214 research outputs found

    Evaluation Beyond Usability

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    The evaluation of research artefacts is an important step to validate research contributions. Sub-disciplines of HCI often pursue primary goals other than usability, such as Sustainable HCI (SHCI), HCI for development, or health and wellbeing. For such disciplines, established evaluation methods are not always appropriate or sufficient, and new conventions for identifying, discussing, and justifying suitable evaluation methods need to be established. In this paper, we revisit the purpose and goals of evaluation in HCI and SHCI, and elicit five key elements that can provide guidance to identifying evaluation methods for SHCI research. Our essay is meant as a starting point for discussing current and improving future evaluation practice in SHCI; we also believe it holds value for other subdisciplines in HCI that encounter similar challenges while evaluating their research

    A Framework for Designing Fair Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    Over the past few decades, ubiquitous sensors and systems have been an integral part of humans' everyday life. They augment human capabilities and provide personalized experiences across diverse contexts such as healthcare, education, and transportation. However, the widespread adoption of ubiquitous computing has also brought forth concerns regarding fairness and equitable treatment. As these systems can make automated decisions that impact individuals, it is essential to ensure that they do not perpetuate biases or discriminate against specific groups. While fairness in ubiquitous computing has been an acknowledged concern since the 1990s, it remains understudied within the field. To bridge this gap, we propose a framework that incorporates fairness considerations into system design, including prioritizing stakeholder perspectives, inclusive data collection, fairness-aware algorithms, appropriate evaluation criteria, enhancing human engagement while addressing privacy concerns, and interactive improvement and regular monitoring. Our framework aims to guide the development of fair and unbiased ubiquitous computing systems, ensuring equal treatment and positive societal impact.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, published in 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computin

    Métodos de pesquisa com usuários: a abordagem etnográfica aplicada ao Design

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    A abordagem etnográfica tem sido cada vez mais adotada em diferentes etapas do processo de design. No início do projeto, pode assumir um papel estratégico e auxiliar na identificação das necessidades dos usuários. Contudo, a Antropologia (área de origem da etnografia) e o Design diferem em termos de objetivo, do tempo empregado para a pesquisa e do conhecimento adquirido durante a formação dos profissionais e, diante disso, entende-se que a abordagem etnográfica deve passar por adaptações para ser aplicada na área do Design. Com este estudo, buscou-se entender como a abordagem etnográfica se apresenta quando é aplicada no início do processo de design, para identificar as necessidades dos usuários. Para tanto, investigou-se a pesquisa etnográfica como método científico e a pesquisa de campo com usuários no processo de design. Como resultado, foram definidos os principais aspectos da abordagem etnográfica, quando aplicada ao design, e identificados alguns métodos de pesquisa com usuários influenciados por tais aspectos. Percebeu-se que a abordagem etnográfica tem sido utilizada em empresas por meio da aplicação de métodos que apresentam os aspectos identificados neste estudo. Os métodos são fundamentados, principalmente, na observação em contexto e na conversação, a partir dos quais se busca compreender mais profundamente como os usuários se comportam na realidade e, assim, identificar suas necessidades e oportunidades de projetos para atendê-las

    Analisis Usability Pada Website Universitas Brawijaya Dengan Heuristic Evaluation

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    AbstrakUsability merupakan sejauh mana kelayakan suatu sistem berdasarkan efektivitas, efisiensi, dan satisfaction pada konteks tertentu. Pentingnya usability untuk mengukur kualitas kelayakan suatu sistem yang mengarah pada beberapa metode pengujian. Website resmi Universitas Brawijaya dengan domain ub.ac.id adalah media informasi online yang berisikan informasi tentang UB. Berdasarkan Pelayanan  Informasi dan Komplain (PIDK) UB terdapat keluhan tentang dokumentasi resmi UB yang belum diperbarui, selain itu menurut Pusat Jaminan Mutu belum terdapat adanya standar khusus, dan  TIK UB belum pernah melakukan evaluasi website.  Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan evaluasi usability untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang ada pada sistem dan supaya mencapai tujuan tertentu secara efektif, efisien, dan mencapai kepuasan user. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diangkatlah penelitian dengan judul Analisis Usability pada Website Universitas Brawijaya dengan Heuristic Evaluation (HE). HE adalah metode untuk mencari masalah usability dengan Nielsen’s heuristic dengan melibatkan para ahli.Penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan pengumpulan data, pengujian website, dan analisis hasil heuristik dan uji preferensi user. Dengan berpedoman pada sekumpulan heuristik, para ahli mencari dan menilai usability pada website UB. Kemudian uji preferensi user dengan PSSUQ juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui respon user umum terhadap website UB, dan didapatkan hasil berupa perbandingan hasil analisis antara HE dengan uji preferensi user.Kata kunci: Usability, Heuristic Evaluation, Uji Preferensi UserAbstractUsability is part of user experience to know how properness a system based on effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in specific context. The importance of usability is to measure quality of a system which tends to evaluation methods. Official website of University of Brawijaya (ub.ac.id) is online media containing information regarding to UB. Based on the problems such as complaint about official documentation that has not been updated, no specific standard for the website, UB website has never been evaluated. Thus, it is a necessary to do usability evaluation to know defects in the system and to achieve better in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Based on the problems mentioned, this research is named Analysis of Usability on Official Website University of Brawijaya using Heuristics Evaluation. HE is a method to look for usability defects by involving expert perspectives.Research starts from collecting data, evaluating data, and analyzing result of evaluations. Heuristics evaluation is a method to look for usability defects/problems using Nielsen’s heuristic by involving experts as evaluators in this research. Then, User Preference Evaluation with PSSUQ is needed to know responses of general users about UB website. From the result, it will be obtained and mapped result from Heuristic Evaluation and user preference testing concerning usability.Keywords: Usability, Heuristic Evaluation, User Preferences Testin

    College of Law Commencement Program, 1990

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    Transforming reality: an artistic exploration of interactive virtual environments

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    My study combines emergent digital art theory and practice with established interaction design theory, converging in virtual environment creation. The artistic exploration aims to investigate interactive environments as an evolving form of narrative to tell a story primarily through the use of visual interactive media. Through free navigation and interactable objects I offer the viewers to follow from a first-person perspective the transformation of the virtual reconstruction of my student dormitory room into a science fiction lab in a parallel world. This venture is further informed by observing and examining the concept of isolation and the near future sub-genre of science fiction as inspiration for world building while considering our relationship with technology and the virtual space, and seeking reconnection with nature. The development of the project aims to address these old concerns in a new interactive manner which puts introspections as an experience that can be accessed by others

    Spring 2018 Commencement.

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    The PDF for the May 18-19, 2018 Texas Tech University commencement exercises is 52 pages long

    1993 Yearbook

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    1993 yearbook of Morehead State University.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/morehead_state_yearbooks/1069/thumbnail.jp

    College of Law Commencement Program, 1992

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