5,109 research outputs found

    Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008

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    COST Action IE0601 "Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage" (www.woodculther.org) aims to improve the conservation of European wooden cultural heritage objects, by fostering research and interaction between researchers in various fields of wood science, conservators of wooden artworks, scientists from related fields. These proceedings contain the papers presented in the 2nd International Conference held in Braga (Portugal) 5-7/11/2008, dealing with themes such as material properties, biological degradation, characterization and measurement techniques, conservation, structures. This conference was patronized by the European Society for Wood Mechanics (ESWM), an informal body promoting wood mechanics in Europe by regular organisation of meetings through running COST Actions

    A framework for surface metrology on Cultural Heritage objects based on scanning conoscopic holography

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    L'applicazione della metrologia di superficie e dell'analisi dimensionale allo studio dei beni culturali può rivelare importanti informazioni sull'oggetto e favorire l'integrazione di molteplici tecniche diagnostiche. Tuttavia, l'applicazione di queste discipline ai Beni Culturali richiede particolari requisiti e attenzioni. In questa tesi, presento i risultati dell'implementazione di diversi sistemi di misurazione della superficie basati sul principio della conoscopia olografica. I senori conoscopici sono strumenti capaci di misurare distanze con precisione micrometrica a scale diverse, accoppiati a slitte micrometriche possono essere utilizzati per acquisire scansioni areali dell'oggetto in esame. Per facilitare la loro applicazione alle opere d'arte ho sviluppato un extit{framework} per applicare la metrologia di superficie ai beni culturali. Il framework copre diversi aspetti del processo di analisi ed utilizzo dei dati e comprende la creazione di raccolte di campioni, le strategie per la scansione dell'oggetto, l'archiviazione e l'analisi dei dati ed eventualmente l'incertezza legata alla misura. Il extit{framework} mira a rendere più accessibile l'implementazione della metrologia di superficie e dei sistemi di scansione dell'analisi dimensionale per l'analisi dei beni culturali. I risultati raccolti su una varietà di materiali artistici (metalli, dipinti su tavola, tela, carta, pergamena e dipinti murali) mostrano come questi sistemi possano essere utilizzati per monitorare gli effetti delle procedure di pulitura, la stabilità dimensionale delle opere d'arte ed il loro invecchiamento.The application of surface metrology and dimensional analysis to the study of artworks can reveal important information on the object and aid the integration of multiple techniques. However, the application of these disciplines to Cultural Heritage objects necessitates particular care and requirements. In this dissertation, I present the results of the implementation of different systems, based on Conoscopic Holography range finders, for measuring the surface. Conoscopic holography range finders are viable instruments for measuring distances with micrometer accuracy at different scales, coupled with micrometric stages they can be used for acquiring areal scans of the object under investigation. To ease their application to artworks I built a framework for applying surface metrology to Cultural Heritage objects. The framework covers different aspects of the research workflow comprising the creation of samples collections, the strategies for scanning the object, the storing and the analysis of the data and eventually the uncertainty linked to the measurement. This framework aims to make more accessible the implementation of surface metrology and dimensional analysis scanning systems tailored to the analysis of Cultural Heritage objects. The results collected on a variety of artworks materials (metals, panels painting, canvas, paper, parchment and mural paintings) show how these systems can be used for monitoring the effects of cleaning procedures, the dimensional stability of the artworks and their ageing

    The conservation of panel paintings and related objects

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    Until the early 17th century almost all portable paintings were created on wood supports, including masterpieces by famous painters, ranging from Giotto to Dürer to Rembrandt. The structural conservation of these paintings requires specific knowledge and skills as the supports are susceptible to damage caused by unstable environmental conditions. Unfortunately, past structural interventions often caused significant damage due to insufficient knowledge of the behaviour of the wood panels, glue and paint layers. Over the last fifty years, the field has developed treatment strategies based on interdisciplinary collaboration and on the knowledge of specialist conservators. Most current conservation protocols rely on empirical knowledge of conservators and are not necessarily based on a scientific understanding of the nature and behaviour of wood and paint layers. In order to move the field forward, it is imperative to strengthen scientific research into the production methods, ageing and future behaviour of panel paintings, being an intricate interplay between different materials. A deeper understanding of the processes that adversely affect panel paintings over time will contribute to the improved care and conservation of these artworks. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam brought together a group of experts from different disciplines to recommend specific areas in the field that would benefit from systematic research. The experts concluded that targeted interdisciplinary research projects are key to understanding the behaviour of panel paintings and help conservators make better informed decisions. Research into chemical and physical properties of wood, glue and paint layers should be combined with an evaluation of past and current conservation treatments. Research should also consider the history of the object, studio practice, conservation history and thoughts on long-term impact of treatments

    Future footwear : the birth of feet, the re-birth of footwear

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    The conservation of panel paintings and related objects

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    Until the early 17th century almost all portable paintings were created on wood supports, including masterpieces by famous painters, ranging from Giotto to Dürer to Rembrandt. The structural conservation of these paintings requires specific knowledge and skills as the supports are susceptible to damage caused by unstable environmental conditions. Unfortunately, past structural interventions often caused significant damage due to insufficient knowledge of the behaviour of the wood panels, glue and paint layers. Over the last fifty years, the field has developed treatment strategies based on interdisciplinary collaboration and on the knowledge of specialist conservators. Most current conservation protocols rely on empirical knowledge of conservators and are not necessarily based on a scientific understanding of the nature and behaviour of wood and paint layers. In order to move the field forward, it is imperative to strengthen scientific research into the production methods, ageing and future behaviour of panel paintings, being an intricate interplay between different materials. A deeper understanding of the processes that adversely affect panel paintings over time will contribute to the improved care and conservation of these artworks. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam brought together a group of experts from different disciplines to recommend specific areas in the field that would benefit from systematic research. The experts concluded that targeted interdisciplinary research projects are key to understanding the behaviour of panel paintings and help conservators make better informed decisions. Research into chemical and physical properties of wood, glue and paint layers should be combined with an evaluation of past and current conservation treatments. Research should also consider the history of the object, studio practice, conservation history and thoughts on long-term impact of treatments

    The fate of colors in the 20th - 21st centuries: preserving the organic colorants in plastic artifacts

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    Objectos modernos e contemporâneos feitos de plástico são amplamente encontrados no património cultural. Presentemente, a sua preservação levanta questões críticas aos conservadores e cientistas uma vez que estes objectos podem facilmente sofrer degradação num curto espaço de tempo. Um dos fenómenos que pode alterar significativamente a aparência de objectos em plástico é a alteração de cor (descoloração). De um modo geral, a descoloração é habitualmente associada à degradação dos polímeros, contudo, os pigmentos, que são parte integrante das formulações do plástico, também podem desvanecer devido à exposição à luz. A identificação de objetos de plástico com pigmentos sensíveis à luz é um exercício bastante exigente devido à sensibilidade dos mesmos a alterações na cor. A caracterização dos corantes nos plásticos é normalmente realizada através de amostragem, métodos de extração e testagem destrutiva. Como alternativa, esta tese apresenta uma abordagem inovadora e multi- analítica baseada em espectroscopias que foi desenvolvida para a identificação in situ dos pigmentos em plásticos históricos. Esta metodologia compreendeu a utilização de microscopia ótica (MO), microespectrometria por fluorescência de raios X dispersiva de energias (μ-EDXRF), espectroscopia UV-Vis-NIR de reflectância, fotoluminescência (PL) e micro-espectroscopia de Raman (μ-Raman) na análise de obras de arte, objetos industriais e de uso diário, datados de 1950-2000s e pertencentes a coleções Portuguesas. Deste estudo resultou a identificação dos pigmentos comumente presentes na paleta de cor dos coloristas da indústria dos plásticos portuguesa: óxido de ferro (PR 101, α-Fe2O3), molibdato de cromato de chumbo (PR 104, Pb(Cr,Mo,S)O4), vermelho de cádmio (PR 108, Cd(S,Se); PR 113, (Cd,Hg)S), amarelo de cádmio (PY 37, CdS; PY 35; (Cd,Zn)S), branco de titânio (PW 6, TiO2 ambos rutilo e anátase), oxicloreto de bismuto (PW 14, BiOCl) e lacas do pigmento orgânico β-naftol (PR 48, PR 49, PR 53). Adicionalmente, foi também identificado um pigmento fora do comum, o pigmento perlascente plumbonacrite Pb5(CO3)3O(OH)2. Para todos os casos de estudo, μ-Raman foi a ferramenta chave para a caracterização dos pigmentos nos objetos de plástico, aportando dados conclusivos para a identificação dos mesmos. A impressão digital vibracional dos pigmentos orgânicos e inorgânicos foi adquirida com sucesso recorrendo à focagem do laser na superfície das partículas. A aquisição de dados espectrais de pigmentos com concentrações muito baixas (0.1 % a 5%, aproximadamente) à escala micro foi possível através de microscopia confocal, que faz parte do sistema do equipamento de μ-Raman. Adicionalmente, foi também possível obter informação sobre o polímero base (principalmente termoplásticos) e cargas. Os métodos analíticos desenvolvidos neste estudo deverão, em trabalhos futuros, facilitar a obtenção de informação complementar sobre estes objetos de plástico e permitir uma melhor identificação e avaliação do seu estado de conservação. Esta tese foca particularmente objectos de plástico vermelhos visto que estes foram identificados como os mais severamente afetados por alterações de cor. O estado avançado de desvanecimento identificado no pigmento β-naftol PR 53 mostrou a sua fraca estabilidade à luz em formulações de plástico. Esta situação, junto com as alterações de cor descritas em literatura para o pigmento PR 48 em objetos de plástico, sugere uma sensibilidade dos pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftol ao desvanecimento. O PR 53 e os pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftóis são pigmentos históricos facilmente encontrados em objetos do património cultural. No entanto, o conhecimento acerca da sua estabilidade a longo prazo e resistência à foto-degradação é limitado, especialmente para os casos onde os mesmos se encontram em polímeros, sendo que este conhecimento é essencial para a sua preservação. Neste estudo, a quantificação da foto-estabilidade para uma série de pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftol foi realizada pela primeira vez, através do cálculo do rendimento quântico de fotodegradação (ΦR). Os valores obtidos variaram entre 3x10-6 e 4x10-5, indicativo de uma estabilidade relativamente boa à luz por parte das moléculas. Tendo em consideração que a estabilidade dos pigmentos não se limita exclusivamente ao pigmento em si, mas também à sua interação com o meio envolvente, foram realizados ensaios de envelhecimento por exposição à luz (λ>300 nm) do pigmento em solução, em pó e incorporado em polímeros de modo a avaliar o papel do meio na estabilidade à luz dos pigmentos e as vias pelas quais estes se degradam. Verificou-se que o ligante tem um impacto significativo na estabilidade do pigmento uma vez que se foi detetada uma maior sensibilidade à luz dos pigmentos PR 48 e PR 53 quando incorporados nos plásticos, comparativamente ao ensaio do pigmento em pó. Este novo conhecimento irá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias na conservação dos plásticos com estes pigmentos vermelhos fotossensíveis através da previsão do desvanecimento. Espectrometrias de massa (MS) por cromatografia em fase líquida e gasosa foram utilizadas na caracterização dos principais subprodutos da degradação. Observou-se uma fotodegradação significativa e a formação de compostos ftálicos e ftalatos nos pigmentos em solução e em pó.Modern and contemporary objects made of plastics are widely found in cultural heritage. Today, their preser- vation poses critical issues to conservators and scientists, as they can suffer from extensive degradation in a short time period. Color change (discoloration) is one of the alteration phenomena that can significantly affect their appearance. Discoloration is commonly associated with the degradation of polymers. However, pigments within plastics can also fade due to exposure to light. The identification of objects that contain light-sensitive pigments is demanding because of the sensitivity of plastics to color change. Normally sampling, extraction methods and destructive testing are required for the characterization of colorants in plastics. In this work, an innovative multi-analytical spectroscopic approach for the in situ identification of pigments in historical plastics was developed. Optical microscopy (MO), micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluo- rescence (μ-EDXRF), UV-Vis-NIR reflectance, photoluminescence (PL) and Raman microscopy (μ-Raman), were used for the analysis of artworks, industrial and daily objects dated from 1950s-2000s from Portuguese collections. A common colorists’ palette within the Portuguese plastics industry was identified: iron oxide (PR 101, α-Fe2O3), lead chromate molybdate (PR 104, Pb(Cr,Mo,S)O4), cadmium red (PR 108, Cd(S,Se); PR 113, (Cd,Hg)S) and cadmium yellow (PY 37, CdS; PY 35; (Cd,Zn)S) pigments, titanium whites (PW 6, TiO2 both rutile and anatase), bismuth oxychloride (PW 14, BiOCl) and organic β-naphthol lakes (PR 48, PR 49, PR 53). An exceptional pigment found was the pearlescent plumbonacrite pigment Pb5(CO3)3O(OH)2. In all the case studies, μ-Raman was the key analytical tool for pigment characterization in the plastic objects, providing conclusive data for their identification. The vibrational fingerprint of both inorganic and organic pigments was successfully recorded by focusing the laser beam on particle surfaces. The confocal microscopy system used in μ-Raman enabled the collection of spectral data from low concentrations of pigments (ap- proximately 0.1%-5%) on the micro-scale. In addition to pigments, information on the base polymer (mainly thermoplastics) and fillers was obtained. The analytical methods developed will facilitate the acquisition of complementary data from plastics allowing material identification and condition assessment in the future. This thesis focused on red pigmented plastic artifacts, as they were found to be severely faded among the studied objects. The identification of β-naphthol pigment lake PR 53 as a faded pigment highlighted its poor fastness in plastics, that together with the color change of PR 48 in plastic objects, reported in literature, suggests the particular susceptibility of β-naphthol red lakes to fading. PR 53, and the other β-naphthol reds, are historical pigments widely found in cultural heritage. However, little is known about their photodegradation and stability, especially when they are found in polymer media, and this knowledge is essential for their long- term preservation. For the first time, photodegradation quantum yields (ΦR) were calculated for a series of red pigments based on β-naphthol in order to quantify their photo-stability. ΦR values ranging from 3x10-6 to 4x10-5 were obtained, indicating relatively light-stable molecules. Bearing in mind that pigment fastness is not only related to the pigment itself, but also to its interaction with the confined environment, light-aging experiments (λ>300 nm) were conducted in solution, on powders, and in polymers to assess the role of the medium on the lightfastness of the pigments and their degradation pathways. A significant impact of the binder on their stability was found. Indeed, a higher sensitivity to light of PR 48 and PR 53 pigments, when incorporated in plastics than in powder, was observed. This new knowledge will contribute to the prediction of plastic fading and inform effective preventive conservation strategies for objects containing light- sensitive β-naphthol red pigments. Liquid- and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (MS) were used for the characterization of the main degradation products. Extensive photodegradation was observed with the formation of phthalic compounds and phthalates in both solution and powder phases

    Military Frame, Mission Form, Historic Fabric, and Campus Function: A New Mexico National Guard Perspective

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    This thesis will investigate, identify, and develop what campus planning is for military installations; more specifically it will classify specific features that should be included in the planning of military installations to achieve a campus setting. This thesis will include a case study upon which the campus initiative can be exemplified using a National Guard site. The site selected is dynamic enough to include the majority of components within the planning spectrum of regulations for Army National Guard facilities. This all-volunteer component is the pride of America with multi-faceted missions and capabilities that do not match any other component or agency in the nation. The fundamental purpose, culture, and history of the National Guard will be explored in order to draw conclusions about the requirement and application of a military campus plan. Research surrounding traditional campus planning for universities and other military institutions will be analyzed to determine the validity of specified features for use in this setting. The overall place-making endeavor will include concepts and features that will increase social interaction, establish linkages to the history and culture of the population, as well as increase quality of life, efficiency, and stewardship. The case study will be of the New Mexico National Guard Oñate Complex Training Site, Santa Fe, N.M., which will allow for an in-depth illustration of concepts discussed. The end product will include a military campus plan for the New Mexico National Guard’s, Oñate Complex Training Site, which will integrate the garrison functions and training area to facilitate the Adjutant General’s (TAG) vision for real property development planning as well as incorporate the possibility of cultivating new government partnerships. The project will focus on improving the efficiency and use of the site by conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis of land use, real property data, facility use and space requirements, stationing, environmental resources, utilities, roads and trails, landscape, site edges, buffer zones, anti-terrorism/force protection requirements, and training areas. The project will directly benefit the Soldiers and Airmen of the New Mexico National Guard as users of the facility, as well as state and federal agencies who may reside in the facilities through usage agreements or partnerships. The Construction & Facilities Management Office will be impacted physically through the creation of a synthesized strategy for use in the planning and development of the Oñate site which includes a readiness center, educational, logistical, and training center facilities

    Examining the Cultural and Historical Impact of the National Historic Site Designation in Nicodemus, Kansas

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    America\u27s National Historic Preservation Act promotes the conservation of irreplaceable sites such as Nicodemus, Kansas, an African American town founded by former slaves in 1877. The collaboration of the National Park Service (NPS) and civic partners is essential to meet the goal of preserving historic properties in Nicodemus and other minority communities. Although the NPS designated 5 Nicodemus buildings as a National Historic Site (NHS) in 1996, the few remaining residents struggle to preserve the site and attract visitors. The purpose of this ethnographic study was to explore the effects of NPS policies related to African American historic and cultural preservation. Research questions focused on the consequences of the NHS designation in Nicodemus and options for NPS policy improvement. This study was inspired by Innes and Booher\u27s theory of complex adaptive systems and consensus building. Data were collected through interviews with 11 residents, educators, and representatives of the NPS. These data were inductively coded and then subjected to thematic analysis. Key findings indicate concerns about limited resources, NPS open competition hiring policies that do not promote the long-term employment of Nicodemus descendant-residents in spite of their ability to recount oral histories, a need for cross-cultural training in the NPS, and the inadequate promotion of the Nicodemus NHS. This study may lead to positive social change by emphasizing the need for the NPS to collaborate with the descendants and long-term residents of rural communities to preserve the historical legacy of African Americans and emphasize the strength of our nation\u27s diversity

    Discovering the New Place of Learning

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    The book explores the potential of learning outside the traditional classroom when students gain real-world experiences in a variety of contexts and public spaces such as built, natural and virtual landscapes, museums, heritage sites, science centres and community venues. The authors of the book promote and put the flexible and ‘plastic’ concept of a place of learning into action by including physical geographical location, digital, virtual and textual spaces into the analysis. The book illuminates the importance of innovative educational strategies in connecting formal, non-formal and informal education – experiential learning in museums, heritage places and communities, inquiry-based pedagogy, digital storytelling, environmental online games, narrative geographies, and the use of geospatial technologies