373 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Segment Anything Model and U-Net for Breast Tumor Detection in Ultrasound and Mammography Images

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    In this study, the main objective is to develop an algorithm capable of identifying and delineating tumor regions in breast ultrasound (BUS) and mammographic images. The technique employs two advanced deep learning architectures, namely U-Net and pretrained SAM, for tumor segmentation. The U-Net model is specifically designed for medical image segmentation and leverages its deep convolutional neural network framework to extract meaningful features from input images. On the other hand, the pretrained SAM architecture incorporates a mechanism to capture spatial dependencies and generate segmentation results. Evaluation is conducted on a diverse dataset containing annotated tumor regions in BUS and mammographic images, covering both benign and malignant tumors. This dataset enables a comprehensive assessment of the algorithm's performance across different tumor types. Results demonstrate that the U-Net model outperforms the pretrained SAM architecture in accurately identifying and segmenting tumor regions in both BUS and mammographic images. The U-Net exhibits superior performance in challenging cases involving irregular shapes, indistinct boundaries, and high tumor heterogeneity. In contrast, the pretrained SAM architecture exhibits limitations in accurately identifying tumor areas, particularly for malignant tumors and objects with weak boundaries or complex shapes. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate deep learning architectures tailored for medical image segmentation. The U-Net model showcases its potential as a robust and accurate tool for tumor detection, while the pretrained SAM architecture suggests the need for further improvements to enhance segmentation performance

    HMPFIM-B: Hybrid Markov Penalized FCM in Mammograms for Breast Cancer

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    Mammography is an imaging tool which uses low dose low energy x-ray for early detection of tumours in breast. Currently there are number of image based software applications to assist radiologists for better screening. Segmentation is the best way for reliable diagnosis by reducing false rate. So here, we propose novel segmentation algorithm using fuzzy logic. This new approach uses penalized fuzzy c means clustering in mammographic image to give significant improved performance while screening mammogram. The real-time implementation of this paper can be implemented using hardware and software interface with the mammography systems

    An Hybrid Approach for Identification of Breast Cancer using Mammogram Images

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    Breast Cancer (BC) is the first among the cancer deaths in women all over the world. Mammography is broadly perceived as the best imaging methodology for the early location of BC. Mammography examination reduced the BC death in spite of increasing number of noticed malignancies during the last decade. Although it is the best reliable method for early location, it has several limitations. One essential viewpoint is that the exactness rate tends to diminishing when doctors' examined high volume of mammograms. This work mainly concentrates on identifying regions containing small clusters of micro calcifications to categorize the tissue as being regular or irregular. Potentially cancerous tissue is distinguished from normal tissue by analyzing features of a given region within a mammogram. Therefore, feature extraction and saliency play an important role in cancer detection

    Carotid plaque imaging and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

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    Carotid artery plaque is a measure of atherosclerosis and is associated with future risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), which encompasses coronary, cerebrovascular, and peripheral arterial diseases. With advanced imaging techniques, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have shown their potential superiority to routine ultrasound to detect features of carotid plaque vulnerability, such as intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH), lipid-rich necrotic core (LRNC), fibrous cap (FC), and calcification. The correlation between imaging features and histological changes of carotid plaques has been investigated. Imaging of carotid features has been used to predict the risk of cardiovascular events. Other techniques such as nuclear imaging and intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS) have also been proposed to better understand the vulnerable carotid plaque features. In this article, we review the studies of imaging specific carotid plaque components and their correlation with risk scores

    IMCAD: Computer Aided System for Breast Masses Detection based on Immune Recognition

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    Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems are very important tools which help radiologists as a second reader in detecting early breast cancer in an efficient way, specially on screening mammograms. One of the challenging problems is the detection of masses, which are powerful signs of cancer, because of their poor apperance on mammograms. This paper investigates an automatic CAD for detection of breast masses in screening mammograms based on fuzzy segmentation and a bio-inspired method for pattern recognition: Artificial Immune Recognition System. The proposed approach is applied to real clinical images from the full field digital mammographic database: Inbreast. In order to validate our proposition, we propose the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve as an analyzer of our IMCAD classifier system, which achieves a good area under curve, with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 95%. The recognition system based on artificial immunity has shown its efficiency on recognizing masses from a very restricted set of training regions

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical Problems

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    Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.Image fusion is one of today´s most common and still challenging tasks in medical imaging and it plays crucial role in all areas of medical care such as diagnosis, treatment and surgery. Three projects crucially dependent on image fusion are introduced in this thesis. The first project deals with the 3D CT subtraction angiography of lower limbs. It combines pre-contrast and contrast enhanced data to extract the blood vessel tree. The second project fuses the DTI and T1-weighted MRI brain data. The aim of this project is to combine the brain structural and functional information that purvey improved knowledge about intrinsic brain connectivity. The third project deals with the time series of CT spine data where the metastases occur. In this project the progression of metastases within the vertebrae is studied based on fusion of the successive elements of the image series. This thesis introduces new methodology of classifying metastatic tissue. All the projects mentioned in this thesis have been solved by the medical image analysis group led by Prof. Jiří Jan. This dissertation concerns primarily the registration part of the first project and the classification part of the third project. The second project is described completely. The other parts of the first and third project, including the specific preprocessing of the data, are introduced in detail in the dissertation thesis of my colleague Roman Peter, M.Sc.