637 research outputs found

    Trendswatch 2013: Back to the Future

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    TrendsWatch 2013 highlights six trends that CFM's staff and advisors believe are highly significant to museums and their communities, based on our scanning and analysis over the past year. For each trend, we provide a brief summary, list examples of how the trend is playing out in the world, comment on the trend's significance to society and to museums specifically, and suggest ways that museums might respond. We also provide links to additional readings. TrendsWatch provides valuable background and context for your museum's planning and implementation

    Enhancing the Visibility of the Maria Mitchell Association

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    The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) is a science organization with multiple sites dispersed around the island. Visitors have difficulty navigating between sites and understanding how the sites relate to the MMA’s mission. The goal of this project was to determine steps the MMA could take to improve visitor wayfinding and clarify its identity. Our team identified and evaluated wayfinding and identification strategies used by the MMA and other organizations. Through our own observations on the island and interviews with various stakeholders, we identified areas for improvement. We developed recommendations for the MMA’s branding, marketing strategies, signage, and online presence to promote a consistent identity for the MMA and improve visitor wayfinding

    Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Project MNGT 475L

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    Over the past 4 months, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy has been working directly with Nebraska’s own, Arbor Day Foundation, or Arbor Day, in hopes of applying our skill sets and mindsets to solve a pressing problem Arbor Day currently faces. We have been tasked with the challenge of identifying creative, scalable, and profitable new business ventures for Arbor Day that will aid the generation of new revenue sources. With these sources of revenue, Arbor Day desires to further inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees and in turn solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Our recommendations to Arbor Day are to invest in social media to increase its brand awareness and presence with a younger demographic, to make use of influencer campaigns to increase social media engagement, and to utilize on-the-ground events and personalization tactics to increase repeat donations via social media

    Arbor Day Foundation

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    Over the past 4 months, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy has been working directly with Nebraska’s own, Arbor Day Foundation, or Arbor Day, in hopes of applying our skill sets and mindsets to solve a pressing problem Arbor Day currently faces. We have been tasked with the challenge of identifying creative, scalable, and profitable new business ventures for Arbor Day that will aid the generation of new revenue sources. With these sources of revenue, Arbor Day desires to further inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees and in turn solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Our recommendations to Arbor Day are to invest in social media to increase its brand awareness and presence with a younger demographic, to make use of influencer campaigns to increase social media engagement, and to utilize on-the-ground events and personalization tactics to increase repeat donations via social media

    Arbor Day Foundation Consultation

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    Over the past 4 months, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy has been working directly with Nebraska’s own, Arbor Day Foundation, or Arbor Day, in hopes of applying our skill sets and mindsets to solve a pressing problem Arbor Day currently faces. We have been tasked with the challenge of identifying creative, scalable, and profitable new business ventures for Arbor Day that will aid the generation of new revenue sources. With these sources of revenue, Arbor Day desires to further inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees and in turn solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Our recommendations to Arbor Day are to invest in social media to increase its brand awareness and presence with a younger demographic, to make use of influencer campaigns to increase social media engagement, and to utilize on-the-ground events and personalization tactics to increase repeat donations via social media

    Arbor Day Foundation Consulting Project MNGT 475L

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    Over the past 4 months, our team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Business Honors Academy has been working directly with Nebraska’s own, Arbor Day Foundation, or Arbor Day, in hopes of applying our skill sets and mindsets to solve a pressing problem Arbor Day currently faces. We have been tasked with the challenge of identifying creative, scalable, and profitable new business ventures for Arbor Day that will aid the generation of new revenue sources. With these sources of revenue, Arbor Day desires to further inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees and in turn solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Our recommendations to Arbor Day are to invest in social media to increase its brand awareness and presence with a younger demographic, to make use of influencer campaigns to increase social media engagement, and to utilize on-the-ground events and personalization tactics to increase repeat donations via social media

    Volume 42, Number 6: October 1, 2004

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    Bridging Educational Frontiers: AI-Adaptive Learning, Subscription Strategies, and the Quest for Global Online MBA Accessibility

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    This research dives deep into the rapidly evolving realm of postgraduate online education, mainly focusing on online MBA programs. The study unveils significant patterns and fresh perspectives through comprehensive content analysis and participant interviews. The transformative potential of AI in personalizing learning experiences has been recognized, with AI-AL tools highlighted as not just tools for automation but as dynamic partners in curating individualized learning experiences. Another significant discovery is the “resignated acceptance” phenomenon, revealing society's shift towards accepting technology’s omnipresence in education. Moreover, the rise of subscription-based models indicates a shift towards democratizing elite education, though questions arise regarding its long-term implications on educational quality. Practical implications suggest educational institutions could leverage AI to optimize student learning experiences and explore subscription-based pricing strategies to increase access. However, a balanced approach, ensuring the human touch in education remains, is crucial. Furthermore, emphasizing local collaborations when expanding into new regions is essential. This study underscores the importance of adapting to technological advancements while ensuring holistic, high-quality, and globally inclusive educational experiences.Tässä tutkimuksessa syvennytään nopeasti kehittyvään jatko-opintojen verkkokoulutuksen maailmaan, keskittyen erityisesti verkkoon perustuviin MBA-ohjelmiin. Tutkimus paljastaa merkittäviä malleja ja tuoreita näkökulmia kattavan sisällönanalyysin ja osallistujahaastattelujen kautta. Tekoälyn muutosvoima oppimiskokemusten personoinnissa on tunnustettu, ja "AI-AL" työkalut korostuvat ei vain automaation välineinä, vaan dynaamisina kumppaneina yksilöllisten oppimiskokemusten kuratoinnissa. Toinen merkittävä löydös on "resignated acceptance" ilmiö, joka paljastaa yhteiskunnan siirtymisen kohti teknologian kaikkialla läsnä olevan hyväksymistä koulutuksessa. Lisäksi tilauspohjaisten mallien nousu viittaa siirtymään kohti eliittikoulutuksen demokratisointia, vaikka herääkin kysymyksiä sen pitkän aikavälin vaikutuksista koulutuksen laatuun. Käytännön seurauksena koulutuslaitokset voisivat hyödyntää tekoälyä optimoidakseen opiskelijoiden oppimiskokemuksia ja tutkia tilauspohjaisia hinnoittelustrategioita lisätäkseen saatavuutta. Kuitenkin tasapainoinen lähestymistapa, joka varmistaa inhimillisen kosketuksen säilymisen koulutuksessa, on ratkaisevan tärkeää. Lisäksi on olennaista korostaa paikallisia yhteistyökumppanuuksia laajentuessa uusille alueille. Tämä tutkimus korostaa teknologisiin edistysaskeliin sopeutumisen tärkeyttä samalla varmistaen kokonaisvaltaiset, korkealaatuiset ja maailmanlaajuisesti inklusiiviset koulutuskokemukset

    Lamron, 1976-04-15

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    Student newspaper includes campus, local and national news stories and photographs. For additional information about this collection see: http://digitalcommons.wou.edu/studentnewspapers

    PURE Insights Volume 11 - Full Issue

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