258 research outputs found

    Multi-level agent-based modeling with the Influence Reaction principle

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    This paper deals with the specification and the implementation of multi-level agent-based models, using a formal model, IRM4MLS (an Influence Reaction Model for Multi-Level Simulation), based on the Influence Reaction principle. Proposed examples illustrate forms of top-down control in (multi-level) multi-agent based-simulations

    Collective Intelligence and Neurodynamics: Functional Homologies

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    A deep understanding of the dynamics of the human nervous system requires the simultaneous study of multiple spatiotemporal scales from the level of neurotransmitters up to the level of human cultures. This is likely impossible for technical and ethical reasons. Piecemeal analysis provides some understanding of the dynamics at single levels, but this does not illuminate the interactions between levels which are, at the very least, of great importance clinically. It would be useful to have an accessible biological system which could serve as a proxy for the nervous system and from which useful insights might be obtained. Functional homologies between the nervous system and collective intelligence systems, in particular social insect colonies, are described. It is proposed that social insects colonies could serve as functional proxies for nervous systems. Thus a multiscale study of social insect colonies may provide insights into the dynamics of nervous systems

    Rank-based ant system with originality reinforcement and pheromone smoothing

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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) encompasses a family of metaheuristics inspired by the foraging behaviour of ants. Since the introduction of the first ACO algorithm, called Ant System (AS), several ACO variants have been proposed in the literature. Owing to their superior performance over other alternatives, the most popular ACO algorithms are Rank-based Ant System (ASRank), Max-Min Ant System (MMAS) and Ant Colony System (ACS). While ASRank shows a fast convergence to high-quality solutions, its performance is improved by other more widely used ACO variants such as MMAS and ACS, which are currently considered the state-of-the-art ACO algorithms for static combinatorial optimization problems. With the purpose of diversifying the search process and avoiding early convergence to a local optimal, the proposed approach extends ASRank with an originality reinforcement strategy of the top-ranked solutions and a pheromone smoothing mechanism that is triggered before the algorithm reaches stagnation. The approach is tested on several symmetric and asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and Sequential Ordering Problem instances from TSPLIB benchmark. Our experimental results show that the proposed method achieves fast convergence to high-quality solutions and outperforms the current state-of-the-art ACO algorithms ASRank, MMAS and ACS, for most instances of the benchmark.This research work was funded by the European project PDE-GIR of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research & innovation program (Marie Sklodowska-Curie action, grant agreement No 778035), and by the Spanish government project #PID2021-127073OB-I00 of the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, EU “Una manera de hacer Europa”

    Design and Optimization of Power Delivery and Distribution Systems Using Evolutionary Computation Techniques

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    Nowadays computing platforms consist of a very large number of components that require to be supplied with diferent voltage levels and power requirements. Even a very small platform, like a handheld computer, may contain more than twenty diferent loads and voltage regulators. The power delivery designers of these systems are required to provide, in a very short time, the right power architecture that optimizes the performance, meets electrical specifications plus cost and size targets. The appropriate selection of the architecture and converters directly defines the performance of a given solution. Therefore, the designer needs to be able to evaluate a significant number of options in order to know with good certainty whether the selected solutions meet the size, energy eficiency and cost targets. The design dificulties of selecting the right solution arise due to the wide range of power conversion products provided by diferent manufacturers. These products range from discrete components (to build converters) to complete power conversion modules that employ diferent manufacturing technologies. Consequently, in most cases it is not possible to analyze all the alternatives (combinations of power architectures and converters) that can be built. The designer has to select a limited number of converters in order to simplify the analysis. In this thesis, in order to overcome the mentioned dificulties, a new design methodology for power supply systems is proposed. This methodology integrates evolutionary computation techniques in order to make possible analyzing a large number of possibilities. This exhaustive analysis helps the designer to quickly define a set of feasible solutions and select the best trade-off in performance according to each application. The proposed approach consists of two key steps, one for the automatic generation of architectures and other for the optimized selection of components. In this thesis are detailed the implementation of these two steps. The usefulness of the methodology is corroborated by contrasting the results using real problems and experiments designed to test the limits of the algorithms

    Solution Biases and Pheromone Representation Selection in Ant Colony Optimisation.

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    Combinatorial optimisation problems (COPs) pervade human society: scheduling, design, layout, distribution, timetabling, resource allocation and project management all feature problems where the solution is some combination of elements, the overall value of which needs to be either maximised or minimised (i.e., optimised), typically subject to a number of constraints. Thus, techniques to efficiently solve such problems are an important area of research. A popular group of optimisation algorithms are the metaheuristics, approaches that specify how to search the space of solutions in a problem independent way so that high quality solutions are likely to result in a reasonable amount of computational time. Although metaheuristic algorithms are specified in a problem independent manner, they must be tailored to suit each particular problem to which they are applied. This thesis investigates a number of aspects of the application of the relatively new Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) metaheuristic to different COPs. The standard ACO metaheuristic is a constructive algorithm loosely based on the foraging behaviour of ant colonies, which are able to find the shortest path to a food source by indirect communication through pheromones. ACO’s artificial pheromone represents a model of the solution components that its artificial ants use to construct solutions. Developing an appropriate pheromone representation is a key aspect of the application of ACO to a problem. An examination of existing ACO applications and the constructive approach more generally reveals how the metaheuristic can be applied more systematically across a range of COPs. The two main issues addressed in this thesis are biases inherent in the constructive process and the systematic selection of pheromone representations. The systematisation of ACO should lead to more consistently high performance of the algorithm across different problems. Additionally, it supports the creation of a generalised ACO system, capable of adapting itself to suit many different combinatorial problems without the need for manual intervention

    Self Organized Multi Agent Swarms (SOMAS) for Network Security Control

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    Computer network security is a very serious concern in many commercial, industrial, and military environments. This paper proposes a new computer network security approach defined by self-organized agent swarms (SOMAS) which provides a novel computer network security management framework based upon desired overall system behaviors. The SOMAS structure evolves based upon the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) formal model and the more complex Interactive-POMDP and Decentralized-POMDP models, which are augmented with a new F(*-POMDP) model. Example swarm specific and network based behaviors are formalized and simulated. This paper illustrates through various statistical testing techniques, the significance of this proposed SOMAS architecture, and the effectiveness of self-organization and entangled hierarchies

    Clinical Animal Behaviour: Paradigms, Problems and Practice

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    Both the public and clinicians are interested in the application of scientific knowledge concerning problem animal behaviour and its treatment. However, in order to do this effectively it is essential that individuals have not only scientific literacy but also an appreciation of philosophical concepts underpinning a particular approach and their practical implications on the knowledge generated as a result. This paper highlights several common misunderstandings and biases associated with different scientific perspectives relevant to clinical animal behaviour and their consequences for how we determine what may be a useful treatment for a given patient. In addition to more reflective evaluation of results, there is a need for researchers to report more information of value to clinicians; such as relevant treatment outcomes, effect sizes, population characteristics. Clinicians must also appreciate the limitations of population level study results to a given case. These challenges can however be overcome with the careful critical reflection using the scientific principles and caveats described
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