129,916 research outputs found

    Upaya Pelaksanaan Sinergi Kebijakan Transportasi Sebagai Penunjang Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Di Kota Blitar

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    : Realization efforts transportation policy synergy as supporting development tourism potency. In developing a synergy then needed a vision and mission which would be reach through the synergy itself. Then from the vision mentioned before it could be developed a synergy which can be run into the smallest part. The result of this research are 1) Developing Policy of Tourism Potential in Blitar which undertaken by Department of Communication, Informatics and Regional Tourism Government of Blitar basically, in line with the vision and mission of Blitar which make tourism sector as a center in regional development 2) In terms of policy synergy efforts of structuring public transportation system in supporting tourism potency at Blitar already held public transport system divided by four traffic lanes and the rest is a tour pedicab that under manage by Department of Communication, Informatics and Regional Tourism Government of Blitar 3) Form of policy synergies between tourism planning and transportation planning in Blitar only did by dividing public transport route in order to not disrupt the tour pedicab 4) The main factor which is supporting the synergy between Department of Communication, Informatics and Regional Tourism and Department of Regional Liaison is the exist of vision and mission of Blitar is clearly make the tourism sector as a superior sector which printed on development planning document of Blitar , which became the major resist factor of synergy is the unavailable Regional Regulations or Mayor Regulations which provide the instruction technically to implementing vision and missin of Blitar which fully focused on tourism sector

    Planning in Gateway and Natural Amenity Region Communities: Understanding the Unique Challenges Associated with Transportation, Mobility, and Livability

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    Communities outside of major public lands and other natural amenities throughout the western United States face a variety of transportation and planning-related concerns associated with rapid growth and increases in tourism. Surprisingly, while the unique transportation and planning-related challenges of these western gateway and amenity region (GNAR) communities have, to some extent, been documented in recreation and tourism research, these concerns have largely been overlooked in planning scholarship. To begin to address this gap, this report presents key descriptive findings from a study aimed at examining the unique transportation, mobility, and access to opportunity-related challenges being experienced by GNAR communities throughout the western U.S. It draws on findings from in depth interviews with 31 planners and other key public officials from 25 western GNAR communities, an online survey of planners and other key public officials in GNAR communities throughout the west, and observation of planning efforts in the regions around Zion National Park and Moab, UT, and Sandpoint, ID. Our results provide empirical evidence that many western GNAR communities are experiencing significant increases in growth and visitation pressures along with a number of related “big-city” problems, such as lack of affordable housing, income inequality, and transportation issues. These changes contrast against the fact that these communities value their small town character and related community characteristics. Our data suggest that despite these pressures, most GNAR communities are experiencing improved quality of life and visitor experience. However, some communities report declining quality of life and visitor experience, as well as extreme challenges associated with housing, transportation, and other planning concerns, raising the question of whether GNAR communities reach a tipping point at which visitation and development pressures result in overall impacts on community wellbeing. Our results also show that GNAR communities throughout the west are experimenting with innovative and promising approaches for tackling their housing and transportation issues. Further analysis is needed to better understand what kinds of GNAR communities are experiencing what kinds of challenges, as well as to assess the effectiveness of different kinds of strategies for addressing these challenges; we will explore those topics in future publications. One key takeaway from this study is that housing, transportation, and land use decisions are highly interwoven in GNAR communities throughout the west; further research is needed to better understand this connectivity and what it means for appropriate housing and access solutions

    The Jacksonville Downtown Data Book

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    The Downtown Data Book is an effort by the DDA (Jacksonville Downtown Development Authority) to provide a downtown information resource outlining many areas of concern to business leaders, developers, public officials, and others interested in downtown Jacksonville. The topics include demographics, retail, office space, housing, transportation, tourism, and the DDA\u27s planning efforts. First Edition. PALMMhttps://digitalcommons.unf.edu/northeast_fla_books/1010/thumbnail.jp


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    Abstract Transportation is one of the important elements in tourism activities. But the tourism sector often does not involve transportation planning in the process of developing a tourism area. This study presents the accessibility provided by the transportation sector in supporting the tourism sector and those related to the provision of public transport and policies in supporting sustainable tourism. The results of this study show that with good tourism and transportation governance, there will be a good balance between economic, social and environmental aspects in tourist areas. Tourists can explore existing attractions without getting lost. With good public transport, limited road capacity can be maximized and finally it can also reduce the negative impact of transportation on natural resources and natural beauty in tourist areas. Keywords: tourism sector, tourism area, public transportation, accessibility  Abstrak Transportasi merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam kegiatan pariwisata. Namun sektor pariwisata seringkali tidak melibatkan perencanaan transportasi dalam proses pengembangan suatu kawasan pariwisata. Penelitian ini menyajikan aksesibilitas yang diberikan oleh sektor transportasi dalam mendukung sektor pariwisata dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan angkutan umum serta kebijakan-kebijakan dalam mendukung pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa dengan adanya tata kelola pariwisata dan transportasi yang baik, akan terjadi keseimbangan yang baik antara aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan di kawasan wisata. Wisatawan dapat mengeksplorasi objek wisata yang ada tanpa tersesat. Dengan angkutan umum yang baik, kapasitas jalan yang terbatas dapat dimaksimalkan dan akhirnya juga dapat mengurangi dampak negatif transportasi terhadap sumber-sumber daya alami dan keindahan alam di kawasan wisata. Kata-kata kunci: sektor pariwisata, kawasan pariwisata, angkutan umum, aksesibilita


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    Abstract Transportation is one of the important elements in tourism activities. But the tourism sector often does not involve transportation planning in the process of developing a tourism area. This study presents the accessibility provided by the transportation sector in supporting the tourism sector and those related to the provision of public transport and policies in supporting sustainable tourism. The results of this study show that with good tourism and transportation governance, there will be a good balance between economic, social and environmental aspects in tourist areas. Tourists can explore existing attractions without getting lost. With good public transport, limited road capacity can be maximized and finally it can also reduce the negative impact of transportation on natural resources and natural beauty in tourist areas. Keywords: tourism sector, tourism area, public transportation, accessibility  Abstrak Transportasi merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam kegiatan pariwisata. Namun sektor pariwisata seringkali tidak melibatkan perencanaan transportasi dalam proses pengembangan suatu kawasan pariwisata. Penelitian ini menyajikan aksesibilitas yang diberikan oleh sektor transportasi dalam mendukung sektor pariwisata dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan angkutan umum serta kebijakan-kebijakan dalam mendukung pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa dengan adanya tata kelola pariwisata dan transportasi yang baik, akan terjadi keseimbangan yang baik antara aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan di kawasan wisata. Wisatawan dapat mengeksplorasi objek wisata yang ada tanpa tersesat. Dengan angkutan umum yang baik, kapasitas jalan yang terbatas dapat dimaksimalkan dan akhirnya juga dapat mengurangi dampak negatif transportasi terhadap sumber-sumber daya alami dan keindahan alam di kawasan wisata. Kata-kata kunci: sektor pariwisata, kawasan pariwisata, angkutan umum, aksesibilita


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    This research is a basic research that confirms the ethics of sustainable tourism planning with the research objective of the establishment of ethics of developing agritourism in the boundaries of protected forest. The quantitative method is uses as primarily approach involving 230 respondents, and 32 informants as supplementary approach. The conclusions are the ethical development of agritourism in protected area in the case study of Pelaga Village ideally able to present open natural beauty, cultural-friendly, environmentally friendly, and conserve a unique tourist attraction, provide public facilities, telecommunication, restaurants, and market centers for agriproducts, the availability of transportation to the location, and provide public facilitie