74 research outputs found

    Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for decoding and visualization of EEG pathology

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    We apply convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) to the task of distinguishing pathological from normal EEG recordings in the Temple University Hospital EEG Abnormal Corpus. We use two basic, shallow and deep ConvNet architectures recently shown to decode task-related information from EEG at least as well as established algorithms designed for this purpose. In decoding EEG pathology, both ConvNets reached substantially better accuracies (about 6% better, ~85% vs. ~79%) than the only published result for this dataset, and were still better when using only 1 minute of each recording for training and only six seconds of each recording for testing. We used automated methods to optimize architectural hyperparameters and found intriguingly different ConvNet architectures, e.g., with max pooling as the only nonlinearity. Visualizations of the ConvNet decoding behavior showed that they used spectral power changes in the delta (0-4 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) frequency range, possibly alongside other features, consistent with expectations derived from spectral analysis of the EEG data and from the textual medical reports. Analysis of the textual medical reports also highlighted the potential for accuracy increases by integrating contextual information, such as the age of subjects. In summary, the ConvNets and visualization techniques used in this study constitute a next step towards clinically useful automated EEG diagnosis and establish a new baseline for future work on this topic.Comment: Published at IEEE SPMB 2017 https://www.ieeespmb.org/2017

    EEG based Major Depressive disorder and Bipolar disorder detection using Neural Networks: A review

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    Mental disorders represent critical public health challenges as they are leading contributors to the global burden of disease and intensely influence social and financial welfare of individuals. The present comprehensive review concentrate on the two mental disorders: Major depressive Disorder (MDD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD) with noteworthy publications during the last ten years. There is a big need nowadays for phenotypic characterization of psychiatric disorders with biomarkers. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals could offer a rich signature for MDD and BD and then they could improve understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms underling these mental disorders. In this review, we focus on the literature works adopting neural networks fed by EEG signals. Among those studies using EEG and neural networks, we have discussed a variety of EEG based protocols, biomarkers and public datasets for depression and bipolar disorder detection. We conclude with a discussion and valuable recommendations that will help to improve the reliability of developed models and for more accurate and more deterministic computational intelligence based systems in psychiatry. This review will prove to be a structured and valuable initial point for the researchers working on depression and bipolar disorders recognition by using EEG signals.Comment: 29 pages,2 figures and 18 Table

    Learning Signal Representations for EEG Cross-Subject Channel Selection and Trial Classification

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    EEG technology finds applications in several domains. Currently, most EEG systems require subjects to wear several electrodes on the scalp to be effective. However, several channels might include noisy information, redundant signals, induce longer preparation times and increase computational times of any automated system for EEG decoding. One way to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and improve classification accuracy is to combine channel selection with feature extraction, but EEG signals are known to present high inter-subject variability. In this work we introduce a novel algorithm for subject-independent channel selection of EEG recordings. Considering multi-channel trial recordings as statistical units and the EEG decoding task as the class of reference, the algorithm (i) exploits channel-specific 1D-Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNNs) as feature extractors in a supervised fashion to maximize class separability; (ii) it reduces a high dimensional multi-channel trial representation into a unique trial vector by concatenating the channels' embeddings and (iii) recovers the complex inter-channel relationships during channel selection, by exploiting an ensemble of AutoEncoders (AE) to identify from these vectors the most relevant channels to perform classification. After training, the algorithm can be exploited by transferring only the parametrized subgroup of selected channel-specific 1D-CNNs to new signals from new subjects and obtain low-dimensional and highly informative trial vectors to be fed to any classifier

    Application of Machine Learning to Electroencephalography for the Diagnosis of Primary Progressive Aphasia: A Pilot Study

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    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome in which diagnosis is usually challenging. Biomarkers are needed for diagnosis and monitoring. In this study, we aimed to evaluate Electroencephalography (EEG) as a biomarker for the diagnosis of PPA. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study with 40 PPA patients categorized as non-fluent, semantic, and logopenic variants, and 20 controls. Resting-state EEG with 32 channels was acquired and preprocessed using several procedures (quantitative EEG, wavelet transformation, autoencoders, and graph theory analysis). Seven machine learning algorithms were evaluated (Decision Tree, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Multinomial Naive Bayes). Results. Diagnostic capacity to distinguish between PPA and controls was high (accuracy 75%, F1-score 83% for kNN algorithm). The most important features in the classification were derived from network analysis based on graph theory. Conversely, discrimination between PPA variants was lower (Accuracy 58% and F1-score 60% for kNN). Conclusions. The application of ML to resting-state EEG may have a role in the diagnosis of PPA, especially in the differentiation from controls. Future studies with high-density EEG should explore the capacity to distinguish between PPA variants

    Virtual reality for training and fitness assessments for construction safety

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    Reducing accident rate is a primary goal of construction safety. In this paper, we present a large scale study of using virtual reality technology for safety training. Beyond the training, a technology framework is proposed to assess the fitness of construction workers (e.g. suitability of people with underlining health conditions to work under particular construction environments). The new virtual construction system consists of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) of electroencephalography (EEG) neural network to capture EEG signals of users during the virtual simulation training continuously to achieve user profiling. For real-time assessment of the accident susceptibility of a worker under various construction environments, a deep learning neural network is trained to process the EEG crops and a clipping training algorithm that classifies small segments of the EEG dataset is used to improve the computational performance of the system. Physiology data of the person during the training, i.e. blood pressure and heart rate, is also recorded. Based on the EEG data and the physiology data, a statistic model is used in the safety assessment framework to set up the risk standard. The study has tested 117 workers who were employed by the construction sites in Shanghai. People who were tested in the risk group were further underwent medical examinations for risk related medical conditions that deemed unsuitable for working in construction sites. Results show six of the nine workers identified by the VR system have been medically confirmed unsuitable, thus, over 80% accuracy of our virtual reality training and assessment system. Our proposed system can be used as a tool for understanding risk conditions of workers and safety trainin

    Network analysis of frontal lobe alpha asymmetry confirms the neurophysiological basis of four subtypes of depressive behavior

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    IntroductionAlthough depression is widespread carries a major disease burden, current treatments remain non-universally effective, arguably due to the heterogeneity of depression, and leading to the consideration of depressive “subtypes” or “depressive behavior subtypes.” One such model of depressive behavior (DB) subtypes was investigated for its associations with frontal lobe asymmetry (FLA), using a different data analytic procedure than in previous research in this field.Methods100 community volunteers (54 males, 46 females) aged between 18 yr. and 75 years (M = 32.53 yr., SD = 14.13 yr) completed the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) and underwent 15 min of eyes closed EEG resting data collection across 10 frontal lobe sites. DB subtypes were defined on the basis of previous research using the SDS, and alpha-wave (8-13 Hz) data produced an index of FLA. Data were examined via network analysis.ResultsSeveral network analyses were conducted, producing two models of the association between DB subtypes and FLA, confirming unique neurophysiological profiles for each of the four DB subtypes.DiscussionAs well as providing a firm basis for using these DB subtypes in clinical settings, these findings provide a reasonable explanation for the inconsistency in previous FLA-depression research

    Transcranial alternating current stimulation for the treatment of major depressive disorder: from basic mechanisms toward clinical applications

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    Non-pharmacological treatment is essential for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) that is medication resistant or who are unable to take medications. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation method that manipulates neural oscillations. In recent years, tACS has attracted substantial attention for its potential as an MDD treatment. This review summarizes the latest advances in tACS treatment for MDD and outlines future directions for promoting its clinical application. We first introduce the neurophysiological mechanism of tACS and its novel developments. In particular, two well-validated tACS techniques have high application potential: high-definition tACS targeting local brain oscillations and bifocal tACS modulating interarea functional connectivity. Accordingly, we summarize the underlying mechanisms of tACS modulation for MDD. We sort out the local oscillation abnormalities within the reward network and the interarea oscillatory synchronizations among multiple MDD-related networks in MDD patients, which provide potential modulation targets of tACS interventions. Furthermore, we review the latest clinical studies on tACS treatment for MDD, which were based on different modulation mechanisms and reported alleviations in MDD symptoms. Finally, we discuss the main challenges of current tACS treatments for MDD and outline future directions to improve intervention target selection, tACS implementation, and clinical validations

    Brain entropy, fractal dimensions and predictability: a review of complexity measures for EEG in healthy and neuropsychiatric populations

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    There has been an increasing trend towards the use of complexity analysis in quantifying neural activity measured by electroencephalography (EEG) signals. On top of revealing complex neuronal processes of the brain that may not be possible with linear approaches, EEG complexity measures have also demonstrated their potential as biomarkers of psychopathology such as depression and schizophrenia. Unfortunately, the opacity of algorithms and descriptions originating from mathematical concepts have made it difficult to understand what complexity is and how to draw consistent conclusions when applied within psychology and neuropsychiatry research. In this review, we provide an overview and entry-level explanation of existing EEG complexity measures, which can be broadly categorized as measures of predictability and regularity. We then synthesize complexity findings across different areas of psychological science, namely, in consciousness research, mood and anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders, as well as changes across the lifespan, while addressing some theoretical and methodological issues underlying the discrepancies in the data. Finally, we present important considerations when choosing and interpreting these metrics