3,723 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Dielectric Constant and Loss Tangent of Thallium Mixed Halide Crystals KRS-5 and KRS-6 at 95 GHz

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    The dielectric constants and loss tangents of KRS-5 and KRS-6 thallium halide mixed crystals have been measured at 95 GHz using both the shorted waveguide (SWG) reflection method and the Fabry-Perot (F-P) transmission method on samples filling standard WR-10 waveguide. The results--KRS-5: epsilon'/sub r/ = 31; tan delta = 1.8 x 10/sup -2/; KRS-6: epsilon'/sub r/ = 29, tan delta = 2 x 10/sup-2/-- agree reasonably well with a simple theoretical fit to the far-infrared Iattice absorption of TIBr and TICI centered at about 1400 GHz. The dielectric samples were hot-pressed into copper wafers with dimensions matching WR-10 waveguide, and then machined and polished to obtain flat, parallel air-dielectric interfaces

    A New Stand-Alone Microwave Instrument for Measuring the Complex Permittivity of Materials at Microwave Frequencies

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    "© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] This paper reports the development of a stand-alone and portable instrument designed to measure the complex permittivity of dielectric materials at microwave frequencies. The equipment consists of an in-house single-port vectorial reflectometer and a resonant coaxial bi-reentrant microwave cavity where the material under test is placed inside a Pyrex vial, making the device appropriate for measuring liquids, semi-solids, powders and granular materials. The relation between the dielectric properties of the involved materials and the cavity resonance has been solved by numerical methods based on mode-matching and circuit analysis. In order to increase the measurement range, so that low to high loss materials can be characterized in the same cavity, the effect of the coupling network is de-embedded from the resonance measurements. The performance of the newly devised instrument is evaluated by error/uncertainty analysis and comparative studies with other well-established instruments and methods. Errors lower than 2% in the dielectric constant, and 5% in the loss factor, are found. This simple, portable, affordable and robust device could help non-specialized personnel to accurately measure dielectric properties of materials used in a wide range of microwave applications.This paper has been financially supported through the grant reference BES-2016-077296 of the call Convocatoria de las ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formacion de doctores de 2016 by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by European Social Funds (ESF) of European Union and the project SEDMICRON TEC2015-70272-R (MINECO/FEDER) supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) of European Union. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was Samir Trabelsi.Gutiérrez Cano, JD.; Plaza González, PJ.; Canós Marín, AJ.; García-Baños, B.; Catalá Civera, JM.; Penaranda-Foix, FL. (2020). A New Stand-Alone Microwave Instrument for Measuring the Complex Permittivity of Materials at Microwave Frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 69(6):3595-3605. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2019.2941038S3595360569

    Microwave properties of ice from The Great Lakes

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    The increasing use of radar systems as remote sensors of ice thickness has revealed a lack of basic data on the microwave properties of fresh-water ice. A program, in which the complex dielectric constant was measured for a series of ice samples taken from the Great Lakes, is described. The measurements were taken at temperatures of -5, -10, and -15 C. It is noted that the ice has considerable internal layered structure, and the effects of the layering are examined. Values of 3.0 to 3.2 are reported for the real part of the dielectric constant, with an error bar of + or - 0.01

    Microwave assisted reconstruction of optical interferograms for distributed fiber optics sensing & characterization of PCB dielectric properties using two striplines on the same board

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    A new concept, the microwave-assisted reconstruction of an optical interferogram for distributed sensing, was developed to resolve both the position and reflectivity of each sensor along an optical fiber. This approach involves sending a microwave-modulated optical signal through cascaded fiber optic interferometers. The optical spectrum of each sensor can be reconstructed by sweeping the optical wavelength and detecting the modulation signal. A series of cascaded fiber optic extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors was used to prove the concept. The microwave-reconstructed interferogram matched well with those recorded individually from a traditional optical spectrometer. The application of distributed strain measurement was also investigated. The wavelength shift of the interferogram increases linearly as a function of the applied strain, and the increasing strain did not incur noticeable loss in the reflection spectra --Abstract, page iv Signal integrity (SI) and power integrity (PI) modelling and design require accurate knowledge of dielectric properties of printed circuit board (PCB) laminate dielectrics. Dielectric properties of a laminate dielectric can be obtained from a set of the measured S-parameters on a PCB stripline with a specially designed through-reflect-line (TRL) calibration pattern. In this work, it is proposed to extract dielectric properties from the measurements of S-parameters on the two 50-Ohm stripline structures of the same length, but different widths of the trace, designed on the same layer of a PCB. The dielectric properties on these two lines should be identical. However, an application of the simplest root-omega technique to extract dielectric properties of the substrate would lead to the ambiguity in the extracted data. This is because the conductor surface roughness affects the measured S-parameters and is lumped in the extracted dielectric data. This problem of ambiguity in the dielectric properties extraction can be overcome using the approach analogous to the recently proposed method to separate dielectric and conductor losses on PCB lines with different widths and roughness profiles --Abstract, page 48

    Snow wetness measurements for melt forecasting

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    A microwave technique for directly measuring snow pack wetness in remote installations is described. The technique, which uses satellite telemetry for data gathering, is based on the attenuation of a microwave beam in transmission through snow

    The Goldstone solar system radar: A science instrument for planetary research

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    The Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) station at NASA's Deep Space Communications Complex in California's Mojave Desert is described. A short chronological account of the GSSR's technical development and scientific discoveries is given. This is followed by a basic discussion of how information is derived from the radar echo and how the raw information can be used to increase understanding of the solar system. A moderately detailed description of the radar system is given, and the engineering performance of the radar is discussed. The operating characteristics of the Arcibo Observatory in Puerto Rico are briefly described and compared with those of the GSSR. Planned and in-process improvements to the existing radar, as well as the performance of a hypothetical 128-m diameter antenna radar station, are described. A comprehensive bibliography of referred scientific and engineering articles presenting results that depended on data gathered by the instrument is provided

    Spatial Vector Microwave Measurement

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    V této práci je představena nová interferometrická měřicí metoda pro měření koeficientu přenosu mezi dvěma anténami. Jestliže je přenos mezi anténami realizován odrazem od nějakého předmětu, lze metodu využít např. pro mikrovlnné zobrazování. Navržený systém obsahuje referenční větev obsahující anténu, která přímo ozařuje přijímací anténu a testovací větev, kde anténa ozařuje testovaný objekt. Elektromagnetická vlna z testovacího kanálu je od testovacího objektu odražena do přijímací antény, kde interferuje s vlnou z referenční větve. Pro jednoznačné získání fázového posunu mezi referenční a testovací vlnou jsou provedena postupně minimálně dvě interferometrická měření, kdy je v referenčním kanálu nastaven vhodný fázový posun a amplituda přenosu. Při měření můžeme provést více nezávislých interferometrických měření a vzniklá redundance může být využita ke zmenšení nejistot měření. Dále byl popsán způsob geometrické representace měření, který umožňuje názorně odhadnout nejisty měření. Nejistoty měření byly určeny i na základě numerické Monte Carlo metody. Navržená konfigurace byla ověřena jak přesným měřením za použití vektorového analyzátoru pro ověření nejistot měření, tak původní konfigurací pro ověření funkčnosti celého konceptu. Navrženou metodou bylo provedeno mikrovlnné zobrazování metodou inverzní syntetické apertury a byla tak ověřena použitelnost navrženého systému.This work presents a new interferometric measuring method for measuring the transmission coefficient between two antennas. If the transmission between the antennas is realized by a reflection from an object, the method can be used, e.g., for microwave imaging. The proposed system contains a reference branch containing an antenna that directly irradiates the receiving antenna and a test branch where the antenna irradiates the object under test. The electromagnetic wave from the test channel is reflected from the test object into the receiving antenna where it interferes with the wave from the reference channel. To achieve a unambiguous phase shift between the reference and test waves, at least two interferometric measurements are performed sequentially, with a suitable phase shift and the amplitude of the transmission being set in the reference channel. We can perform more independent interferometric measurements while redundancy can be used to reduce measurement uncertainty. Furthermore, a method of geometric representation of the measurement has been described which makes it possible to clearly estimate the measurement uncertainty. Measurement uncertainties were determined by the numerical Monte Carlo method. The proposed configuration has been verified by accurate measurements using a vector analyzer to verify measurement uncertainties, and the original configuration to verify the functionality of the entire concept. Microwave imaging using the inverse synthetic aperture method was performed to verify the usability of the proposed system

    Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La permitividad es una propiedad física de los materiales que describe su comportamiento en presencia de un campo electromagnético. Los sensores de microondas pueden desempeñar un papel esencial en las tareas de detección, supervisión o control de procesos, ya que algunos parámetros fisicoquímicos de los materiales producen cambios medibles en las propiedades dieléctricas. Además, la tecnología de calentamiento por microondas está adquiriendo una relevancia creciente para la transición ecológica y la descarbonización de los procesos industriales, y la permitividad es el parámetro esencial para el desarrollo exitoso de estos nuevos procesos. La permitividad depende de muchos factores, por lo que los métodos de medición de la permitividad deben adaptarse a las necesidades del material y del entorno de medición. El número de aplicaciones que requieren la monitorización o medida de las propiedades dieléctricas, las altas dependencias de esta magnitud bajo diferentes condiciones, y la necesidad de poner esta tecnología al alcance de un usuario más amplio y menos especializado, justifican el desarrollo de este trabajo. Esta tesis pretende desarrollar nuevos dispositivos para la monitorización y caracterización de dieléctricos adaptados a diferentes entornos, cubriendo un amplio rango de formatos, formas y propiedades de los materiales. Las dos primeras publicaciones incluidas en la tesis describen dos enfoques diferentes para abordar las mediciones de permitividad. El primer artículo describe un instrumento versátil, autónomo y fácil de usar para medir la permitividad de materiales dentro de tubos. El diseño de la cavidad logró una excelente sensibilidad, y el estudio de la red de acoplamiento permitió la caracterización de materiales de pérdidas bajas, moderadas y altas con una misma configuración. Este dispositivo incluye un reflectómetro vectorial portátil propio, lo que lo hace portátil y asequible. Las características del instrumento desarrollado permiten un uso sencillo por parte de personal no especializado y proporcionan versatilidad en muchas situaciones. La segunda publicación presenta el diseño específico de una sonda coaxial de extremo abierto con una mayor sensibilidad para determinar la permitividad de productos alimenticios de altas pérdidas en función de la temperatura a frecuencias de RF. Este artículo destaca la importancia de seleccionar la técnica de medición más adecuada, adaptada al entorno y a las particularidades del material, para la determinación apropiada de la permitividad. Los dos artículos siguientes describen el desarrollo y la utilización de un microscopio de microondas de campo cercano con resolución micrométrica para determinar mapas de permitividad de materiales planos heterogéneos a frecuencias de microondas. En ambos trabajos se describen los diferentes elementos que componen el instrumento del microscopio y las técnicas de análisis para determinar los valores de permitividad a partir de las medidas de los parámetros de la resonancia. En el primer trabajo se empleó por primera vez la tecnología de microondas en aplicaciones contra la falsificación, obteniendo la marca dieléctrica de la marca de agua de un billete. Además, este estudio demostró la capacidad de la energía de microondas para detectar marcas ocultas detrás de capas dieléctricas o metálicas, lo que abre nuevas posibilidades para el desarrollo de elementos de seguridad ópticamente opacos e imposibles de rastrear por medios ópticos. El segundo estudio demuestra la versatilidad de este sistema para determinar las propiedades dieléctricas de materiales planos heterogéneos midiendo la respuesta dieléctrica de especímenes de roca. Los métodos desarrollados en esta tesis aumentan la cartera de sistemas de caracterización dieléctrica y pueden ayudar a una amplia gama de sectores científicos e industriales en las tareas de monitorización y caracterización dieléctrica, haciendo estos trabajos más cómodos y accesibles.[CA] La permitivitat és una propietat física dels materials que descriu el seu comportament en presència d'un camp electromagnètic. Els sensors de microones poden exercir un paper essencial en les tasques de detecció, supervisió o control de processos, ja que alguns paràmetres fisicoquímics dels materials produeixen canvis mesurables en les propietats dielèctriques. A més, la tecnologia de calfament per microones està adquirint una rellevància creixent per a la transició ecològica i la descarbonització dels processos industrials, i la permitivitat és el paràmetre essencial per al desenvolupament reeixit d'aquests nous processos. La permitivitat depén de molts factors i, per tant, els mètodes de mesurament de la permitivitat han d'adaptar-se a les necessitats del material i de l'entorn de mesurament. El nombre d'aplicacions que requereixen el monitoratge o mesura de les propietats dielèctriques, les altes dependències d'aquesta magnitud sota diferents condicions, i la necessitat de posar aquesta tecnologia a l'abast d'un usuari més ampli i menys especialitzat, justifiquen el desenvolupament d'aquest treball. Aquesta tesi pretén desenvolupar nous dispositius per al monitoratge i caracterització de dielèctrics adaptats a diferents entorns, cobrint un ampli rang de formats, formes i propietats dels materials. Les dues primeres publicacions incloses en la tesi descriuen dos enfocaments diferents per a abordar els mesuraments de permitivitat. El primer article descriu un instrument versàtil, autònom i fàcil d'usar per a mesurar la permitivitat de materials dins de tubs. El disseny de la cavitat va aconseguir una excel·lent sensibilitat, i l'estudi de la xarxa d'acoblament va permetre la caracterització de materials de pèrdues baixes, moderades i altes amb una mateixa configuració. Aquest dispositiu inclou un reflectòmetre vectorial portàtil propi, la qual cosa el fa portàtil i assequible. Les característiques de l'instrument desenvolupat permeten un ús senzill per part de personal no especialitzat i proporcionen versatilitat en moltes situacions. La segona publicació presenta el disseny específic de una sonda coaxial d'extrem obert amb una major sensibilitat per a determinar la permitivitat de productes alimentaris d'altes pèrdues en funció de la temperatura a freqüències de RF. Aquest article destaca la importància de seleccionar la tècnica de mesurament més adequat, adaptada a l'entorn i a les particularitats del material, per a la determinació apropiada de la permitivitat. Els dos articles següents descriuen el desenvolupament i la utilització d'un microscopi de microones de camp pròxim amb resolució micromètrica per a determinar mapes de permitivitat de materials plans heterogenis a freqüències de microones. En tots dos treballs es descriuen els diferents elements que componen l'instrument del microscopi i les tècniques d'anàlisis per a determinar els valors de permitivitat a partir de les mesures dels paràmetres de la ressonància. En el primer treball es va emprar per primera vegada la tecnologia de microones en aplicacions contra la falsificació, obtenint la marca dielèctrica de la marca d'aigua d'un bitllet. A més, aquest estudi va demostrar la capacitat de l'energia de microones per a detectar marques ocultes darrere de capes dielèctriques o metàl·liques, la qual cosa obri noves possibilitats per al desenvolupament d'elements de seguretat òpticament opacs i impossibles de rastrejar per mitjans òptics. El segon estudi demostra la versatilitat d'aquest sistema per a determinar les propietats dielèctriques de materials plans heterogenis mesurant la resposta dielèctrica d'espècimens de roca. Els mètodes desenvolupats en aquesta tesi augmenten la cartera de sistemes de caracterització dielèctrica i poden ajudar a una àmplia gamma de sectors científics i industrials en les tasques de monitoratge i caracterització dielèctrica, fent aquests treballs més còmodes i accessibles.[EN] Permittivity is a physical property of materials describing their behavior in the presence of an electromagnetic field. Microwave sensors can play an essential role in detecting, monitoring, or process control tasks as some physicochemical parameters of materials produce measurable changes in dielectric properties. Besides, microwave heating technology is gaining increasing relevance for the ecological transition and decarbonization of industrial processes, and permittivity is the essential parameter for the successful development of these new processes. Permittivity depends on many factors and thus, permittivity measurement methods must be adapted to the needs of the material and the measurement environment. The number of applications that require the monitoring or measurement of dielectric properties, the high dependencies of this magnitude under different conditions, and the need to make this technology available to a broader and less specialized user justify the development of this work. This thesis aims to develop new devices for the monitoring and characterization of dielectrics adapted to different environments, covering a wide range of materials' formats, shapes, and properties. The first two publications included in the thesis describe two different approaches to address permittivity measurements. The first paper describes a versatile, stand-alone, and easy-to-use instrument for measuring the permittivity materials inside tubes. The design of the cavity achieved an excellent sensitivity, and the study of the coupling network allowed the characterization of low, moderate, and high-loss materials with the same setup. This device included an in-house portable vector reflectometer, making it portable and cost-affordable. The features of the developed instrument allow straightforward use by non-specialized personnel and provide versatility in many situations. The second publication presents a specific open-ended coaxial design with increased sensitivity to determine the permittivity of lossy food products as a function of temperature at RF frequencies. This paper highlight the relevance of selecting the most suitable measurement technique, adapted to the environment and particularities of the material, for the appropriate determination of permittivity. The following two papers describe the development and use of a near-field scanning microwave microscope with micrometric resolution to determine permittivity maps of heterogeneous planar materials at microwave frequencies. The different elements comprising the microscope instrument and the analysis techniques to determine permittivity values from the resonance measurements were described throughout both works. In the first paper, microwave technology was employed for the first time in anti-counterfeiting applications by obtaining the dielectric mark of a banknote watermark. Besides, this study showed the ability of microwave energy to detect hidden marks behind dielectric or metallic layers, opening new possibilities for developing optically opaque security features untraceable by optical means. The second study demonstrates the versatility of this system in determining the dielectric properties of heterogeneous planar materials by measuring the dielectric response of rock specimens. The methods developed in this thesis dissertation increase the portfolio of dielectric characterization systems and can help a wide range of scientific and industrial sectors in dielectric monitoring and characterization tasks, making these works more convenient and accessible.Financial support through the grant reference BES-2016-077296 of the call Convocatoria de las ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores de 2016 by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and by European Social Funds (ESF) of European Union is also gratefully acknowledgedGutiérrez Cano, JD. (2022). Microwave Dielectrometry Adapted to Environments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186351TESISCompendi