177 research outputs found

    Contact aware robust semi-autonomous teleoperation of mobile manipulators

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    In the context of human-robot collaboration, cooperation and teaming, the use of mobile manipulators is widespread on applications involving unpredictable or hazardous environments for humans operators, like space operations, waste management and search and rescue on disaster scenarios. Applications where the manipulator's motion is controlled remotely by specialized operators. Teleoperation of manipulators is not a straightforward task, and in many practical cases represent a common source of failures. Common issues during the remote control of manipulators are: increasing control complexity with respect the mechanical degrees of freedom; inadequate or incomplete feedback to the user (i.e. limited visualization or knowledge of the environment); predefined motion directives may be incompatible with constraints or obstacles imposed by the environment. In the latter case, part of the manipulator may get trapped or blocked by some obstacle in the environment, failure that cannot be easily detected, isolated nor counteracted remotely. While control complexity can be reduced by the introduction of motion directives or by abstraction of the robot motion, the real-time constraint of the teleoperation task requires the transfer of the least possible amount of data over the system's network, thus limiting the number of physical sensors that can be used to model the environment. Therefore, it is of fundamental to define alternative perceptive strategies to accurately characterize different interaction with the environment without relying on specific sensory technologies. In this work, we present a novel approach for safe teleoperation, that takes advantage of model based proprioceptive measurement of the robot dynamics to robustly identify unexpected collisions or contact events with the environment. Each identified collision is translated on-the-fly into a set of local motion constraints, allowing the exploitation of the system redundancies for the computation of intelligent control laws for automatic reaction, without requiring human intervention and minimizing the disturbance of the task execution (or, equivalently, the operator efforts). More precisely, the described system consist in two different building blocks. The first, for detecting unexpected interactions with the environment (perceptive block). The second, for intelligent and autonomous reaction after the stimulus (control block). The perceptive block is responsible of the contact event identification. In short, the approach is based on the claim that a sensorless collision detection method for robot manipulators can be extended to the field of mobile manipulators, by embedding it within a statistical learning framework. The control deals with the intelligent and autonomous reaction after the contact or impact with the environment occurs, and consist on an motion abstraction controller with a prioritized set of constrains, where the highest priority correspond to the robot reconfiguration after a collision is detected; when all related dynamical effects have been compensated, the controller switch again to the basic control mode

    Towards new sensing capabilities for legged locomotion using real-time state estimation with low-cost IMUs

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    L'estimation en robotique est un sujet important affecté par les compromis entre certains critères majeurs parmi lesquels nous pouvons citer le temps de calcul et la précision. L'importance de ces deux critères dépend de l'application. Si le temps de calcul n'est pas important pour les méthodes hors ligne, il devient critique lorsque l'application doit s'exécuter en temps réel. De même, les exigences de précision dépendent des applications. Les estimateurs EKF sont largement utilisés pour satisfaire les contraintes en temps réel tout en obtenant une estimation avec des précisions acceptables. Les centrales inertielles (Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU) demeurent des capteurs répandus dnas les problèmes d'estimation de trajectoire. Ces capteurs ont par ailleurs la particularité de fournir des données à une fréquence élevée. La principale contribution de cette thèses est une présentation claire de la méthode de préintégration donnant lieu à une meilleure utilisation des centrales inertielles. Nous appliquons cette méthode aux problèmes d'estimation dans les cas de la navigation piétonne et celle des robots humanoïdes. Nous souhaitons par ailleurs montrer que l'estimation en temps réel à l'aide d'une centrale inertielle à faible coût est possible avec des méthodes d'optimisation tout en formulant les problèmes à l'aide d'un modèle graphique bien que ces méthodes soient réputées pour leurs coûts élevés en terme de calculs. Nous étudions également la calibration des centrales inertielles, une étape qui demeure critique pour leurs utilisations. Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse ont été pensés en gardant comme perspective à moyen terme le SLAM visuel-inertiel. De plus, ce travail aborde une autre question concernant les robots à jambes. Contrairement à leur architecture habituelle, pourrions-nous utiliser plusieurs centrales inertielles à faible coût sur le robot pour obtenir des informations précieuses sur le mouvement en cours d'exécution ?Estimation in robotics is an important subject affected by trade-offs between some major critera from which we can cite the computation time and the accuracy. The importance of these two criteria are application-dependent. If the computation time is not important for off-line methods, it becomes critical when the application has to run on real-time. Similarly, accuracy requirements are dependant on the applications. EKF estimators are widely used to satisfy real-time constraints while achieving acceptable accuracies. One sensor widely used in trajectory estimation problems remains the inertial measurement units (IMUs) providing data at a high rate. The main contribution of this thesis is a clear presentation of the preintegration theory yielding in a better use IMUs. We apply this method for estimation problems in both pedestrian and humanoid robots navigation to show that real-time estimation using a low- cost IMU is possible with smoothing methods while formulating the problems with a factor graph. We also investigate the calibration of the IMUs as it is a critical part of those sensors. All the development made during this thesis was thought with a visual-inertial SLAM background as a mid-term perspective. Firthermore, this work tries to rise another question when it comes to legged robots. In opposition to their usual architecture, could we use multiple low- cost IMUs on the robot to get valuable information about the motion being executed

    Programming by Demonstration on Riemannian Manifolds

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    This thesis presents a Riemannian approach to Programming by Demonstration (PbD). It generalizes an existing PbD method from Euclidean manifolds to Riemannian manifolds. In this abstract, we review the objectives, methods and contributions of the presented approach. OBJECTIVES PbD aims at providing a user-friendly method for skill transfer between human and robot. It enables a user to teach a robot new tasks using few demonstrations. In order to surpass simple record-and-replay, methods for PbD need to \u2018understand\u2019 what to imitate; they need to extract the functional goals of a task from the demonstration data. This is typically achieved through the application of statisticalmethods. The variety of data encountered in robotics is large. Typical manipulation tasks involve position, orientation, stiffness, force and torque data. These data are not solely Euclidean. Instead, they originate from a variety of manifolds, curved spaces that are only locally Euclidean. Elementary operations, such as summation, are not defined on manifolds. Consequently, standard statistical methods are not well suited to analyze demonstration data that originate fromnon-Euclidean manifolds. In order to effectively extract what-to-imitate, methods for PbD should take into account the underlying geometry of the demonstration manifold; they should be geometry-aware. Successful task execution does not solely depend on the control of individual task variables. By controlling variables individually, a task might fail when one is perturbed and the others do not respond. Task execution also relies on couplings among task variables. These couplings describe functional relations which are often called synergies. In order to understand what-to-imitate, PbDmethods should be able to extract and encode synergies; they should be synergetic. In unstructured environments, it is unlikely that tasks are found in the same scenario twice. The circumstances under which a task is executed\u2014the task context\u2014are more likely to differ each time it is executed. Task context does not only vary during task execution, it also varies while learning and recognizing tasks. To be effective, a robot should be able to learn, recognize and synthesize skills in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts; this can be achieved when its skill representation is context-adaptive. THE RIEMANNIAN APPROACH In this thesis, we present a skill representation that is geometry-aware, synergetic and context-adaptive. The presented method is probabilistic; it assumes that demonstrations are samples from an unknown probability distribution. This distribution is approximated using a Riemannian GaussianMixtureModel (GMM). Instead of using the \u2018standard\u2019 Euclidean Gaussian, we rely on the Riemannian Gaussian\u2014 a distribution akin the Gaussian, but defined on a Riemannian manifold. A Riev mannian manifold is a manifold\u2014a curved space which is locally Euclidean\u2014that provides a notion of distance. This notion is essential for statistical methods as such methods rely on a distance measure. Examples of Riemannian manifolds in robotics are: the Euclidean spacewhich is used for spatial data, forces or torques; the spherical manifolds, which can be used for orientation data defined as unit quaternions; and Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifolds, which can be used to represent stiffness and manipulability. The Riemannian Gaussian is intrinsically geometry-aware. Its definition is based on the geometry of the manifold, and therefore takes into account the manifold curvature. In robotics, the manifold structure is often known beforehand. In the case of PbD, it follows from the structure of the demonstration data. Like the Gaussian distribution, the Riemannian Gaussian is defined by a mean and covariance. The covariance describes the variance and correlation among the state variables. These can be interpreted as local functional couplings among state variables: synergies. This makes the Riemannian Gaussian synergetic. Furthermore, information encoded in multiple Riemannian Gaussians can be fused using the Riemannian product of Gaussians. This feature allows us to construct a probabilistic context-adaptive task representation. CONTRIBUTIONS In particular, this thesis presents a generalization of existing methods of PbD, namely GMM-GMR and TP-GMM. This generalization involves the definition ofMaximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE), Gaussian conditioning and Gaussian product for the Riemannian Gaussian, and the definition of ExpectationMaximization (EM) and GaussianMixture Regression (GMR) for the Riemannian GMM. In this generalization, we contributed by proposing to use parallel transport for Gaussian conditioning. Furthermore, we presented a unified approach to solve the aforementioned operations using aGauss-Newton algorithm. We demonstrated how synergies, encoded in a Riemannian Gaussian, can be transformed into synergetic control policies using standard methods for LinearQuadratic Regulator (LQR). This is achieved by formulating the LQR problem in a (Euclidean) tangent space of the Riemannian manifold. Finally, we demonstrated how the contextadaptive Task-Parameterized Gaussian Mixture Model (TP-GMM) can be used for context inference\u2014the ability to extract context from demonstration data of known tasks. Our approach is the first attempt of context inference in the light of TP-GMM. Although effective, we showed that it requires further improvements in terms of speed and reliability. The efficacy of the Riemannian approach is demonstrated in a variety of scenarios. In shared control, the Riemannian Gaussian is used to represent control intentions of a human operator and an assistive system. Doing so, the properties of the Gaussian can be employed to mix their control intentions. This yields shared-control systems that continuously re-evaluate and assign control authority based on input confidence. The context-adaptive TP-GMMis demonstrated in a Pick & Place task with changing pick and place locations, a box-taping task with changing box sizes, and a trajectory tracking task typically found in industr

    High-level environment representations for mobile robots

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    In most robotic applications we are faced with the problem of building a digital representation of the environment that allows the robot to autonomously complete its tasks. This internal representation can be used by the robot to plan a motion trajectory for its mobile base and/or end-effector. For most man-made environments we do not have a digital representation or it is inaccurate. Thus, the robot must have the capability of building it autonomously. This is done by integrating into an internal data structure incoming sensor measurements. For this purpose, a common solution consists in solving the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. The map obtained by solving a SLAM problem is called ``metric'' and it describes the geometric structure of the environment. A metric map is typically made up of low-level primitives (like points or voxels). This means that even though it represents the shape of the objects in the robot workspace it lacks the information of which object a surface belongs to. Having an object-level representation of the environment has the advantage of augmenting the set of possible tasks that a robot may accomplish. To this end, in this thesis we focus on two aspects. We propose a formalism to represent in a uniform manner 3D scenes consisting of different geometric primitives, including points, lines and planes. Consequently, we derive a local registration and a global optimization algorithm that can exploit this representation for robust estimation. Furthermore, we present a Semantic Mapping system capable of building an \textit{object-based} map that can be used for complex task planning and execution. Our system exploits effective reconstruction and recognition techniques that require no a-priori information about the environment and can be used under general conditions

    Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Manipulation Applications with Golem Krang

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    Implementing a simultaneous localization and mapping system and an image semantic segmentation method on a mobile manipulation. The application of the SLAM is working towards navigating among obstacles in unknown environments. The object detection method will be integrated for future manipulation tasks such as grasping. This work will be demonstrated on a real robotics hardware system in the lab.Outgoin

    Robust dense visual SLAM using sensor fusion and motion segmentation

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    Visual simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) is an important technique for enabling mobile robots to navigate autonomously within their environments. Using cameras, robots reconstruct a representation of their environment and simultaneously localise themselves within it. A dense visual SLAM system produces a high-resolution and detailed reconstruction of the environment which can be used for obstacle avoidance or semantic reasoning. State-of-the-art dense visual SLAM systems demonstrate robust performance and impressive accuracy in ideal conditions. However, these techniques are based on requirements which limit the extent to which they can be deployed in real applications. Fundamentally, they require constant scene illumination, smooth camera motion and no moving objects being present in the scene. Overcoming these requirements is not trivial and significant effort is needed to make dense visual SLAM approaches more robust to real-world conditions. The objective of this thesis is to develop dense visual SLAM systems which are more robust to real-world visually challenging conditions. For this, we leverage sensor fusion and motion segmentation for situations where camera data is unsuitable. The first contribution is a visual SLAM system for the NASA Valkyrie humanoid robot which is robust to the robot’s operation. It is based on a sensor fusion approach which combines visual SLAM and leg odometry to demonstrate increased robustness to illumination changes and fast camera motion. Second, we research methods for robust visual odometry in the presence of moving objects. We propose a formulation for joint visual odometry and motion segmentation that demonstrates increased robustness in scenes with moving objects compared to state-of-the-art approaches. We then extend this method using inertial information from a gyroscope to compare the contributions of motion segmentation and motion prior integration for robustness to scene dynamics. As part of this study we provide a dataset recorded in scenes with different numbers of moving objects. In conclusion, we find that both motion segmentation and motion prior integration are necessary for achieving significantly better results in real-world conditions. While motion priors increase robustness, motion segmentation increases the accuracy of the reconstruction results through filtering of moving objects.Edinburgh Centre for RoboticsEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Deformable and articulated 3D reconstruction from monocular video sequences

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    PhDThis thesis addresses the problem of deformable and articulated structure from motion from monocular uncalibrated video sequences. Structure from motion is defined as the problem of recovering information about the 3D structure of scenes imaged by a camera in a video sequence. Our study aims at the challenging problem of non-rigid shapes (e.g. a beating heart or a smiling face). Non-rigid structures appear constantly in our everyday life, think of a bicep curling, a torso twisting or a smiling face. Our research seeks a general method to perform 3D shape recovery purely from data, without having to rely on a pre-computed model or training data. Open problems in the field are the difficulty of the non-linear estimation, the lack of a real-time system, large amounts of missing data in real-world video sequences, measurement noise and strong deformations. Solving these problems would take us far beyond the current state of the art in non-rigid structure from motion. This dissertation presents our contributions in the field of non-rigid structure from motion, detailing a novel algorithm that enforces the exact metric structure of the problem at each step of the minimisation by projecting the motion matrices onto the correct deformable or articulated metric motion manifolds respectively. An important advantage of this new algorithm is its ability to handle missing data which becomes crucial when dealing with real video sequences. We present a generic bilinear estimation framework, which improves convergence and makes use of the manifold constraints. Finally, we demonstrate a sequential, frame-by-frame estimation algorithm, which provides a 3D model and camera parameters for each video frame, while simultaneously building a model of object deformation

    Full-Body Torque-Level Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Aerial Manipulation

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    Non-linear model predictive control (nMPC) is a powerful approach to control complex robots (such as humanoids, quadrupeds, or unmanned aerial manipulators (UAMs)) as it brings important advantages over other existing techniques. The full-body dynamics, along with the prediction capability of the optimal control problem (OCP) solved at the core of the controller, allows to actuate the robot in line with its dynamics. This fact enhances the robot capabilities and allows, e.g., to perform intricate maneuvers at high dynamics while optimizing the amount of energy used. Despite the many similarities between humanoids or quadrupeds and UAMs, full-body torque-level nMPC has rarely been applied to UAMs. This paper provides a thorough description of how to use such techniques in the field of aerial manipulation. We give a detailed explanation of the different parts involved in the OCP, from the UAM dynamical model to the residuals in the cost function. We develop and compare three different nMPC controllers: Weighted MPC, Rail MPC, and Carrot MPC, which differ on the structure of their OCPs and on how these are updated at every time step. To validate the proposed framework, we present a wide variety of simulated case studies. First, we evaluate the trajectory generation problem, i.e., optimal control problems solved offline, involving different kinds of motions (e.g., aggressive maneuvers or contact locomotion) for different types of UAMs. Then, we assess the performance of the three nMPC controllers, i.e., closed-loop controllers solved online, through a variety of realistic simulations. For the benefit of the community, we have made available the source code related to this work.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Robotics. 17 pages, 16 figure