10,817 research outputs found

    Power Loss and Thermal Analysis of a MW High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine

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    High speed permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) have attracted much attention due to their high power density, high efficiency, and compact size for direct-drive applications. However, the consequent power loss density is high and heat transfer is also deemed as a technical challenge. This is particularly the case for high-speed operation. In this paper, electromagnetic and mechanical power losses in a MW level high speed PMSM is comprehensively investigated by finite element analysis; the transient machine demagnetization performance is studied with the proposed rotor composite structure to improve the machine anti-demagnetization capability; the temperature distribution of the high speed PMSM is also analyzed by a fluid-thermal coupling method with calculated power loss. The high speed PMSM is prototyped and experimentally tested to validate the effectiveness of numerical models and calculated results

    Comparison of interior permanent magnet synchronous machines for a high-speed application

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    Permanent Magnet machines have been increasingly used in high-speed applications due to the advantages they offer such as higher efficiency, output torque and, output power. This dissertation discusses the electrical and magnetic design of permanent magnet machines and the design and analysis of two 10 kW, 30000 rpm Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) machines. This dissertation consists of two parts: the first part discusses high-speed machine topologies, and in particular the permanent magnet machine. Trends, advantages, disadvantages, recent developments, etc. are discussed and conclusions are made. The second part presents the design, analysis and testing of interior permanent magnet machines for a high-speed application. The machines are designed from first principles and are simulated using Ansys Maxwell software to understand the finite element analysis. In order to obtain a fair comparison between the machines, the required output criteria was used as the judging criteria (10kW, 30000 rpm). As a result, the rotor diameter, stator diameter, airgap length, and stack length were kept the same for both machines. The winding configuration was set as distributed windings, however the number of turns and other details were kept flexible in order to be able to obtain the best design for each machine. Similarly, the magnet volume was kept flexible as this could be used as a comparison criteria relating to the cost of the machines. The two IPM topologies are compared with respect to their torque, magnetic field, airgap flux, core loss, efficiency, and cost. The radial IPM produces a smoother torque output, with lower torque ripple, and has lower losses compared to the circumferential IPM which produces a higher torque and power output. Furthermore, the circumferential IPM also experiences much higher torque ripple and core losses, both of which are highly undesirable characteristics for high-speed machines. In addition, the circumferential IPM has a much more complex manufacturing process compared to the radial IPM which would significantly increase the cost of prototyping the machine, thus the radial IPM was selected for prototyping and brief experimental analysis. The radial IPM has been experimentally tested under no-load conditions. These results were successfully compared to the simulated and analytical results to show correlation between the design and experimental process. Potential areas of further work may include conducting detailed loss analysis to understand the effects that changing various design parameters has on the core loss and overall performance. Detailed thermal and mechanical analysis of the machines may also result in interesting conclusions that would alter the design of the machine to make it more efficient

    Design and Multi-physical Fields Analysis of High Speed Permanent Magnet Machines

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    Due to the advantages of high power density, high efficiency and compact size, high speed permanent magnet machines (HSPMMs) have found wide application in industrial areas. Compared with a conventional speed permanent magnet machine, a HSPMM rotor can reach speeds of more than 10,000 rpm, which brings challenges with regard to electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical aspects of machine design. The higher power density also results in larger power loss per unit volume; due to the small machine size, machine thermal dissipation becomes difficult. Moreover, air frictional loss rises dramatically when the rotor is in high speed operation and this may also further increase rotor temperature. Therefore, research into HSPMM power losses and improving machine thermal dissipation capability is of significant interest. HSPMM mechanical issues also need to be considered to ensure safe and reliable machine operation. As rotor speeds rise, rotor strength becomes prominent and critical as the permanent magnets are vulnerable to the large centrifugal force. In addition, the machine rotor should also have enough rigidity and avoid operating at critical speeds. As such, this dissertation focuses on HSPMM design and research. Multi-physical fields analysis of a HSPMM is carried out to calculate machine power losses and temperature distribution, with factors influencing machine performance considered; HSPMM rotor mechanical research and analysis are also carried out and presented in this study. Firstly, the HSPMM design methodology and process are illustrated with machine rotor parameters, PM material, pole numbers and rotor sleeve considered for a 150 kW, 17000 rpm HSPMM. Then, HSPMM performance for different machine stator structures and PM pole arc pole pitches is investigated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the machine operating at both no load and full load conditions; HSPMM electromagnetic performance and how it is impacted by machine parameters is also studied. HSPMM power losses are comprehensively investigated in the following chapter. As machine core loss can be significantly increased with increasing machine frequency, it is critical to accurately estimate HSPMM iron loss. Based on the machine iron core magnetic field variation that is obtained by FEM analysis, machine steel iron core loss estimation for HSPMM is performed using an improved method with the influences of alternating and rotating magnetic fields, as well as harmonics effects, considered for high precision. Then the HSPMM air gap magnetic flux density distribution considering machine stator slotting effect is also analytically calculated with its effectiveness verified by FEM results. Then rotor eddy current loss is studied by time-stepping FEM, while the effects of rotor sleeve dimensions and properties, copper shielding composite rotor structure, air gap length, as well as slot opening width are further researched in depth. A PM bevelling method is also proposed and investigated to reduce HSPMM rotor eddy current loss while having little effect on machine output torque. Then a fluid field analysis is carried out to study HSPMM rotor air frictional loss when the rotor is in high speed operation. According to the characteristics of a machine axial forced air cooling system, the HSPMM temperature distribution is investigated by 3-D fluid–thermal coupling CFD modelling with the calculated power losses results. The machine thermal analysis theory and modelling method are also detailed and further explained. HSPMM thermal performance variation due to impacting factors of cooling air velocity, rotor eddy current loss and sleeve thermal conductivity are also comprehensively investigated and studied in this dissertation. The designed HSPMM is prototyped, and temperature experimental tests are also carried out to verify the effectiveness of the research and analysis for HSPMM. Then, thick-walled cylinder theory is introduced to study rotor mechanical strength analytically, while it also verifies the FEM calculation results. Then based on FEM analysis, HSPMM rotor stress distribution is investigated with sleeve material effects on rotor strength discussed. In order to alleviate the rotor sleeve stress, three pole filler materials are comparatively studied, while the temperature impacts on rotor mechanical stress is further considered; sleeve thickness and the interference between PM and sleeve are investigated in an integrated fashion for HSPMM rotor strength analysis, with some conclusions also drawn for HSPMM rotor mechanical design. HSPMM rotor critical speeds are also calculated by the established 3D rotor dynamic analysis FEM model to ensure the rotor is operating in a desirable condition

    A study of energy efficiency opportunities in Putrajaya Maritime Centre towards green building

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    Nowadays, people are more concerned about energy efficiency, energy consumption and conservations in buildings. With this in view, a project to investigate the potential of energy saving in selected building in Putrajaya Maritime Centre was carried out. The scope of the study includes identifying energy consumption in a selected building, to study energy saving opportunities, and to analyse cost investment in term of economic. As a public building and a recreation centre, these building should take the initiative to protect the environment towards green building. According to the research and analysis, several solutions are proposed to help reduce energy consumption and energy cost in the Maritime Centre. First, by improving physical properties of building components. Second, by changing the air condition temperature control setting. This paper also discuss about the improvement of lighting system efficient. From the data analysis, it has been found that huge amount of energy can be saved for a better green environment

    Comparison and Design Optimization of a Five-Phase Flux-Switching PM Machine for In-Wheel Traction Applications

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    A comparative study of five-phase outer-rotor flux-switching permanent magnet (FSPM) machines with different topologies for in-wheel traction applications is presented in this paper. Those topologies include double-layer winding, single-layer winding, C-core, and E-core configurations. The electromagnetic performance in the low-speed region, the flux-weakening capability in the high-speed region, and the fault-tolerance capability are all investigated in detail. The results indicate that the E-core FSPM machine has performance advantages. Furthermore, two kinds of E-core FSPM machines with different stator and rotor pole combinations are optimized, respectively. In order to reduce the computational burden during the large-scale optimization process, a mathematical technique is developed based on the concept of computationally efficient finite-element analysis. While a differential evolution algorithm serves as a global search engine to target optimized designs. Subsequently, multiobjective tradeoffs are presented based on a Pareto-set for 20 000 candidate designs. Finally, an optimal design is prototyped, and some experimental results are given to confirm the validity of the simulation results in this paper

    Fault-Tolerant Control of a Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine

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    Je jasnĂ©, ĆŸe nejĂșspěơnějĆĄĂ­ konstrukce zahrnuje postup vĂ­cefĂĄzovĂ©ho ƙízenĂ­, ve kterĂ©m kaĆŸdĂĄ fĂĄze mĆŻĆŸe bĂœt povaĆŸovĂĄna za samostatnĂœ modul. Provoz kterĂ©koliv z jednotek musĂ­ mĂ­t minimĂĄlnĂ­ vliv na ostatnĂ­, a to tak, ĆŸe v pƙípadě selhĂĄnĂ­ jednĂ© jednotky ostatnĂ­ mohou bĂœt v provozu neovlivněny. ModulĂĄrnĂ­ ƙeĆĄenĂ­ vyĆŸaduje minimĂĄlnĂ­ elektrickĂ©, magnetickĂ© a tepelnĂ© ovlivněnĂ­ mezi fĂĄzemi ƙízenĂ­ (měniče). SynchronnĂ­ stroje s pulznĂ­m tokem a permanentnĂ­mi magnety se jevĂ­ jako atraktivnĂ­ typ stroje, jejĂ­ĆŸ pƙednostmi jsou vysokĂœ kroutĂ­cĂ­ moment, jednoduchĂĄ a robustnĂ­ konstrukce rotoru a skutečnost, ĆŸe permanentnĂ­ magnety i cĂ­vky jsou umĂ­stěny společně na statoru. FS-PMSM jsou poměrně novĂ© typy stƙídavĂ©ho stroje stator-permanentnĂ­ magnet, kterĂ© pƙedstavujĂ­ vĂœznamnĂ© pƙednosti na rozdĂ­l od konvenčnĂ­ch rotorĆŻ - velkĂœ kroutĂ­cĂ­ moment, vysokĂœ točivĂœ moment, v podstatě sinusovĂ© zpětnĂ© EMF kƙivky, zĂĄroveƈ kompaktnĂ­ a robustnĂ­ konstrukce dĂ­ky umĂ­stěnĂ­ magnetĆŻ a vinutĂ­ kotvy na statoru. SrovnĂĄnĂ­ vĂœsledkĆŻ mezi FS-PMSM a klasickĂœmi motory na povrchu upevněnĂœmi PM (SPM) se stejnĂœmi parametry ukazuje, ĆŸe FS-PMSM vykazuje větĆĄĂ­ vzduchovĂ© mezery hustoty toku, vyĆĄĆĄĂ­ točivĂœ moment na ztrĂĄty v mědi, ale takĂ© vyĆĄĆĄĂ­ pulzaci dĂ­ky reluktančnĂ­mu momentu. Pro stroje buzenĂ© permanentnĂ­mi magnety se jednĂĄ o tradičnĂ­ rozpor mezi poĆŸadavkem na vysokĂœ kroutĂ­cĂ­ moment pod zĂĄkladnĂ­ rychlostĂ­ (oblast konstantnĂ­ho momentu) a provozem nad zĂĄkladnĂ­ rychlostĂ­ (oblast konstantnĂ­ho vĂœkonu), zejmĂ©na pro aplikace v hybridnĂ­ch vozidlech. Je pƙedloĆŸena novĂĄ topologie synchronnĂ­ho stroje s permanentnĂ­mi magnety a spĂ­nanĂœm tokem odolnĂ©ho proti poruchĂĄm, kterĂĄ je schopnĂĄ provozu během vinutĂ­ naprĂĄzdno a zkratovanĂ©ho vinutĂ­ i poruchĂĄch měniče. SchĂ©ma je zaloĆŸeno na dvojitě vinutĂ©m motoru napĂĄjenĂ©m ze dvou oddělenĂœch vektorově ƙízenĂœch napěƄovĂœch zdrojĆŻ. VinutĂ­ jsou uspoƙádĂĄna takovĂœm zpĆŻsobem, aby tvoƙila dvě nezĂĄvislĂ© a oddělenĂ© sady. Simulace a experimentĂĄlnĂ­ vĂœzkum zpƙesnĂ­ vĂœkon během obou scĂ©náƙƯ jak za normĂĄlnĂ­ho provozu, tak za poruch včetně zkratovĂœch zĂĄvad a ukĂĄĆŸĂ­ robustnost pohonu za těchto podmĂ­nek. Tato prĂĄce byla publikovĂĄna v deseti konferenčnĂ­ch pƙíspěvcĂ­ch, dvou časopisech a kniĆŸnĂ­ kapitole, kde byly pƙedstaveny jak topologie pohonu a aplikovanĂĄ ƙídĂ­cĂ­ schĂ©mata, tak analĂœzy jeho schopnosti odolĂĄvat poruchĂĄm.It has become clear that the most successful design approach involves a multiple phase drive in which each phase may be regarded as a single-module. The operation of any one module must have minimal impact upon the others, so that in the event of that module failing the others can continue to operate unaffected. The modular approach requires that there should be minimal electrical, magnetic and thermal interaction between phases of the drive. Flux-Switching permanent magnet synchronous machines (FS-PMSM) have recently emerged as an attractive machine type virtue of their high torque densities, simple and robust rotor structure and the fact that permanent magnets and coils are both located on the stator. Flux-switching permanent magnet (FS-PMSM) synchronous machines are a relatively new topology of stator PM brushless machine. They exhibit attractive merits including the large torque capability and high torque (power) density, essentially sinusoidal back-EMF waveforms, as well as having a compact and robust structure due to both the location of magnets and armature windings in the stator instead of the rotor as those in the conventional rotor-PM machines. The comparative results between a FS-PMSM and a traditional surface-mounted PM (SPM) motor having the same specifications reveal that FS-PMSM exhibits larger air-gap flux density, higher torque per copper loss, but also a higher torque ripple due to cogging -torque. However, for solely permanent magnets excited machines, it is a traditional contradiction between the requests of high torque capability under the base-speed (constant torque region) and wide speed operation above the base speed (constant power region) especially for hybrid vehicle applications. A novel fault-tolerant FS-PMSM drive topology is presented, which is able to operate during open- and short-circuit winding and converter faults. The scheme is based on a dual winding motor supplied from two separate vector-controlled voltage-sourced inverter drives. The windings are arranged in a way so as to form two independent and isolated sets. Simulation and experimental work will detail the driver’s performance during both healthy- and faulty- scenarios including short-circuit faults and will show the drive robustness to operate in these conditions. The work has been published in ten conference papers, two journal papers and a book chapter, presenting both the topology of the drive and the applied control schemes, as well as analysing the fault-tolerant capabilities of the drive.

    Saliency Ratio and Power Factor of IPM Motors Optimally Designed for High Efficiency and Low Cost Objectives

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    This paper uses formal mathematical optimization techniques based on parametric finite-element-based computationally efficient models and differential evolution algorithms. For constant-power applications, in the novel approach described, three concurrent objective functions are minimized: material cost, losses, in order to ensure high efficiency, and the difference between the rated and the characteristic current, aiming to achieve very high constant-power flux-weakening range. Only the first two objectives are considered for constant-torque applications. Two types of interior permanent magnet rotors in a single- and double-layer V-shaped configuration are considered, respectively. The stator has the typical two slots per pole and phase distributed winding configuration. The results for the constant-torque design show that, in line with expectations, high efficiency and high power factor machines are more costly, and that the low-cost machines have poorer efficiency and power factor and most importantly, and despite a common misconception, the saliency ratio may also be lower in this case. For constant-power designs, the saliency ratio can be beneficial. Nevertheless, despite a common misconception, when cost is considered alongside performance as an objective, a higher saliency ratio does not necessarily improve the power factors of motors suitable for ideal infinite flux weakening

    Towards Fully Additively-Manufactured Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines: Opportunities and Challenges

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    With the growing interest in electrification and as hybrid and pure electric powertrains are adopted in more applications, electrical machine design is facing challenges in terms of meeting very demanding performance metrics for example high specific power, harsh environments, etc. This provides clear motivation to explore the impact of advanced materials and manufacturing on the performance of electrical machines. This paper provides an overview of additive manufacturing (AM) approaches that can be used for constructing permanent magnet (PM) machines, with a specific focus on additively-manufactured iron core, winding, insulation, PM as well as cooling systems. Since there has only been a few attempts so far to explore AM in electrical machines (especially when it comes to fully additively-manufactured machines), the benefits and challenges of AM have not been comprehensively understood. In this regard, this paper offers a detailed comparison of multiple multi-material AM methods, showing not only the possibility of fully additively-manufactured PM machines but also the potential significant improvements in their mechanical, electromagnetic and thermal properties. The paper will provide a comprehensive discussion of opportunities and challenges of AM in the context of electrical machines

    Computationally Efficient Strand Eddy Current Loss Calculation in Electric Machines

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    A fast finite element (FE) based method for the calculation of eddy current losses in the stator windings of randomly wound electric machines is presented in this paper. The method is particularly suitable for implementation in large-scale design optimization algorithms where a qualitative characterization of such losses at higher speeds is most beneficial for identification of the design solutions that exhibit the lowest overall losses including the ac losses in the stator windings. Unlike the common practice of assuming a constant slot fill factor s f for all the design variations, the maximum s f in the developed method is determined based on the individual slot structure/dimensions and strand wire specifications. Furthermore, in lieu of detailed modeling of the conductor strands in the initial FE model, which significantly adds to the complexity of the problem, an alternative rectangular coil modeling subject to a subsequent flux mapping technique for determination of the impinging flux on each individual strand is pursued. Rather than pursuing the precise estimation of ac conductor losses, the research focus of this paper is placed on the development of a computationally efficient technique for the derivation of strand eddy current losses applicable in design optimization, especially where both the electromagnetic and thermal machine behavior are accounted for. A fractional-slot concentrated winding permanent magnet synchronous machine is used for the purpose of this study due to the higher slot leakage flux and slot opening fringing flux of such machines, which are the major contributors to strand eddy current losses in the windings. The analysis is supplemented with an investigation on the influence of the electrical loading on ac winding loss effects for this machine design, a subject that has received less attention in the literature. Experimental ac loss measurements on a 12-slot 10-pole stator assembly will be discussed to verify the existing trends in the simulation result
