562 research outputs found

    Application of a mobile robot to spatial mapping of radioactive substances in indoor environment

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    Nuclear medicine requires the use of radioactive substances that can contaminate critical areas (dangerous or hazardous) where the presence of a human must be reduced or avoided. The present work uses a mobile robot in real environment and 3D simulation to develop a method to realize spatial mapping of radioactive substances. The robot should visit all the waypoints arranged in a grid of connectivity that represents the environment. The work presents the methodology to perform the path planning, control and estimation of the robot location. For path planning two methods are approached, one a heuristic method based on observation of problem and another one was carried out an adaptation in the operations of the genetic algorithm. The control of the actuators was based on two methodologies, being the first to follow points and the second to follow trajectories. To locate the real mobile robot, the extended Kalman filter was used to fuse an ultra-wide band sensor with odometry, thus estimating the position and orientation of the mobile agent. The validation of the obtained results occurred using a low cost system with a laser range finder.A medicina nuclear requer o uso de substâncias radioativas que pode vir a contaminar áreas críticas, onde a presença de um ser humano deve ser reduzida ou evitada. O presente trabalho utiliza um robô móvel em ambiente real e em simulação 3D para desenvolver um método para o mapeamento espacial de substâncias radioativas. O robô deve visitar todos os waypoinst dispostos em uma grelha de conectividade que representa o ambiente. O trabalho apresenta a metodologia para realizar o planejamento de rota, controle e estimação da localização do robô. Para o planejamento de rota são abordados dois métodos, um baseado na heurística ao observar o problema e ou outro foi realizado uma adaptação nas operações do algoritmo genético. O controle dos atuadores foi baseado em duas metodologias, sendo a primeira para seguir de pontos e a segunda seguir trajetórias. Para localizar o robô móvel real foi utilizado o filtro de Kalman extendido para a fusão entre um sensor ultra-wide band e odometria, estimando assim a posição e orientação do agente móvel. A validação dos resultados obtidos ocorreu utilizando um sistema de baixo custo com um laser range finder

    Optimizacija prehospitalnih strategija upravljanja prvom pomoći za bolesnike sa zaraznim bolestima u gradu Huizhou pomoću algortima za duboko učenje

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    The aim of the study was to optimize the pre-hospital first aid management strategy for patients with infectious diseases in Huizhou city, which is expected to provide a basis for the epidemic prevention and control, to save lives, and increase the pre-hospital first aid efficiency. At the Department of Emergency, Huizhou Third People’s Hospital as the research subject, the common pre-hospital first aid procedure for infectious diseases was identified. The Petri net was used to model and determine the execution time of each link of the pre-hospital first aid process. The isomorphic Markov chain was used to optimize the pre-hospital first aid procedure for infectious diseases. In terms of the emergency path, deep learning was combined with the reinforcement learning model to construct the reinforcement learning model for ambulance path planning. Isomorphic Markov chain analysis revealed that the patient status when returning to the hospital, the time needed for the ambulance to come to designated location, and the on-site treatment were the main problems in the first aid process, and the time needed for the pre-hospital first aid process was reduced by 25.17% after optimization. In conclusion, Petri net and isomorphic Markov chain can optimize the pre-hospital first aid management strategies for patients with infectious diseases, and the use of deep learning algorithm can effectively plan the emergency path, achieving intelligent and informationalized pre-hospital transfer, which provides a basis for reducing the suffering, mortality, and disability rate of patients with infectious diseases.Cilj istraživanja bio je optimizirati strategiju prehospitalnog upravljanja prvom pomoći za bolesnike sa zaraznim bolestima u gradu Huizhou, Kina, za koju se očekuje da pruži osnovu za prevenciju i kontrolu epidemije, da spasi živote te da poveća učinkovitost prehospitalne prve pomoći. Istraživanje je provedeno na Hitnom odjelu Treće narodne bolnice u gradu Huizhou, gdje je utvrđen opći prehospitalni postupak prve pomoći za zarazne bolesti. Petrijeva mreža je primijenjena kako bi se modeliralo i odredilo vrijeme izvršenja svake karike u procesu prehospitalne prve pomoći. Izomorfni Markovljev lanac primijenjen je za optimizaciju prehospitalnog postupka prve pomoći za zarazne bolesti. Za putanju hitnosti, duboko učenje je kombinirano s modelom pojačanog učenja kako bi se konstruirao model osnaživanja učenja za planiranje putanje vozila hitne pomoći. Analiza Markovljeva lanca pokazala je da su status bolesnika na povratku u bolnicu, vrijeme potrebno da vozilo hitne pomoći dođe na određenu lokaciju i skrb na mjestu događaja glavni problemi u procesu prve pomoći te da je vrijeme potrebno za prehospitalni proces prve pomoći smanjeno za 25,17% nakon optimizacije. Zaključeno je da Petrijeva mreža i izomorfni Markovljev lanac mogu optimizirati strategije upravljanja prehospitalnom prvom pomoći za bolesnike sa zaraznim bolestima te da primjena algoritma dubokog učenja može učinkovito planirati putanju tima hitne pomoći, čime se postiže pametan i informatizirani prehospitalni prijevoz, što čini osnovu za smanjenje patnje, smrtnosti i stope invalidnosti za bolesnike sa zaraznim bolestima

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems

    Mobile Robotics, Moving Intelligence

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    Constrained Collective Movement in Human-Robot Teams

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    This research focuses on improving human-robot co-navigation for teams of robots and humans navigating together as a unit while accomplishing a desired task. Frequently, the team’s co-navigation is strongly influenced by a predefined Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), which acts as a high-level guide for where agents should go and what they should do. In this work, I introduce the concept of Constrained Collective Movement (CCM) of a team to describe how members of the team perform inter-team and intra-team navigation to execute a joint task while balancing environmental and application-specific constraints. This work advances robots’ abilities to participate along side humans in applications such as urban search and rescue, firefighters searching for people in a burning building, and military teams performing a building clearing operation. Incorporating robots on such teams could reduce the number of human lives put in danger while increasing the team’s ability to conduct beneficial tasks such as carrying life saving equipment to stranded people. Most previous work on generating more complex collaborative navigation for human- robot teams focuses solely on using model-based methods. These methods usually suffer from the need for hard coding the rules to follow, which can require much time and domain knowledge and can lead to unnatural behavior. This dissertation investigates merging high-level model-based knowledge representation with low-level behavior cloning to achieve CCM of a human-robot team performing collaborative co-navigation. To evaluate the approach, experiments are performed in simulation with the detail-rich game design engine Unity. Experiments show that the designed approach can learn elements of high-level behaviors with accuracies up to 88%. Additionally, the approach is shown to learn low-level robot control behaviors with accuracies up to 89%. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first attempt to blend classical AI methods with state-of-the-art machine learning methods for human-robot team collaborative co-navigation. This not only allows for better human-robot team co-navigation, but also has implications for improving other teamwork based human-robot applications such as joint manufacturing and social assistive robotics