32 research outputs found

    Politician's Strategic Impression Management on Instagram

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    With the growing trend of Instagram usage among politicians, this study investigates the effects of two self-presentation styles of personalization (i.e. presenting the private over the public life of a politician) and interactivity (i.e. presenting the active versus passive voice of a politician) on voters’ perception of politicians and their voting intention in the context of Instagram. The results of an experiment (n = 120) showed that presenting the public life of a politician had a more positive effect on perception of character, compared to the private life. Using a highly interactive style on Instagram had a more positive effect on perception of character, compared to a lack of interactivity. Finally, character perception was found to be a mediator for the effects of personalization and interactivity on voting intention. Theoretical implications with respect to impression management on social media, as well as practical implications for political engagement, are discussed

    Influencer Marketing: Consumer Responses to Instagram Influencers

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    Influencer marketing is the promotion of services and products through individuals with a large social media following. The research contained within this thesis will discuss the topic of influencer marketing and the responses of the consumers targeted. This study observed the different types of responses and comments that followers of Instagram influencers left on their posted content. The themes and characteristics of responses of Instagram influencer followers will be found through a qualitative content analysis. The study is supported by self-presentation theory, which suggests that individuals, in this case social media influencers, present themselves in a way that results in others’ perception of them

    Instagram and political storytelling among Malaysian politicians during the 14th General Election

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    The popularity of Instagram as a political tool has world leaders adopting it as an integral part of their communications. Over the recent years, governments and world leaders have flocked to the mobile photo and video sharing social network to share their official as well as personal pictures with a worldwide audience. Malaysian politicians are jumping on the Instagram bandwagon as well. Almost all the prominent politicians have an Instagram account and a significant number of followers. As such, this study explores Instagram’s affordance for visual imageries and political storytelling and its subsequent impact on political communication during election campaign. Methodologically, image analysis was conducted for two months on three Prime Ministerial candidates’ Instagram accounts running up to the historic Malaysian 14th General Election that happened on May 9th, 2018. The result showed that the candidates were actively using Instagram and were uniquely authoring their own stories by switching between narratives that were personal and political. These narratives were presented through six image types that included 1) fieldwork, 2) professionally-produced campaign materials, 3) politician-at-work, 4) family, 5) personal activities and 6) throwbacks. In addition, this analysis offers a crucial look into the mediatization and personalization of politics and contributes to the academic literature on social media, election campaign, as well as political communication in Malaysia

    Political Marketing Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno in the 2019 Presidential Election

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    This research explains how the political marketing of Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno was conducted in the 2019 presidential election. This study uses a qualitative approach, and data collection methods use in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that Prabowo-Sandiaga tried to maximize all stages of their political marketing concept, nevertheless the political marketing concept carried out by Prabowo-Sandiaga had not yet had a good impact on the final results in the 2019 presidential election. On the other hand, all the stages of the political marketing concept carried out by Prabowo-Sandiaga in the 2019 presidential election slightly increased the total votes if compared to the total votes obtained in the previous presidential election. The stages of political marketing carried out by Prabowo-Sandiaga in the 2019 presidential election started with Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, and Political Marketing Campaign Strategy. Prabowo-Sandiaga has several political segmentations which are then given a focus on political targets with patterns full market coverage. Prabowo-Sandiaga has a positioning on issues such as: Welfare, Justice, Prosperity. The positioning strategy pattern used is the rationalization strategy. Political marketing campaign strategy carried out with push political marketing, pull political marketing, and pass political marketing

    The Political Branding of an Independent Politician in the Digital Era

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    During this research the aim of the research was to evaluate the political branding of an independent politician in the context of the Panamanian Presidential Elections of May 2019. The research examined the perception of the political image of Ricardo Lombana, a Panamanian politician, among millennials in order to identify which elements of his branding strategy resonated with them and which did not. The research also explored the brand awareness of the politician. The target audience for this study were millennials living in Panama City, Panama. The literature base for the research relates to Political Marketing, Branding, Millennials and Leadership theories with the purpose of finding strategies that could potentially improve the current branding strategy of the politician, in order to increase their brand awareness and improve the perception of the politician’s overall image. A conceptual framework was created with the intention of having an effective process to evaluate a political brand. The elements that are evaluated can be interchanged in order for the process to apply to commercial brands. The primary data for this research was collected through six semi-structured interviews conducted with millennial voters in Panama. The results showed that the overall perception of the politician is positive, but that he did not reached all the population, especially those of lower income or living in rural areas. In a small group, such as the six participants that were interviewed, the qualities they expect to see publicized about a brand can vary, but it is the job of the branding strategist to identify the common traits the audience care about in order to work with those. Branding strategists in the Ricardo Lombana team are recommended to do more qualitative research among millennials, and the rest of the Panamanian population with the purpose of making the necessary adjustments in order to improve both the perception of the brand and its awareness among the electorate. It is recommended that scholars conduct further research into creating effective processes regarding the evaluation of branding strategies

    Language politeness of netizen comments on Donald Trumps’ Instagram: Gender perspective

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the different types of politeness strategies for positive politeness and negative politeness. The researcher observed the difference between positive politeness and negative politeness by men and women in Donald Trump's Instagram commentator. There were two objectives in this research; first, to identify differences in positive politeness by men and women in Comments of Donald Trump Instagram and second, to investigate differences in negative politeness of politeness strategies used by men and women in Comments of Donal Trump Instagram. This research used qualitative descriptive because the data were collected in the form of words and sentences. This study used a sociopragmatic research approach because the research occurs in social phenomena and pragmatics phenomena. The data were taken from Netizen comments on Donald Trump's post on Instagram on October 1, 2020. The researcher used Brown and Levinson's theory for the analysis of commentators on Donald Trump's Instagram. The findings from this study that obtained from all analyzed data. The researcher found positive politeness strategies covering fifteen strategies and negative politeness strategies covering ten strategies. Positive politeness was present in the twenty-five data explored in data analysis and negative politeness was in the twenty-five data that were explored in the data analysis. The use of positive politeness strategies in the data that have been found by both men and women. In conclusion, the researcher found the dominant positive politeness shown by men in speaking is the strategy of paying attention, paying attention to listeners. The positive strategy only used by men is Assert or Presuppose S's Knowledge of and Concern for H's wants and Give Reasons. The dominant positive politeness strategies used by women are Notice, Attend to H and Exaggerate. The strategies in question are give Gifts to H, Use In-Group Identity Markers and be optimistic strategies. The dominant negative politeness shown by men in speaking is Minimize the imposition. And the negative politeness strategy used by women is State the FTA as a general rule. The strategies in question are Be pessimistic, Minimize the imposition and Give Deference. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis berbagai jenis strategi kesantunan untuk kesopanan positif dan kesopanan negatif. Peneliti mengamati perbedaan antara kesopanan positif dan kesopanan negatif antara pria dan wanita dalam komentator Instagram Donald Trump. Ada dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini; pertama, untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan kesantunan positif oleh pria dan wanita di komentator Instagram Donald Trump dan kedua, untuk menyelidiki perbedaan kesopanan negatif dari strategi kesopanan yang digunakan oleh pria dan wanita di komentator Instagram Donal Trump. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif karena data dikumpulkan dalam bentuk kata dan kalimat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian sosiopragmatik karena penelitian terjadi pada fenomena sosial dan fenomena pragmatik. Data tersebut diambil dari komentar netizen pada postingan Donald Trump di Instagram tanggal 1 Oktober 2020. Peneliti menggunakan teori Brown dan Levinson untuk analisis para komentator di Instagram Donald Trump. Temuan dari penelitian ini yang diperoleh dari semua data yang dianalisis. Peneliti menemukan strategi kesantunan positif yang mencakup lima belas strategi dan strategi kesopanan negatif yang mencakup sepuluh strategi. Kesantunan positif hadir dalam dua puluh lima data yang dieksplorasi dalam analisis data dan kesopanan negatif ada dalam dua puluh lima data yang dieksplorasi dalam analisis data. Penggunaan strategi kesantunan positif dalam data yang ditemukan oleh pria dan wanita. Kesimpulannya, peneliti menemukan kesantunan positif yang dominan ditunjukkan oleh laki-laki dalam berbicara adalah strategi memperhatikan, memperhatikan pendengar. Strategi positif yang hanya digunakan oleh laki-laki adalah Menegaskan atau Mengandaikan Pengetahuan dan Kepedulian S terhadap keinginan H dan Berikan Alasan. Strategi kesantunan positif yang dominan digunakan oleh wanita adalah Perhatikan, Kehadiran untuk H dan Berlebihan. Strategi yang dimaksud adalah memberikan Hadiah untuk H, Menggunakan Penanda Identitas Dalam Kelompok dan menjadi strategi yang optimis. Kesopanan negatif yang dominan ditunjukkan oleh laki-laki dalam berbicara adalah Minimalkan pemaksaan. Dan strategi kesantunan negatif yang digunakan perempuan adalah Menyatakan FTA sebagai aturan umum. Strategi yang dimaksud adalah Pesimis, Minimalkan Pembebanan dan Beri Rasa hormat. مستخلص البحث تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل أنواع مختلفة من استراتيجيات الأدب للأدب الإيجابي والتهذيب السلبي. نظر الباحثون إلى الفرق بين الأدب الإيجابي والتواضع السلبي بين الرجال والنساء في معلق دونالد ترامب على الإنستغرام. هناك هدفان في هذا البحث ؛ أولاً ، لتحديد الاختلافات في الأدب الإيجابي من قبل الرجال والنساء على المعلق على Instagram دونالد ترامب وثانيًا ، للتحقيق في الاختلافات في الأدب السلبي من استراتيجيات الأدب التي يستخدمها الرجال والنساء على Instagram المعلق دونالد ترامب. يستخدم هذا البحث الوصف النوعي لأنه يتم جمع البيانات في شكل كلمات وجمل. تستخدم هذه الدراسة نهج بحث اجتماعي براغماتي لأن البحث يحدث في الظواهر الاجتماعية والظواهر البراغماتية. البيانات مأخوذة من تعليقات مستخدمي الإنترنت على منشور دونالد ترامب على Instagram في 1 أكتوبر 2020. يستخدم الباحثون نظرية براون وليفينسون لتحليل المعلقين على إنستغرام دونالد ترامب. تم الحصول على نتائج هذه الدراسة من جميع البيانات التي تم تحليلها. وجد الباحثون استراتيجيات أدب إيجابية تغطي خمسة عشر إستراتيجية وإستراتيجيات مهذبة سلبية تغطي عشر إستراتيجيات. كان التأدب الإيجابي حاضرًا في البيانات الخمس والعشرين التي تم استكشافها في تحليل البيانات ، وكان الأدب السلبي موجودًا في البيانات الخمس والعشرين التي تم استكشافها في تحليل البيانات. استخدام استراتيجيات التأدب الإيجابية في البيانات التي وجدها الرجال والنساء. وفي الختام توصلت الباحثة إلى أن التأدب الإيجابي السائد عند الرجال في التحدث هو استراتيجية الانتباه والاهتمام بالمستمع. الإستراتيجية الإيجابية التي يستخدمها الرجال فقط هي تأكيد أو افتراض معرفة S واهتمامها برغبات H وإعطاء الأسباب. استراتيجيات التأدب الإيجابية التي تستخدمها النساء في الغالب هي الانتباه ، والانتباه إلى H والإفراط. تتمثل الإستراتيجية المعنية في تقديم هدية لـ H ، واستخدام علامة الهوية في المجموعة ، وتكون استراتيجية متفائلة. التهذيب السلبي السائد الذي يظهره الرجال في التحدث هو تقليل الإكراه. واستراتيجية الأدب السلبية التي تستخدمها النساء هي إعلان اتفاقية التجارة الحرة كقاعدة عامة. الاستراتيجية المعنية هي التشاؤم وتقليل الأعباء والاحترام

    International Conference on Media

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    UBT Annual International Conference is the 11th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Art and Digital Media Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Architecture and Spatial Planning Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Computer Science and Communication Engineering Dental Sciences Education and Development Energy Efficiency Engineering Integrated Design Information Systems and Security Journalism, Media and Communication Law Language and Culture Management, Business and Economics Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Medicine and Nursing Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Political Science Psychology Sport, Health and Society Security Studies This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBT UBT – Higher Education Institutio

    American Corporate Political Strategy By Revealed Preference: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Political Activity as a Bundle of Economic Goods

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    This thesis explores corporate political activity as a bundle of economic goods by analyzing heterogeneity between industries’ spending on lobbying, PAC contributions, and the appointment of former political officials to a corporate board of directors. By using hand-collected data on political connections of board members, and years of lobbying and PAC expenses, this paper reveals the sector-specific preferences of the firms within the S&P 500 as of Spring 2021. The analysis shows clear differences between the nonmarket strategies of each industry, signaled by whether or not the industry views the three methods of political engagement as complementary of substitute goods. This tactical selection suggests diverse motivations and goals between sectors and solidifies the theory that firms (and the executives that lead them) perceive corporate political activity as strategically apt.Maxwell Palmer BU Political Science Departmen

    Congress, Constituents, and Social Media: Understanding Member Communications in the Age of Instantaneous Communication

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    Building the first database on Congressional use of traditional and social media, this project examined media use by Members in the 115th Congress. The team collected data on the use of both traditional media (franking disbursements, communication staff) and new media (social media, e-newsletters). Analysis indicates that (1) Member ideology has an effect on use of franking and on size of communication staff and (2) the more members spoke on the floor, the more Facebook posts they made