437,523 research outputs found

    Statement at UNHCR’s 2003 Executive Committee

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    On September 29, 2003, at the 54th session of UNHCR’s Executive Committee, High Commissioner Ruud Lubbers convened a panel discussion entitled “Implemention of UNHCR 2004.” The process dubbed “UNHCR 2004” followed closely on the heels of UNHCR’s Global Consultations on International Protection and was intended to focus more closely on UNHCR’s position within the United Nations system and its relationship with states and non-governmental partners. One of the participants in this panel discussion was the Honourable Omar Ramadhan Mapuri, Minister for Home Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania. Tanzania hosts more refugees than any other African country. More than half a million refugees, mostly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo, live in UNHCR camps in the west of the country. Minister Mapuri’s statement, reproduced below with his permission, reflects many of the frustrations of refugee-hosting countries in the developing world.Le 29 septembre 2003, Ă  la 54e session du ComitĂ© ExĂ©cutif du UNHCR, le Haut Commissaire Ruud Lubbers convoqua une table ronde du nom de « Implementation of UNHCR 2004 » (‘Mise en oeuvre de UNHCR 2004’). L’initiative appelĂ©e « UNHCR 2004 » suivit de prĂšs une autre initiative du UNHCR « Global Consultations on International Protection » (‘Consultations globales sur la protection internationale’), et avait pour objectif d’examiner de plus prĂšs la place qu’occupe le UNHCR dans le systĂšme des Nations Unies et sa relation avec les Ă©tats et ses partenaires non gouvernementaux. Un des participants Ă  cette table ronde fut l’honorable Omar Ramadhan Mapuri, le Ministre des Affaires intĂ©rieures de la RĂ©publique Unie de Tanzanie. Il faut savoir que la Tanzanie abrite plus de rĂ©fugiĂ©s que n’importe quel autre pays africain. Plus d’un demi million de rĂ©fugiĂ©s – principalement du Burundi et de la RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo – habitent dans les camps du UNHCR situĂ©s dans l’ouest du pays. Les propos du ministre Mapuri, que nous reproduisons ici avec sa permission, reflĂštent beaucoup de frustrations que connaissent les pays du tiers monde abritant des rĂ©fugiĂ©s

    Q methodology and a Delphi poll: a useful approach to researching a narrative approach to therapy

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    Q methodology and a Delphi poll combined qualitative and quantitative methods to explore definitions of White and Epston's (1990) narrative approach to therapy among a group of UK practitioners. A Delphi poll was used to generate statements about narrative therapy. The piloting of statements by the Delphi panel identified agreement about theoretical ideas underpinning narrative therapy and certain key practices. A wider group of practitioners ranked the statements in a Q sort and made qualitative comments about their sorting. Quantitative methods (principal components analysis) were used to extract eight accounts of narrative therapy, five of which are qualitatively analysed in this paper. Agreement and differences were identified across a range of issues, including the social construction of narratives, privileging a political stance or narrative techniques and the relationship with other therapies, specifically systemic psychotherapy. Q methodology, combined with the Delphi poll, was a unique and innovative feature of this study

    Ethical Issues in Fetal Tissue Transplants

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    Report of the National Law Student Conference on Legal Education: Availability of Legal Education and Placement of Law Graduates

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    I Saab Aerostructures tillverkning av flygplansdelar, anvÀnds icke strukturbundet material, det vill sÀga material som inte har en angiven kvantifierad förbrukning per tillverkad enhet eller material vars angivna kvantifierade förbrukning per tillverkad enhet inte stÀmmer överens med verklig förbrukning. Personal pÄ inköpsavdelningen vet i vissa fall inte var ett specifikt icke strukturbundet material förbrukas, alltsÄ vilka tillverkningsavdelningar eller flygplansdelar som förbrukar materialet. LikasÄ saknas övergripande och gemensamma rutiner för hur material som klassas som icke strukturbundet material planeras och lagerstyrs. För att identifiera problemomrÄden i materialförsörjningen genomfördes en flödeskartlÀggning för att identifiera vilka olika typer av icke strukturbundet material som anvÀnds i Saab Aerostructures produktion samt hur dessa lagerstyrs mellan lager och buffertlager i produktion. Under flödeskartlÀggningen definierades sex olika materialgrupper tillhörande icke strukturbundet material. För att lagerstyra de identifierade materialgrupperna av icke strukturbundet material anvÀnds idag Ätta stycken lagerstyrningsmetoder. Saab Aerostructures har anlitat tredjepartslogistiker för att sköta merparten av dagens lagerstyrning. Lagerstyrningsmetoderna skiljer sig Ät beroende pÄ tredjepartslogistiker och materialgrupp av icke strukturbundet material. Resultatet frÄn genomförd kartlÀggning och analys pÄvisar att det finns förbÀttringspotential i flera utav dessa lagerstyrningsmetoder, samt att det Àr möjligt att reducera antalet lagerstyrningsmetoder genom att anvÀnda samma lagerstyrningsmetod för snarlika materialgrupper av icke strukturbundet material. Genomförd analys pÄvisar Àven behovet av ett förbÀttrat informationsflöde mellan beredning, inköp och produktion, nÀr det gÀller hanteringen av icke strukturbundet material. Konkreta ÄtgÀrder i form av rekommendationer, för att förbÀttra lagerstyrningen av icke strukturbundet material, presenteras i slutet av denna rapport.

    Consensus Development at NIH: What Went Wrong

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    A close observer identifies the Science Court concept as inspiring consensus development conferences at the National Institutes of Health and describes the extent to which they have followed the model. Professor Jacoby also argues that, if the model were more closely followed, conference objectives would be better realized

    Citizens’ Consultations on Europe: French Citizens’ Panel October 25 to 27, 2018, Paris Review report

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    The following document analyses the French Citizens’ Panel, held in the context of Citizens’ Consultations on Europe. The report first presents the project, by stressing the method used to select the participants, then it takes into account the feedback of the participants as part of the evaluation and finally it gives some guidelines to think about the lessons to be learnt from this first French Citizens’ Panel

    The Revival of Skidmore v. Swift: Judicial Deference to Agency Interpretations After EEOC v. Aramco

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    Embracing the political in technology and transition studies: a response to Philip Vergragt and Bram Bos

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    This article is a short reaction to the comments of Vergragt (Found Sci, 2012) and Bos (Found Sci, 2012) on my article “Sustainability transition and the nature of technology” (Paredis in Found Sci 16(2–3):195–225, Paredis 2011). I start by situating current transition research in the sustainability debate. The relation between the two is simultaneously specific and vague: specific about processes at work during transitions, vague about the content and direction of the change. I then move on to a discussion of how a better conceptualisation of technology could strengthen the transition framework. I want to thank the two reviewers for their critical remarks, that stimulated me to better explain my position
