177 research outputs found

    Precise and Scalable Detection of Double-Fetch Bugs in OS Kernels

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    During system call execution, it is common for operating system kernels to read userspace memory multiple times (multi-reads). A critical bug may exist if the fetched userspace memory is subject to change across these reads, i.e., a race condition, which is known as a double-fetch bug. Prior works have attempted to detect these bugs both statically and dynamically. However, due to their improper assumptions and imprecise definitions regarding double-fetch bugs, their multiread detection is inherently limited and suffers from significant false positives and false negatives. For example, their approach is unable to support device emulation, inter-procedural analysis, loop handling, etc. More importantly, they completely leave the task of finding real double-fetch bugs from the haystack of multireads to manual verification, which is expensive if possible at all. In this paper, we first present a formal and precise definition of double-fetch bugs and then implement a static analysis system— DEADLINE—to automatically detect double-fetch bugs in OS kernels. DEADLINE uses static program analysis techniques to systematically find multi-reads throughout the kernel and employs specialized symbolic checking to vet each multi-read for double-fetch bugs. We apply DEADLINE to Linux and FreeBSD kernels and find 23 new bugs in Linux and one new bug in FreeBSD. We further propose four generic strategies to patch and prevent double-fetch bugs based on our study and the discussion with kernel maintainers

    Cybersecurity must come to IT systems now

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    International audienceAfter decades of apparently low-intensity cyber attacks, during which security was not really thought of on most IT systems, recent years have brought a flurry of well-organized, larger-scale attacks that have caused billions of Euros of damage. This was made possible by the plethora of IT systems that have been produced with no or low security, a trend that has further increased with the rise of ubiquitous computing, with smartphones, IoT and smart-* being everywhere with extremely low control. However, although the current situation in IT systems can still be considered as critical and very much working in favour of cyber attackers, there are definitely paths to massive but doable technical improvements that can lead us to a much more secure and sovereign IT ecosystem, along with strong business opportunities in Europe

    Capability Memory Protection for Embedded Systems

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    This dissertation explores the use of capability security hardware and software in real-time and latency-sensitive embedded systems, to address existing memory safety and task isolation problems as well as providing new means to design a secure and scalable real-time system. In addition, this dissertation looks into how practical and high-performance temporal memory safety can be achieved under a capability architecture. State-of-the-art memory protection schemes for embedded systems typically present limited and inflexible solutions to memory protection and isolation, and fail to scale as embedded devices become more capable and ubiquitous. I investigate whether a capability architecture is able to provide new angles to address memory safety issues in an embedded scenario. Previous CHERI capability research focuses on 64-bit architectures in UNIX operating systems, which does not translate to typical 32-bit embedded processors with low-latency and real-time requirements. I propose and implement the CHERI CC-64 encoding and the CHERI-64 coprocessor to construct a feasible capability-enabled 32-bit CPU. In addition, I implement a real-time kernel for embedded systems atop CHERI-64. On this hardware and software platform, I focus on exploring scalable task isolation and fine-grained memory protection enabled by capabilities in a single flat physical address space, which are otherwise difficult or impossible to achieve via state-of-the-art approaches. Later, I present the evaluation of the hardware implementation and the software run-time overhead and real-time performance. Even with capability support, CHERI-64 as well as other CHERI processors still expose major attack surfaces through temporal vulnerabilities like use-after-free. A naive approach that sweeps memory to invalidate stale capabilities is inefficient and incurs significant cycle overhead and DRAM traffic. To make sweeping revocation feasible, I introduce new architectural mechanisms and micro-architectural optimisations to substantially reduce the cost of memory sweeping and capability revocation. Another factor of the cost is the frequency of memory sweeping. I explore tradeoffs of memory allocator designs that use quarantine buffers and shadow space tags to prevent frequent unnecessary sweeping. The evaluation shows that the optimisations and new allocator designs reduce the cost of capability sweeping revocation by orders of magnitude, making it already practical for most applications to adopt temporal safety under CHERI.CSC Cambridge Scholarshi

    Hardware accelerated real-time Linux video anonymizer

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresOs Sistemas Embebidos estão presentes atualmente numa variada gama de equipamentos do quotidiano do ser humano. Desde TV-boxes, televisões, routers até ao indispensável telemóvel. O Sistema Operativo Linux, com a sua filosofia de distribuição ”one-size-fits-all” tornou-se uma alternativa viável, fornecendo um vasto suporte de hardware, técnicas de depuração, suporte dos protocolos de comunicação de rede, entre outros serviços, que se tornaram no conjunto standard de requisitos na maioria dos sistemas embebidos atuais. Este sistema operativo torna-se apelativo pela sua filosofia open-source que disponibiliza ao utilizador um vasto conjunto de bibliotecas de software que possibilitam o desenvolvimento num determinado domínio com maior celeridade e facilidade de integração de software complexo. Os algoritmos deMachine Learning são desenvolvidos para a automização de tarefas e estão presentes nas mais variadas tecnologias, desde o sistema de foco de imagem nosmartphone até ao sistema de deteção dos limites de faixa de rodagem de um sistema de condução autónoma. Estes são algoritmos que quando compilados para as plataformas de sistemas embebidos, resultam num esforço de processamento e de consumo de recursos, como o footprint de memória, que na maior parte dos casos supera em larga escala o conjunto de recursos disponíveis para a aplicação do sistema, sendo necessária a implementação de componentes que requerem maior poder de processamento através de elementos de hardware para garantir que as métricas tem porais sejam satisfeitas. Esta dissertação propõe-se, por isso, à criação de um sistema de anonimização de vídeo que adquire, processa e manipula as frames, com o intuito de garantir o anonimato, mesmo na transmissão. A sua implementação inclui técnicas de Deteção de Objectos, fazendo uso da combinação das tecnologias de aceleração por hardware: paralelização e execução em hardware especial izado. É proposta então uma implementação restringida tanto temporalmente como no consumo de recursos ao nível do hardware e software.Embedded Systems are currently present in a wide range of everyday equipment. From TV-boxes, televisions and routers to the indispensable smartphone. Linux Operating System, with its ”one-size-fits-all” distribution philosophy, has become a viable alternative, providing extensive support for hardware, debugging techniques, network com munication protocols, among other functionalities, which have become the standard set of re quirements in most modern embedded systems. This operating system is appealing due to its open-source philosophy, which provides the user with a vast set of software libraries that enable development in a given domain with greater speed and ease the integration of complex software. Machine Learning algorithms are developed to execute tasks autonomously, i.e., without human supervision, and are present in the most varied technologies, from the image focus system on the smartphone to the detection system of the lane limits of an autonomous driving system. These are algorithms that, when compiled for embedded systems platforms, require an ef fort to process and consume resources, such as the memory footprint, which in most cases far outweighs the set of resources available for the application of the system, requiring the imple mentation of components that need greater processing power through elements of hardware to ensure that the time metrics are satisfied. This dissertation proposes the creation of a video anonymization system that acquires, pro cesses, and manipulates the frames, in order to guarantee anonymity, even during the transmis sion. Its implementation includes Object Detection techniques, making use of the combination of hardware acceleration technologies: parallelization and execution in specialized hardware. An implementation is then proposed, restricted both in time and in resource consumption at hardware and software levels

    Towards lightweight and high-performance hardware transactional memory

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    Conventional lock-based synchronization serializes accesses to critical sections guarded by the same lock. Using multiple locks brings the possibility of a deadlock or a livelock in the program, making parallel programming a difficult task. Transactional Memory (TM) is a promising paradigm for parallel programming, offering an alternative to lock-based synchronization. TM eliminates the risk of deadlocks and livelocks, while it provides the desirable semantics of Atomicity, Consistency, and Isolation of critical sections. TM speculatively executes a series of memory accesses as a single, atomic, transaction. The speculative changes of a transaction are kept private until the transaction commits. If a transaction can break the atomicity or cause a deadlock or livelock, the TM system aborts the transaction and rolls back the speculative changes. To be effective, a TM implementation should provide high performance and scalability. While implementations of TM in pure software (STM) do not provide desirable performance, Hardware TM (HTM) implementations introduce much smaller overhead and have relatively good scalability, due to their better control of hardware resources. However, many HTM systems support only the transactions that fit limited hardware resources (for example, private caches), and fall back to software mechanisms if hardware limits are reached. These HTM systems, called best-effort HTMs, are not desirable since they force a programmer to think in terms of hardware limits, to use both HTM and STM, and to manage concurrent transactions in HTM and STM. In contrast with best-effort HTMs, unbounded HTM systems support overflowed transactions, that do not fit into private caches. Unbounded HTM systems often require complex protocols or expensive hardware mechanisms for conflict detection between overflowed transactions. In addition, an execution with overflowed transactions is often much slower than an execution that has only regular transactions. This is typically due to restrictive or approximative conflict management mechanism used for overflowed transactions. In this thesis, we study hardware implementations of transactional memory, and make three main contributions. First, we improve the general performance of HTM systems by proposing a scalable protocol for conflict management. The protocol has precise conflict detection, in contrast with often-employed inexact Bloom-filter-based conflict detection, which often falsely report conflicts between transactions. Second, we propose a best-effort HTM that utilizes the new scalable conflict detection protocol, termed EazyHTM. EazyHTM allows parallel commits for all non-conflicting transactions, and generally simplifies transaction commits. Finally, we propose an unbounded HTM that extends and improves the initial protocol for conflict management, and we name it EcoTM. EcoTM features precise conflict detection, and it efficiently supports large as well as small and short transactions. The key idea of EcoTM is to leverage an observation that very few locations are actually conflicting, even if applications have high contention. In EcoTM, each core locally detects if a cache line is non-conflicting, and conflict detection mechanism is invoked only for the few potentially conflicting cache lines.La Sincronización tradicional basada en los cerrojos de exclusión mutua (locks) serializa los accesos a las secciones críticas protegidas este cerrojo. La utilización de varios cerrojos en forma concurrente y/o paralela aumenta la posibilidad de entrar en abrazo mortal (deadlock) o en un bloqueo activo (livelock) en el programa, está es una de las razones por lo cual programar en forma paralela resulta ser mucho mas dificultoso que programar en forma secuencial. La memoria transaccional (TM) es un paradigma prometedor para la programación paralela, que ofrece una alternativa a los cerrojos. La memoria transaccional tiene muchas ventajas desde el punto de vista tanto práctico como teórico. TM elimina el riesgo de bloqueo mutuo y de bloqueo activo, mientras que proporciona una semántica de atomicidad, coherencia, aislamiento con características similares a las secciones críticas. TM ejecuta especulativamente una serie de accesos a la memoria como una transacción atómica. Los cambios especulativos de la transacción se mantienen privados hasta que se confirma la transacción. Si una transacción entra en conflicto con otra transacción o sea que alguna de ellas escribe en una dirección que la otra leyó o escribió, o se entra en un abrazo mortal o en un bloqueo activo, el sistema de TM aborta la transacción y revierte los cambios especulativos. Para ser eficaz, una implementación de TM debe proporcionar un alto rendimiento y escalabilidad. Las implementaciones de TM en el software (STM) no proporcionan este desempeño deseable, en cambio, las mplementaciones de TM en hardware (HTM) tienen mejor desempeño y una escalabilidad relativamente buena, debido a su mejor control de los recursos de hardware y que la resolución de los conflictos así el mantenimiento y gestión de los datos se hace en hardware. Sin embargo, muchos de los sistemas de HTM están limitados a los recursos de hardware disponibles, por ejemplo el tamaño de las caches privadas, y dependen de mecanismos de software para cuando esos límites son sobrepasados. Estos sistemas HTM, llamados best-effort HTM no son deseables, ya que obligan al programador a pensar en términos de los límites existentes en el hardware que se esta utilizando, así como en el sistema de STM que se llama cuando los recursos son sobrepasados. Además, tiene que resolver que transacciones hardware y software se ejecuten concurrentemente. En cambio, los sistemas de HTM ilimitados soportan un numero de operaciones ilimitadas o sea no están restringidos a límites impuestos artificialmente por el hardware, como ser el tamaño de las caches o buffers internos. Los sistemas HTM ilimitados por lo general requieren protocolos complejos o mecanismos muy costosos para la detección de conflictos y el mantenimiento de versiones de los datos entre las transacciones. Por otra parte, la ejecución de transacciones es a menudo mucho más lenta que en una ejecución sobre un sistema de HTM que este limitado. Esto es debido al que los mecanismos utilizados en el HTM limitado trabaja con conjuntos de datos relativamente pequeños que caben o están muy cerca del núcleo del procesador. En esta tesis estudiamos implementaciones de TM en hardware. Presentaremos tres contribuciones principales: Primero, mejoramos el rendimiento general de los sistemas, al proponer un protocolo escalable para la gestión de conflictos. El protocolo detecta los conflictos de forma precisa, en contraste con otras técnicas basadas en filtros Bloom, que pueden reportar conflictos falsos entre las transacciones. Segundo, proponemos un best-effort HTM que utiliza el nuevo protocolo escalable detección de conflictos, denominado EazyHTM. EazyHTM permite la ejecución completamente paralela de todas las transacciones sin conflictos, y por lo general simplifica la ejecución. Por último, proponemos una extensión y mejora del protocolo inicial para la gestión de conflictos, que llamaremos EcoTM. EcoTM cuenta con detección de conflictos precisa, eficiente y es compatible tanto con transacciones grandes como con pequeñas. La idea clave de EcoTM es aprovechar la observación que en muy pocas ubicaciones de memoria aparecen los conflictos entre las transacciones, incluso en aplicaciones tienen muchos conflictos. En EcoTM, cada núcleo detecta localmente si la línea es conflictiva, además existe un mecanismo de detección de conflictos detallado que solo se activa para las pocas líneas de memoria que son potencialmente conflictivas

    Overcoming the Intuition Wall: Measurement and Analysis in Computer Architecture

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    These are exciting times for computer architecture research. Today there is significant demand to improve the performance and energy-efficiency of emerging, transformative applications which are being hammered out by the hundreds for new computing platforms and usage models. This booming growth of applications and the variety of programming languages used to create them is challenging our ability as architects to rapidly and rigorously characterize these applications. Concurrently, hardware has become more complex with the emergence of accelerators, multicore systems, and heterogeneity caused by further divergence between processor market segments. No one architect can now understand all the complexities of many systems and reason about the full impact of changes or new applications. To that end, this dissertation presents four case studies in quantitative methods. Each case study attacks a different application and proposes a new measurement or analytical technique. In each case study we find at least one surprising or unintuitive result which would likely not have been found without the application of our method

    CATTmew: Defeating Software-only Physical Kernel Isolation

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    All the state-of-the-art rowhammer attacks can break the MMU-enforced inter-domain isolation because the physical memory owned by each domain is adjacent to each other. To mitigate these attacks, physical domain isolation, introduced by CATT, physically separates each domain by dividing the physical memory into multiple partitions and keeping each partition occupied by only one domain. CATT implemented physical kernel isolation as the first generic and practical software-only defense to protect kernel from being rowhammered as kernel is one of the most appealing targets. In this paper, we develop a novel exploit that could effectively defeat the physical kernel isolation and gain both root and kernel privileges. Our exploit can work without exhausting the page cache or the system memory, or relying on the information of the virtual-to-physical address mapping. The exploit is motivated by our key observation that the modern OSes have double-owned kernel buffers (e.g., video buffers and SCSI Generic buffers) owned concurrently by the kernel and user domains. The existence of such buffers invalidates the physical kernel isolation and makes the rowhammer-based attack possible again. Existing conspicuous rowhammer attacks achieving the root/kernel privilege escalation exhaust the page cache or even the whole system memory. Instead, we propose a new technique, named memory ambush. It is able to place the hammerable double-owned kernel buffers physically adjacent to the target objects (e.g., page tables) with only a small amount of memory. As a result, our exploit is stealthier and has fewer memory footprints. We also replace the inefficient rowhammer algorithm that blindly picks up addresses to hammer with an efficient one. Our algorithm selects suitable addresses based on an existing timing channel.Comment: Preprint of the work accepted at the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 201

    Systems Support for Trusted Execution Environments

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    Cloud computing has become a default choice for data processing by both large corporations and individuals due to its economy of scale and ease of system management. However, the question of trust and trustoworthy computing inside the Cloud environments has been long neglected in practice and further exacerbated by the proliferation of AI and its use for processing of sensitive user data. Attempts to implement the mechanisms for trustworthy computing in the cloud have previously remained theoretical due to lack of hardware primitives in the commodity CPUs, while a combination of Secure Boot, TPMs, and virtualization has seen only limited adoption. The situation has changed in 2016, when Intel introduced the Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and its enclaves to the x86 ISA CPUs: for the first time, it became possible to build trustworthy applications relying on a commonly available technology. However, Intel SGX posed challenges to the practitioners who discovered the limitations of this technology, from the limited support of legacy applications and integration of SGX enclaves into the existing system, to the performance bottlenecks on communication, startup, and memory utilization. In this thesis, our goal is enable trustworthy computing in the cloud by relying on the imperfect SGX promitives. To this end, we develop and evaluate solutions to issues stemming from limited systems support of Intel SGX: we investigate the mechanisms for runtime support of POSIX applications with SCONE, an efficient SGX runtime library developed with performance limitations of SGX in mind. We further develop this topic with FFQ, which is a concurrent queue for SCONE's asynchronous system call interface. ShieldBox is our study of interplay of kernel bypass and trusted execution technologies for NFV, which also tackles the problem of low-latency clocks inside enclave. The two last systems, Clemmys and T-Lease are built on a more recent SGXv2 ISA extension. In Clemmys, SGXv2 allows us to significantly reduce the startup time of SGX-enabled functions inside a Function-as-a-Service platform. Finally, in T-Lease we solve the problem of trusted time by introducing a trusted lease primitive for distributed systems. We perform evaluation of all of these systems and prove that they can be practically utilized in existing systems with minimal overhead, and can be combined with both legacy systems and other SGX-based solutions. In the course of the thesis, we enable trusted computing for individual applications, high-performance network functions, and distributed computing framework, making a <vision of trusted cloud computing a reality

    Improving systems software security through program analysis and instrumentation

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    Security and reliability bugs are prevalent in systems software. Systems code is often written in low-level languages like C/C++, which offer many benefits but also delegate memory management and type safety to programmers. This invites bugs that cause crashes or can be exploited by attackers to take control of the program. This thesis presents techniques to detect and fix security and reliability issues in systems software without burdening the software developers. First, we present code-pointer integrity (CPI), a technique that combines static analysis with compile-time instrumentation to guarantee the integrity of all code pointers in a program and thereby prevent all control-flow hijack attacks. We also present code-pointer separation (CPS), a relaxation of CPI with better performance properties. CPI and CPS offer substantially better security-to-overhead ratios than the state of the art in control flow hijack defense mechanisms, they are practical (we protect a complete FreeBSD system and over 100 packages like apache and postgresql), effective (prevent all attacks in the RIPE benchmark), and efficient: on SPEC CPU2006, CPS averages 1.2% overhead for C and 1.9% for C/C++, while CPIâs overhead is 2.9% for C and 8.4% for C/C++. Second, we present DDT, a tool for testing closed-source device drivers to automatically find bugs like memory errors or race conditions. DDT showcases a combination of a form of program analysis called selective symbolic execution with virtualization to thoroughly exercise tested drivers and produce detailed, executable traces for every path that leads to a failure. We applied DDT to several closed-source Microsoft-certified Windows device drivers and discovered 14 serious new bugs that can cause crashes or compromise security of the entire system. Third, we present a technique for increasing the scalability of symbolic execution by merging states obtained on different execution paths. State merging reduces the number of states to analyze, but the merged states can be more complex and harder to analyze than their individual components. We introduce query count estimation, a technique to reason about the analysis time of merged states and decide which states to merge in order to achieve optimal net performance of symbolic execution. We also introduce dynamic state merging, a technique for merging states that interacts favorably with search strategies employed by practical bug finding tools, such as DDT and KLEE. Experiments on the 96 GNU Coreutils show that our approach consistently achieves several orders of magnitude speedup over previously published results