6 research outputs found

    Automated and accurate cache behavior analysis for codes with irregular access patterns

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Andrade, D. , Arenaz, M. , Fraguela, B. B., Touriño, J. and Doallo, R. (2007), Automated and accurate cache behavior analysis for codes with irregular access patterns. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 19: 2407-2423. doi:10.1002/cpe.1173, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.1173. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.[Abstract] The memory hierarchy plays an essential role in the performance of current computers, so good analysis tools that help in predicting and understanding its behavior are required. Analytical modeling is the ideal base for such tools if its traditional limitations in accuracy and scope of application can be overcome. While there has been extensive research on the modeling of codes with regular access patterns, less attention has been paid to codes with irregular patterns due to the increased difficulty in analyzing them. Nevertheless, many important applications exhibit this kind of pattern, and their lack of locality make them more cache‐demanding, which makes their study more relevant. The focus of this paper is the automation of the Probabilistic Miss Equations (PME) model, an analytical model of the cache behavior that provides fast and accurate predictions for codes with irregular access patterns. The information requirements of the PME model are defined and its integration in the XARK compiler, a research compiler oriented to automatic kernel recognition in scientific codes, is described. We show how to exploit the powerful information‐gathering capabilities provided by this compiler to allow the automated modeling of loop‐oriented scientific codes. Experimental results that validate the correctness of the automated PME model are also presented.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; TIN2004-07797-C02Xunta de Galicia; PGIDIT03TIC10502PRXunta de Galicia; PGIDT05PXIC10504P

    Systematic analysis of the cache behavior of irregular codes

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    [Resumen] El rendimiento de las jerarquías de memoria, en las cuales la caché juega un papel fundamental, es crítico en los computadores de proposito general actuales y en los sistemas embebidos, debido al creciente problema del cuello de botella del sistema de memoria. Desafortunadamente, el comportamiento de la caché es muy inestable y difícil de predecir. Esto es especialmente cierto en presencia de patrones de acceso irregulares, los cuales exhiben poca localidad. Tales patrones son muy comunes por ejemplo en aplicaciones en las cuales algunas referencias están afectadas por sentencias condicionales o en las que el almacenamiento comprimido de matrices dispersas da lugar a la aparición de indirecciones. SIn embargo, el comportamiento caché en presencia de patrones de acceso irregulares no ha sido estudiado ampliamente. En esta tesis presentamos extensiones de una técnica de modelado analítico sistemático basadas en PMEs (Ecuaciones probabilísticas de fallos) que permiten el análisis automático del comportamiento caché para códigos que incluyen sentencias condicionales cuyo valor de verdad puede no ser determinable en tiempo de compilación y códigos con referencias irregulares debidas a indirecciones, respectivamente. El modelo genera predicciones muy precisar a pesar de la irregularidad y tiene un bajo coste computacional siendo el primer modelo que reune estas dos características capaz de analizar automáticamente esta clase de códigos. Estas propiedades convierten al modelo en adecuado para servir de guía en optimizaciones del compilador. La extensión del modelo para códigos irregulares con indirecciones ha sido integrada en el compilador XARK, un compilador orientado al reconocimiento automático de kernels en aplicaciones científicas. Mostramos como explotar las potentes capacidades de extracción de información de este compilador para permitir el modelado automático de códigos científicos basados en bucles

    Performance Models for Electronic Structure Methods on Modern Computer Architectures

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    Electronic structure codes are computationally intensive scientic applications used to probe and elucidate chemical processes at an atomic level. Maximizing the performance of these applications on any given hardware platform is vital in order to facilitate larger and more accurate computations. An important part of this endeavor is the development of protocols for measuring performance, and models to describe that performance as a function of system architecture. This thesis makes contributions in both areas, with a focus on shared memory parallel computer architectures and the Gaussian electronic structure code. Shared memory parallel computer systems are increasingly important as hardware man- ufacturers are unable to extract performance improvements by increasing clock frequencies. Instead the emphasis is on using multi-core processors to provide higher performance. These processor chips generally have complex cache hierarchies, and may be coupled together in multi-socket systems which exhibit highly non-uniform memory access (NUMA) characteristics. This work seeks to understand how cache characteristics and memory/thread placement affects the performance of electronic structure codes, and to develop performance models that can be used to describe and predict code performance by accounting for these effects. A protocol for performing memory and thread placement experiments on NUMA systems is presented and its implementation under both the Solaris and Linux operating systems is discussed. A placement distribution model is proposed and subsequently used to guide both memory/thread placement experiments and as an aid in the analysis of results obtained from experiments. In order to describe single threaded performance as a function of cache blocking a simple linear performance model is investigated for use when computing the electron repulsion integrals that lie at the heart of virtually all electronic structure methods. A parametric cache variation study is performed. This is achieved by combining parameters obtained for the linear performance model on existing hardware, with instruction and cache miss counts obtained by simulation, and predictions are made of performance as a function of cache architecture. Extension of the linear performance model to describe multi-threaded performance on complex NUMA architectures is discussed and investigated experimentally. Use of dynamic page migration to improve locality is also considered. Finally the use of large scale electronic structure calculations is demonstrated in a series of calculations aiming to study the charge distribution for a single positive ion solvated within a shell of water molecules of increasing size

    Optimización de rendimiento y consumo energético del subsistema de memoria mediante nuevas técnicas basadas en metaheurísticas

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    Actualmente, todo dispositivo móvil dispone de un sistema empotrado cuyo diseño ha evolucionado en los últimos años, adaptando sus características a las necesidades de los usuarios. Sin embargo, este tipo de dispositivos tiene como fuente de alimentación una batería cuya capacidad esté limitada por restricciones de diseño como el tamaño y el peso del dispositivo en que se incluye.Por otra parte, los dispositivos móviles actuales ejecutan frecuentemente aplicaciones multimedia que, generalmente, requieren elevadas prestaciones en cuanto a rendimiento del dispositivo, provocando un alto consumo de energía. En este contexto, la degradación de los dispositivos debida al uso intensivo, los problemas térmicos y el alto consumo de energía afectan a los sistemas y pueden provocar daños irreversible en los dispositivos..