894 research outputs found

    Investing in real astate projects in the company PV Invest d.o.o.

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    The purpose of the graduation thesis is to analyze investments in real estate projects in the company PV Invest d.o.o.. Two projects were chosen for the analysis: construction of a block of flats in the Municipality of Mozirje and construction of houses in the Municipality of Velenje. For this purpose, the residential real estate market analysis for the areas mentioned was conducted. Based on a comparison of already sold real estate properties in question, their average selling price for 2013 was calculated. Our analysis results were compared to the results of the analyses of the residential real estate advertising prices in the Savinja region and in Velenje as well as to the expected price of real estate projects in question. This price was calculated on the basis of costs needed for the project implementation. According to the results, the expected prices for the projects are relatively high in comparison to the estimated market values and average selling price of residential real estate in the region in question respectively. Investors and sellers respectively should keep up to date with happening in the real estate market, and, accordingly, make decisions on investing in construction and selling residential real estate respectively

    Nastanek in razvoj kmečke gozdne posesti v Sloveniji

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    Globally Learnable Point Set Registration Between 3D CT and Multi-view 2D X-ray Images of Hip Phantom

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    2D-3D registration is a crucial step in Image-Guided Intervention, such as spine surgery, total hip re-placement, and kinematic analysis. To find the information in common between pre-operative 3D CT images and intra-operative X-ray 2D images is vital to plan and navigate. In a nutshell, the goal is to find the movement and rotation of the 3D body's volume to make them reorient with the patient body in the 2D image space. Due to the loss of dimensionality and different sources of images, efficient and fast registration is challenging. To this end, we propose a novel approach to incorporate a point set Neural Network to combine the information from different views, which enjoys the robustness of the traditional method and the geometrical information extraction ability. The pre-trained Deep BlindPnP captures the global information and local connectivity, and each implementation of view-independent Deep BlindPnP in different view pairs will select top-priority pairs candidates. The transformation of different viewpoints into the same coordinate will accumulate the correspondence. Finally, a POSEST-based module will output the final 6 DoF pose. Extensive experiments on a real-world clinical dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed framework compared to the single view. The accuracy and computation speed are improved by incorporating the point set neural network

    Habsburške deželnoknežje posesti v notranjosti Istre v luči obračunov iz leta 1439

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    Leta 1435 je potekla zastava zemljiških gospostev, ki sta jih avstrijska vojvoda Leopold in Ernest februarja in marca 1407 prepustila Reinprechtu II. Walseejskemu kot odškodnino za dolg v višini 32.000 dukatov, med njimi tudi precejšen del centralne Istre obsegajoča Pazinska grofija, ki so jo Habsburžani prejeli leta 1374 z dedovanjem po istrski veji goriških grofov. Prav iz začetka tega obdobja, iz leta 1439 se je ohranila knjiga letnih obračunov habsburških zemljiških gospostev, katere obračuni za gospostva Pazin, Vranja in Završje predstavljajo najstarejši administrativni vir za to ozemlje in nudijo vpogled v upravo in poslovanje z zemljiško posestjo. Gospodarski potencial habsburške komorne posesti v Pazinski grofiji, kot jo dokumentirajo obračuni s konca tridesetih let 15. stoletja, je temeljil predvsem na kmetijski proizvodnji. Med prihodki gospostva so imeli največji pomen vino, žito (predvsem pšenica, rž in oves), drobnica in sir. Celotni letni prihodki habsburške komorne posesti v Istri v letih 1437-1438, so znašali 620 mark 38 soldov, od tega je odpadlo na pazinsko gospostvo 451 m 154 ß, na završko 123 m 96 ß in na vranjsko 46 m 108 ß. Temu nasproti obračuni postavljajo letne izdatke – ki se nanašajo predvsem na plače uradnikov in gradbeno-vzdrževalna dela – v skupni višini 215 m 6 ß; od tega v pazinskem gospostvu 130 m 111 ß, v Vranji 32 m 153 ß in v Završju 51 m 62 ß. Bilanca obravnavanih obračunov kaže okvirni letni dohodek okoli 400 mark beneških soldov, ki so ga Habsburžanom prinašala istrska komorna gospostva, kar – za primerjavo – ustreza približno 10% deležu celotnega habsburškega komornega dohodka na Kranjskem in v Istri

    Raziskava o sprejemljivosti komasacije za urbano prenovo v Hongkongu

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    Ker se Hongkong spopada z vse hujšim propadanjem, si mestne oblasti zelo prizadevajo za obnovo. Vendar se sanacija zaradi zamudnega in zahtevnega pridobivanja zemljišč pogosto zavleče. Obvezni odkupi pridobivanje zemljišč sicer pospešijo, vendar tej tehniki marsikdo očita, da ustvarja družbene napetosti med predstavniki za prenovo in prizadetimi lastniki posesti. Nekaj pravic prizadetim lastnikom zagotavlja zakon o zaščiti zasebne lastnine, vendar se nekateri odločijo še za dodatne ukrepe, da si zagotovijo udeležbo pri dobičku, ustvarjenim s prenovo. Prisilna selitev zaradi prenove lahko resno ogrozi socialne mreže. Zaradi teh težav so strokovnjaki predlagali »komasacijo« (ang. land readjustment). Ta tehnika zagotovi partnerski odnos med interesnimi skupinami, udeleženimi pri projektu prenove. V tujini uporabljajo komasacijo v različne namene, vendar je njena uporabnost za prenovo zgradb v Hongkongu vprašljiva. Ta prispevek se ukvarja s sprejemljivostjo komasacije v Hongkongu. Sestavili smo vprašalnik, ki ga je izpolnilo 356 prebivalcev mesta Kowloon City. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave smo oblikovali predloge in praktične rešitve. Izsledki o trajnostni prenovi mest ponujajo dragocena spoznanja za javne upravljavce in mestne upravitelje

    The state of a working site after felling and skidding in private and state forests

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    T-LESS: An RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of Texture-less Objects

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    We introduce T-LESS, a new public dataset for estimating the 6D pose, i.e. translation and rotation, of texture-less rigid objects. The dataset features thirty industry-relevant objects with no significant texture and no discriminative color or reflectance properties. The objects exhibit symmetries and mutual similarities in shape and/or size. Compared to other datasets, a unique property is that some of the objects are parts of others. The dataset includes training and test images that were captured with three synchronized sensors, specifically a structured-light and a time-of-flight RGB-D sensor and a high-resolution RGB camera. There are approximately 39K training and 10K test images from each sensor. Additionally, two types of 3D models are provided for each object, i.e. a manually created CAD model and a semi-automatically reconstructed one. Training images depict individual objects against a black background. Test images originate from twenty test scenes having varying complexity, which increases from simple scenes with several isolated objects to very challenging ones with multiple instances of several objects and with a high amount of clutter and occlusion. The images were captured from a systematically sampled view sphere around the object/scene, and are annotated with accurate ground truth 6D poses of all modeled objects. Initial evaluation results indicate that the state of the art in 6D object pose estimation has ample room for improvement, especially in difficult cases with significant occlusion. The T-LESS dataset is available online at cmp.felk.cvut.cz/t-less.Comment: WACV 201

    The analysis of judicial cases for real property evidencing in the area of sma branch office of Litija

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    The recording of real properties into cadastral databases (land cadastre, building cadastre) is possible through a final, administrational written order or through a final court decree whit cadastral documentation. This paper in short describes the procedure of clarification of land parcel boundaries in an administrational procedure and in a judicial non-litigation procedure. In a judicial boundary clarification procedure, apart from the court itself, a court surveying expert is also of great importance, therefore a special attention was given to his/her particular function. For the Surveying and Mapping Authority's branch office of Litija, which was choosen for study area, we have analysed the frequency of land plot boundaries records in the land cadastre, where boundaries were set based on a court decree. For this purpose we have gathered data on the records of land plot boundaries determined by the court decrees for each cadastral municipality in the study area, using the information system of the Surveying and Mapping Authority. Duration of the procedures and the content of decisions have been analysed for the chosen cases of judicial boundary clarifications, with an emphasis on surveying court expert assessments and the content of court decrees. The purpose of this thesis is to expose critical procedures and problems of the existing legal arrangements for a judicial clarification of land plot boundaries