782 research outputs found

    When Computer Vision Gazes at Cognition

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    Joint attention is a core, early-developing form of social interaction. It is based on our ability to discriminate the third party objects that other people are looking at. While it has been shown that people can accurately determine whether another person is looking directly at them versus away, little is known about human ability to discriminate a third person gaze directed towards objects that are further away, especially in unconstraint cases where the looker can move her head and eyes freely. In this paper we address this question by jointly exploring human psychophysics and a cognitively motivated computer vision model, which can detect the 3D direction of gaze from 2D face images. The synthesis of behavioral study and computer vision yields several interesting discoveries. (1) Human accuracy of discriminating targets 8{\deg}-10{\deg} of visual angle apart is around 40% in a free looking gaze task; (2) The ability to interpret gaze of different lookers vary dramatically; (3) This variance can be captured by the computational model; (4) Human outperforms the current model significantly. These results collectively show that the acuity of human joint attention is indeed highly impressive, given the computational challenge of the natural looking task. Moreover, the gap between human and model performance, as well as the variability of gaze interpretation across different lookers, require further understanding of the underlying mechanisms utilized by humans for this challenging task.Comment: Tao Gao and Daniel Harari contributed equally to this wor

    Eye detection using discriminatory features and an efficient support vector machine

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    Accurate and efficient eye detection has broad applications in computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition. This dissertation presents a number of accurate and efficient eye detection methods using various discriminatory features and a new efficient Support Vector Machine (eSVM). This dissertation first introduces five popular image representation methods - the gray-scale image representation, the color image representation, the 2D Haar wavelet image representation, the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) image representation, and the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) image representation - and then applies these methods to derive five types of discriminatory features. Comparative assessments are then presented to evaluate the performance of these discriminatory features on the problem of eye detection. This dissertation further proposes two discriminatory feature extraction (DFE) methods for eye detection. The first DFE method, discriminant component analysis (DCA), improves upon the popular principal component analysis (PCA) method. The PCA method can derive the optimal features for data representation but not for classification. In contrast, the DCA method, which applies a new criterion vector that is defined on two novel measure vectors, derives the optimal discriminatory features in the whitened PCA space for two-class classification problems. The second DFE method, clustering-based discriminant analysis (CDA), improves upon the popular Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) method. A major disadvantage of the FLD is that it may not be able to extract adequate features in order to achieve satisfactory performance, especially for two-class problems. To address this problem, three CDA models (CDA-1, -2, and -3) are proposed by taking advantage of the clustering technique. For every CDA model anew between-cluster scatter matrix is defined. The CDA method thus can derive adequate features to achieve satisfactory performance for eye detection. Furthermore, the clustering nature of the three CDA models and the nonparametric nature of the CDA-2 and -3 models can further improve the detection performance upon the conventional FLD method. This dissertation finally presents a new efficient Support Vector Machine (eSVM) for eye detection that improves the computational efficiency of the conventional Support Vector Machine (SVM). The eSVM first defines a Θ set that consists of the training samples on the wrong side of their margin derived from the conventional soft-margin SVM. The Θ set plays an important role in controlling the generalization performance of the eSVM. The eSVM then introduces only a single slack variable for all the training samples in the Θ set, and as a result, only a very small number of those samples in the Θ set become support vectors. The eSVM hence significantly reduces the number of support vectors and improves the computational efficiency without sacrificing the generalization performance. A modified Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) algorithm is then presented to solve the large Quadratic Programming (QP) problem defined in the optimization of the eSVM. Three large-scale face databases, the Face Recognition Grand challenge (FRGC) version 2 database, the BioID database, and the FERET database, are applied to evaluate the proposed eye detection methods. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed methods that improve upon some state-of-the-art eye detection methods

    Innovative local texture descriptors with application to eye detection

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    Local Binary Patterns (LBP), which is one of the well-known texture descriptors, has broad applications in pattern recognition and computer vision. The attractive properties of LBP are its tolerance to illumination variations and its computational simplicity. However, LBP only compares a pixel with those in its own neighborhood and encodes little information about the relationship of the local texture with the features. This dissertation introduces a new Feature Local Binary Patterns (FLBP) texture descriptor that can compare a pixel with those in its own neighborhood as well as in other neighborhoods and encodes the information of both local texture and features. The features encoded in FLBP are broadly defined, such as edges, Gabor wavelet features, and color features. Specifically, a binary image is first derived by extracting feature pixels from a given image, and then a distance vector field is obtained by computing the distance vector between each pixel and its nearest feature pixel defined in the binary image. Based on the distance vector field and the FLBP parameters, the FLBP representation of the given image is derived. The feasibility of the proposed FLBP is demonstrated on eye detection using the BioID and the FERET databases. Experimental results show that the FLBP method significantly improves upon the LBP method in terms of both the eye detection rate and the eye center localization accuracy. As LBP is sensitive to noise especially in near-uniform image regions, Local Ternary Patterns (LTP) was proposed to address this problem by extending LBP to three-valued codes. However, further research reveals that both LTP and LBP achieve similar results for face and facial expression recognition, while LTP has a higher computational cost than LBP. To improve upon LTP, this dissertation introduces another new local texture descriptor: Local Quaternary Patterns (LQP) and its extension, Feature Local Quaternary Patterns (FLQP). LQP encodes four relationships of local texture, and therefore, it includes more information of local texture than the LBP and the LTP. FLQP, which encodes both local and feature information, is expected to perform even better than LQP for texture description and pattern analysis. The LQP and FLQP are applied to eye detection on the BioID database. Experimental results show that both FLQP and LQP achieve better eye detection performance than FLTP, LTP, FLBP and LBP. The FLQP method achieves the highest eye detection rate

    Automatic Identification and Intuitive Map Representation of the Epiretinal Membrane Presence in 3D OCT Volumes

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    [Abstract] Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a medical image modality providing high-resolution cross-sectional visualizations of the retinal tissues without any invasive procedure, commonly used in the analysis of retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or retinal detachment. Early identification of the epiretinal membrane (ERM) facilitates ERM surgical removal operations. Moreover, presence of the ERM is linked to other retinal pathologies, such as macular edemas, being among the main causes of vision loss. In this work, we propose an automatic method for the characterization and visualization of the ERM’s presence using 3D OCT volumes. A set of 452 features is refined using the Spatial Uniform ReliefF (SURF) selection strategy to identify the most relevant ones. Afterwards, a set of representative classifiers is trained, selecting the most proficient model, generating a 2D reconstruction of the ERM’s presence. Finally, a post-processing stage using a set of morphological operators is performed to improve the quality of the generated maps. To verify the proposed methodology, we used 20 3D OCT volumes, both with and without the ERM’s presence, totalling 2428 OCT images manually labeled by a specialist. The most optimal classifier in the training stage achieved a mean accuracy of 91.9%. Regarding the post-processing stage, mean specificity values of 91.9% and 99.0% were obtained from volumes with and without the ERM’s presence, respectively.This work is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Government of Spain and FEDER funds of the European Union through the DTS18/00136 research projects and by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Government of Spain through the DPI2015-69948-R and RTI2018-095894-B-I00 research projects. Moreover, this work has received financial support from the European Union (European Regional Development Fund—ERDF) and the Xunta de Galicia, Grupos de Referencia Competitiva, Ref. ED431C 2016-047.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-04

    Contributions on Automatic Recognition of Faces using Local Texture Features

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    Uno de los temas más destacados del área de visión artifical se deriva del análisis facial automático. En particular, la detección precisa de caras humanas y el análisis biométrico de las mismas son problemas que han generado especial interés debido a la gran cantidad de aplicaciones que actualmente hacen uso de estos mecnismos. En esta Tesis Doctoral se analizan por separado los problemas relacionados con detección precisa de caras basada en la localización de los ojos y el reconomcimiento facial a partir de la extracción de características locales de textura. Los algoritmos desarrollados abordan el problema de la extracción de la identidad a partir de una imagen de cara ( en vista frontal o semi-frontal), para escenarios parcialmente controlados. El objetivo es desarrollar algoritmos robustos y que puedan incorpararse fácilmente a aplicaciones reales, tales como seguridad avanzada en banca o la definición de estrategias comerciales aplicadas al sector de retail. Respecto a la extracción de texturas locales, se ha realizado un análisis exhaustivo de los descriptores más extendidos; se ha puesto especial énfasis en el estudio de los Histogramas de Grandientes Orientados (HOG features). En representaciones normalizadas de la cara, estos descriptores ofrecen información discriminativa de los elementos faciales (ojos, boca, etc.), siendo robustas a variaciones en la iluminación y pequeños desplazamientos. Se han elegido diferentes algoritmos de clasificación para realizar la detección y el reconocimiento de caras, todos basados en una estrategia de sistemas supervisados. En particular, para la localización de ojos se ha utilizado clasificadores boosting y Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (SVM) sobre descriptores HOG. En el caso de reconocimiento de caras, se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo, HOG-EBGM (HOG sobre Elastic Bunch Graph Matching). Dada la imagen de una cara, el esquema seguido por este algoritmo se puede resumir en pocos pasos: en una primera etapa se extMonzó Ferrer, D. (2012). Contributions on Automatic Recognition of Faces using Local Texture Features [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16698Palanci

    The Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform for Localization of Highly Variable Objects and its Application for Surveillance Recordings

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    This work is about the localization of arbitrary objects in 2D images in general and the localization of persons in video surveillance recordings in particular. More precisely, it is about localizing specific landmarks. Thereby the possibilities and limitations of localization approaches based on the Generalized Hough Transform (GHT), especially of the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform (DGHT) will be evaluated. GHT-based approaches determine the number of matching model and feature points and the most likely target point position is given by the highest number of matching model and feature points. Additionally, the DGHT comprises a statistical learning approach to generate optimal DGHT-models achieving good results on medical images. This work will show that the DGHT is not restricted to medical tasks but has issues with large target object variabilities, which are frequent in video surveillance tasks. As all GHT-based approaches also the DGHT only considers the number of matching model-feature-point-combinations, which means that all model points are treated independently. This work will show that model points are not independent of each other and considering them independently will result in high error rates. This drawback is analyzed and a universal solution, which is not only applicable for the DGHT but all GHT-based approaches, is presented. This solution is based on an additional classifier that takes the whole set of matching model-feature-point-combinations into account to estimate a confidence score. On all tested databases, this approach could reduce the error rates drastically by up to 94.9%. Furthermore, this work presents a general approach for combining multiple GHT-models into a deeper model. This can be used to combine the localization results of different object landmarks such as mouth, nose, and eyes. Similar to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) this will split the target object variability into multiple and smaller variabilities. A comparison of GHT-based approaches with CNNs and a description of the advantages, disadvantages, and potential application of both approaches will conclude this work.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich im Allgemeinen mit der Lokalisierung von Objekten in 2D Bilddaten und im Speziellen mit der Lokalisierung von Personen in Videoüberwachungsaufnahmen. Genauer gesagt handelt es sich hierbei um die Lokalisierung spezieller Landmarken. Dabei werden die Möglichkeiten und Limiterungen von Lokalisierungsverfahren basierend auf der Generalisierten Hough Transformation (GHT) untersucht, insbesondere die der Diskriminativen Generalisierten Hough Transformation (DGHT). Bei GHT-basierten Ansätze wird die Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Modelpunkten und Merkmalspunkten ermittelt und die wahrscheinlicheste Objekt-Position ergibt sich aus der höchsten Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkte. Die DGHT umfasst darüber hinaus noch ein statistisches Lernverfahren, um optimale DGHT-Modele zu erzeugen und erzielte damit auf medizinischen Bilder und Anwendungen sehr gute Erfolge. Wie sich in dieser Arbeit zeigen wird, ist die DGHT nicht auf medizinische Anwendungen beschränkt, hat allerdings Schwierigkeiten große Variabilität der Ziel-Objekte abzudecken, wie sie in Überwachungsszenarien zu erwarten sind. Genau wie alle GHT-basierten Ansätze leidet auch die DGHT unter dem Problem, dass lediglich die Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkten ermittelt wird, was bedeutet, dass alle Modelpunkte unabhängig voneinander betrachtet werden. Dass Modelpunkte nicht unabhängig voneinander sind, wird im Laufe dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, und die unabhängige Betrachtung führt gerade bei sehr variablen Zielobjekten zu einer hohen Fehlerrate. Dieses Problem wird in dieser Arbeit grundlegend untersucht und ein allgemeiner Lösungsansatz vorgestellt, welcher nicht nur für die DGHT sondern grundsätzlich für alle GHT-basierten Verfahren Anwendung finden kann. Die Lösung basiert auf der Integration eines zusätzlichen Klassifikators, welcher die gesamte Menge an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkten betrachtet und anhand dessen ein zusätzliches Konfidenzmaß vergibt. Dadurch konnte auf allen getesteten Datenbanken eine deutliche Reduktion der Fehlerrate erzielt werden von bis zu 94.9%. Darüber hinaus umfasst die Arbeit einen generellen Ansatz zur Kombination mehrere GHT-Model in einem tieferen Model. Dies kann dazu verwendet werden, um die Lokalisierungsergebnisse verschiedener Objekt-Landmarken zu kombinieren, z. B. die von Mund, Nase und Augen. Ähnlich wie auch bei Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) ist es damit möglich über mehrere Ebenen unterschiedliche Bereiche zu lokalisieren und somit die Variabilität des Zielobjektes in mehrere, leichter zu handhabenden Variabilitäten aufzuspalten. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit durch einen Vergleich von GHT-basierten Ansätzen mit CNNs und einer Beschreibung der Vor- und Nachteile und mögliche Einsatzfelder beider Verfahren

    Automatic Identification and Characterization of the Epiretinal Membrane in OCT Images

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    [Abstract] Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a medical image modality that is used to capture, non-invasively, high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retinal tissue. These images constitute a suitable scenario for the diagnosis of relevant eye diseases like the vitreomacular traction or the diabetic retinopathy. The identification of the epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a relevant issue as its presence constitutes a symptom of diseases like the macular edema, deteriorating the vision quality of the patients. This work presents an automatic methodology for the identification of the ERM presence in OCT scans. Initially, a complete and heterogeneous set of features was defined to capture the properties of the ERM in the OCT scans. Selected features went through a feature selection process to further improve the method efficiency. Additionally, representative classifiers were trained and tested to measure the suitability of the proposed approach. The method was tested with a dataset of 285 OCT scans labeled by a specialist. In particular, 3,600 samples were equally extracted from the dataset, representing zones with and without ERM presence. Different experiments were conducted to reach the most suitable approach. Finally, selected classifiers were trained and compared using different metrics, providing in the best configuration an accuracy of 89.35%.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España (DPI2015-69948-R); Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2016-047, ED431G/01); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (DTS18/00136).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-047Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Low-cost face biometry for visually impaired users

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    We present a work in progress on a face biometry system for visually impaired users - the result of a very close interaction among scientists, engineers, and a users group formed by visually impaired and social assistants. The prototype under development implements recent trends of video analysis and follows closely the suggestions given by the working group, with the ambitious goal of developing a device easy to use that can be an effective help to improve communication and inclusion of visually impaired population. The prototype works real-time processing the incoming video stream to the purpose of locating the presence of people and spotting known faces. Each event of interest produces a simple audio feedback to the user, allowing him or her to locate the presence of people before they start talking or highlighting known faces in noisy environments. So far the prototype has been quantitatively validated through a set of experiments carried out in lab; also a qualitative evaluation by a heterogeneous group of perspective users, users' relatives, social workers, and experts gave us many positive comments and useful feedbacks for future work