85 research outputs found

    Malay declarative sentence: Visualization and sentence correction

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    Language researchers introduced sentence parse tree visualizations to help in understanding sentence structure, especially in English. Among the applications introduced, phpSyntaxTree and RSyntaxTree give users the opportunity to visualize an English sentence through online interaction.In Malaysia, language research in sentence parse tree visualization for Malay (BM) still hasn’t attracted enough researchers to produce a prototype as has been done in English.However, several parsers for BM sentences have been introduced.The parsers will produce a parse tree as an output from the parsing process. Based on the parsers, methods can be extended to produce sentence parse tree visualizations for BM. Parsers for checking sentence structure need to be included in visualization methods.Visualization methods involved consist of 1) tokenizing, 2) checking the number of words, 3) assigning word class, 4) checking spelling or conjunctions, 5) checking and matching with formula, 6) suggestion or visualization 7) word attributes and 8) visualization from a corpus.A prototype for the methods introduced is still under the development and improvement process.However output from the development process in validating the sentence, giving corrections for incorrect sentences and creating a parse tree has had good output results

    Parse tree visualization for Malay sentence (BMTutor)

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    In Malaysia, various efforts have been made by the government and language researchers in improving student’s ability of mastering Malay language (BM) due to their poor ability in grammar and sentence structure. In terms of technology, to date, there is no computer software or a prototype that is available that can help students in learning the BM sentence structure.Thus, BMTutor is introduced as a solution to this problem. BMTutor is a prototype for visualizing Malay sentence combined with sentence checker, sentence correction and word attribute components.BMTutor is intended to facilitate the learning process of sentence construction and grammatical structure in BM. It is also to enhance the learning process in BM that can be used by communities, especially students. An algorithm in designing BMTutor is discussed in this paper.The algorithm of the software is done sequentially as followed: 1) tokenizing 2) checking the number of words, 3) searching and comparing process to check the spelling or conjunctions, 4) assigning each word with a certain word class, 5) matching with rules, and 6) delivering/producing output (sentence correction or parse tree visualization, word attribute components, and parse tree from sentence examples).Based on the testing conducted, output from the development process shows that the prototype can correct all 15 invalid sentences and can produce parse tree visualization for all 20 sentences

    Corpus Driven Analysis of the Coronavirus Prevention Handbook

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    Information about coronavirus prevention is important to know because coronavirus as the global pandemic after being designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for four years. The aim of this article is to find out linguistic evidences from the lexical aspects such as lexical items, lexical categories, lexical cohesion and lexical bundles. Then analyzed it through corpus-driven analysis using AntConc software, this software is employed to process the data. This research uses a mix method and concurrent embedded model, after that downloading the data, observation and documentation as technique of collecting data, while the technique of analysis data use converting and compiling data, reduction data classification data and display data. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses show the result of corpus driven analysis through AntConc show the most common of lexical and syntactical aspects such as word classes, and sentences patterns used in the coronavirus prevention handbook.  AbstrakInformasi tentang pencegahan virus korona penting untuk diketahui, karena virus korona sebagai pandemi global setelah ditetapkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) setelah berjalan selama satu tahun. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk mencoba mencari tahu bukti linguistik dari aspek leksikal dan sintaksis. Kemudian dianalisis melalui analisis berbasis korpus menggunakan aplikasi Antconc, perangkat lunak ini digunakan untuk memproses data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dan model campuran tidak berimbang, setelah itu mengunduh data, observasi, dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data, adapun teknik data analisis menggunakan data konversi dan penyusunan data, data klasifikasi data pengurangan dan data tampilan. Hasil analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif menunjukkan hasil AntConc dan menunjukkan aspek leksikal dan sintaksis yang paling umum seperti kelas kata, dan pola kalimat yang digunakan dalam buku pegangan pencegahan virus korona.

    Functions of language in forest resource report genre from a systemic functional linguistics perspective

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    Despite previous genre studies investigating various professional report genres in different contexts, disciplines and languages, professional report genre in forestry discipline remains the least explored, particularly from a Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) perspective. To date, limited findings were reported on how Malay language is used in forestry professional context. This study explored the elements that constitute the generic structure potential (GSP) for forest resource reports (FRR) in forestry discipline, how language is used to represent experiential and textual functions and the role of FRR genre. Six FRR written in Malay and three interviews with forestry officers were used as research data in this study. This qualitative genre analysis study utilised SFL analytical frameworks and semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that FRR is a hybrid genre which constitutes 10 obligatory main elements and 17 sub-elements explicating typical letter and forestry-related genre elements whereby the GSP for FRR takes a linear representation. Besides, the experiential function of FRR genre was used mainly to represent activities performed by forestry officers through the dominant use of Action processes whereby forest areas are seen as the entity most affected by activities taking place. On the other hand, descriptions of forest areas were supplemented mainly through circumstance of Location. Findings on the textual function revealed that FRR genre maintains topic on forest areas as the theme selection, and the overall organisation was established through a derived Theme progression pattern to position specific details of forest areas and its resources. Meanwhile, findings on the role of FRR genre indicated that FRR provides a preliminary observation and information to assist forestry department in deciding future directions and planning of forestry-related matters. The implication of this study centres on how exploration of genre elements, representation of experiential and textual functions and roles can be explored from SFL genre and metafunctional perspective in studying the use of Malay language

    Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-3): Language and Social Change

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    It is undeniable that, like human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did  not  exist  before  appeared  and  was  widely  used  in  the  next  period.  The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time.  It is undeniable that, like human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did  not  exist  before  appeared  and  was  widely  used  in  the  next  period.  The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time.  Social change in a society is triggered by various factors. In Indonesia, reform is one of  the  causes  of  change  in  various  aspects  of  social  life,  including  government, politics,  economy  and  culture.  All  these  changes  are  recorded  by  or  reflected  in language.&nbsp

    Proceeding The 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics (ISOL-3): Language and Social Change

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    It is undeniable that, like a human being, language also changes. The lexicon once used in a language may no longer be used in the next few years. In contrast, a lexicon that did not exist before appeared and was widely used in the next period. The pronunciation of a word may change from time to time. Social change in a society is triggered by various factors. In Indonesia, reform is one of the causes of change in various aspects of social life, including government, politics, economy, and culture. All these changes are recorded by or reflected in language

    Investigation of mobile devices usage and mobile augmented reality applications among older people

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    Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have allow users to communicate, entertainment, access information and perform productivity. However, older people are having issues to utilise mobile devices that may affect their quality of life and wellbeing. There are some potentials of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications to increase older users mobile usage by enhancing their experience and learning. The study aims to investigate mobile devices potential barriers and influence factors in using mobile devices. It also seeks to understand older people issues in using AR applications

    "Journey to Self-Actualization”: Al-Ghazali's Lens on Women's Metamorphosis in The Forty Rules of Love Novel

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    This paper explores the subject of love in literature and its transformative effects on female characters, particularly in Middle Eastern literature. A qualitative study was conducted on the work of renowned feminist author Elif Shafak, who addresses the issue of love and transformation in her novel "The Forty Rules of Love." Shafak’s works have successfully revitalized Middle Eastern literature by challenging stereotypes about women in the region. Instead of depicting them as subalterns or overshadowed by male-dominated tropes, Shafak empowers female protagonists, highlighting their voices and experiences. Hence, drawing on Al-Ghazali's concept of Tazkiyah al-Nafs or Purification of The Soul, a thematic analysis was conducted to explore the experiences of three female protagonists and identify how the concept of love serves a purpose in amplifying their voices and celebrating their spiritual growth. Findings suggest that divine love, tasawwuf, and Sufi teachings play a significant role in enhancing both the spiritual and physical well-being of Shafak’s female protagonists. This paper concludes that contemporary novels such as Shafak’s are breaking away from traditional male-centric narratives and increasingly portraying heroic women as empowered and proactive figures. This shift in the literary representation of women highlights the importance of diverse and empowering storytelling, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and progressive literary landscape. This study hopes to contribute to the understanding of the transformative power of love and its importance in achieving self-actualization and spiritual well-being for individuals, particularly women, in contemporary Society