 가능성을 높일 것으로 본 연구는 가정한다. 개인화된 페르소나 디자인을 위해 사용자와 현실에서 친밀한 관계에 있는 실존인물(호스트)의 페르소나를 대화형 인공지능에 적용하고 평가하는 것이 본 연구의 핵심적인 아아디어이다. 이를 검증하기 위해서 해당 학위 논문은 총 세 가지의 세부 연구를 포함한다. 첫째는 실존인물의 페르소나 중에서도 일상 건강관리에 적합한 호스트의 페르소나를 탐색하는 연구이다. 둘째는 호스트의 페르소나를 대화형 인공지능에 적용하기 위해 고려해야 할 언어적 요소들을 정의하는 연구이다. 마지막으로는 위의 과정을 통해 개발된 실존하는 인물의 페르소나를 가진 대화형 인공지능이 일상 헬스케어 영역에서 실제 효과를 보이는지를 평가하는 연구이다. 또한 해당 학위논문은 일련의 연구들에서 발견한 결과들을 바탕으로 사용자와 친밀한 관계에 있는 페르소나를 일상 헬스케어를 위한 대화형 인공지능에 적용할 때 고려해야할 디자인 함의점들을 도출하고 가이드라인을 제시한다.Advance in digital healthcare technologies has been leading a revolution in healthcare. It has been showing the enormous potential to improve medical professionals’ ability for accurate diagnosis, disease treatment, and the users’ daily self-care. Since the recent transformation of digital healthcare aims to provide effective personalized health services, Conversational AI (CA) is being highlighted as an easy-to-use and cost-effective means to deliver personalized services. Particularly, CA is gaining attention as a mean for personalized care by ingraining positive self-care behavior in a daily manner while previous methods for personalized care are focusing on the medical context. CA expands the boundary of personalized care by enabling one-to-one tailored conversation to deliver health education and healthcare therapies. Due to CA's opportunities as a method for personalized care, it has been implemented with various types of roles including CA for diagnosis, CA for prevention, and CA for therapy. However, there lacks study on the personalization of healthcare CA to meet user's preferences on the CA's persona. Even though the CASA paradigm has been applied to previous studies designing and evaluating the human-likeness of CA, few healthcare CAs personalize its human-like persona except some CAs for mental health therapy. Moreover, there exists the need to improve user experience by increasing social and emotional interaction between the user and the CA. Therefore, designing an acceptable and personalized persona of CA should be also considered to make users to be engaged in the healthcare task with the CA. In this manner, the thesis suggests an idea of applying the persona of the person who is in a close relationship with the user to the conversational CA for daily healthcare as a strategy for persona personalization. The main hypothesis is the idea of applying a close person's persona would improve user engagement. To investigate the hypothesis, the thesis explores if dynamics derived from the social relationship in the real world can be implemented to the relationship between the user and the CA with the persona of a close person. To explore opportunities and challenges of the research idea, series of studies were conducted to (1) explore appropriate host whose persona would be implemented to healthcare CA, (2) define linguistic characteristics to consider when applying the persona of a close person to the CA, and (3)implement CA with the persona of a close person to major lifestyle domains. Based on findings, the thesis provides design guidelines for healthcare CA with the persona of the real person who is in a close relationship with the user.Abstract 1 1 Introduction 12 2 Literature Review 18 2.1 Roles of CA in Healthcare 18 2.2 Personalization in Healthcare CA 23 2.3 Persona Design CA 25 2.4 Methods for Designing Chatbot’s Dialogue Style 30 2.4.1 Wizard of Oz Method 32 2.4.2 Analyzing Dialogue Data with NLP 33 2.4.3 Participatory Design 35 2.4.4 Crowdsourcing 37 3 Goal of the Study 39 4 Study 1. Exploring Candidate Persona for CA 43 4.1 Related Work 44 4.1.1 Need for Support in Daily Healthcare 44 4.1.2 Applying Persona to Text-based CA 45 4.2 Research Questions 47 4.3 Method 48 4.3.1 Wizard of Oz Study 49 4.3.2 Survey Measurement 52 4.3.3 Post Interview 54 4.3.4 Analysis 54 4.4 Results 55 4.4.1 System Acceptance 56 4.4.2 Perceived Trustfulness and Perceived Intimacy 57 4.4.3 Predictive Power of Corresponding Variables 58 4.4.4 Linguistic Factors Affecting User Perception 58 4.5 Implications 60 5 Study 2. Linguistic Characteristics to Consider When Applying Close Person’s Persona to a Text-based Agent 63 5.1 Related Work 64 5.1.1 Linguistic Characteristics and Persona Perception 64 5.1.2 Language Component 66 5.2 Research Questions 68 5.3 Method 69 5.3.1 Modified Wizard of Oz Study 69 5.3.2 Survey 72 5.4 Results 73 5.4.1 Linguistic Characteristics 73 5.4.2 Priority of Linguistic Characteristics 80 5.4.3 Differences between language Component 82 5.5 Implications 82 6 Study3.Implementation on Lifestyle Domains 85 6.1 Related Work 86 6.1.1 Family as Effective Healthcare Provider 86 6.1.2 Chatbots Promoting Healthy Lifestyle 87 6.2 Research questions 94 6.3 Implementing Persona of Family Member 95 6.3.1 Domains of Implementation 96 6.3.2 Measurements Used in the Study 97 6.4 Experiment 1: Food Journaling Chatbot 100 6.4.1 Method 100 6.4.2 Results 111 6.5 Experiment 2: Physical Activity Intervention 128 6.5.1 Method 131 6.5.2 Results 140 6.6 Experiment 3: Chatbot for Coping Stress 149 6.6.1 Method 151 6.6.2 Results 158 6.7 Implications from Domain Experiments 169 6.7.1 Comparing User Experience 170 6.7.2 Comparing User Perception 174 6.7.3 Implications from Study 3 183 7 Discussion 192 7.1 Design Guidelines 193 7.2 Ethical Considerations 200 7.3 Limitations 206 8 Conclusion 210 References 212 Appendix 252 국문초록 262박

    The Impact of Personality Traits and Acculturation on the Mental Health of Korean American Adolescents

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    Abstract Adaptation to a new culture can be highly stressful, especially during challenging developmental stages such as adolescence. The ways in which adolescents adapt to a culture and their resulting well-being may be influenced substantially by their personality traits as well as the degree to which they are aligned with the values of the new culture. Korean Americans are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in the US, including a burgeoning population of Korean youth. The purpose of this study was to determine whether specific personality traits of Korean American adolescents or their degree of acculturation would be associated with their mental health problems, and whether specific personality traits would moderate the association between acculturation and mental health problems. 138 Korean American adolescents completed a demographic questionnaire, the revised Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and Achenbach & Rescorla's Youth Self Report. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that acculturation played a minimal role in predicting mental health problems, while personality traits were strong predictors. Being more reactive to stress and less emotionally stable (greater "neuroticism") and being less altruistic and cooperative (less "agreeableness") predicted more mental health problems for Korean American adolescents. In addition, the trait of "openness to experience" played a moderating role. For youth who were more open to experience (curious and independent in their judgments), greater alignment with values of the American culture was a protective factor for their mental health. Findings indicate the need for further research to identify types of mental health problems that may be most affected by specific personality traits and the underlying mechanisms responsible for their effects. It will also be important to examine whether personality traits identified in this research influence mental health similarly across cultures and age groups or whether they are unique to Korean American youth. M. Kim et al. 125

    Fake Content Detection in the Information Exponential Spreading Era

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementRecent years brought an information access democratization, allowing people to access a huge amount of information and the ability to share it, in a way that it can easily reach millions of people in a very short time. This allows to have right and wrong uses of this capabilities, that in some cases can be used to spread malicious content to achieve some sort of goal. Several studies have been made regarding text mining and sentiment analysis, aiming to spot fake information and avoid misinformation spreading. The trustworthiness and veracity of the information that is accessible to people is getting increasingly important, and in some cases critical, and can be seen has a huge challenge for the current digital era. This problem might be addressed with the help of science and technology. One question that we can do to ourselves is: How do we guarantee that there is a correct use of information, and that people can trust in the veracity of it? Using mathematics and statistics, combined with machine learning classification and predictive algorithms, using the current computation power of information systems, can help minimize the problem, or at least spot the potential fake information. One suggests developing a research work that aims to reach a model for the prediction of a given text content is trustworthy. The results were promising reaching a predicting model with good performance

    Building trust in cross-cultural relationships: Active trust through culture mobilisation in Finnish-Indian project teams

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    This thesis examines trust building in Finnish-Indian distributed teams engaged in knowledge-intensive project work. To understand how actors build trust in the context of cultural distance and virtual collaboration, dynamic approaches to trust building and culture were adopted. The data were collected through interviews and observations in both geographical locations. In distributed project teams, static and slowly evolving trust creation models are not sufficient in explaining the ways trust is built to meet the needs of temporal project teams working distantly in a cross-cultural environment. Thus, this study suggests active trust as a solution in this challenging context of trust creation and places the main emphasis on the role of an active trustor. In doing so, this research challenges the static and passive trust models where trust development is focused on the trustee and their trustworthiness. Moreover, the study challenges the static culture approaches and adopts a dynamic mosaic perspective to culture as a collection of various cultural identities and elements that are used as resources. This allows for the examination of the agentic view of culture mobilisation. The findings illustrate how trusting parties are capable of mobilising various cultural elements and engage in purposeful trust-building practices to lessen the vulnerability caused by the unfamiliarity due to cultural differences and virtual communication. The agency in constructing actions to build trust is a central feature of collaborators who are successful in active trust building. Furthermore, researching the mobilisation of cultural elements in trust building revealed that the collaborators were not only drawing on existing cultural similarities but also engaged in a process of adjusting and adopting new cultural elements. The co-created third culture acted as the strongest nominator for active trust development in Finnish-Indian project teams. This thesis contributes to business practitioners working in the context of global teams where practices of active trust are needed to allow collaboration on complex and novel tasks that require efficient knowledge transfer. The findings guide team members to actively invest in the co-creation of shared culture elements and proactively shape the conditions for trusting

    Progame:event-based machine learning approach for in-game marketing

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    Abstract. There’s been a significant growth in the gaming industry, which has lead to an increased number of collected player and usage data, including game events, player interactions, the connections between players and individual preferences. Such big data has many use cases such as the identification of gaming bottlenecks, detection and prediction of anomalies and suspicious usage patterns for security, and real time offer specification via fine-grained user profiling based on their interest profiles. Offering personalized offer timing could reduce product cannibalization, and ethical methods increase the trust of customers. The goal of this thesis is to predict the value and time of the next in-game purchase in a mobile game. Using data aggregation, event-based purchase data, daily in-game behaviour metrics and session data are combined into a single data table, from which samples of 50 000 data points are taken. The features are analyzed for linear correlation with the labels, and their combinations are used as input for three machine learning algorithms: Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Multi-Layer Perceptron. Both purchase value and purchase time are correlated with features related to previous purchase behaviour. Multi-Layer Perceptron showed the lowest error in predicting both labels, showing an improvement of 22,0% for value in USD and 20,7% for days until purchase compared to a trivial baseline predictor. For ethical customer behaviour prediction, sharing of research knowledge and customer involvement in the data analysis process is suggested to build awareness.Progame : tapahtumapohjainen koneoppimisjärjestelmä pelinsisäiseen markkinointiin. Tiivistelmä. Peliteollisuuden kasvu on johtanut kerättävän pelaaja- ja käyttödatan määrään nousuun, koostuen mm. pelitapahtumista, interaktiodatasta, pelaajien välisistä yhteyksistä ja henkilökohtaisista mieltymyksistä. Tällaisella massadatalla on monia käyttötarkoituksia kuten tietoliikenteen teknisten rajoitusten tunnistaminen pelikäytössä, käyttäjien tavallisuudesta poikkeavan käytöksen tunnistaminen ja ennustaminen tietoturvatarkoituksiin, sekä reaaliaikainen tarjousten määrittäminen hienovaraisella käyttäjien mieltymysten profiloinnilla. Ostotarjousten henkilökohtaistaminen voi vähentää uusien tuotteiden aiheuttamaa vanhojen tuotteiden myynnin laskua, ja eettiset menetelmät parantavat asiakkaiden luottamusta. Tässä työssä ennustetaan asiakkaan seuraavan pelinsisäisen oston arvoa ja aikaa mobiilipelissä. Tapahtumapohjainen ostodata, päivittäiset pelin sisäiset metriikat ja sessiodata yhdistetään yhdeksi datataulukoksi, josta otetaan kerrallaan 50 000:n datarivin näytteitä. Jokaisen selittävän muuttujan lineaarinen korrelaatio ennustettavan muuttujan kanssa analysoidaan, ja niiden yhdistelmiä käytetään syötteenä kolmelle eri koneoppimismallille: satunnainen metsä (Random Forest), tukivektorikone (Support Vector Machine) ja monikerroksinen perseptroniverkko (Multi-Layer Perceptron). Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että sekä tulevan oston arvo että ajankohta korreloivat aiemman ostokäyttäytymisen kanssa. Monikerroksisella perseptroniverkolla oli pienin virhe molemmille ennustettaville muuttujille, ja verrattuna triviaaliin vertailuennustimeen, se vähensi virhettä 22,0% arvon ennustamisessa ja 20,7% seuraavaan ostoon jäljellä olevien päivien ennustamisessa. Eettisen asiakkaiden käyttäytymisen ennustamisen varmistamiseksi ja tietoisuuden lisäämiseksi ehdotetaan tutkimustiedon jakamista ja asiakkaan ottamista mukaan analyysin tekemiseen

    Expressions of psychological stress on Twitter: detection and characterisation

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.Long-term psychological stress is a significant predictive factor for individual mental health and short-term stress is a useful indicator of an immediate problem. Traditional psychology studies have relied on surveys to understand reasons for stress in general and in specific contexts. The popularity and ubiquity of social media make it a potential data source for identifying and characterising aspects of stress. Previous studies of stress in social media have focused on users responding to stressful personal life events. Prior social media research has not explored expressions of stress in other important domains, however, including travel and politics. This thesis detects and analyses expressions of psychological stress in social media. So far, TensiStrength is the only existing lexicon for stress and relaxation scores in social media. Using a word-vector based word sense disambiguation method, the TensiStrength lexicon was modified to include the stress scores of the different senses of the same word. On a dataset of 1000 tweets containing ambiguous stress-related words, the accuracy of the modified TensiStrength increased by 4.3%. This thesis also finds and reports characteristics of a multiple-domain stress dataset of 12000 tweets, 3000 each for airlines, personal events, UK politics, and London traffic. A two-step method for identifying stressors in tweets was implemented. The first step used LDA topic modelling and k-means clustering to find a set of types of stressors (e.g., delay, accident). Second, three word-vector based methods - maximum-word similarity, context-vector similarity, and cluster-vector similarity - were used to detect the stressors in each tweet. The cluster vector similarity method was found to identify the stressors in tweets in all four domains better than machine learning classifiers, based on the performance metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, and f-measure. Swearing and sarcasm were also analysed in high-stress and no-stress datasets from the four domains using a Convolutional Neural Network and Multilayer Perceptron, respectively. The presence of swearing and sarcasm was higher in the high-stress tweets compared to no-stress tweets in all the domains. The stressors in each domain with higher percentages of swearing or sarcasm were identified. Furthermore, the distribution of the temporal classes (past, present, future, and atemporal) in high-stress tweets was found using an ensemble classifier. The distribution depended on the domain and the stressors. This study contributes a modified and improved lexicon for the identification of stress scores in social media texts. The two-step method to identify stressors follows a general framework that can be used for domains other than those which were studied. The presence of swearing, sarcasm, and the temporal classes of high-stress tweets belonging to different domains are found and compared to the findings from traditional psychology, for the first time. The algorithms and knowledge may be useful for travel, political, and personal life systems that need to identify stressful events in order to take appropriate action.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636160-2, the Optimum project (www.optimumproject.eu)