154 research outputs found

    The power of primitive positive definitions with polynomially many variables

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    Two well-studied closure operators for relations are based on existentially quantified conjunctive formulas, primitive positive (p.p.) definitions, and primitive positive formulas without existential quantification, quantifier-free primitive positive definitions (q.f.p.p.) definitions. Sets of relations closed under p.p. definitions are known as co-clones and sets of relations closed under q.f.p.p. definitions as weak partial co-clones. The latter do however have limited expressivity, and the corresponding lattice of strong partial clones is of uncountably infinite cardinality even for the Boolean domain. Hence, it is reasonable to consider the expressiveness of p.p. definitions where only a small number of existentially quantified variables are allowed. In this article, we consider p.p. definitions allowing only polynomially many existentially quantified variables, and say that a co-clone closed under such definitions is polynomially closed, and otherwise superpolynomially closed. We investigate properties of polynomially closed co-clones and prove that if the corresponding clone contains a k-ary near-unanimity operation for k amp;gt;= 3, then the co-clone is polynomially closed, and if the clone does not contain a k-edge operation for any k amp;gt;= 2, then the co-clone is superpolynomially closed. For the Boolean domain we strengthen these results and prove a complete dichotomy theorem separating polynomially closed co-clones from superpolynomially closed co-clones. Using these results, we then proceed to investigate properties of strong partial clones corresponding to superpolynomially closed co-clones. We prove that if Gamma is a finite set of relations over an arbitrary finite domain such that the clone corresponding to Gamma is essentially unary, then the strong partial clone corresponding to Gamma is of infinite order and cannot be generated by a finite set of partial functions

    Quantified Constraints in Twenty Seventeen

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    I present a survey of recent advances in the algorithmic and computational complexity theory of non-Boolean Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems, incorporating some more modern research directions

    Do Hard SAT-Related Reasoning Tasks Become Easier in the Krom Fragment?

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    Many reasoning problems are based on the problem of satisfiability (SAT). While SAT itself becomes easy when restricting the structure of the formulas in a certain way, the situation is more opaque for more involved decision problems. We consider here the CardMinSat problem which asks, given a propositional formula ϕ\phi and an atom xx, whether xx is true in some cardinality-minimal model of ϕ\phi. This problem is easy for the Horn fragment, but, as we will show in this paper, remains Θ2\Theta_2-complete (and thus NP\mathrm{NP}-hard) for the Krom fragment (which is given by formulas in CNF where clauses have at most two literals). We will make use of this fact to study the complexity of reasoning tasks in belief revision and logic-based abduction and show that, while in some cases the restriction to Krom formulas leads to a decrease of complexity, in others it does not. We thus also consider the CardMinSat problem with respect to additional restrictions to Krom formulas towards a better understanding of the tractability frontier of such problems

    Around the Hossz\'u-Gluskin theorem for nn-ary groups

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    We survey results related to the important Hossz\'u-Gluskin Theorem on nn-ary groups adding also several new results and comments. The aim of this paper is to write all such results in uniform and compressive forms. Therefore some proofs of new results are only sketched or omitted if their completing seems to be not too difficult for readers. In particular, we show as the Hossz\'u-Gluskin Theorem can be used for evaluation how many different nn-ary groups (up to isomorphism) exist on some small sets. Moreover, we sketch as the mentioned theorem can be also used for investigation of Q\mathcal{Q}-independent subsets of semiabelian nn-ary groups for some special families Q\mathcal{Q} of mappings

    Sparsification of SAT and CSP Problems via Tractable Extensions

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    Unlike polynomial kernelization in general, for which many non-trivial results and methods exist, only few non-trival algorithms are known for polynomial-time sparsification. Furthermore, excepting problems on restricted inputs (such as graph problems on planar graphs), most such results rely upon encoding the instance as a system of bounded-degree polynomial equations. In particular, for satisfiability (SAT) problems with a fixed constraint language Γ, every previously known result is captured by this approach; for several such problems, this is known to be tight. In this work, we investigate the limits of this approach—in particular, does it really cover all cases of non-trivial polynomial-time sparsification? We generalize the method using tools from the algebraic approach to constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). Every constraint that can be modelled via a system of linear equations, over some finite field F, also admits a finite domain extension to a tractable CSP with a Maltsev polymorphism; using known algorithms for Maltsev languages, we can show that every problem of the latter type admits a “basis” of O(n) constraints, which implies a linear sparsification for the original problem. This generalization appears to be strict; other special cases include constraints modelled via group equations over some finite group G. For sparsifications of polynomial but super-linear size, we consider two extensions of this. Most directly, we can capture systems of bounded-degree polynomial equations in a “lift-and-project” manner, by finding Maltsev extensions for constraints over c-tuples of variables, for a basis with O(nc) constraints. Additionally, we may use extensions with k-edge polymorphisms instead of requiring a Maltsev polymorphism. We also investigate characterizations of when such extensions exist. We give an infinite sequence of partial polymorphisms φ1, φ2, …which characterizes whether a language Γ has a Maltsev extension (of possibly infinite domain). In the complementary direction of proving lower bounds on kernelizability, we prove that for any language not preserved by φ1, the corresponding SAT problem does not admit a kernel of size O(n2−ε) for any ε > 0 unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses

    Kernelization of Constraint Satisfaction Problems:A Study through Universal Algebra

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    A kernelization algorithm for a computational problem is a procedure which compresses an instance into an equivalent instance whose size is bounded with respect to a complexity parameter. For the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT), and the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), there exist many results concerning upper and lower bounds for kernelizability of specific problems, but it is safe to say that we lack general methods to determine whether a given SAT problem admits a kernel of a particular size. This could be contrasted to the currently flourishing research program of determining the classical complexity of finite-domain CSP problems, where almost all non-trivial tractable classes have been identified with the help of algebraic properties. In this paper, we take an algebraic approach to the problem of characterizing the kernelization limits of NP-hard SAT and CSP problems, parameterized by the number of variables. Our main focus is on problems admitting linear kernels, as has, somewhat surprisingly, previously been shown to exist. We show that a CSP problem has a kernel with O(n) constraints if it can be embedded (via a domain extension) into a CSP problem which is preserved by a Maltsev operation. We also study extensions of this towards SAT and CSP problems with kernels with O(n^c) constraints, c>1, based on embeddings into CSP problems preserved by a k-edge operation, k > c. These results follow via a variant of the celebrated few subpowers algorithm. In the complementary direction, we give indication that the Maltsev condition might be a complete characterization of SAT problems with linear kernels, by showing that an algebraic condition that is shared by all problems with a Maltsev embedding is also necessary for the existence of a linear kernel unless NP is included in co-NP/poly

    On when the union of two algebraic sets is algebraic

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    In universal algebraic geometry, an algebra is called an equational domain if the union of two algebraic sets is algebraic. We characterize equational domains, with respect to polynomial equations, inside congruence permutable varieties, and with respect to term equations, among all algebras of size two and all algebras of size three with a cyclic automorphism. Furthermore, for each size at least three, we prove that, modulo term equivalence, there is a continuum of equational domains of that size.Comment: 50 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl