8 research outputs found

    Experimental Validation of Time-Synchronized Operations for Software-Defined Elastic Optical Networks

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    Elastic optical networks (EON) have been proposed as a solution to efficiently exploit the spectrum resources in the physical layer of optical networks. Moreover, by centralizing legacy generalized multiprotocol label switching control-plane functionalities and providing a global network view, software-defined networking (SDN) enables advanced network programmability valuable to control and configure the technological breakthroughs of EON. In this paper, we review our recent proposal [Optical Fiber Communication Conf., Los Angeles, California, 2017] of time-synchronized operations (TSO) to minimize disruption time during lightpath reassignment in EON. TSO has been recently standardized in SDN, and here we discuss its implementation using NETCONF and OpenFlow in optical networks. Subsequently, we update our analytical model considering an experimental characterization of the WSS operation time. Then, we extend our previous work with an experimental validation of TSO for lightpath reassignment in a five-node metropolitan optical network test-bed. Results validate the convenience of our TSO-based approach against a traditional asynchronous technique given its reduction of disruption time, while both techniques maintain a similar network performance in terms of optical signal-to-noise ratio and optical power budget

    Priority realloc : a threefold mechanism for route and resources allocation in EONs

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    Backbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology broadly adopted by the industry is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). WDM networks enable one single fiber to operate with multiple high capacity channels, drastically increasing the fiber capacity. In WDM networks each channel is associated with an individual wavelength. Therefore a whole wavelength capacity is assigned to a connection, causing waste of bandwidth in case the connection bandwidth requirement is less than the channel total capacity. In the last half decade, Elastic Optical Networks (EON) have been proposed and developed based on the flexible use of the optical spectrum known as the flexigrid. EONs are adaptable to clients requirements and may enhance optical networks performance. For these reasons, research community and data transport providers have been demonstrating increasingly high interest in EONs which are likely to replace WDM as the universally adopted technology in backbone networks in the near future. EONs have two characteristics that may limit its efficient resources use. The spectrum fragmentation, inherent to the dynamic EON operation, decreases the network capacity to assign resources to connection requests increasing network blocking probability. The spectrum fragmentation also intensifies the denial of service to higher rate request inducing service unfairness. Due to the fact EONs were just recently developed and proposed, the aforementioned issues were not yet extensively studied and solutions are still being proposed. Furthermore, EONs do not yet provide specific features as differentiated service mechanisms. Differentiated service strategies are important in backbone networks to guarantee client's diverse requirements in case of a network failure or the natural congestion and resources contention that may occur at some periods of time in a network. Impelled by the foregoing facts, this thesis objective is three-fold. By means of developing and proposing a mechanism for routing and resources assignment in EONs, we intend to provide differentiated service while decreasing fragmentation level and increasing service fairness. The mechanism proposed and explained in this thesis was tested in an EON simulation environment and performance results indicated that it promotes beneficial performance enhancements when compared to benchmark algorithms.Redes backbone sao responsáveis pelo transporte de dados à longa distância que atendem a uma grande quantidade de clientes com um grande volume de dados. Como redes backbone devem basear-se em uma rede robusta e de alta capacidade, a tecnologia atual amplamente adotada pela indústria é Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Redes WDM permitem que uma única fibra opere com múltiplos canais de alta largura de banda, aumentando drasticamente a capacidade da fibra. Em redes WDM cada canal está associado a um comprimento de onda particular. Por conseguinte, toda capacidade do comprimento de onda é atribuída a uma única conexão, fazendo com que parte da largura de banda seja desperdiçada no caso em que a requisição de largura de banda da conexão seja menor do que a capacidade total do canal. A partir da metade da última década, as Redes Ópticas Elásticas (Elastic Optical Networks - EON) têm sido propostas e desenvolvidas com base no uso flexível do espectro óptico conhecido como flexigrid. EONs são adaptáveis às requisiçes por banda dos clientes e podem, portanto, melhorar o desempenho das redes ópticas. Por estas razões, EONs têm recebido cada vez mais interesse dos meios de pesquisa e provedores de serviço e provavelmente substituirão WDM como a tecnologia universalmente adotada pela indústria em redes backbone. EONs têm duas características que podem limitar a utilização eficiente de recursos. A fragmentação do espectro, inerente à operação dinâmica das EONs, pode diminuir a capacidade da rede em distribuir recursos ao atender às solicitações por conexões aumentando a probabilidade de bloqueio na rede. A fragmentação do espectro também intensifica a negação de serviço às solicitações por taxa de transmissão mais elevada, gerando injustiça no serviço prestado. Como EONs foram desenvolvidas recentemente, respostas às questões acima mencionadas ainda estão sob estudo e soluções continuam sendo propostas na literatura. Além disso, EONs ainda não fornecem funções específicas como um mecanismo que proveja diferenciação de serviço. Estratégias de diferenciação de serviço são importantes em redes backbone para garantir os diversos requisitos dos clientes em caso de uma falha na rede ou do congestionamento e disputa por recursos que podem ocorrer em alguns períodos em uma rede. Impulsionada pelos fatos anteriormente mencionados, esta tese possui três objetivos. Através do desenvolvimento e proposta de um mecanismo de roteamento e atribuição de recursos para EONs, temos a intenção de disponibilizar diferenciação de serviço, diminuir o nível de fragmentação de espectro e aumentar a justiça na distribuição de serviços. O mecanismo proposto nesta tese foi testado em simulações de EONs. Resultados indicaram que o mecanismo proposto promove benefícios através do aprimoramento da performance de uma rede EON quando comparado com algoritmos de referência.Les xarxes troncals son responsables per el transport de dades a llarga distància que serveixen a una gran quantitat de clients amb un gran volum de dades. Com les xarxes troncals han d'estar basades en una xarxa robusta i d'alta capacitat, la tecnologia actual àmpliament adoptada per la indústria és el Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Xarxes WDM permeten operar amb una sola fibra multicanal d'alt ample de banda, el que augmenta molt la capacitat de la fibra. A les xarxes WDM cada canal est a associat amb una longitud d'ona particular. En conseqüència, tota la capacitat del canal es assignada a una sola connexió, fent que part dels recurs siguin perduts en el cas en que l'ample de banda sol licitada sigui menys que la capacitat total del canal. A gairebé deu anys les xarxes òptiques elàstiques (Elastic Optical Networks -EON) son propostes i desenvolupades basades en el ús visible de l'espectre òptic conegut com Flexigrid. EONs són adaptables a les sol·licituds per ample de banda dels clients i per tant poden millorar el rendiment de les xarxes òptiques. Per aquestes raons, EONs han rebut cada vegada més interès en els mitjans d’investigació i de serveis i, probablement, han de reemplaçar el WDM com la tecnologia universalment adoptada en les xarxes troncals. EONs tenen dues característiques que poden limitar l'ús eficient dels recursos seus. La fragmentació de l'espectre inherent al funcionament dinàmic de les EONs, pot disminuir la capacitat de la xarxa en distribuir els recursos augmentant la probabilitat de bloqueig de connexions. La fragmentació de l'espectre també intensifica la denegació de les sol·licituds de servei per connexions amb una major ample de banda, el que genera injustícia en el servei ofert. Com les EONs s'han desenvolupat recentment, solucions als problemes anteriors encara estan en estudi i les solucions segueixen sent proposades en la literatura. D'altra banda, les EONs encara no proporcionen funcions especifiques com mecanisme de diferenciació de provisió de serveis. Estratègies de diferenciació de servei són importants en les xarxes troncals per garantir les diverses necessitats dels clients en cas d'una fallada de la xarxa o de la congestió i la competència pels recursos que es poden produir en alguns períodes. Impulsada pels fets abans esmentats, aquesta tesi te tres objectius. A través del desenvolupament i proposta d'un mecanisme d'enrutament i assignació de recursos per EONs, tenim la intenció d'oferir la diferenciació de serveis, disminuir el nivell de fragmentació de l'espectre i augmentar l'equitat en la distribució dels serveis. El mecanisme proposat en aquesta tesi ha estat provat en simulacions EONs. Els resultats van indicar que el mecanisme promou millores en el rendiment de la EON, en comparació amb els algoritmes de referència

    Silicon photonic switching: from building block design to intelligent control

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    The rapid growth in data communication technologies is at the heart of enriching the digital experiences for people around the world. Encoding high bandwidth data to the optical domain has drastically changed the bandwidth-distance trade-off imposed by electrical media. Silicon photonics, sharing the technological maturity of the semiconductor industry, is a platform poised to make optical interconnect components more robust, manufacturable, and ubiquitous. One of the most prominent device classes enabled by the silicon photonics platform is photonic switching, which describes the direct routing of optical signal carriers without the optical-electrical-optical conversions. While theoretical designs and prototypes of monolithic silicon photonic switch devices have been studied, realizing high-performance and feasible switch systems requires explorations of all design aspects from basic building blocks to control systems. This thesis provides a holistic collection of studies on silicon photonic switching in topics of novel switching element designs, multi-stage switch architectures, device calibration, topology scalability, smart routing strategies, and performance-aware control plane. First, component designs for assembling a silicon photonic switch device are presented. Structures that perform 2×2 optical switching functions are introduced. To realize switching granularities in both spatial and spectral domains, a resonator-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer design is demonstrated with high performance and design robustness. Next, multi-stage monolithic switching devices with microring resonator-based switching elements are investigated. An 8×8 switch device with dual-microring switching elements is presented with a well-balanced set of performance metrics in extinction ratio, crosstalk suppression, and optical bandwidth. Continued scaling in the switch port count requires both an economic increase in the number of switching elements integrated in a device and the preservation of signal quality through the switch fabric. A highly scalable switch architecture based on Clos network with microring switch-and-select sub-switches is presented as a solution to reach high switch radices while addressing key factors of insertion loss, crosstalk, and optical passband to ensure end-to-end switching performance. The thesis then explores calibration techniques to acquire and optimize system-wide control points for integrated silicon switch devices. Applicable to common rearrangeably non-blocking switch topologies, automated procedures are developed to calibrate entire switch devices without the need for built-in power monitors. Using Mach-Zehnder interferometer-based switching elements as a demonstration, calibration techniques for optimal control points are introduced to achieve balanced push-pull drive scheme and reduced crosstalk in switching operations. Furthermore, smart routing strategies are developed based on optical penalty estimations enabled by expedited lightpath characterization procedures. Leveraging configuration redundancies in the switch fabric, the routing strategies are capable of avoiding the worst penalty optical paths and effectively elevate the bottom-line performance of the switch device. Additional works are also presented on enhancing optical system control planes with machine learning techniques to accurately characterize complex systems and identify critical control parameters. Using flexgrid networks as a case study, light-weight machine learning workflows are tailored to devise control strategies for improving spectral power stability during wavelength assignment and defragmentation. This work affirms the efficacy of intelligent control planes to predict system dynamics and drive performance optimizations for optical interconnect systems

    Fault and Defect Tolerant Computer Architectures: Reliable Computing With Unreliable Devices

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    This research addresses design of a reliable computer from unreliable device technologies. A system architecture is developed for a fault and defect tolerant (FDT) computer. Trade-offs between different techniques are studied and yield and hardware cost models are developed. Fault and defect tolerant designs are created for the processor and the cache memory. Simulation results for the content-addressable memory (CAM)-based cache show 90% yield with device failure probabilities of 3 x 10(-6), three orders of magnitude better than non fault tolerant caches of the same size. The entire processor achieves 70% yield with device failure probabilities exceeding 10(-6). The required hardware redundancy is approximately 15 times that of a non-fault tolerant design. While larger than current FT designs, this architecture allows the use of devices much more likely to fail than silicon CMOS. As part of model development, an improved model is derived for NAND Multiplexing. The model is the first accurate model for small and medium amounts of redundancy. Previous models are extended to account for dependence between the inputs and produce more accurate results