31 research outputs found

    Analys av plattrambroar med krökta ramben

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    One of the most common types of bridges in Sweden is the integral bridge. What characterizes the integral bridge is the lack of bearings and expansion joints. The advantage of this construction is that the horizontal forces can be distributed throughout the structure. A problem is the restraint forces that occur due to, for instance, changes in temperature. Integral bridges are now often designed with horizontally curved abutment walls. This is because they are perceived as safer as this enables more light. These bridges should be analyzed three dimensionally and this increases the effect of the restraint forces. The aim of this study was to establish basic differences between integral bridges with straight respectively curved abutment walls through finite element analysis. Loads which have negative effect on the section forces have been identified. How the geometrical properties on bridges affects the section forces have been investigated, and different ways of modeling the ground attachment have been exanimated. This study has included the permanent loads, self-weight, earth pressure, support displacement and shrinkage. The included variable loads was traffic load, breakand acceleration force, different temperature loads, increased earth pressure due to overload and due to movement of the construction. The load combinations described are STR-A and STR-B. Analyses were carried out in a finite element program called BRIGADE/plus. The finite element method is a numerical calculation which gives approximate results. To identify the loads with negative effect, sections forces in an integral bridge with straight abutment walls was compared with the section forces for an integral bridge with curved abutment walls. The loads which have been found to have negative effect were temperature loads and shrinkage. Thereafter the bridges geometrical impact on the section forces from the shrinkage was analyzed. Shrinkage had been found to have the most negative effect on the section forces. With reduced curvature radius increases the section forces. It is also found that the ratio between width and length affects the section forces. The section forces that were affected most by the curvature of the abutment walls were the normal forces in both directions. The stress distributions in bridges exposed to ultimate state loads was examined. Bridges with different curvature radius where analyzed and differences between the stresses was investigated. Differences in the stress distribution when the abutment walls were designed with a curvature are found compared to straight abutment walls. Decreasing radius resulted in increasing stresses. The ground attachment was modeled in five different ways to investigate how this affects the stress distribution. The different methods is; fixed supports, fixed in a cylindrical coordinate system, fixed in a girder without the capacity to resist normal force, modeling of the ground slabs and modeling the ground slab with a girder. The strategy with fixed supports resulted in largest stresses. This study illustrated some problems that occur when an integral bridge is designed with curved abutment walls. Stress levels increases but was seemingly manageable

    Klimatoptimerat byggande av betongbroar

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    Sammanfattning: Klimatp\ue5verkan fr\ue5n infrastrukturen (byggande, drift och underh\ue5ll) \ue4r betydande. I Sverige st\ue5r den f\uf6r cirka 5-10 procent av v\ue4g- och j\ue4rnv\ue4gstransporternas totala klimatp\ue5verkan ur ett livscykelperspektiv. En stor del av utsl\ue4ppen fr\ue5n byggande av v\ue4gar och j\ue4rnv\ue4gar kommer fr\ue5n tillverkningen av st\ue5l och betong som anv\ue4nds i broar och andra byggnadsverk.Projektets syfte var att unders\uf6ka hur klimatsmart man kan bygga en vanligt f\uf6rkommande betongbrokonstruktion som en plattrambro. Tanken \ue4r att p\ue5 ett mycket konkret och handfast s\ue4tt analysera och beskriva m\uf6jligheter f\uf6r reducering av klimatgasutsl\ue4pp som st\ue5r till buds med dagens b\ue4sta tillg\ue4ngliga teknik f\uf6r utformning och dimensionering samt materialval. Ytterligare ett syfte \ue4r att f\uf6rse branschen med praktiskt anv\ue4ndbara r\ue5d och v\ue4gledning f\uf6r att underl\ue4tta f\uf6r anl\ue4ggningsbranschen att m\uf6ta de krav p\ue5 reducering av klimatgaser som Trafikverket planerar att inf\uf6ra f\uf6r byggande av infrastruktur.I projektet har m\uf6jligheter att minska klimatgasutsl\ue4ppen fr\ue5n byggande och underh\ue5ll av plattrambroar analyserats utifr\ue5n ett livscykelperspektiv f\uf6r f\uf6ljande \ue5tg\ue4rder:- Produktval armering-\ua0Produktval cement-\ua0Tillsatsmaterial i betong-\ua0Val av betongkvalitet och typ-\ua0Konstruktiv optimering av m\ue4ngder-\ua0Minimering av spill-\ua0Optimering av transporter-\ua0Estetiska val-\ua0Optimering ur underh\ue5llsperspektiv-\ua0Val av produktionsmetodResultaten fr\ue5n projektet visar p\ue5 att det med ett aktivt och medvetet klimatarbete, och en kombination av materialrelaterade och utf\uf6randerelaterade \ue5tg\ue4rder, ofta finns m\uf6jligheter att reducera klimatbelastningen fr\ue5n en vanlig plattrambro med i storleksordningen 50%. Slutredovisningen utg\uf6rs av rapporten "Klimatoptimerat byggande av betongbroar", Stefan Uppenberg, Daniel Ekstr\uf6m och Ulf Liljenroth, samtliga WSP, och Nadia Al-Ayish, RISE (44 sidor och en bilaga)

    TvÄngskrafter i betongbroar : analys och implementering av metod för reducering av tvÄngskrafter

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    Nowadays concrete structures are often designed with a complex geometry, which demands finite element analysis. A well known problem in relation to finite element analysis is restraining forces, which may be strongly overestimated in linear analyses of concrete structures. Restraint forces are internal forces that are created when a structure is prevented from movement. Restraint forces can for example occur in connection with uneven support displacement, shrinkage and temperature loading

    Robusta brokonstruktioner : en fallstudie av en plattrambro i betong

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    The increasing traffic on both railways and roads increases the risk of accidental collision with bridges and buildings. One way to prevent disproportionate collapse of structures if an unforeseen accident occurs is to make the structure robust. A structure that is robust has the ability to withstand progressive collapse initiated by local failures. The aim of this Master thesis is to study the term Robustness and the focus will be on robustness of bridges. The aim is also to investigate if a bridge, designed according to the Swedish building code, is robust. The knowledge and understanding of robustness is limited in Sweden. That is partly due to the lack of defined design criteria in today’s building code. In order to increase the structural safety and to create a better understanding about robustness, there should be guidelines in the building code on how to design the bridges supports and on how to protect the supports from collisions. The studied bridge has been analyzed with the finite element program BRIGADE/Plus. The simulation is based on a collision where one of the supports is damaged and taken out. The simulation shows that the bridge would be able to survive the accident when only deadweight is considered

    Effektiv brobyggnad genom prefabricering : en fallstudie

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    Att bygga betongbroar med inslag av prefabricering i Sverige Àr idag relativt ovanligt. Man vill gÀrna undvika obeprövade metoder för att hÄlla riskerna i projekten sÄ lÄga som möjligt. Samtidigt har det prefabricerade byggandets potential att öka effektiviteten och dÀrav ocksÄ lönsamheten lett till att en del prefabricerade broar byggts. PÄ senare tid har Trafikverket, den enskilt största bestÀllaren av jobb inom brobranschen, genomfört en förÀndring dÀr ett större antal av jobben gÄr ut som totalentreprenader. Dessutom har de slÀppt pÄ gestaltningskraven och uppmuntrar till innovation hos entreprenörerna. Dessa initiativ Àr nÄgot som ökar möjligheterna att bygga broar med inslag av prefab. 2011 byggde PEAB en helt ny typ av prefabricerad plattrambro i betong utanför Tenhult i Jönköpings lÀn. Projektet var en del av ett större projekt som innefattade en omlÀggning av riksvÀg 31. Upphandlingsformen var totalentreprenad, dÀr bestÀllaren var Trafikverket. Förslaget till den prefabricerade brons utformnning arbetades fram av PEAB tillsammans med Skandinaviska Byggelement. Förslaget var att man skulle tillverka en form av skalvÀggs- element som skulle monteras och dÀrefter gjutas ihop. I Skandinaviska Byggelements fabrik i BjÀsta tillverkades samtliga 12 vingmurselement, 6 rambenselement och 3 plattbÀrlagselement. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att identifiera de faktorer som Àr viktiga att ta i beaktning dÄ man bygger broar med inslag av prefabricering. Syftet Àr ocksÄ att ta fram förslag pÄ hur arbetet kan effektiviseras och utvecklas. I rapporten redovisas en översiktlig beskrivning och kartlÀggning av brobyggnadsprocessen. Dessutom presenteras en mer ingÄende beskrivning och kartlÀggning av aktiviteter vid sjÀlva monteringen av elementen. Resultaten bygger pÄ ett antal intervjuer med personer som har arbetat i projektet, samt tillgÀngliga projektdokument som ritningar och mötesprotokoll. Monteringen av elementen dokumenterades Àven med en videokamera, vars fÀrdigklippta version varit oss tillgÀngliga. Resultaten visar pÄ att det Àr av stor vikt att ha en god kommunikation och ett gott samarbete mellan de inblandade parterna för att projektet ska lyckas. BestÀllaren mÄste ocksÄ göra det möjligt för entreprenören att genomföra en prefabricerad bro genom att inte lÄsa frihetsgrader i förfrÄgningsunderlaget som utesluter en prefablösning. Vidare visar resultaten att en del av de faktorer som Àr viktiga att ta i beaktning dÄ man övervÀger att bygga en prefabbro Àr: betydelsen av byggtiden, platsen dÀr bron ska uppföras, bÄde med avseende pÄ omgivande miljö samt avstÄnd till fabrik samt brons geometri och utformning

    Metod för parametriserad modellering av brokonstruktioner

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    Today’s companies are using three dimensional finite element programs to evaluate structures of different kinds to a much greater extent than before, among them bridge structures. These programs can be divided into two groups: general and specialized programs. The general programs are general in the sense that they don’t focus on a specific type of structure and allow the user to model most structures. The work with such programs is often both complex and time consuming. Specialized programs are designed for the modeling and analysis of a specific type of structure. This results in a time efficient modeling with a minimum of input. The aim of this thesis is to develop a methodology for merging the advantages from both the program types. This will allow the user to create a bridge model through parameterization but the model should be created in such way that it is modifiable using the tools given in general programs. The methodology is then verified by an implementation into a general program with a script. This script creates a bridge model with both super- and substructure which can vary in many different ways. The substructure is limited to columns, abutments, end shields and wing walls. In addition to the geometric modeling the project also includes the modeling of the following loads: earth pressure, overload, surcharge, dead weight, shrinkage, temperature and support displacement. Sets and surfaces are also predefined by the methodology to make it easier for the user to make changes to the created model

    Prefabricerade betongbroar - vad hindrar dess anvÀnding i Sverige

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    Probabilistisk sÀkerhetsverifiering av befintlig vÀgbro

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    Rapporten syftar till att jÀmföra tvÄ olika metoder som kan anvÀndas för att klassnings- berÀkna broar. För att göra detta har en bro som tidigare klassningsberÀknats deterministiskt av Reinertsen AB berÀknats probabilistiskt. Skillnaden mellan metoderna har utvÀrderats genom att se vilka laster de olika metoderna tillÄter, givet att bron klassningsberÀknas i sÀkerhetsklass 2. Bron som anvÀnds som referens i arbetet Àr en plattrambro som leder motorvÀgen E6 över Lommabanan. Bron Àr belÀgen 1,4 kilometer norr om FlÀdie station. Bron bestÄr av tvÄ identiska broar som var och en leder norrgÄende respektive södergÄende trafik över spÄret. Bron Àr byggd Är 1959 i samband med att europavÀgen E6 byggdes ut

    Realistic Modeling of Thermal Effects in Concrete Bridges

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    Thermal actions have a signicant eect on bridge structures and can at some sections account for more than 20% of the reinforcement. Such actions are especially important in certain types of concrete bridges, e.g. portal frame bridges. Thermal actions dier from other load types considered during bridge design through being a constraining load. A temperature prole can be divided into a uniform part that aect the bridge with a linear expansion and a non-uniform part that will induce an arch shape of the bridge deck. Using the current building code, thermal actions can account for more than 20% of the total demand of reinforcement at midsection making them so large that they cannot be neglected. This makes thermal actions in bridge design interesting for further investigation

    The motorway in the landscape : a case study of the E22 motorway between Hurva and Fogdarp

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    I uppsatsen beskrivs nÄgra principer för gestaltningen av motorvÀgar, och de idéer och teorier som ligger bakom dessa. Bland de principer som tas upp Àr anvÀndningen av mjuka kurvor i vÀgens strÀckning i plan och profil, samt i dess sektion. Teorier för hur trafikanter upplever synintryck behandlas ocksÄ. Slutligen avhandlas principer för utformning av vissa element i vÀgens nÀromrÄde, som bullerskydd och vegetation. En fallstudie görs av delen av E22 mellan Hurva och Fogdarp. Denna görs genom studier av planeringsdokument, samt genom att resa lÀngs motorvÀgen. Utformningen av vÀgen utvÀrderas utifrÄn de gestaltningsprinciper och teorier som uppsatsen behandlat.In this thesis, some principles for the design of motorways are described. Among the principles to be considered, is the use of smooth curves in the horizontal and vertical alignment of roads, and in section. Theories regarding the visual impressions of the driver are also treated. Finally, principles for the design of certain elements in the vicinity of the road, such as noise barriers and vegetation, are covered. A case study is performed for the part of the E22 motorway between Hurva and Fogdarp. The study is made by examining planning documents, and by travelling along the motorway. The design of the road is evaluated according to the principles and theories that has been treated in the thesis