132 research outputs found

    Deep Architectures for Visual Recognition and Description

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    In recent times, digital media contents are inherently of multimedia type, consisting of the form text, audio, image and video. Several of the outstanding computer Vision (CV) problems are being successfully solved with the help of modern Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Plenty of research work has already been carried out in the field of Automatic Image Annotation (AIA), Image Captioning and Video Tagging. Video Captioning, i.e., automatic description generation from digital video, however, is a different and complex problem altogether. This study compares various existing video captioning approaches available today and attempts their classification and analysis based on different parameters, viz., type of captioning methods (generation/retrieval), type of learning models employed, the desired output description length generated, etc. This dissertation also attempts to critically analyze the existing benchmark datasets used in various video captioning models and the evaluation metrics for assessing the final quality of the resultant video descriptions generated. A detailed study of important existing models, highlighting their comparative advantages as well as disadvantages are also included. In this study a novel approach for video captioning on the Microsoft Video Description (MSVD) dataset and Microsoft Video-to-Text (MSR-VTT) dataset is proposed using supervised learning techniques to train a deep combinational framework, for achieving better quality video captioning via predicting semantic tags. We develop simple shallow CNN (2D and 3D) as feature extractors, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs and Bidirectional LSTMs (BiLSTMs) as tag prediction models and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) (LSTM) model as the language model. The aim of the work was to provide an alternative narrative to generating captions from videos via semantic tag predictions and deploy simpler shallower deep model architectures with lower memory requirements as solution so that it is not very memory extensive and the developed models prove to be stable and viable options when the scale of the data is increased. This study also successfully employed deep architectures like the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for speeding up automation process of hand gesture recognition and classification of the sign languages of the Indian classical dance form, ‘Bharatnatyam’. This hand gesture classification is primarily aimed at 1) building a novel dataset of 2D single hand gestures belonging to 27 classes that were collected from (i) Google search engine (Google images), (ii) YouTube videos (dynamic and with background considered) and (iii) professional artists under staged environment constraints (plain backgrounds). 2) exploring the effectiveness of CNNs for identifying and classifying the single hand gestures by optimizing the hyperparameters, and 3) evaluating the impacts of transfer learning and double transfer learning, which is a novel concept explored for achieving higher classification accuracy

    Recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue with acoustic and lexical cues

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    Automatic emotion recognition has long been a focus of Affective Computing. It has become increasingly apparent that awareness of human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is crucial for advancing related technologies, such as dialogue systems. However, performance of current automatic emotion recognition is disappointing compared to human performance. Current research on emotion recognition in spoken dialogue focuses on identifying better feature representations and recognition models from a data-driven point of view. The goal of this thesis is to explore how incorporating prior knowledge of human emotion recognition in the automatic model can improve state-of-the-art performance of automatic emotion recognition in spoken dialogue. Specifically, we study this by proposing knowledge-inspired features representing occurrences of disfluency and non-verbal vocalisation in speech, and by building a multimodal recognition model that combines acoustic and lexical features in a knowledge-inspired hierarchical structure. In our study, emotions are represented with the Arousal, Expectancy, Power, and Valence emotion dimensions. We build unimodal and multimodal emotion recognition models to study the proposed features and modelling approach, and perform emotion recognition on both spontaneous and acted dialogue. Psycholinguistic studies have suggested that DISfluency and Non-verbal Vocalisation (DIS-NV) in dialogue is related to emotions. However, these affective cues in spoken dialogue are overlooked by current automatic emotion recognition research. Thus, we propose features for recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue which describe five types of DIS-NV in utterances, namely filled pause, filler, stutter, laughter, and audible breath. Our experiments show that this small set of features is predictive of emotions. Our DIS-NV features achieve better performance than benchmark acoustic and lexical features for recognizing all emotion dimensions in spontaneous dialogue. Consistent with Psycholinguistic studies, the DIS-NV features are especially predictive of the Expectancy dimension of emotion, which relates to speaker uncertainty. Our study illustrates the relationship between DIS-NVs and emotions in dialogue, which contributes to Psycholinguistic understanding of them as well. Note that our DIS-NV features are based on manual annotations, yet our long-term goal is to apply our emotion recognition model to HCI systems. Thus, we conduct preliminary experiments on automatic detection of DIS-NVs, and on using automatically detected DIS-NV features for emotion recognition. Our results show that DIS-NVs can be automatically detected from speech with stable accuracy, and auto-detected DIS-NV features remain predictive of emotions in spontaneous dialogue. This suggests that our emotion recognition model can be applied to a fully automatic system in the future, and holds the potential to improve the quality of emotional interaction in current HCI systems. To study the robustness of the DIS-NV features, we conduct cross-corpora experiments on both spontaneous and acted dialogue. We identify how dialogue type influences the performance of DIS-NV features and emotion recognition models. DIS-NVs contain additional information beyond acoustic characteristics or lexical contents. Thus, we study the gain of modality fusion for emotion recognition with the DIS-NV features. Previous work combines different feature sets by fusing modalities at the same level using two types of fusion strategies: Feature-Level (FL) fusion, which concatenates feature sets before recognition; and Decision-Level (DL) fusion, which makes the final decision based on outputs of all unimodal models. However, features from different modalities may describe data at different time scales or levels of abstraction. Moreover, Cognitive Science research indicates that when perceiving emotions, humans make use of information from different modalities at different cognitive levels and time steps. Therefore, we propose a HierarchicaL (HL) fusion strategy for multimodal emotion recognition, which incorporates features that describe data at a longer time interval or which are more abstract at higher levels of its knowledge-inspired hierarchy. Compared to FL and DL fusion, HL fusion incorporates both inter- and intra-modality differences. Our experiments show that HL fusion consistently outperforms FL and DL fusion on multimodal emotion recognition in both spontaneous and acted dialogue. The HL model combining our DIS-NV features with benchmark acoustic and lexical features improves current performance of multimodal emotion recognition in spoken dialogue. To study how other emotion-related tasks of spoken dialogue can benefit from the proposed approaches, we apply the DIS-NV features and the HL fusion strategy to recognize movie-induced emotions. Our experiments show that although designed for recognizing emotions in spoken dialogue, DIS-NV features and HL fusion remain effective for recognizing movie-induced emotions. This suggests that other emotion-related tasks can also benefit from the proposed features and model structure

    Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey

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    Automatic machine-based Facial Expression Analysis (FEA) has made substantial progress in the past few decades driven by its importance for applications in psychology, security, health, entertainment and human computer interaction. The vast majority of completed FEA studies are based on non-occluded faces collected in a controlled laboratory environment. Automatic expression recognition tolerant to partial occlusion remains less understood, particularly in real-world scenarios. In recent years, efforts investigating techniques to handle partial occlusion for FEA have seen an increase. The context is right for a comprehensive perspective of these developments and the state of the art from this perspective. This survey provides such a comprehensive review of recent advances in dataset creation, algorithm development, and investigations of the effects of occlusion critical for robust performance in FEA systems. It outlines existing challenges in overcoming partial occlusion and discusses possible opportunities in advancing the technology. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first FEA survey dedicated to occlusion and aimed at promoting better informed and benchmarked future work.Comment: Authors pre-print of the article accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys (accepted on 02-Nov-2017

    Multimodal sentiment analysis in real-life videos

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    This thesis extends the emerging field of multimodal sentiment analysis of real-life videos, taking two components into consideration: the emotion and the emotion's target. The emotion component of media is traditionally represented as a segment-based intensity model of emotion classes. This representation is replaced here by a value- and time-continuous view. Adjacent research fields, such as affective computing, have largely neglected the linguistic information available from automatic transcripts of audio-video material. As is demonstrated here, this text modality is well-suited for time- and value-continuous prediction. Moreover, source-specific problems, such as trustworthiness, have been largely unexplored so far. This work examines perceived trustworthiness of the source, and its quantification, in user-generated video data and presents a possible modelling path. Furthermore, the transfer between the continuous and discrete emotion representations is explored in order to summarise the emotional context at a segment level. The other component deals with the target of the emotion, for example, the topic the speaker is addressing. Emotion targets in a video dataset can, as is shown here, be coherently extracted based on automatic transcripts without limiting a priori parameters, such as the expected number of targets. Furthermore, alternatives to purely linguistic investigation in predicting targets, such as knowledge-bases and multimodal systems, are investigated. A new dataset is designed for this investigation, and, in conjunction with proposed novel deep neural networks, extensive experiments are conducted to explore the components described above. The developed systems show robust prediction results and demonstrate strengths of the respective modalities, feature sets, and modelling techniques. Finally, foundations are laid for cross-modal information prediction systems with applications to the correction of corrupted in-the-wild signals from real-life videos

    Learning-based 3D human motion capture and animation synthesis

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    Realistic virtual human avatar is a crucial element in a wide range of applications, from 3D animated movies to emerging AR/VR technologies. However, producing a believable 3D motion for such avatars is widely known to be a challenging task. A traditional 3D human motion generation pipeline consists of several stages, each requiring expensive equipment and skilled human labor to perform, limiting its usage beyond the entertainment industry despite its massive potential benefits. This thesis attempts to explore some alternative solutions to reduce the complexity of the traditional 3D animation pipeline. To this end, it presents several novel ways to perform 3D human motion capture, synthesis, and control. Specifically, it focuses on using learning-based methods to bypass the critical bottlenecks of the classical animation approach. First, a new 3D pose estimation method from in-the-wild monocular images is proposed, eliminating the need for a multi-camera setup in the traditional motion capture system. Second, it explores several data-driven designs to achieve a believable 3D human motion synthesis and control that can potentially reduce the need for manual animation. In particular, the problem of speech-driven 3D gesture synthesis is chosen as the case study due to its uniquely ambiguous nature. The improved motion generation quality is achieved by introducing a novel adversarial objective that rates the difference between real and synthetic data. A novel motion generation strategy is also introduced by combining a classical database search algorithm with a powerful deep learning method, resulting in a greater motion control variation than the purely predictive counterparts. Furthermore, this thesis also contributes a new way of collecting a large-scale 3D motion dataset through the use of learning-based monocular estimations methods. This result demonstrates the promising capability of learning-based monocular approaches and shows the prospect of combining these learning-based modules into an integrated 3D animation framework. The presented learning-based solutions open the possibility of democratizing the traditional 3D animation system that can be enabled using low-cost equipment, e.g., a single RGB camera. Finally, this thesis also discusses the potential further integration of these learning-based approaches to enhance 3D animation technology.Realistische virtuelle menschliche Avatare sind ein entscheidendes Element in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von 3D-Animationsfilmen bis hin zu neuen AR/VR-Technologien. Die Erzeugung glaubwürdiger Bewegungen solcher Avatare in drei Dimensionen ist bekanntermaßen eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. Traditionelle Pipelines zur Erzeugung menschlicher 3D-Bewegungen bestehen aus mehreren Stufen, die jede für sich genommen teure Ausrüstung und den Einsatz von Expertenwissen erfordern und daher trotz ihrer enormen potenziellen Vorteile abseits der Unterhaltungsindustrie nur eingeschränkt verwendbar sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Alternativen um die Komplexität der traditionellen 3D-Animations-Pipeline zu reduzieren. Zu diesem Zweck stellt sie mehrere neuartige Möglichkeiten zur Erfassung, Synthese und Steuerung humanoider 3D-Bewegungen vor. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Verwendung lernbasierter Methoden, um kritische Teile des klassischen Animationsansatzes zu überbrücken: Zunächst wird eine neue 3D-Pose-Estimation-Methode für monokulare Bilder vorgeschlagen, um die Notwendigkeit mehrerer Kameras im traditionellen Motion-Capture-Ansatz zu beseitigen. Des Weiteren untersucht die Arbeit mehrere datengetriebene Ansätze zur Synthese und Steuerung glaubwürdiger humanoider 3D-Bewegungen, die möglicherweise den Bedarf an manueller Animation reduzieren können. Als Fallstudie wird, aufgrund seiner einzigartig mehrdeutigen Natur, das Problem der sprachgetriebenen 3D-Gesten-Synthese untersucht. Die Verbesserungen in der Qualität der erzeugten Bewegungen wird durch eine neuartige Kostenfunktion erreicht, die den Unterschied zwischen realen und synthetischen Daten bewertet. Außerdem wird eine neue Strategie zur Bewegungssynthese beschrieben, die eine klassische Datenbanksuche mit einer leistungsstarken Deep-Learning-Methode kombiniert, was zu einer größeren Variation der Bewegungssteuerung führt, als rein lernbasierte Verfahren sie bieten. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Dissertation besteht in einer neuen Methode zum Aufbau eines großen Datensatzes dreidimensionaler Bewegungen, auf Grundlage lernbasierter monokularer Pose-Estimation- Methoden. Dies demonstriert die vielversprechenden Möglichkeiten lernbasierter monokularer Methoden und lässt die Aussicht erkennen, diese lernbasierten Module zu einem integrierten 3D-Animations- Framework zu kombinieren. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten lernbasierten Lösungen eröffnen die Möglichkeit, das traditionelle 3D-Animationssystem auch mit kostengünstiger Ausrüstung, wie z.B. einer einzelnen RGB-Kamera verwendbar zu machen. Abschließend diskutiert diese Arbeit auch die mögliche weitere Integration dieser lernbasierten Ansätze zur Verbesserung der 3D-Animationstechnologie

    Expressive movement generation with machine learning

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    Movement is an essential aspect of our lives. Not only do we move to interact with our physical environment, but we also express ourselves and communicate with others through our movements. In an increasingly computerized world where various technologies and devices surround us, our movements are essential parts of our interaction with and consumption of computational devices and artifacts. In this context, incorporating an understanding of our movements within the design of the technologies surrounding us can significantly improve our daily experiences. This need has given rise to the field of movement computing – developing computational models of movement that can perceive, manipulate, and generate movements. In this thesis, we contribute to the field of movement computing by building machine-learning-based solutions for automatic movement generation. In particular, we focus on using machine learning techniques and motion capture data to create controllable, generative movement models. We also contribute to the field by creating datasets, tools, and libraries that we have developed during our research. We start our research by reviewing the works on building automatic movement generation systems using machine learning techniques and motion capture data. Our review covers background topics such as high-level movement characterization, training data, features representation, machine learning models, and evaluation methods. Building on our literature review, we present WalkNet, an interactive agent walking movement controller based on neural networks. The expressivity of virtual, animated agents plays an essential role in their believability. Therefore, WalkNet integrates controlling the expressive qualities of movement with the goal-oriented behaviour of an animated virtual agent. It allows us to control the generation based on the valence and arousal levels of affect, the movement’s walking direction, and the mover’s movement signature in real-time. Following WalkNet, we look at controlling movement generation using more complex stimuli such as music represented by audio signals (i.e., non-symbolic music). Music-driven dance generation involves a highly non-linear mapping between temporally dense stimuli (i.e., the audio signal) and movements, which renders a more challenging modelling movement problem. To this end, we present GrooveNet, a real-time machine learning model for music-driven dance generation

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subject garnering increasing attention in both academia and the industry today. The understanding is that AI-enhanced methods and techniques create a variety of opportunities related to improving basic and advanced business functions, including production processes, logistics, financial management and others. As this collection demonstrates, AI-enhanced tools and methods tend to offer more precise results in the fields of engineering, financial accounting, tourism, air-pollution management and many more. The objective of this collection is to bring these topics together to offer the reader a useful primer on how AI-enhanced tools and applications can be of use in today’s world. In the context of the frequently fearful, skeptical and emotion-laden debates on AI and its value added, this volume promotes a positive perspective on AI and its impact on society. AI is a part of a broader ecosystem of sophisticated tools, techniques and technologies, and therefore, it is not immune to developments in that ecosystem. It is thus imperative that inter- and multidisciplinary research on AI and its ecosystem is encouraged. This collection contributes to that
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