27 research outputs found

    Scheduling Heterogeneous HPC Applications in Next-Generation Exascale Systems

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    Next generation HPC applications will increasingly time-share system resources with emerging workloads such as in-situ analytics, resilience tasks, runtime adaptation services and power management activities. HPC systems must carefully schedule these co-located codes in order to reduce their impact on application performance. Among the techniques traditionally used to mitigate the performance effects of time- share systems is gang scheduling. This approach, however, leverages global synchronization and time agreement mechanisms that will become hard to support as systems increase in size. Alternative performance interference mitigation approaches must be explored for future HPC systems. This dissertation evaluates the impacts of workload concurrency in future HPC systems. It uses simulation and modeling techniques to study the performance impacts of existing and emerging interference sources on a selection of HPC benchmarks, mini-applications, and applications. It also quantifies the cost and benefits of different approaches to scheduling co-located workloads, studies performance interference mitigation solutions based on gang scheduling, and examines their synchronization requirements. To do so, this dissertation presents and leverages a new Extreme Value Theory- based model to characterize interference sources, and investigate their impact on Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) applications. It demonstrates how this model can be used to analyze the interference attenuation effects of alternative fine-grained OS scheduling approaches based on periodic real time schedulers. This analysis can, in turn, guide the design of those mitigation techniques by providing tools to understand the tradeoffs of selecting scheduling parameters

    Towards instantaneous performance analysis using coarse-grain sampled and instrumented data

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    Nowadays, supercomputers deliver an enormous amount of computation power; however, it is well-known that applications only reach a fraction of it. One limiting factor is the single processor performance because it ultimately dictates the overall achieved performance. Performance analysis tools help locating performance inefficiencies and their nature to ultimately improve the application performance. Performance tools rely on two collection techniques to invoke their performance monitors: instrumentation and sampling. Instrumentation refers to inject performance monitors into concrete application locations whereas sampling invokes the installed monitors to external events. Each technique has its advantages. The measurements obtained through instrumentation are directly associated to the application structure while sampling allows a simple way to determine the volume of measurements captured. However, the granularity of the measurements that provides valuable insight cannot be determined a priori. Should analysts study the performance of an application for the first time, they may consider using a performance tool and instrument every routine or use high-frequency sampling rates to provide the most detailed results. These approaches frequently lead to large overheads that impact the application performance and thus alter the measurements gathered and, therefore, mislead the analyst. This thesis introduces the folding mechanism that takes advantage of the repetitiveness found in many applications. The mechanism smartly combines metrics captured through coarse-grain sampling and instrumentation mechanisms to provide instantaneous metric reports within instrumented regions and without perturbing the application execution. To produce these reports, the folding processes metrics from different type of sources: performance and energy counters, source code and memory references. The process depends on their nature. While performance and energy counters represent continuous metrics, the source code and memory references refer to discrete values that point out locations within the application code or address space. This thesis evaluates and validates two fitting algorithms used in different areas to report continuous metrics: a Gaussian interpolation process known as Kriging and piece-wise linear regressions. The folding also takes benefit of analytical performance models to focus on a small set of performance metrics instead of exploring a myriad of performance counters. The folding also correlates the metrics with the source-code using two alternatives: using the outcome of the piece-wise linear regressions and a mechanism inspired by Multi-Sequence Alignment techniques. Finally, this thesis explores the applicability of the folding mechanism to captured memory references to detail which and how data objects are accessed. This thesis proposes an analysis methodology for parallel applications that focus on describing the most time-consuming computing regions. It is implemented on top of a framework that relies on a previously existing clustering tool and the folding mechanism. To show the usefulness of the methodology and the framework, this thesis includes the discussion of multiple first-time seen in-production applications. The discussions include high level of detail regarding the application performance bottlenecks and their responsible code. Despite many analyzed applications have been compiled using aggressive compiler optimization flags, the insight obtained from the folding mechanism has turned into small code transformations based on widely-known optimization techniques that have improved the performance in some cases. Additionally, this work also depicts power monitoring capabilities of recent processors and discusses the simultaneous performance and energy behavior on a selection of benchmarks and in-production applications.Actualment, els supercomputadors ofereixen una àmplia potència de càlcul però les aplicacions només en fan servir una petita fracció. Un dels factors limitants és el rendiment d'un processador, el qual dicta el rendiment en general. Les eines d'anàlisi de rendiment ajuden a localitzar els colls d'ampolla i la seva natura per a, eventualment, millorar el rendiment de l'aplicació. Les eines d'anàlisi de rendiment empren dues tècniques de recol·lecció de dades: instrumentació i mostreig. La instrumentació es refereix a la capacitat d'injectar monitors en llocs específics del codi mentre que el mostreig invoca els monitors quan ocórren esdeveniments externs. Cadascuna d'aquestes tècniques té les seves avantatges. Les mesures obtingudes per instrumentació s'associen directament a l'estructura de l'aplicació mentre que les obtingudes per mostreig permeten una forma senzilla de determinar-ne el volum capturat. Sigui com sigui, la granularitat de les mesures no es pot determinar a priori. Conseqüentment, si un analista vol estudiar el rendiment d'una aplicació sense saber-ne res, hauria de considerar emprar una eina d'anàlisi i instrumentar cadascuna de les rutines o bé emprar freqüències de mostreig altes per a proveir resultats detallats. En qualsevol cas, aquestes alternatives impacten en el rendiment de l'aplicació i per tant alterar les mètriques capturades, i conseqüentment, confondre a l'analista. Aquesta tesi introdueix el mecanisme anomenat folding, el qual aprofita la repetitibilitat existent en moltes aplicacions. El mecanisme combina intel·ligentment mètriques obtingudes mitjançant mostreig de gra gruixut i instrumentació per a proveir informes de mètriques instantànies dins de regions instrumentades sense pertorbar-ne l'execució. Per a produir aquests informes, el mecanisme processa les mètriques de diferents fonts: comptadors de rendiment i energia, codi font i referències de memoria. El procés depen de la natura de les dades. Mentre que les mètriques de rendiment i energia són valors continus, el codi font i les referències de memòria representen valors discrets que apunten ubicacions dins el codi font o l'espai d'adreces. Aquesta tesi evalua i valida dos algorismes d'ajust: un procés d'interpolació anomenat Kriging i una interpolació basada en regressions lineals segmentades. El mecanisme de folding també s'aprofita de models analítics de rendiment basats en comptadors hardware per a proveir un conjunt reduït de mètriques enlloc d'haver d'explorar una multitud de comptadors. El mecanisme també correlaciona les mètriques amb el codi font emprant dues alternatives: per un costat s'aprofita dels resultats obtinguts per les regressions lineals segmentades i per l'altre defineix un mecanisme basat en tècniques d'alineament de multiples seqüències. Aquesta tesi també explora l'aplicabilitat del mecanisme per a referències de memoria per a informar quines i com s'accessedeixen les dades de l'aplicació. Aquesta tesi proposa una metodología d'anàlisi per a aplicacions paral·leles centrant-se en descriure les regions de càlcul que consumeixen més temps. La metodología s'implementa en un entorn de treball que usa un mecanisme de clustering preexistent i el mecanisme de folding. Per a demostrar-ne la seva utilitat, aquesta tesi inclou la discussió de múltiples aplicacions analitzades per primera vegada. Les discussions inclouen un alt nivel de detall en referencia als colls d'ampolla de les aplicacions i de la seva natura. Tot i que moltes d'aquestes aplicacions s'han compilat amb opcions d'optimització agressives, la informació obtinguda per l'entorn de treball es tradueix en petites modificacions basades en tècniques d'optimització que permeten millorar-ne el rendiment en alguns casos. Addicionalment, aquesta tesi també reporta informació sobre el consum energètic reportat per processadors recents i discuteix el comportament simultani d'energia i rendiment en una selecció d'aplicacions sintètiques i aplicacions en producció

    Metal Nanowire Networks as Transparent Electrode for Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells

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    This work focuses on the development of metal nanowire networks for the use as transparent electrodes in small-molecule organic solar cells. Broad adoption of organic solar cells requires inexpensive roll-to-roll processing on flexible, lightweight substrates. Under these conditions, traditional metal oxide electrodes suffer from significant drawbacks such as brittleness and cost. In contrast, metal nanowire networks provide properties more suitable for high-throughput processing and thus, are investigated here as an alternative. They combine the high-conductivity of metals with the advantage of optical transparency found in aperture-structured networks. The process chain from nanowire deposition to cell integration is examined with silver and copper nanowire material. Two techniques are presented for deposition. While dip-coating is investigated in detail, including a discussion of the most important parameters, spray-coating is demonstrated as an alternative for large area applications. Since the nanowires are barely conductive after deposition, post-treatment steps are used to achieve a performance comparable to standard metal oxide films such as tin-doped indium oxide (ITO). The inherent roughness of nanowire electrodes is addressed by using a conductive polymer as a planarization layer. On top of optimized electrodes, small-molecule organic solar cells are deposited with a UHV thermal evaporation process. Completed cells are tested and performance is found to be comparable to the used standard transparent electrodes. Additionally, a new approach to achieve aligned nanowire network structures is demonstrated. The additional degree of order is used to illustrate optical effects of silver nanowire networks. Furthermore, these aligned networks exhibit anisotropic conductivity. This effect is discussed and simulations are performed to reproduce the observations. The freedom of network design is used to achieve superior conductivity compared to standard random structures.Im Fokus dieser Arbeit steht die Entwicklung von Metall-Nanodraht-Netzwerken für die Anwendung in transparenten Elektroden für organische Solarzellen. Eine breite Verwendung von organischen Solarzellen setzt eine kostengünstige Rolle-zu-Rolle Fertigung auf flexiblen und leichten Substraten voraus. Unter diesen Bedingungen leiden traditionell verwendete Metalloxid-Elektroden unter erheblichen Nachteilen, wie Brüchigkeit und Preis. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Metall-Nanodraht-Netzwerke deutlich bessere Eigenschaften und werden deshalb hier als alternative Elektroden untersucht. Die Netzwerke kombinieren die hohe Leitfähigkeit von Metallen mit einer hohen Transmittivität in Folge der netzwerkbedingten Apertur. Die Prozesskette von der Nanodraht-Abscheidung bis zur Zellintegration wird für Silber- und Kupferdrähte untersucht. Zwei Techniken für die Abscheidung werden präsentiert. Ein Tauchverfahren wird detailliert untersucht und die zugehörigen Parameter werden diskutiert. Für große Flächen wird eine Sprühbeschichtung als Alternative aufgezeigt. Da die abgeschiedenen Netzwerke eine schlechte Leitfähigkeit besitzen, sind Nachprozessierungsschritte notwendig um gute Leitfähigkeiten im Bereich von üblichen Elektroden wie Indium-Zinn-Oxid (ITO) zu erreichen. Die Rauheit der Nanodraht-Elektrode wird mit Hilfe einer glättenden Polymerschicht behoben. Auf den optimierten Elektroden werden organische Solarzellen aus kleinen Molekülen in einem thermischen UHV-Prozess abgeschieden. Die Zellen werden getestet und zeigen Eigenschaften vergleichbar zu üblichen transparenten Elektroden. Zusätzlich wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Herstellung von ausgerichteten Netzwerkstrukturen demonstriert. Der zusätzliche Grad an Ordnung wird für die Untersuchung von optischen Effekten an Silberdraht-Netzwerken genutzt. Weiterhin zeigen diese ausgerichteten Netzwerke eine anisotrope Leitfähigkeit. Dieser Effekt wird diskutiert und Simulationen werden durchgeführt, um die Beobachtungen zu verifizieren. Die Freiheit in der Netzwerkstruktur wird für eine Verbesserung der Leitfähigkeit genutzt

    Data bases and data base systems related to NASA's Aerospace Program: A bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 641 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system during the period January 1, 1981 through June 30, 1982. The directory was compiled to assist in the location of numerical and factual data bases and data base handling and management systems

    Energy: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 1546 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system from April 1, 1981 through June 30, 1981

    Index to 1986 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 11, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1986 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program FY 2008 Annual Report

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    Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1993

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    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1993. All the publications were announced in the 1993 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses

    Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1989

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    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1989. All the publications were announced in the 1989 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses