46 research outputs found

    Trust and integrity in distributed systems

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    In the last decades, we have witnessed an exploding growth of the Internet. The massive adoption of distributed systems on the Internet allows users to offload their computing intensive work to remote servers, e.g. cloud. In this context, distributed systems are pervasively used in a number of difference scenarios, such as web-based services that receive and process data, cloud nodes where company data and processes are executed, and softwarised networks that process packets. In these systems, all the computing entities need to trust each other and co-operate in order to work properly. While the communication channels can be well protected by protocols like TLS or IPsec, the problem lies in the expected behaviour of the remote computing platforms, because they are not under the direct control of end users and do not offer any guarantee that they will behave as agreed. For example, the remote party may use non-legitimate services for its own convenience (e.g. illegally storing received data and routed packets), or the remote system may misbehave due to an attack (e.g. changing deployed services). This is especially important because most of these computing entities need to expose interfaces towards the Internet, which makes them easier to be attacked. Hence, software-based security solutions alone are insufficient to deal with the current scenario of distributed systems. They must be coupled with stronger means such as hardware-assisted protection. In order to allow the nodes in distributed system to trust each other, their integrity must be presented and assessed to predict their behaviour. The remote attestation technique of trusted computing was proposed to specifically deal with the integrity issue of remote entities, e.g. whether the platform is compromised with bootkit attacks or cracked kernel and services. This technique relies on a hardware chip called Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which is available in most business class laptops, desktops and servers. The TPM plays as the hardware root of trust, which provides a special set of capabilities that allows a physical platform to present its integrity state. With a TPM equipped in the motherboard, the remote attestation is the procedure that a physical node provides hardware-based proof of the software components loaded in this platform, which can be evaluated by other entities to conclude its integrity state. Thanks to the hardware TPM, the remote attestation procedure is resistant to software attacks. However, even though the availability of this chip is high, its actual usage is low. The major reason is that trusted computing has very little flexibility, since its goal is to provide strong integrity guarantees. For instance, remote attestation result is positive if and only if the software components loaded in the platform are expected and loaded in a specific order, which limits its applicability in real-world scenarios. For such reasons, this technique is especially hard to be applied on software services running in application layer, that are loaded in random order and constantly updated. Because of this, current remote attestation techniques provide incomplete solution. They only focus on the boot phase of physical platforms but not on the services, not to mention the services running in virtual instances. This work first proposes a new remote attestation framework with the capability of presenting and evaluating the integrity state not only of the boot phase of physical platforms but also of software services at load time, e.g. whether the software is legitimate or not. The framework allows users to know and understand the integrity state of the whole life cycle of the services they are interacting with, thus the users can make informed decision whether to send their data or trust the received results. Second, based on the remote attestation framework this thesis proposes a method to bind the identity of secure channel endpoint to a specific physical platform and its integrity state. Secure channels are extensively adopted in distributed systems to protect data transmitted from one platform to another. However, they do not convey any information about the integrity state of the platform or the service that generates and receives this data, which leaves ample space for various attacks. With the binding of the secure channel endpoint and the hardware TPM, users are protected from relay attacks (with hardware-based identity) and malicious or cracked platform and software (with remote attestation). Third, with the help of the remote attestation framework, this thesis introduces a new method to include the integrity state of software services running in virtual containers in the evidence generated by the hardware TPM. This solution is especially important for softwarised network environments. Softwarised network was proposed to provide dynamic and flexible network deployment which is an ever complex task nowadays. Its main idea is to switch hardware appliances to softwarised network functions running inside virtual instances, that are full-fledged computational systems and accessible from the Internet, thus their integrity is at stake. Unfortunately, currently remote attestation work is not able to provide hardware-based integrity evidence for software services running inside virtual instances, because the direct link between the internal of virtual instances and hardware root of trust is missing. With the solution proposed in this thesis, the integrity state of the softwarised network functions running in virtual containers can be presented and evaluated with hardware-based evidence, implying the integrity of the whole softwarised network. The proposed remote attestation framework, trusted channel and trusted softwarised network are implemented in separate working prototypes. Their performance was evaluated and proved to be excellent, allowing them to be applied in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the implementation also exposes various APIs to simplify future integration with different management platforms, such as OpenStack and OpenMANO

    Enhancing the reliability of digital signatures as non-repudiation evidence under a holistic threat model

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    Traditional sensitive operations, like banking transactions, purchase processes, contract agreements etc. need to tie down the involved parties respecting the commitments made, avoiding a further repudiation of the responsibilities taken. Depending on the context, the commitment is made in one way or another, being handwritten signatures possibly the most common mechanism ever used. With the shift to digital communications, the same guarantees that exist in real world transactions are expected from electronic ones as well. Non-repudiation is thus a desired property of current electronic transactions, like those carried out in Internet banking, e-commerce or, in general, any electronic data interchange scenario. Digital evidence is generated, collected, maintained, made available and verified by non-repudiation services in order to resolve disputes about the occurrence of a certain event, protecting the parties involved in a transaction against the other's false denial about such an event. In particular, a digital signature is considered as non-repudiation evidence which can be used subsequently, by disputing parties or by an adjudicator, to arbitrate in disputes. The reliability of a digital signature should determine its capability to be used as valid evidence. The reliability depends on the trustworthiness of the whole life cycle of the signature, including the generation, transfer, verification and storage phases. Any vulnerability in it would undermine the reliability of the digital signature, making its applicability as non-repudiation evidence dificult to achieve. Unfortunately, technology is subject to vulnerabilities, always with the risk of an occurrence of security threats. Despite that, no rigorous mechanism addressing the reliability of digital signatures technology has been proposed so far. The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to enhance the reliability of digital signatures in order to enforce their non-repudiation property when acting as evidence. In the first instance, we have determined that current technology does not provide an acceptable level of trustworthiness to produce reliable nonrepudiation evidence that is based on digital signatures. The security threats suffered by current technology are suffice to prevent the applicability of digital signatures as non-repudiation evidence. This finding is also aggravated by the fact that digital signatures are granted legal effectiveness under current legislation, acting as evidence in legal proceedings regarding the commitment made by a signatory in the signed document. In our opinion, the security threats that subvert the reliability of digital signatures had to be formalized and categorized. For that purpose, a holistic taxonomy of potential attacks on digital signatures has been devised, allowing their systematic and rigorous classification. In addition, and assuming a realistic security risk, we have built a new approach more robust and trustworthy than the predecessors to enhance the reliability of digital signatures, enforcing their non-repudiation property. This new approach is supported by two novel mechanisms presented in this thesis: the signature environment division paradigm and the extended electronic signature policies. Finally, we have designed a new fair exchange protocol that makes use of our proposal, demonstrating the applicability in a concrete scenario. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Las operaciones sensibles tradicionales, tales como transacciones bancarias, procesos de compra-venta, firma de contratos etc. necesitan que las partes implicadas queden sujetas a los compromisos realizados, evitando así un repudio posterior de las responsabilidades adquiridas. Dependiendo del contexto, el compromiso se llevaría a cabo de una manera u otra, siendo posiblemente la firma manuscrita el mecanismo más comúnmente empleado hasta la actualidad. Con el paso a las comunicaciones digitales, se espera que las mismas garantías que se encuentran en las transacciones tradicionales se proporcionen también en las electrónicas. El no repudio es, por tanto, una propiedad deseada a las actuales transacciones electrónicas, como aquellas que se llevan a cabo en la banca online, en el comercio electrónico o, en general, en cualquier intercambio de datos electrónico. La evidencia digital se genera, recoge, mantiene, publica y verifica mediante los servicios de no repudio con el fin de resolver disputas acerca de la ocurrencia de un determinado evento, protegiendo a las partes implicadas en una transacción frente al rechazo respecto a dicho evento que pudiera realizar cualquiera de las partes. En particular, una firma digital se considera una evidencia de no repudio que puede emplearse posteriormente por las partes enfrentadas o un tercero durante el arbitrio de la disputa. La fiabilidad de una firma digital debería determinar su capacidad para ser usada como evidencia válida. Dicha fiabilidad depende de la seguridad del ciclo de vida completo de la firma, incluyendo las fases de generación, transferencia, verificación, almacenamiento y custodia. Cualquier vulnerabilidad en dicho proceso podría socavar la fiabilidad de la firma digital, haciendo difícil su aplicación como evidencia de no repudio. Desafortunadamente, la tecnología está sujeta a vulnerabilidades, existiendo siempre una probabilidad no nula de ocurrencia de amenazas a su seguridad. A pesar de ello, hasta la fecha no se ha propuesto ningún mecanismo que aborde de manera rigurosa el estudio de la fiabilidad real de la tecnología de firma digital. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar la fiabilidad de las firmas digitales para que éstas puedan actuar como evidencia de no repudio con garantías suficientes