1,745 research outputs found

    Određivanje poroznosti primjenom stohastičke metode

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    In response to a need for a more accurate porosity measuring method for small solid samples (approximately 1 g in mass) the porosity measurement sensor using the sensitive capacitive-dependent crystal was developed. This paper presents the new sensor and the probe sensitivity (dependence of d f on the volume). In addition, the new idea of excitation of the entire sensor with stochastic test signals is described, and the porosity measuring method is provided. The latter includes the influence of test signals on the weighting function uncertainty. The experimental results of the porosity determination in volcanic rock samples are presented. The uncertainty of the porosity measurement is less than 0.1 % (Temp = 10–30 °C).Razvijena je metoda za mjerenje poroznosti malih čvrstih uzoraka tla (približne mase od 1 g) s pomoću kapacitivno osjetljivog kristala. U radu su opisani novorazvijeni senzor i osjetljivost probe (ovisnost promjene frekvencije o volumenu). U nastavku je prikazana nova ideja pobude cijelog senzora stohastičkim ispitnim signalima kao nova metoda mjerenja poroznosti. Ona uključuje utjecaj ispitnog signala na težinsku funkciju mjerne nesigurnosti. Prikazani su eksperimentalni rezultati mjerenja poroznosti vulkanskih stijena. Kod mjerenja poroznosti dobivena je mjerna nesigurnost manja od 0,1 % u temperaturnom području od 10 do 30 °C

    Molecular decoding using luminescence from an entangled porous framework

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    Chemosensors detect a single target molecule from among several molecules, but cannot differentiate targets from one another. In this study, we report a molecular decoding strategy in which a single host domain accommodates a class of molecules and distinguishes between them with a corresponding readout. We synthesized the decoding host by embedding naphthalenediimide into the scaffold of an entangled porous framework that exhibited structural dynamics due to the dislocation of two chemically non-interconnected frameworks. An intense turn-on emission was observed on incorporation of a class of aromatic compounds, and the resulting luminescent colour was dependent on the chemical substituent of the aromatic guest. This unprecedented chemoresponsive, multicolour luminescence originates from an enhanced naphthalenediimide–aromatic guest interaction because of the induced-fit structural transformation of the entangled framework. We demonstrate that the cooperative structural transition in mesoscopic crystal domains results in a nonlinear sensor response to the guest concentration

    Carbonisation of biomass-derived chars and the thermal reduction of a graphene oxide sample studied using Raman spectroscopy

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    Chars and carbonised chars were produced from three different oxygen-rich precursors (Pinus radiata wood, Phormium tenax leaf fibres, and sucrose crystals). These non-graphitisable carbons were analysed with Raman spectroscopy in order to study the nanostructural development which occurs with increasingly severe heat treatments up to approximately 1000 °C. The thermal reduction of a graphene oxide sample was similarly studied, as this is considered to involve the development of nanometre-scale graphene-like domains within a different oxygen-rich precursor. Increasing the heat treatment temperatures used in the charring and carbonisation processes, led to significant changes in a number of parameters measured in the Raman spectra. Correlations based on these parameter changes could have future applications in evaluating various char samples and estimating the heat treatment temperatures employed during their manufacture. After production heat treatment temperatures exceeded 700 °C, the Raman spectra of the carbonised chars appeared to be largely precursor independent. The spectra of these carbonised chars were similar to the spectra obtained from thermally-reduced graphene oxides, especially when compared to a wide range of other carbonaceous materials analysed using this particular methodology. Partial reduction of a graphene oxide sample due to reasonably mild laser exposures during Raman analysis was also observed
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