11 research outputs found

    Scene-Dependency of Spatial Image Quality Metrics

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    This thesis is concerned with the measurement of spatial imaging performance and the modelling of spatial image quality in digital capturing systems. Spatial imaging performance and image quality relate to the objective and subjective reproduction of luminance contrast signals by the system, respectively; they are critical to overall perceived image quality. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) describe the signal (contrast) transfer and noise characteristics of a system, respectively, with respect to spatial frequency. They are both, strictly speaking, only applicable to linear systems since they are founded upon linear system theory. Many contemporary capture systems use adaptive image signal processing, such as denoising and sharpening, to optimise output image quality. These non-linear processes change their behaviour according to characteristics of the input signal (i.e. the scene being captured). This behaviour renders system performance “scene-dependent” and difficult to measure accurately. The MTF and NPS are traditionally measured from test charts containing suitable predefined signals (e.g. edges, sinusoidal exposures, noise or uniform luminance patches). These signals trigger adaptive processes at uncharacteristic levels since they are unrepresentative of natural scene content. Thus, for systems using adaptive processes, the resultant MTFs and NPSs are not representative of performance “in the field” (i.e. capturing real scenes). Spatial image quality metrics for capturing systems aim to predict the relationship between MTF and NPS measurements and subjective ratings of image quality. They cascade both measures with contrast sensitivity functions that describe human visual sensitivity with respect to spatial frequency. The most recent metrics designed for adaptive systems use MTFs measured using the dead leaves test chart that is more representative of natural scene content than the abovementioned test charts. This marks a step toward modelling image quality with respect to real scene signals. This thesis presents novel scene-and-process-dependent MTFs (SPD-MTF) and NPSs (SPDNPS). They are measured from imaged pictorial scene (or dead leaves target) signals to account for system scene-dependency. Further, a number of spatial image quality metrics are revised to account for capture system and visual scene-dependency. Their MTF and NPS parameters were substituted for SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. Likewise, their standard visual functions were substituted for contextual detection (cCSF) or discrimination (cVPF) functions. In addition, two novel spatial image quality metrics are presented (the log Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) and Visual log NEQ) that implement SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. The metrics, SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs were validated by analysing measurements from simulated image capture pipelines that applied either linear or adaptive image signal processing. The SPD-NPS measures displayed little evidence of measurement error, and the metrics performed most accurately when they used SPD-NPSs measured from images of scenes. The benefit of deriving SPD-MTFs from images of scenes was traded-off, however, against measurement bias. Most metrics performed most accurately with SPD-MTFs derived from dead leaves signals. Implementing the cCSF or cVPF did not increase metric accuracy. The log NEQ and Visual log NEQ metrics proposed in this thesis were highly competitive, outperforming metrics of the same genre. They were also more consistent than the IEEE P1858 Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) metric when their input parameters were modified. The advantages and limitations of all performance measures and metrics were discussed, as well as their practical implementation and relevant applications

    Test and evaluation of a prototyped sensor-camera network for persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance in support of tactical coalition networking environments

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    This thesis investigated the feasibility of deploying an integrated sensor-camera network in military and law enforcement applications. The system was built using entirely commercial-off-the-shelf technologies. The prototype used the unattended ground sensors combined with digital video surveillance cameras to provide accurate real-time situational awareness, persistent intelligence and remote security. A robust testing and evaluation plan was created to measure the system's performance based on specific metrics. The tests focused primarily on the capabilities of the sensor aspect of the network. Tests were conducted to determine the maximum detection range, probabilities of detection, maximum communications range, and battery life. Mathematical models were created to assist network planners. Additionally, the prototyped system was tested through field exercises as part of the Naval Postgraduate School's Coalition Operating Area Surveillance and Targeting System field demonstrations in California and northern Thailand. Although the sensing capabilities exceeded the minimum metrics, the system was not suitable for use in military applications. However, the prototyped network would work well in less demanding law enforcement environments. Additionally, the feasibility and the need to develop an integrated sensor-camera network were demonstrated.http://archive.org/details/testndevaluation109452780US Navy (USN) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Schémas de tatouage d'images, schémas de tatouage conjoint à la compression, et schémas de dissimulation de données

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    In this manuscript we address data-hiding in images and videos. Specifically we address robust watermarking for images, robust watermarking jointly with compression, and finally non robust data-hiding.The first part of the manuscript deals with high-rate robust watermarking. After having briefly recalled the concept of informed watermarking, we study the two major watermarking families : trellis-based watermarking and quantized-based watermarking. We propose, firstly to reduce the computational complexity of the trellis-based watermarking, with a rotation based embedding, and secondly to introduce a trellis-based quantization in a watermarking system based on quantization.The second part of the manuscript addresses the problem of watermarking jointly with a JPEG2000 compression step or an H.264 compression step. The quantization step and the watermarking step are achieved simultaneously, so that these two steps do not fight against each other. Watermarking in JPEG2000 is achieved by using the trellis quantization from the part 2 of the standard. Watermarking in H.264 is performed on the fly, after the quantization stage, choosing the best prediction through the process of rate-distortion optimization. We also propose to integrate a Tardos code to build an application for traitors tracing.The last part of the manuscript describes the different mechanisms of color hiding in a grayscale image. We propose two approaches based on hiding a color palette in its index image. The first approach relies on the optimization of an energetic function to get a decomposition of the color image allowing an easy embedding. The second approach consists in quickly obtaining a color palette of larger size and then in embedding it in a reversible way.Dans ce manuscrit nous abordons l’insertion de données dans les images et les vidéos. Plus particulièrement nous traitons du tatouage robuste dans les images, du tatouage robuste conjointement à la compression et enfin de l’insertion de données (non robuste).La première partie du manuscrit traite du tatouage robuste à haute capacité. Après avoir brièvement rappelé le concept de tatouage informé, nous étudions les deux principales familles de tatouage : le tatouage basé treillis et le tatouage basé quantification. Nous proposons d’une part de réduire la complexité calculatoire du tatouage basé treillis par une approche d’insertion par rotation, ainsi que d’autre part d’introduire une approche par quantification basée treillis au seind’un système de tatouage basé quantification.La deuxième partie du manuscrit aborde la problématique de tatouage conjointement à la phase de compression par JPEG2000 ou par H.264. L’idée consiste à faire en même temps l’étape de quantification et l’étape de tatouage, de sorte que ces deux étapes ne « luttent pas » l’une contre l’autre. Le tatouage au sein de JPEG2000 est effectué en détournant l’utilisation de la quantification basée treillis de la partie 2 du standard. Le tatouage au sein de H.264 est effectué à la volée, après la phase de quantification, en choisissant la meilleure prédiction via le processus d’optimisation débit-distorsion. Nous proposons également d’intégrer un code de Tardos pour construire une application de traçage de traîtres.La dernière partie du manuscrit décrit les différents mécanismes de dissimulation d’une information couleur au sein d’une image en niveaux de gris. Nous proposons deux approches reposant sur la dissimulation d’une palette couleur dans son image d’index. La première approche consiste à modéliser le problème puis à l’optimiser afin d’avoir une bonne décomposition de l’image couleur ainsi qu’une insertion aisée. La seconde approche consiste à obtenir, de manière rapide et sûre, une palette de plus grande dimension puis à l’insérer de manière réversible

    Robust image steganography method suited for prining = Robustna steganografska metoda prilagođena procesu tiska

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    U ovoj doktorskoj dizertaciji prezentirana je robustna steganografska metoda razvijena i prilagođena za tisak. Osnovni cilj metode je pružanje zaštite od krivotvorenja ambalaže. Zaštita ambalaže postiže se umetanjem više bitova informacije u sliku pri enkoderu, a potom maskiranjem informacije kako bi ona bila nevidljiva ljudskom oku. Informacija se pri dekoderu detektira pomoću infracrvene kamere. Preliminarna istraživanja pokazala su da u relevantnoj literaturi nedostaje metoda razvijenih za domenu tiska. Razlog za takav nedostatak jest činjenica da razvijanje steganografskih metoda za tisak zahtjeva veću količinu resursa i materijala, u odnosu na razvijanje sličnih domena za digitalnu domenu. Također, metode za tisak često zahtijevaju višu razinu kompleksnosti, budući da se tijekom reprodukcije pojavljuju razni oblici procesiranja koji mogu kompromitirati informaciju u slici [1]. Da bi se sačuvala skrivena informacija, metoda mora biti otporna na procesiranje koje se događa tijekom reprodukcije. Kako bi se postigla visoka razina otpornosti, informacija se može umetnuti unutar frekvencijske domene slike [2], [3]. Frekvencijskoj domeni slike možemo pristupiti pomoću matematičkih transformacija. Najčešće se koriste diskretna kosinusna transformacija (DCT), diskretna wavelet transformacija (DWT) i diskretna Fourierova transformacija (DFT) [2], [4]. Korištenje svake od navedenih transformacija ima određene prednosti i nedostatke, ovisno o kontekstu razvijanja metode [5]. Za metode prilagođene procesu tiska, diskretna Fourierova transformacija je optimalan odabir, budući da metode bazirane na DFT-u pružaju otpornost na geometrijske transformacije koje se događaju tijekom reprodukcije [5], [6]. U ovom istraživanju korištene su slike u cmyk prostoru boja. Svaka slika najprije je podijeljena u blokove, a umetanje informacije vrši se za svaki blok pojedinačno. Pomoću DFT-a, ???? kanal slikovnog bloka se transformira u frekvencijsku domenu, gdje se vrši umetanje informacije. Akromatska zamjena koristi se za maskiranje vidljivih artefakata nastalih prilikom umetanja informacije. Primjeri uspješnog korištenja akromatske zamjene za maskiranje artefakata mogu se pronaći u [7] i [8]. Nakon umetanja informacije u svaki slikovni blok, blokovi se ponovno spajaju u jednu, jedinstvenu sliku. Akromatska zamjena tada mijenja vrijednosti c, m i y kanala slike, dok kanal k, u kojemu se nalazi umetnuta informacija, ostaje nepromijenjen. Time nakon maskiranja akromatskom zamjenom označena slika posjeduje ista vizualna svojstva kao i slika prije označavanja. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada koristi se 1000 slika u cmyk prostoru boja. U digitalnom okruženju provedeno je istraživanje otpornosti metode na slikovne napade specifične za reprodukcijski proces - skaliranje, blur, šum, rotaciju i kompresiju. Također, provedeno je istraživanje otpornosti metode na reprodukcijski proces, koristeći tiskane uzorke. Objektivna metrika bit error rate (BER) korištena je za evaluaciju. Mogućnost optimizacije metode testirala se procesiranjem slike (unsharp filter) i korištenjem error correction kodova (ECC). Provedeno je istraživanje kvalitete slike nakon umetanja informacije. Za evaluaciju su korištene objektivne metrike peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) i structural similarity index measure (SSIM). PSNR i SSIM su tzv. full-reference metrike. Drugim riječima, potrebne su i neoznačena i označena slika istovremeno, kako bi se mogla utvrditi razina sličnosti između slika [9], [10]. Subjektivna analiza provedena je na 36 ispitanika, koristeći ukupno 144 uzorka slika. Ispitanici su ocijenjivali vidljivost artefakata na skali od nula (nevidljivo) do tri (vrlo vidljivo). Rezultati pokazuju da metoda posjeduje visoku razinu otpornosti na reprodukcijski proces. Također, metoda se uistinu optimizirala korištenjem unsharp filtera i ECC-a. Kvaliteta slike ostaje visoka bez obzira na umetanje informacije, što su potvrdili rezultati eksperimenata s objektivnim metrikama i subjektivna analiza

    Image usefulness of compressed surveillance footage with different scene contents

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    The police use both subjective (i.e. police staff) and automated (e.g. face recognition systems) methods for the completion of visual tasks (e.g person identification). Image quality for police tasks has been defined as the image usefulness, or image suitability of the visual material to satisfy a visual task. It is not necessarily affected by any artefact that may affect the visual image quality (i.e. decrease fidelity), as long as these artefacts do not affect the relevant useful information for the task. The capture of useful information will be affected by the unconstrained conditions commonly encountered by CCTV systems such as variations in illumination and high compression levels. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate aspects of image quality and video compression that may affect the completion of police visual tasks/applications with respect to CCTV imagery. This is accomplished by investigating 3 specific police areas/tasks utilising: 1) the human visual system (HVS) for a face recognition task, 2) automated face recognition systems, and 3) automated human detection systems. These systems (HVS and automated) were assessed with defined scene content properties, and video compression, i.e. H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. The performance of imaging systems/processes (e.g. subjective investigations, performance of compression algorithms) are affected by scene content properties. No other investigation has been identified that takes into consideration scene content properties to the same extend. Results have shown that the HVS is more sensitive to compression effects in comparison to the automated systems. In automated face recognition systems, `mixed lightness' scenes were the most affected and `low lightness' scenes were the least affected by compression. In contrast the HVS for the face recognition task, `low lightness' scenes were the most affected and `medium lightness' scenes the least affected. For the automated human detection systems, `close distance' and `run approach' are some of the most commonly affected scenes. Findings have the potential to broaden the methods used for testing imaging systems for security applications

    An intelligent system for the classification and selection of novel and efficient lossless image compression algorithms

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    We are currently living in an era revolutionised by the development of smart phones and digital cameras. Most people are using phones and cameras in every aspect of their lives. With this development comes a high level of competition between the technology companies developing these devices, each one trying to enhance its products to meet the new market demands. One of the most sought-after criteria of any smart phone or digital camera is the camera’s resolution. Digital imaging and its applications are growing rapidly; as a result of this growth, the image size is increasing, and alongside this increase comes the important challenge of saving these large-sized images and transferring them over networks. With the increase in image size, the interest in image compression is increasing as well, to improve the storage size and transfer time. In this study, the researcher proposes two new lossless image compression algorithms. Both proposed algorithms focus on decreasing the image size by reducing the image bit-depth through using well defined methods of reducing the coloration between the image intensities.The first proposed lossless image compression algorithm is called Column Subtraction Compression (CSC), which aims to decrease the image size without losing any of the image information by using a colour transformation method as a pre-processing phase, followed by the proposed Column Subtraction Compression function to decrease the image size. The proposed algorithm is specially designed for compressing natural images. The CSC algorithm was evaluated for colour images and compared against benchmark schemes obtained from (Khan et al., 2017). It achieved the best compression size over the existing methods by enhancing the average storage saving of the BBWCA, JPEG 2000 LS, KMTF– BWCA, HEVC and basic BWCA algorithms by 2.5%, 15.6%, 41.6%, 7.8% and 45.07% respectively. The CSC algorithm simple implementation positively affects the execution time and makes it one of the fastest algorithms, since it needed less than 0.5 second for compressing and decompressing natural images obtained from (Khan et al., 2017). The proposed algorithm needs only 19.36 seconds for compressing and decompressing all of the 10 images from the Kodak image set, while the BWCA, KMTF – BWCA and BBWCA need 398.5s, 429.24s and 475.38s respectively. Nevertheless, the CSC algorithm achieved less compression ratio, when compressing low resolution images since it was designed for compressing high resolution images. To solve this issue, the researcher proposed the Low-Resolution Column Subtraction Compression algorithm (LRCSC) to enhance the CSC low compression ratio related to compressing low-resolution images.The LRCSC algorithm starts by using the CSC algorithm as a pre-processing phase, followed by the Huffman algorithm and Run-Length Coding (RLE) to decrease the image size as a final compression phase. The LRCSC enhanced the average storage saving of the CSC algorithm for raster map images by achieving 13.68% better compression size. The LRCSC algorithm decreases the raster map image set size by saving 96% from the original image set size but did not reach the best results when compared with the PNG, GIF, BLiSE and BBWCA where the storage saving is 97.42%, 98.33%, 98.92% and 98.93% respectively. The LRCSC algorithm enhanced the compression execution time with acceptable compression ratio. Both of the proposed algorithms are effective with any image types such as colour or greyscale images. The proposed algorithms save a lot of memory storage and dramatically decreased the execution time.Finally, to take full benefits of the two newly developed algorithms, anew system is developed based on running both of the algorithm for the same input image and then suggest the appropriate algorithm to be used for the de-compression phase

    Extraction and representation of semantic information in digital media

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    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    Le code à effacement Mojette : Applications dans les réseaux et dans le Cloud

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    Dans ce travail, je présente l'intérêt du code correcteur à effacement Mojette pour des architectures de stockage distribuées tolérantes aux pannes. De manière générale, l'approche par code permet de réduire d'un facteur 2 le volume de données stockées par rapport à l'approche standard par réplication qui consiste à copier la donnée en autant de fois que l'on suppose de pannes. De manière spécifique, le code à effacement Mojette présente les performances requises pour la lecture et l'écriture de données chaudes i.e très régulièrement sollicitées. Ces performances en entrées/sorties permettent par exemple l'exécution de machines virtuelles sur des données distribuées par le système de fichier RozoFS. En outre, j'effectue un rappel de mes contributions dans le domaine des réseaux auto-organisés de type P2P et ad hoc mobile en présentant respectivement les protocoles P2PWeb et MP-OLSR. L'ensemble de ce travail est le fruit de 5 encadrements doctoraux et de 3 projets collaboratifs majeurs