597 research outputs found

    Zuverlässige und Energieeffiziente gemischt-kritische Echtzeit On-Chip Systeme

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    Multi- and many-core embedded systems are increasingly becoming the target for many applications that require high performance under varying conditions. A resulting challenge is the control, and reliable operation of such complex multiprocessing architectures under changes, e.g., high temperature and degradation. In mixed-criticality systems where many applications with varying criticalities are consolidated on the same execution platform, fundamental isolation requirements to guarantee non-interference of critical functions are crucially important. While Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are the prevalent solution to provide scalable and efficient interconnects for the multiprocessing architectures, their associated energy consumption has immensely increased. Specifically, hard real-time NoCs must manifest limited energy consumption as thermal runaway in such a core shared resource jeopardizes the whole system guarantees. Thus, dynamic energy management of NoCs, as opposed to the related work static solutions, is highly necessary to save energy and decrease temperature, while preserving essential temporal requirements. In this thesis, we introduce a centralized management to provide energy-aware NoCs for hard real-time systems. The design relies on an energy control network, developed on top of an existing switch arbitration network to allow isolation between energy optimization and data transmission. The energy control layer includes local units called Power-Aware NoC controllers that dynamically optimize NoC energy depending on the global state and applications’ temporal requirements. Furthermore, to adapt to abnormal situations that might occur in the system due to degradation, we extend the concept of NoC energy control to include the entire system scope. That is, online resource management employing hierarchical control layers to treat system degradation (imminent core failures) is supported. The mechanism applies system reconfiguration that involves workload migration. For mixed-criticality systems, it allows flexible boundaries between safety-critical and non-critical subsystems to safely apply the reconfiguration, preserving fundamental safety requirements and temporal predictability. Simulation and formal analysis-based experiments on various realistic usecases and benchmarks are conducted showing significant improvements in NoC energy-savings and in treatment of system degradation for mixed-criticality systems improving dependability over the status quo.Eingebettete Many- und Multi-core-Systeme werden zunehmend das Ziel für Anwendungen, die hohe Anfordungen unter unterschiedlichen Bedinungen haben. Für solche hochkomplexed Multi-Prozessor-Systeme ist es eine grosse Herausforderung zuverlässigen Betrieb sicherzustellen, insbesondere wenn sich die Umgebungseinflüsse verändern. In Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität, in denen viele Anwendungen mit unterschiedlicher Kritikalität auf derselben Ausführungsplattform bedient werden müssen, sind grundlegende Isolationsanforderungen zur Gewährleistung der Nichteinmischung kritischer Funktionen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Während On-Chip Netzwerke (NoCs) häufig als skalierbare Verbindung für die Multiprozessor-Architekturen eingesetzt werden, ist der damit verbundene Energieverbrauch immens gestiegen. Daher sind dynamische Plattformverwaltungen, im Gegensatz zu den statischen, zwingend notwendig, um ein System an die oben genannten Veränderungen anzupassen und gleichzeitig Timing zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir energieeffiziente NoCs für harte Echtzeitsysteme. Das Design basiert auf einem Energiekontrollnetzwerk, das auf einem bestehenden Switch-Arbitration-Netzwerk entwickelt wurde, um eine Isolierung zwischen Energieoptimierung und Datenübertragung zu ermöglichen. Die Energiesteuerungsschicht umfasst lokale Einheiten, die als Power-Aware NoC-Controllers bezeichnet werden und die die NoC-Energie in Abhängigkeit vom globalen Zustand und den zeitlichen Anforderungen der Anwendungen optimieren. Darüber hinaus wird das Konzept der NoC-Energiekontrolle zur Anpassung an Anomalien, die aufgrund von Abnutzung auftreten können, auf den gesamten Systemumfang ausgedehnt. Online- Ressourcenverwaltungen, die hierarchische Kontrollschichten zur Behandlung Abnutzung (drohender Kernausfälle) einsetzen, werden bereitgestellt. Bei Systemen mit gemischter Kritikalität erlaubt es flexible Grenzen zwischen sicherheitskritischen und unkritischen Subsystemen, um die Rekonfiguration sicher anzuwenden, wobei grundlegende Sicherheitsanforderungen erhalten bleiben und Timing Vorhersehbarkeit. Experimente werden auf der Basis von Simulationen und formalen Analysen zu verschiedenen realistischen Anwendungsfallen und Benchmarks durchgeführt, die signifikanten Verbesserungen bei On-Chip Netzwerke-Energieeinsparungen und bei der Behandlung von Abnutzung für Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität zur Verbesserung die Systemstabilität gegenüber dem bisherigen Status quo zeigen

    Global Adaptation Controlled by an Interactive Consistency Protocol

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    Static schedules for systems can lead to an inefficient usage of the resources, because the system’s behavior cannot be adapted at runtime. To improve the runtime system performance in current time-triggered Multi-Processor System on Chip (MPSoC), a dynamic reaction to events is performed locally on the cores. The effects of this optimization can be increased by coordinating the changes globally. To perform such global changes, a consistent view on the system state is needed, on which to base the adaptation decisions. This paper proposes such an interactive consistency protocol with low impact on the system w.r.t. latency and overhead. We show that an energy optimizing adaptation controlled by the protocol can enable a system to save up to 43% compared to a system without adaptation

    Securing Real-Time Internet-of-Things

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    Modern embedded and cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous. A large number of critical cyber-physical systems have real-time requirements (e.g., avionics, automobiles, power grids, manufacturing systems, industrial control systems, etc.). Recent developments and new functionality requires real-time embedded devices to be connected to the Internet. This gives rise to the real-time Internet-of-things (RT-IoT) that promises a better user experience through stronger connectivity and efficient use of next-generation embedded devices. However RT- IoT are also increasingly becoming targets for cyber-attacks which is exacerbated by this increased connectivity. This paper gives an introduction to RT-IoT systems, an outlook of current approaches and possible research challenges towards secure RT- IoT frameworks

    Vorhersagbares und zur Laufzeit adaptierbares On-Chip Netzwerk fĂĽr gemischt kritische Echtzeitsysteme

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    The industry of safety-critical and dependable embedded systems calls for even cheaper, high performance platforms that allow flexibility and an efficient verification of safety and real-time requirements. To cope with the increasing complexity of interconnected functions and to reduce the cost and power consumption of the system, multicore systems are used to efficiently integrate different processing units in the same chip. Networks-on-chip (NoCs), as a modular interconnect, are used as a promising solution for such multiprocessor systems on chip (MPSoCs), due to their scalability and performance. For safety-critical systems, a major goal is the avoidance of hazards. For this, safety-critical systems are qualified or even certified to prove the correctness of the functioning under all possible cases. A predictable behaviour of the NoC can help to ease the qualification process of the system. To achieve the required predictability, designers have two classes of solutions: quality of service mechanisms and (formal) analysis. For mixed-criticality systems, isolation and analysis approaches must be combined to efficiently achieve the desired predictability. Traditional NoC analysis and architecture concepts tackle only a subpart of the challenges: they focus on either performance or predictability. Existing, predictable NoCs are deemed too expensive and inflexible to host a variety of applications with opposing constraints. And state-of-the-art analyses neglect certain platform properties to verify the behaviour. Together this leads to a high over-provisioning of the hardware resources as well as adverse impacts on system performance, and on the flexibility of the system. In this work we tackle these challenges and develop a predictable and runtime-adaptable NoC architecture that efficiently integrates mixed-critical applications with opposing constraints. Additionally, we present a modelling and analysis framework for NoCs that accounts for backpressure. This framework enables to evaluate the performance and reliability early at design time. Hence, the designer can assess multiple design decisions by using abstract models and formal approaches.Die Industrie der sicherheitskritischen und zuverlässigen eingebetteten Systeme verlangt nach noch günstigeren, leistungsfähigeren Plattformen, welche Flexibilität und eine effiziente Überprüfung der Sicherheits- und Echtzeitanforderungen ermöglichen. Um der zunehmenden Komplexität der zunehmend vernetzten Funktionen gerecht zu werden und die Kosten und den Stromverbrauch eines Systems zu reduzieren, werden Mehrkern-Systeme eingesetzt. On-Chip Netzwerke werden aufgrund ihrer Skalierbarkeit und Leistung als vielversprechende Lösung für solch Mehrkern-Systeme eingesetzt. Bei sicherheitskritischen Systemen ist die Vermeidung von Gefahren ein wesentliches Ziel. Dazu werden sicherheitskritische Systeme qualifiziert oder zertifiziert, um die Funktionsfähigkeit in allen möglichen Fällen nachzuweisen. Ein vorhersehbares Verhalten des on-Chip Netzwerks kann dabei helfen, den Qualifizierungsprozess des Systems zu erleichtern. Um die erforderliche Vorhersagbarkeit zu erreichen, gibt es zwei Klassen von Lösungen: Quality of Service Mechanismen und (formale) Analyse. Für Systeme mit gemischter Relevanz müssen Isolationsmechanismen und Analyseansätze kombiniert werden, um die gewünschte Vorhersagbarkeit effizient zu erreichen. Traditionelle Analyse- und Architekturkonzepte für on-Chip Netzwerke lösen nur einen Teil dieser Herausforderungen: sie konzentrieren sich entweder auf Leistung oder Vorhersagbarkeit. Existierende vorhersagbare on-Chip Netzwerke werden als zu teuer und unflexibel erachtet, um eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen mit gegensätzlichen Anforderungen zu integrieren. Und state-of-the-art Analysen vernachlässigen bzw. vereinfachen bestimmte Plattformeigenschaften, um das Verhalten überprüfen zu können. Dies führt zu einer hohen Überbereitstellung der Hardware-Ressourcen als auch zu negativen Auswirkungen auf die Systemleistung und auf die Flexibilität des Systems. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Herausforderungen ein und entwickeln eine vorhersehbare und zur Laufzeit anpassbare Architektur für on-Chip Netzwerke, welche gemischt-kritische Anwendungen effizient integriert. Zusätzlich stellen wir ein Modellierungs- und Analyseframework für on-Chip Netzwerke vor, das den Paketrückstau berücksichtigt. Dieses Framework ermöglicht es, Designentscheidungen anhand abstrakter Modelle und formaler Ansätze frühzeitig beurteilen

    Efficient Adaptive Hard Real-time Multi-processor Systems

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    Modern computing systems are based on multi-processor systems, i.e. multiple cores on the same chip. Hard real-time systems are required to perform particular tasks within certain amount of time; failure to do so characterises an unaccepted behavior. Hard real-time systems are found in safety-critical applications, e.g. airbag control software, flight control software, etc. In safety-critical applications, failure to meet the real-time constraints can have catastrophic effects. The safe and, at the same time, efficient deployment of applications, with hard real-time constraints, on multi-processors is a challenging task. Scheduling methods and Models of Computation, that provide safe deployments, require a realistic estimation of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of tasks. The simultaneous access of shared resources by parallel tasks, causes interference delays due to hardware arbitration. Interference delays can be accounted for, with the pessimistic assumption that all possible interference can happen. The resulting schedules would be exceedingly conservative, thus the benefits of multi-processor would be significantly negated. Producing less pessimistic schedules is challenging due to the inter-dependency between WCET estimation and deployment optimisation. Accurate estimation of interference delays -and thus estimation of task WCET- depends on the way an application is deployed; deployment is an optimisation problem that depends on the estimation of task WCET. Another efficiency gap, which is of consequence in several systems (e.g. airbag control), stems from the fact that rarely tasks execute with their WCET. Safe runtime adaptation based on the Actual Execution Times, can yield additional improvements in terms of latency (more responsive systems). To achieve efficiency and retain adaptability, we propose that interference analysis should be coupled with the deployment process. The proposed interference analysis method estimates the possible amount of interference, based on an architecture and an application model. As more information is provided, such as scheduling, memory mapping, etc, the per-task interference estimation becomes more accurate. Thus, the method computes interference-sensitive WCET estimations (isWCET). Based on the isWCET method, we propose a method to break the inter-dependency between WCET estimation and deployment optimisation. Initially, the isWCETs are over-approximated, by assuming worst-case interference, and a safe deployment is derived. Subsequently, the proposed method computes accurate isWCETs by spatio-temporal exclusion, i.e. excluding interferences from non-overlapping tasks that share resources (space). Based on accurate isWCETs, the deployment solution is improved to provide better latency guarantees. We also propose a distributed runtime adaptation technique, that aims to improve run-time latency. Using isWCET estimations restricts the possible adaptations, as an adaptation might increase the interference and violate the safety guarantees. The proposed technique introduces statically scheduling dependencies between tasks that prevent additional interference. At runtime, a self-timed scheduling policy that respects these dependencies, is applied, proven to be safe, and with minimal overhead. Experimental evaluation on Kalray MPPA-256 shows that our methods improve isWCET up to 36%, guaranteed latency up to 46%, runtime performance up to 42%, with a consolidated performance gain of 50%

    Demonstrating Controlled Change for Autonomous Space Vehicles

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    Recent research discusses concepts of infield changes to overcome the drawbacks of conventional lab-based system design processes. In this paper, we evaluate the concept of controlled change by applying it to a demonstration of a potential future space exploration scenario with mobile robots. The robots are capable of executing several image computations for exploration, object detection and pose estimation, which can be allocated to both FPGA-and processor resources of a System-on-Chip. The demonstrator addresses three scenarios which cover application-, environment-, and platform change. The system adapts itself to any of the named changes. This capability can increase the autonomy of future space missions. Exemplary, the demonstrator executes adaption of applications during operation to fulfill the mission goals, adaption of reliability under changing environment conditions, and adaption to sensor failure

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    Design and management of image processing pipelines within CPS : Acquired experience towards the end of the FitOptiVis ECSEL Project

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are dynamic and reactive systems interacting with processes, environment and, sometimes, humans. They are often distributed with sensors and actuators, characterized for being smart, adaptive, predictive and react in real-time. Indeed, image- and video-processing pipelines are a prime source for environmental information for systems allowing them to take better decisions according to what they see. Therefore, in FitOptiVis, we are developing novel methods and tools to integrate complex image- and video-processing pipelines. FitOptiVis aims to deliver a reference architecture for describing and optimizing quality and resource management for imaging and video pipelines in CPSs both at design- and run-time. The architecture is concretized in low-power, high-performance, smart components, and in methods and tools for combined design-time and run-time multi-objective optimization and adaptation within system and environment constraints.Peer reviewe

    MURAC: A unified machine model for heterogeneous computers

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    Includes bibliographical referencesHeterogeneous computing enables the performance and energy advantages of multiple distinct processing architectures to be efficiently exploited within a single machine. These systems are capable of delivering large performance increases by matching the applications to architectures that are most suited to them. The Multiple Runtime-reconfigurable Architecture Computer (MURAC) model has been proposed to tackle the problems commonly found in the design and usage of these machines. This model presents a system-level approach that creates a clear separation of concerns between the system implementer and the application developer. The three key concepts that make up the MURAC model are a unified machine model, a unified instruction stream and a unified memory space. A simple programming model built upon these abstractions provides a consistent interface for interacting with the underlying machine to the user application. This programming model simplifies application partitioning between hardware and software and allows the easy integration of different execution models within the single control ow of a mixed-architecture application. The theoretical and practical trade-offs of the proposed model have been explored through the design of several systems. An instruction-accurate system simulator has been developed that supports the simulated execution of mixed-architecture applications. An embedded System-on-Chip implementation has been used to measure the overhead in hardware resources required to support the model, which was found to be minimal. An implementation of the model within an operating system on a tightly-coupled reconfigurable processor platform has been created. This implementation is used to extend the software scheduler to allow for the full support of mixed-architecture applications in a multitasking environment. Different scheduling strategies have been tested using this scheduler for mixed-architecture applications. The design and implementation of these systems has shown that a unified abstraction model for heterogeneous computers provides important usability benefits to system and application designers. These benefits are achieved through a consistent view of the multiple different architectures to the operating system and user applications. This allows them to focus on achieving their performance and efficiency goals by gaining the benefits of different execution models during runtime without the complex implementation details of the system-level synchronisation and coordination

    Concurrency Platforms for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Parallel processing is an important way to satisfy the increasingly demanding computational needs of modern real-time and cyber-physical systems, but existing parallel computing technologies primarily emphasize high-throughput and average-case performance metrics, which are largely unsuitable for direct application to real-time, safety-critical contexts. This work contrasts two concurrency platforms designed to achieve predictable worst case parallel performance for soft real-time workloads with millisecond periods and higher. One of these is then the basis for the CyberMech platform, which enables parallel real-time computing for a novel yet representative application called Real-Time Hybrid Simulation (RTHS). RTHS combines demanding parallel real-time computation with real-time simulation and control in an earthquake engineering laboratory environment, and results concerning RTHS characterize a reasonably comprehensive survey of parallel real-time computing in the static context, where the size, shape, timing constraints, and computational requirements of workloads are fixed prior to system runtime. Collectively, these contributions constitute the first published implementations and evaluations of general-purpose concurrency platforms for real-time and cyber-physical systems, explore two fundamentally different design spaces for such systems, and successfully demonstrate the utility and tradeoffs of parallel computing for statically determined real-time and cyber-physical systems
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