642 research outputs found

    Learning DNF Expressions from Fourier Spectrum

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    Since its introduction by Valiant in 1984, PAC learning of DNF expressions remains one of the central problems in learning theory. We consider this problem in the setting where the underlying distribution is uniform, or more generally, a product distribution. Kalai, Samorodnitsky and Teng (2009) showed that in this setting a DNF expression can be efficiently approximated from its "heavy" low-degree Fourier coefficients alone. This is in contrast to previous approaches where boosting was used and thus Fourier coefficients of the target function modified by various distributions were needed. This property is crucial for learning of DNF expressions over smoothed product distributions, a learning model introduced by Kalai et al. (2009) and inspired by the seminal smoothed analysis model of Spielman and Teng (2001). We introduce a new approach to learning (or approximating) a polynomial threshold functions which is based on creating a function with range [-1,1] that approximately agrees with the unknown function on low-degree Fourier coefficients. We then describe conditions under which this is sufficient for learning polynomial threshold functions. Our approach yields a new, simple algorithm for approximating any polynomial-size DNF expression from its "heavy" low-degree Fourier coefficients alone. Our algorithm greatly simplifies the proof of learnability of DNF expressions over smoothed product distributions. We also describe an application of our algorithm to learning monotone DNF expressions over product distributions. Building on the work of Servedio (2001), we give an algorithm that runs in time \poly((s \cdot \log{(s/\eps)})^{\log{(s/\eps)}}, n), where ss is the size of the target DNF expression and \eps is the accuracy. This improves on \poly((s \cdot \log{(ns/\eps)})^{\log{(s/\eps)} \cdot \log{(1/\eps)}}, n) bound of Servedio (2001).Comment: Appears in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) 201

    Learning Geometric Concepts with Nasty Noise

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    We study the efficient learnability of geometric concept classes - specifically, low-degree polynomial threshold functions (PTFs) and intersections of halfspaces - when a fraction of the data is adversarially corrupted. We give the first polynomial-time PAC learning algorithms for these concept classes with dimension-independent error guarantees in the presence of nasty noise under the Gaussian distribution. In the nasty noise model, an omniscient adversary can arbitrarily corrupt a small fraction of both the unlabeled data points and their labels. This model generalizes well-studied noise models, including the malicious noise model and the agnostic (adversarial label noise) model. Prior to our work, the only concept class for which efficient malicious learning algorithms were known was the class of origin-centered halfspaces. Specifically, our robust learning algorithm for low-degree PTFs succeeds under a number of tame distributions -- including the Gaussian distribution and, more generally, any log-concave distribution with (approximately) known low-degree moments. For LTFs under the Gaussian distribution, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that achieves error O(ϵ)O(\epsilon), where ϵ\epsilon is the noise rate. At the core of our PAC learning results is an efficient algorithm to approximate the low-degree Chow-parameters of any bounded function in the presence of nasty noise. To achieve this, we employ an iterative spectral method for outlier detection and removal, inspired by recent work in robust unsupervised learning. Our aforementioned algorithm succeeds for a range of distributions satisfying mild concentration bounds and moment assumptions. The correctness of our robust learning algorithm for intersections of halfspaces makes essential use of a novel robust inverse independence lemma that may be of broader interest

    The Limitations of Optimization from Samples

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    In this paper we consider the following question: can we optimize objective functions from the training data we use to learn them? We formalize this question through a novel framework we call optimization from samples (OPS). In OPS, we are given sampled values of a function drawn from some distribution and the objective is to optimize the function under some constraint. While there are interesting classes of functions that can be optimized from samples, our main result is an impossibility. We show that there are classes of functions which are statistically learnable and optimizable, but for which no reasonable approximation for optimization from samples is achievable. In particular, our main result shows that there is no constant factor approximation for maximizing coverage functions under a cardinality constraint using polynomially-many samples drawn from any distribution. We also show tight approximation guarantees for maximization under a cardinality constraint of several interesting classes of functions including unit-demand, additive, and general monotone submodular functions, as well as a constant factor approximation for monotone submodular functions with bounded curvature

    Empirical Risk Minimization for Probabilistic Grammars: Sample Complexity and Hardness of Learning

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    Probabilistic grammars are generative statistical models that are useful for compositional and sequential structures. They are used ubiquitously in computational linguistics. We present a framework, reminiscent of structural risk minimization, for empirical risk minimization of probabilistic grammars using the log-loss. We derive sample complexity bounds in this framework that apply both to the supervised setting and the unsupervised setting. By making assumptions about the underlying distribution that are appropriate for natural language scenarios, we are able to derive distribution-dependent sample complexity bounds for probabilistic grammars. We also give simple algorithms for carrying out empirical risk minimization using this framework in both the supervised and unsupervised settings. In the unsupervised case, we show that the problem of minimizing empirical risk is NP-hard. We therefore suggest an approximate algorithm, similar to expectation-maximization, to minimize the empirical risk. Learning from data is central to contemporary computational linguistics. It is in common in such learning to estimate a model in a parametric family using the maximum likelihood principle. This principle applies in the supervised case (i.e., using annotate