1,446 research outputs found

    Exploring player experience and social networks in MOBA Games: The case of League of Legends

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    A pesar de la popularidad de los juegos de arena de combate multijugador en línea (MOBA en inglés) como League of Legends (LoL), tanto la experiencia de jugador (PE) que proporciona este género relativamente reciente como las redes sociales que se generan a su alrededor siguen, en gran medida, inexplorados. Con el incremento del tiempo que los jugadores dedican a este tipo de juegos competitivos en línea, los impactos positivos y negativos de hacerlo cobran relevancia; es, por lo tanto, importante entender cómo se estructura dicha experiencia para abordar de forma sistemática los mecanismos que desencadenan respuestas de los jugadores. El presente trabajo empieza obteniendo y caracterizando una muestra de jugadores de League of Legends y sigue con el uso de las variables resultantes y de la estructura de las relaciones sociales como entradas para explorar su relación con la experiencia de los jugadores. Al fin y al cabo, la PE es básica para involucrar al jugador y, por lo tanto, es clave para el éxito de cualquier juego digital. Los resultados muestran, entre otros, cómo los jugadores de League of Legends perciben el juego como “justo” para su nivel de competencia en cualquier rango, mientras que su afinidad respecto a los compañeros se ve afectada por la estructura social. La empatía y los sentimientos negativos, no obstante, no parecen verse afectados por la composición del equipo. Entender la experiencia del jugador en League of Legends puede no tan sólo ser útil para mejorar el propio LoL o los juegos de tipo MOBA, sino también para desarrollar juegos más inmersivos a la vez que se mejora su calidad. A medida que los juegos competitivos online se convierten rápidamente en una de las mayores actividades colectivas humanas a nivel global, la investigación sobre la experiencia del jugador adquiere también una importancia crucial

    The Labor of Play: the Political Economy of Computer Game Culture

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    This dissertation questions the relationship between computer game culture and ideologies of neoliberalism and financialization. It questions the role computer games play in cultivating neoliberal practices and how the industry develops games and systems making play and work indistinguishable activities. Chapter 1 examines how computer game inculcate players into neoliberal practice through play. In chapter 2, the project shows Blizzard Entertainment systematically redevelops their games to encourage perpetual play aimed at increasing the consumption of digital commodities and currencies. Chapter 3 considers the role of esports, or professional competitive computer game play, to disperse neoliberal ideologies amongst nonprofessional players. Chapter 4 examines the streaming platform Twitch and the transformation of computer gameplay into a consumable commodity. This chapter examines Twitch’s systems designed at making production and consumption inseparable practices. The dissertation concludes by examining the economic, conceptual, and theoretical collapses threatening game culture and the field of game studies

    An Appetite for the Tasteless: An Evaluation of Off-Color Humor in Adult Animations and Video Games, Presented Through a Proposed Interactive Narrative via a Procedurally Generated Material Library

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    Off-color humor has propelled adult animation into its Golden Age. The success of this genre has prompted media studios to begin developing original series for subscription video-on-demand services. The technology used for these over the top (OTT) streaming services have improved to the point that providers have begun developing cloud-based gaming. These improvements, along with developments in rendering systems, have made it possible to create interactive media across both video and gaming platforms using similar assets. This document will detail the successes of adult animation and the proposal for more interactive narrative media within this category. Accompanying the text will be a procedural material library fitting within the theme and style of adult animation. In recent years media studios have been adapting to tools for a fully procedural texture creation workflow. The focus will be on the creation and implementation of a base material library, as well as examine the benefits and capabilities of said materials across multiple entertainment industries

    Relevant Independent Variables on MOBA Video Games to Train Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Popularity of MultiplayerOnlineBattle Arena (MOBA)video gameshas grown considerably, its popularity as well as the complexity of their playability, have attracted the attention in recent years of researchers from various areas of knowledge and in particular how they have resorted to different machine learning techniques. The papers reviewed mainly look for patterns in multidimensional data sets. Furthermore, these previous researches do not present a way to select the independent variables(predictors)to train the models. For this reason, this paper proposes a listof variables based on the techniques used and the objectives of the research. It allows to provide a set of variables to find patterns applied in MOBA videogames.In order to get the mentioned list,the consulted workswere groupedbythe used machine learning techniques, ranging from rule-based systems to complex neural network architectures. Also, a grouping technique is applied based on the objective of each research proposed

    An Ecosystem Framework for the Meta in Esport Games

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    This paper examines the evolving landscape of modern digital games, emphasizing their nature as live services that continually evolve and adapt. In addition to engaging with the core gameplay, players and other stakeholders actively participate in various game-related experiences, such as tournaments and streaming. This interplay forms a vibrant and intricate ecosystem, facilitating the construction and dissemination of knowledge about the game. Such knowledge flow, accompanied by resulting behavioral changes, gives rise to the concept of a video game meta. Within the competitive gaming context, the meta represents the strategic and tactical knowledge that goes beyond the fundamental mechanics of the game, enabling players to gain a competitive advantage. We present a review of the state-of-the-art of knowledge for game metas and propose a novel model for the meta knowledge structure and propagation that accounts for this ecosystem, based on a review of the academic literature and practical examples. By exploring the dynamics of knowledge exchange and its influence on gameplay, the review presented here sheds light on the intricate relationship between game evolution, player engagement, and the associated emergence of game meta