61 research outputs found

    Advanced Strategies for Robot Manipulators

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    Amongst the robotic systems, robot manipulators have proven themselves to be of increasing importance and are widely adopted to substitute for human in repetitive and/or hazardous tasks. Modern manipulators are designed complicatedly and need to do more precise, crucial and critical tasks. So, the simple traditional control methods cannot be efficient, and advanced control strategies with considering special constraints are needed to establish. In spite of the fact that groundbreaking researches have been carried out in this realm until now, there are still many novel aspects which have to be explored


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    This paper reports the application of the screw theory as a tool for the determination of the singular configurations of a reconfigurable parallel robot composed of two parallel sub-manipulators. The Jacobian matrices of the robot, key elements for the identification of singularities, are easily determined when the input-output equation of velocity of the robot is obtained by the application of some screw theory basic operations. Through this application, the inverse, direct and combined singularities are clearly identified, and their graphical representations can be obtained almost intuitively.Este trabajo reporta la aplicación de teoría de tornillos como una herramienta para la determinación de las configuraciones singulares de un robot paralelo reconfigurable conformado por dos sub-manipuladores paralelos. Las matrices Jacobiana del robot, piezas fundamentales para la identificación de las singularidades, se determinan fácilmente cuando la ecuación de entrada y salida de velocidad del robot es obtenida a través de la aplicación de algunas operaciones básicas de teoría de tornillos. Mediante esta aplicación, las singularidades directas, inversas y combinadas son claramente identificadas, y su representación gráfica puede ser obtenida casi intuitivamente

    Modeling of Gough Stewart Robot Manipulator Inverse Kinematics by Using MSC ADAMS Software

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    كووف ستيوورت هو روبوت متوازي له ست درجات حرية، وله ست معادلات كينماتك مع ست متغيرات. في هذا البحث تم نمذجة معادلاته باستخدام البرنامج ((MSC ADAMSبالاعتماد على المعادلات الكينيماتكية له. في هذا البحث تم بناء نموذج للستيوورت وتم تحركيه بالاعتماد على معادلات الحركة العكسية له. وبعد ذلك يتم مقارنة النتائج المحصلة من البرنامج مع النتائج النظرية والتي تم احتسابها.The Gough Stewart Robotic manipulator is a parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom, which has six equations of inverse and forward with six variables. This paper model of the Gough Stewart has been built into the MSC ADAMS software and its motion based on the inverse equations of the Stewart. Then compare the obtained results from the software with the results, which obtained from theoretical model

    Reconfigurable kinematics of General Stewart Platform and simulation interface.

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