564 research outputs found

    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform

    Master of Science

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    thesisScientific libraries are written in a general way in anticipation of a variety of use cases that reduce optimization opportunities. Significant performance gains can be achieved by specializing library code to its execution context: the application in which it is invoked, the input data set used, the architectural platform and its backend compiler. Such specialization is not typically done because it is time-consuming, leads to nonportable code and requires performance-tuning expertise that application scientists may not have. Tool support for library specialization in the above context could potentially reduce the extensive under-standing required while significantly improving performance, code reuse and portability. In this work, we study the performance gains achieved by specializing the sparse linear algebra functions in PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) in the context of three scientific applications on the Hopper Cray XE6 Supercomputer at NERSC. This work takes an initial step towards automating the specialization of scientific libraries. We study the effects of the execution environment on sparse computations and design optimization strategies based on these effects. These strategies include novel techniques that augment well-known source-to-source transformations to significantly improve the quality of the instructions generated by the back end compiler. We use CHiLL (Composable High-Level Loop Transformation Framework) to apply source-level transformations tailored to the special needs of sparse computations. A conceptual framework is proposed where the above strategies are developed and expressed as recipes by experienced performance engineers that can be applied across execution environments. We demonstrate significant performance improvements of more than 1.8X on the library functions and overall gains of 9 to 24% on three scalable applications that use PETSc's sparse matrix capabilities

    Running stream-like programs on heterogeneous multi-core systems

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    All major semiconductor companies are now shipping multi-cores. Phones, PCs, laptops, and mobile internet devices will all require software that can make effective use of these cores. Writing high-performance parallel software is difficult, time-consuming and error prone, increasing both time-to-market and cost. Software outlives hardware; it typically takes longer to develop new software than hardware, and legacy software tends to survive for a long time, during which the number of cores per system will increase. Development and maintenance productivity will be improved if parallelism and technical details are managed by the machine, while the programmer reasons about the application as a whole. Parallel software should be written using domain-specific high-level languages or extensions. These languages reveal implicit parallelism, which would be obscured by a sequential language such as C. When memory allocation and program control are managed by the compiler, the program's structure and data layout can be safely and reliably modified by high-level compiler transformations. One important application domain contains so-called stream programs, which are structured as independent kernels interacting only through one-way channels, called streams. Stream programming is not applicable to all programs, but it arises naturally in audio and video encode and decode, 3D graphics, and digital signal processing. This representation enables high-level transformations, including kernel unrolling and kernel fusion. This thesis develops new compiler and run-time techniques for stream programming. The first part of the thesis is concerned with a statically scheduled stream compiler. It introduces a new static partitioning algorithm, which determines which kernels should be fused, in order to balance the loads on the processors and interconnects. A good partitioning algorithm is crucial if the compiler is to produce efficient code. The algorithm also takes account of downstream compiler passes---specifically software pipelining and buffer allocation---and it models the compiler's ability to fuse kernels. The latter is important because the compiler may not be able to fuse arbitrary collections of kernels. This thesis also introduces a static queue sizing algorithm. This algorithm is important when memory is distributed, especially when local stores are small. The algorithm takes account of latencies and variations in computation time, and is constrained by the sizes of the local memories. The second part of this thesis is concerned with dynamic scheduling of stream programs. First, it investigates the performance of known online, non-preemptive, non-clairvoyant dynamic schedulers. Second, it proposes two dynamic schedulers for stream programs. The first is specifically for one-dimensional stream programs. The second is more general: it does not need to be told the stream graph, but it has slightly larger overhead. This thesis also introduces some support tools related to stream programming. StarssCheck is a debugging tool, based on Valgrind, for the StarSs task-parallel programming language. It generates a warning whenever the program's behaviour contradicts a pragma annotation. Such behaviour could otherwise lead to exceptions or race conditions. StreamIt to OmpSs is a tool to convert a streaming program in the StreamIt language into a dynamically scheduled task based program using StarSs.Totes les empreses de semiconductors produeixen actualment multi-cores. Mòbils,PCs, portàtils, i dispositius mòbils d’Internet necessitaran programari quefaci servir eficientment aquests cores. Escriure programari paral·lel d’altrendiment és difícil, laboriós i propens a errors, incrementant tant el tempsde llançament al mercat com el cost. El programari té una vida més llarga queel maquinari; típicament pren més temps desenvolupar nou programi que noumaquinari, i el programari ja existent pot perdurar molt temps, durant el qualel nombre de cores dels sistemes incrementarà. La productivitat dedesenvolupament i manteniment millorarà si el paral·lelisme i els detallstècnics són gestionats per la màquina, mentre el programador raona sobre elconjunt de l’aplicació.El programari paral·lel hauria de ser escrit en llenguatges específics deldomini. Aquests llenguatges extrauen paral·lelisme implícit, el qual és ocultatper un llenguatge seqüencial com C. Quan l’assignació de memòria i lesestructures de control són gestionades pel compilador, l’estructura iorganització de dades del programi poden ser modificades de manera segura ifiable per les transformacions d’alt nivell del compilador.Un dels dominis de l’aplicació importants és el que consta dels programes destream; aquest programes són estructurats com a nuclis independents queinteractuen només a través de canals d’un sol sentit, anomenats streams. Laprogramació de streams no és aplicable a tots els programes, però sorgeix deforma natural en la codificació i descodificació d’àudio i vídeo, gràfics 3D, iprocessament de senyals digitals. Aquesta representació permet transformacionsd’alt nivell, fins i tot descomposició i fusió de nucli.Aquesta tesi desenvolupa noves tècniques de compilació i sistemes en tempsd’execució per a programació de streams. La primera part d’aquesta tesi esfocalitza amb un compilador de streams de planificació estàtica. Presenta unnou algorisme de partició estàtica, que determina quins nuclis han de serfusionats, per tal d’equilibrar la càrrega en els processadors i en lesinterconnexions. Un bon algorisme de particionat és fonamental per tal de queel compilador produeixi codi eficient. L’algorisme també té en compte elspassos de compilació subseqüents---específicament software pipelining il’arranjament de buffers---i modela la capacitat del compilador per fusionarnuclis. Aquesta tesi també presenta un algorisme estàtic de redimensionament de cues.Aquest algorisme és important quan la memòria és distribuïda, especialment quanles memòries locals són petites. L’algorisme té en compte latències ivariacions en els temps de càlcul, i considera el límit imposat per la mida deles memòries locals.La segona part d’aquesta tesi es centralitza en la planificació dinàmica deprogrames de streams. En primer lloc, investiga el rendiment dels planificadorsdinàmics online, non-preemptive i non-clairvoyant. En segon lloc, proposa dosplanificadors dinàmics per programes de stream. El primer és específicament pera programes de streams unidimensionals. El segon és més general: no necessitael graf de streams, però els overheads són una mica més grans.Aquesta tesi també presenta un conjunt d’eines de suport relacionades amb laprogramació de streams. StarssCheck és una eina de depuració, que és basa enValgrind, per StarSs, un llenguatge de programació paral·lela basat en tasques.Aquesta eina genera un avís cada vegada que el comportament del programa estàen contradicció amb una anotació pragma. Aquest comportament d’una altra manerapodria causar excepcions o situacions de competició. StreamIt to OmpSs és unaeina per convertir un programa de streams codificat en el llenguatge StreamIt aun programa de tasques en StarSs planificat de forma dinàmica.Postprint (published version

    Development of Wind Power Laboratory Setup

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    Wind turbines are often used on weak grids as a source of active power. There is a desire for a continuous supply of active power during variable wind speeds while also supplying reactive power to suppress grid-voltage fluctuations. These objectives are attainable using converters which are controlled with regulators. In this project a test environment will be constructed wherein a wind turbine will be modeled and controlled using the aforementioned regulators. The wind turbine model is of a Full Rated Converter wind turbine. The control algorithm for the regulators is developed in C and ran from a digital signal processor

    Performance analysis and tuning in multicore environments

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    Performance analysis is the task of monitor the behavior of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order improve the performance. To be able to get that improvement it is necessary to find the different causes of overhead. Nowadays we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardware and software). When we talk about multicore we are also speaking of shared memory systems, on this master thesis we talk about the issues involved on the performance analysis and tuning of applications running specifically in a shared Memory system. We move one step ahead to take the performance analysis to another level by analyzing the applications structure and patterns. We also present some tools specifically addressed to the performance analysis of OpenMP multithread application. At the end we present the results of some experiments performed with a set of OpenMP scientific application.Análisis de rendimiento es el área de estudio encargada de monitorizar el comportamiento de la ejecución de programas informáticos. El principal objetivo es encontrar los posibles ajustes que serán necesarios para mejorar el rendimiento. Para poder obtener esa mejora es necesario encontrar las principales causas de overhead. Actualmente estamos sumergidos en la era multicore, pero existe una brecha entre el nivel de desarrollo de sus dos principales divisiones (hardware y software). Cuando hablamos de multicore también estamos hablando de sistemas de memoria compartida. Nosotros damos un paso más al abordar el análisis de rendimiento a otro nivel por medio del estudio de la estructura de las aplicaciones y sus patrones. También presentamos herramientas de análisis de aplicaciones que son específicas para el análisis de rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas desarrolladas con OpenMP. Al final presentamos los resultados de algunos experimentos realizados con un grupo de aplicaciones científicas desarrolladas bajo este modelo de programación.L'Anàlisi de rendiment és l'àrea d'estudi encarregada de monitorar el comportament de l'execució de programes informàtics. El principal objectiu és trobar els possibles ajustaments que seran necessaris per a millorar el rendiment. Per a poder obtenir aquesta millora és necessari trobar les principals causes de l'overhead (excessos de computació no productiva). Actualment estem immersos en l'era multicore, però existeix una rasa entre el nivell de desenvolupament de les seves dues principals divisions (maquinari i programari). Quan parlam de multicore, també estem parlant de sistemes de memòria compartida. Nosaltres donem un pas més per a abordar l'anàlisi de rendiment en un altre nivell per mitjà de l'estudi de l'estructura de les aplicacions i els seus patrons. També presentem eines d'anàlisis d'aplicacions que són específiques per a l'anàlisi de rendiment d'aplicacions paral·leles desenvolupades amb OpenMP. Al final, presentem els resultats d'alguns experiments realitzats amb un grup d'aplicacions científiques desenvolupades sota aquest model de programació

    Optimizing the Performance of Directive-based Programming Model for GPGPUs

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    Accelerators have been deployed on most major HPC systems. They are considered to improve the performance of many applications. Accelerators such as GPUs have an immense potential in terms of high compute capacity but programming these devices is a challenge. OpenCL, CUDA and other vendor-specific models for accelerator programming definitely offer high performance, but these are low-level models that demand excellent programming skills; moreover, they are time consuming to write and debug. In order to simplify GPU programming, several directive-based programming models have been proposed, including HMPP, PGI accelerator model and OpenACC. OpenACC has now become established as the de facto standard. We evaluate and compare these models involving several scientific applications. To study the implementation challenges and the principles and techniques of directive- based models, we built an open source OpenACC compiler on top of a main stream compiler framework (OpenUH as a branch of Open64). In this dissertation, we present the required techniques to parallelize and optimize the applications ported with OpenACC programming model. We apply both user-level optimizations in the applications and compiler and runtime-driven optimizations. The compiler optimization focuses on the parallelization of reduction operations inside nested parallel loops. To fully utilize all GPU resources, we also extend the OpenACC model to support multiple GPUs in a single node. Our application porting experience also revealed the challenge of choosing good loop schedules. The default loop schedule chosen by the compiler may not produce the best performance, so the user has to manually try different loop schedules to improve the performance. To solve this issue, we developed a locality-aware auto-tuning framework which is based on the proposed memory access cost model to help the compiler choose optimal loop schedules and guide the user to choose appropriate loop schedules.Computer Science, Department o

    Extending OmpSs-2 with flexible task-based array reductions

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    Reductions are a well-known computational pattern found in scientific applications that needs efficient parallelisation mechanisms. In this thesis we present a flexible scheme for computing reductions of arrays in the context of OmpSs-2, a task-based programming model similar to OpenMP
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