103 research outputs found

    Polynomial Identification of omega-Automata

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    We study identification in the limit using polynomial time and data for models of omega-automata. On the negative side we show that non-deterministic omega-automata (of types Buchi, coBuchi, Parity, Rabin, Street, or Muller) cannot be polynomially learned in the limit. On the positive side we show that the omega-language classes IB, IC, IP, IR, IS, and IM, which are defined by deterministic Buchi, coBuchi, Parity, Rabin, Streett, and Muller acceptors that are isomorphic to their right-congruence automata, are identifiable in the limit using polynomial time and data. We give polynomial time inclusion and equivalence algorithms for deterministic Buchi, coBuchi, Parity, Rabin, Streett, and Muller acceptors, which are used to show that the characteristic samples for IB, IC, IP, IR, IS, and IM can be constructed in polynomial time. We also provide polynomial time algorithms to test whether a given deterministic automaton of type X (for X in {B, C, P, R, S, M})is in the class IX (i.e. recognizes a language that has a deterministic automaton that is isomorphic to its right congruence automaton).Comment: This is an extended version of a paper with the same name that appeared in TACAS2

    Constructing Deterministic Parity Automata from Positive and Negative Examples

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    We present a polynomial time algorithm that constructs a deterministic parity automaton (DPA) from a given set of positive and negative ultimately periodic example words. We show that this algorithm is complete for the class of ω\omega-regular languages, that is, it can learn a DPA for each regular ω\omega-language. For use in the algorithm, we give a definition of a DPA, that we call the precise DPA of a language, and show that it can be constructed from the syntactic family of right congruences for that language (introduced by Maler and Staiger in 1997). Depending on the structure of the language, the precise DPA can be of exponential size compared to a minimal DPA, but it can also be a minimal DPA. The upper bound that we obtain on the number of examples required for our algorithm to find a DPA for LL is therefore exponential in the size of a minimal DPA, in general. However we identify two parameters of regular ω\omega-languages such that fixing these parameters makes the bound polynomial.Comment: Changes from v1: - integrate appendix into paper - extend introduction to cover related work in more detail - add a second (more involved) example - minor change

    Emptiness Of Alternating Tree Automata Using Games With Imperfect Information

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    We consider the emptiness problem for alternating tree automata, with two acceptance semantics: classical (all branches are accepted) and qualitative (almost all branches are accepted). For the classical semantics, the usual technique to tackle this problem relies on a Simulation Theorem which constructs an equivalent non-deterministic automaton from the original alternating one, and then checks emptiness by a reduction to a two-player perfect information game. However, for the qualitative semantics, no simulation of alternation by means of non-determinism is known. We give an alternative technique to decide the emptiness problem of alternating tree automata, that does not rely on a Simulation Theorem. Indeed, we directly reduce the emptiness problem to solving an imperfect information two-player parity game. Our new approach can successfully be applied to both semantics, and yields decidability results with optimal complexity; for the qualitative semantics, the key ingredient in the proof is a positionality result for stochastic games played over infinite graphs

    Obligation Blackwell Games and p-Automata

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    We recently introduced p-automata, automata that read discrete-time Markov chains. We used turn-based stochastic parity games to define acceptance of Markov chains by a subclass of p-automata. Definition of acceptance required a cumbersome and complicated reduction to a series of turn-based stochastic parity games. The reduction could not support acceptance by general p-automata, which was left undefined as there was no notion of games that supported it. Here we generalize two-player games by adding a structural acceptance condition called obligations. Obligations are orthogonal to the linear winning conditions that define winning. Obligations are a declaration that player 0 can achieve a certain value from a configuration. If the obligation is met, the value of that configuration for player 0 is 1. One cannot define value in obligation games by the standard mechanism of considering the measure of winning paths on a Markov chain and taking the supremum of the infimum of all strategies. Mainly because obligations need definition even for Markov chains and the nature of obligations has the flavor of an infinite nesting of supremum and infimum operators. We define value via a reduction to turn-based games similar to Martin's proof of determinacy of Blackwell games with Borel objectives. Based on this definition, we show that games are determined. We show that for Markov chains with Borel objectives and obligations, and finite turn-based stochastic parity games with obligations there exists an alternative and simpler characterization of the value function. Based on this simpler definition we give an exponential time algorithm to analyze finite turn-based stochastic parity games with obligations. Finally, we show that obligation games provide the necessary framework for reasoning about p-automata and that they generalize the previous definition

    Beyond Language Equivalence on Visibly Pushdown Automata

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    We study (bi)simulation-like preorder/equivalence checking on the class of visibly pushdown automata and its natural subclasses visibly BPA (Basic Process Algebra) and visibly one-counter automata. We describe generic methods for proving complexity upper and lower bounds for a number of studied preorders and equivalences like simulation, completed simulation, ready simulation, 2-nested simulation preorders/equivalences and bisimulation equivalence. Our main results are that all the mentioned equivalences and preorders are EXPTIME-complete on visibly pushdown automata, PSPACE-complete on visibly one-counter automata and P-complete on visibly BPA. Our PSPACE lower bound for visibly one-counter automata improves also the previously known DP-hardness results for ordinary one-counter automata and one-counter nets. Finally, we study regularity checking problems for visibly pushdown automata and show that they can be decided in polynomial time.Comment: Final version of paper, accepted by LMC

    Improved verification methods for concurrent systems

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