465 research outputs found

    Identifying Clinical Phenotypes of Type 1 Diabetes for the Co-Optimization of Weight and Glycemic Control

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    Obesity is an increasing concern in the clinical care of youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Standard approaches to co-optimize weight and glycemic control are challenged by profound population-level heterogeneity. Therefore, the goal of the dissertation was to apply novel analytic methods to understand heterogeneity in the co-occurrence of weight, glycemia, and underlying patterns of minute-to-minute dysglycemia among youth with T1D. Data from the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth study were used to characterize subgroups of youth with T1D showing similar weight status and level of glycemic control as distinct ‘weight-glycemia phenotypes’ of T1D. Cross-sectional weight-glycemia phenotypes were identified at the 5+ year follow-up visit (n=1,817) using hierarchical clustering on five measures summarizing the joint distribution of body mass index z-score (BMIz) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), generated by reinforcement learning tree predictions. Longitudinal weight-glycemia phenotypes spanning eight years were identified with longitudinal k-means clustering using baseline and follow-up BMIz and HbA1c measures (n=570). Logistic regression modeling tested for differences in the emergence of early/subclinical diabetes complications across subgroups. Seven-day blinded continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data from baseline of the Flexible Lifestyles Empowering Change randomized trial (n=234, 13-16 years, HbA1c 8-13%) was clustered with a neural network approach to identify subgroups of adolescents with T1D and elevated HbA1c sharing patterns in their CGM data as ‘dysglycemia phenotypes.’ We identified six cross-sectional weight-glycemia phenotypes, including four normal-weight, one overweight, and one subgroup with obesity. Subgroups showed striking differences in other sociodemographic and clinical characteristics suggesting underlying health inequity. We identified four longitudinal weight-glycemia phenotypes associated with different patterns of early/subclinical complications, providing evidence that exposure to co-occurring obesity and worsening glycemic control may accelerate the development and increase the burden of co-morbid complications. We identified three dysglycemia phenotypes with significantly different patterns in hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, glycemic variability, and 18-month changes in HbA1c. Patient-level drivers of the dysglycemia phenotypes appear to be different from risk factors for poor glycemic control as measured by HbA1c. These studies provide pragmatic, clinically-relevant examples of how novel statistics may be applied to data from T1D to derive patient subgroups for tailored interventions to improve weight alongside glycemic control.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Dark side of Obesity: Multi-omics analysis of the dysmetabolic morbidities spectrum

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    Obesity is one of the most prevalent clinical conditions worldwide and is associated with a wide spectrum of dysmetabolic comorbidities. Complex cardio-metabolic disease cohorts, such as obesity cohorts are characterised by population heterogeneity, multiple underlying diseases status and different comorbidities’ treatment regiments. The systematic collection of multiple types of clinical and biological data from such cohorts and the data-analysis in an integrative manner is a challenging task due to the variables’ dimensionality and the lack of standardised know-how of post-processing.The main resource of this thesis has been the BARIA cohort, a detailed collection over time of multiple omics and demographic data from participants in bariatric surgery. BARIA datasets included plasma metabolites, RNA from hepatic, jejunal, mesenteric and subcutaneous adipose tissues and gut microbial metagenome, besides biometric data. The work presented in this thesis included the development of a systems biology integrative framework based on BARIA that (i) utilised unsupervised machine learning algorithms, self-organizing maps in particular, and multi-omics integrative frameworks, the DIABLO library, in order to stratify the BARIA heterogeneous obesity cohort and predict the bariatric surgery’s outcome. The thesis covered how BARIA can be the onset for (ii) studying molecular mechanisms related to type 2 diabetes (T2D) and G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and for identifying a minimal set of biomarkers for obesity’s comorbidities such as (iii) non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) and (iv) gallstones formation after bariatric surgery.The results indicated that the metabotypes comprising a bariatric surgery cohort exhibited a concrete metabolic status and different responses over time after the bariatric surgery. It has been demonstrated how obesity and T2D associated metabolites, such as 3-hydroxydecanoate, can increase inflammatory responses via GPCRs molecular activation and signalling. Last but not least, minimal sets of both evasive and non-evasive multi-omic discriminatory biomarkers for obesity’s dysmetabolic morbidities (NAFLD and gallstones after bariatric surgery) were obtained. Taking into consideration all the findings, this thesis presented how data-driven approaches can be used for studying in-depth heterogeneous cohorts, hereby facilitating early diagnosis and enabling potential preventive actions

    EDMON - Electronic Disease Surveillance and Monitoring Network: A Personalized Health Model-based Digital Infectious Disease Detection Mechanism using Self-Recorded Data from People with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Through time, we as a society have been tested with infectious disease outbreaks of different magnitude, which often pose major public health challenges. To mitigate the challenges, research endeavors have been focused on early detection mechanisms through identifying potential data sources, mode of data collection and transmission, case and outbreak detection methods. Driven by the ubiquitous nature of smartphones and wearables, the current endeavor is targeted towards individualizing the surveillance effort through a personalized health model, where the case detection is realized by exploiting self-collected physiological data from wearables and smartphones. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the concept of a personalized health model as a case detector for outbreak detection by utilizing self-recorded data from people with type 1 diabetes. The results have shown that infection onset triggers substantial deviations, i.e. prolonged hyperglycemia regardless of higher insulin injections and fewer carbohydrate consumptions. Per the findings, key parameters such as blood glucose level, insulin, carbohydrate, and insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio are found to carry high discriminative power. A personalized health model devised based on a one-class classifier and unsupervised method using selected parameters achieved promising detection performance. Experimental results show the superior performance of the one-class classifier and, models such as one-class support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor and, k-means achieved better performance. Further, the result also revealed the effect of input parameters, data granularity, and sample sizes on model performances. The presented results have practical significance for understanding the effect of infection episodes amongst people with type 1 diabetes, and the potential of a personalized health model in outbreak detection settings. The added benefit of the personalized health model concept introduced in this dissertation lies in its usefulness beyond the surveillance purpose, i.e. to devise decision support tools and learning platforms for the patient to manage infection-induced crises

    Metabolic Footprint, towards Understanding Type 2 Diabetes beyond Glycemia

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) heterogeneity is a major determinant of complications risk and treatment response. Using cluster analysis, we aimed to stratify glycemia within metabolic multidimensionality and extract pathophysiological insights out of metabolic profiling. We performed a cluster analysis to stratify 974 subjects (PREVADIAB2 cohort) with normoglycemia, prediabetes, or non-treated diabetes. The algorithm was informed by age, anthropometry, and metabolic milieu (glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and free fatty acid (FFA) levels during the oral glucose tolerance test OGTT). For cluster profiling, we additionally used indexes of metabolism mechanisms (e.g., tissue-specific insulin resistance, insulin clearance, and insulin secretion), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). We found prominent heterogeneity within two optimal clusters, mainly representing normometabolism (Cluster-I) or insulin resistance and NAFLD (Cluster-II), at higher granularity. This was illustrated by sub-clusters showing similar NAFLD prevalence but differentiated by glycemia, FFA, and GFR (Cluster-II). Sub-clusters with similar glycemia and FFA showed dissimilar insulin clearance and secretion (Cluster-I). This work reveals that T2D heterogeneity can be captured by a thorough metabolic milieu and mechanisms profiling-metabolic footprint. It is expected that deeper phenotyping and increased pathophysiology knowledge will allow to identify subject's multidimensional profile, predict their progression, and treat them towards precision medicine.publishersversionpublishe

    Discovery of novel biomarkers and phenotypes by semantic technologies.

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    Biomarkers and target-specific phenotypes are important to targeted drug design and individualized medicine, thus constituting an important aspect of modern pharmaceutical research and development. More and more, the discovery of relevant biomarkers is aided by in silico techniques based on applying data mining and computational chemistry on large molecular databases. However, there is an even larger source of valuable information available that can potentially be tapped for such discoveries: repositories constituted by research documents


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    [ES] La diabetes es un importante problema de salud mundial, siendo una de las enfermedades no transmisibles más graves después de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, el cáncer y las enfermedades respiratorias crónicas. La prevalencia de la diabetes ha aumentado constantemente en las últimas décadas, especialmente en países de ingresos bajos y medios. Se estima que 425 millones de personas en todo el mundo tenían diabetes en 2017, y para 2045 este número puede aumentar a 629 millones. Alrededor del 10% de las personas con diabetes padecen diabetes tipo 1, caracterizada por una destrucción autoinmune de las células beta en el páncreas, responsables de la secreción de la hormona insulina. Sin insulina, la glucosa plasmática aumenta a niveles nocivos, provocando complicaciones vasculares a largo plazo. Hasta que se encuentre una cura, el manejo de la diabetes depende de los avances tecnológicos para terapias de reemplazo de insulina. Con la llegada de los monitores continuos de glucosa, la tecnología ha evolucionado hacia sistemas automatizados. Acuñados como "páncreas artificial", los dispositivos de control de glucosa en lazo cerrado suponen hoy en día un cambio de juego en el manejo de la diabetes. La investigación en las últimas décadas ha sido intensa, dando lugar al primer sistema comercial a fines de 2017, y muchos más están siendo desarrollados por las principales industrias de dispositivos médicos. Sin embargo, como dispositivo de primera generación, muchos problemas aún permanecen abiertos y nuevos avances tecnológicos conducirán a mejoras del sistema para obtener mejores resultados de control glucémico y reducir la carga del paciente, mejorando significativamente la calidad de vida de las personas con diabetes tipo 1. En el centro de cualquier sistema de páncreas artificial se encuentra la predicción de glucosa, tema abordado en esta tesis. La capacidad de predecir la glucosa a lo largo de un horizonte de predicción dado, y la estimación de las tendencias futuras de glucosa, es la característica más importante de cualquier sistema de páncreas artificial, para poder tomar medidas preventivas que eviten por completo el riesgo para el paciente. La predicción de glucosa puede aparecer como parte del algoritmo de control en sí, como en sistemas basados en técnicas de control predictivo basado en modelo (MPC), o como parte de un sistema de supervisión para evitar episodios de hipoglucemia. Sin embargo, predecir la glucosa es un problema muy desafiante debido a la gran variabilidad inter e intra-sujeto que sufren los pacientes, cuyas fuentes solo se entienden parcialmente. Esto limita las prestaciones predictivas de los modelos, imponiendo horizontes de predicción relativamente cortos, independientemente de la técnica de modelado utilizada (modelos fisiológicos, basados en datos o híbridos). La hipótesis de partida de esta tesis es que la complejidad de la dinámica de la glucosa requiere la capacidad de caracterizar grupos de comportamientos en los datos históricos del paciente que llevan naturalmente al concepto de modelado local. Además, la similitud de las respuestas en un grupo puede aprovecharse aún más para introducir el concepto clásico de estacionalidad en la predicción de glucosa. Como resultado, los modelos locales estacionales están en el centro de esta tesis. Se utilizan varias bases de datos clínicas que incluyen comidas mixtas y ejercicio para demostrar la viabilidad y superioridad de las prestaciones de este enfoque.[CA] La diabetisés un important problema de salut mundial, sent una de les malalties no transmissibles més greus després de les malalties cardiovasculars, el càncer i les malalties respiratòries cròniques. La prevalença de la diabetis ha augmentat constantment en les últimes dècades, especialment en països d'ingressos baixos i mitjans. S'estima que 425 milions de persones a tot el món tenien diabetis en 2017, i per 2045 aquest nombre pot augmentar a 629 milions. Al voltant del 10% de les persones amb diabetis pateixen diabetis tipus 1, caracteritzada per una destrucció autoimmune de les cèl·lules beta en el pàncrees, responsables de la secreció de l'hormona insulina. Sense insulina, la glucosa plasmàtica augmenta a nivells nocius, provocant complicacions vasculars a llarg termini. Fins que es trobi una cura, el maneig de la diabetis depén dels avenços tecnològics per a teràpies de reemplaçament d'insulina. Amb l'arribada dels monitors continus de glucosa, la tecnologia ha evolucionat cap a sistemes automatitzats. Encunyats com "pàncrees artificial", els dispositius de control de glucosa en llaç tancat suposen avui dia un canvi de joc en el maneig de la diabetis. La investigació en les últimes dècades ha estat intensa, donant lloc al primer sistema comercial a finals de 2017, i molts més estan sent desenvolupats per les principals indústries de dispositius mèdics. No obstant això, com a dispositiu de primera generació, molts problemes encara romanen oberts i nous avenços tecnològics conduiran a millores del sistema per obtenir millors resultats de control glucèmic i reduir la càrrega del pacient, millorant significativament la qualitat de vida de les persones amb diabetis tipus 1. Al centre de qualsevol sistema de pàncrees artificial es troba la predicció de glucosa, tema abordat en aquesta tesi. La capacitat de predir la glucosa al llarg d'un horitzó de predicció donat, i l'estimació de les tendències futures de glucosa, és la característica més important de qualsevol sistema de pàncrees artificial, per poder prendre mesures preventives que evitin completament el risc per el pacient. La predicció de glucosa pot aparèixer com a part de l'algoritme de control en si, com en sistemes basats en técniques de control predictiu basat en model (MPC), o com a part d'un sistema de supervisió per evitar episodis d'hipoglucèmia. No obstant això, predir la glucosa és un problema molt desafiant degut a la gran variabilitat inter i intra-subjecte que pateixen els pacients, les fonts només s'entenen parcialment. Això limita les prestacions predictives dels models, imposant horitzons de predicció relativament curts, independentment de la tècnica de modelatge utilitzada (models fisiològics, basats en dades o híbrids). La hipòtesi de partida d'aquesta tesi és que la complexitat de la dinàmica de la glucosa requereix la capacitat de caracteritzar grups de comportaments en les dades històriques del pacient que porten naturalment al concepte de modelatge local. A més, la similitud de les respostes en un grup pot aprofitar-se encara més per introduir el concepte clàssic d'estacionalitat en la predicció de glucosa. Com a resultat, els models locals estacionals estan al centre d'aquesta tesi. S'utilitzen diverses bases de dades clíniques que inclouen menjars mixtes i exercici per demostrar la viabilitat i superioritat de les prestacions d'aquest enfocament.[EN] Diabetes is a significant global health problem, one of the most serious noncommunicable diseases after cardiovascular diseases, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Diabetes prevalence has been steadily increasing over the past decades, especially in low- and middle-income countries. It is estimated that 425 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2017, and by 2045 this number may rise to 629 million. About 10% of people with diabetes suffer from type 1 diabetes, characterized by autoimmune destruction of the beta-cells in the pancreas, responsible for the secretion of the hormone insulin. Without insulin, plasma glucose rises to deleterious levels, provoking long-term vascular complications. Until a cure is found, the management of diabetes relies on technological developments for insulin replacement therapies. With the advent of continuous glucose monitors, technology has been evolving towards automated systems. Coined as "artificial pancreas", closed-loop glucose control devices are nowadays a game-changer in diabetes management. Research in the last decades has been intense, yielding a first commercial system in late 2017 and many more are in the pipeline of the main medical devices industry. However, as a first-generation device, many issues still remain open and new technological advancements will lead to system improvements for better glycemic control outputs and reduced patient's burden, improving significantly the quality of life of people with type 1 diabetes. At the core of any artificial pancreas system is glucose prediction, the topic addressed in this thesis. The ability to predict glucose along a given prediction horizon, and estimation of future glucose trends, is the most important feature of any artificial pancreas system, in order to be able to take preventive actions to entirely avoid risk to the patient. Glucose prediction can appear as part of the control algorithm itself, such as in systems based on model predictive control (MPC) techniques, or as part of a monitoring system to avoid hypoglycemic episodes. However, predicting glucose is a very challenging problem due to the large inter- and intra-subject variability that patients suffer, whose sources are only partially understood. These limits models forecasting performance, imposing relatively short prediction horizons, despite the modeling technique used (physiological, data-driven or hybrid approaches). The starting hypothesis of this thesis is that the complexity of glucose dynamics requires the ability to characterize clusters of behaviors in the patient's historical data naturally yielding to the concept of local modeling. Besides, the similarity of responses in a cluster can be further exploited to introduce the classical concept of seasonality into glucose prediction. As a result, seasonal local models are at the core of this thesis. Several clinical databases including mixed meals and exercise are used to demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of the performance of this approach.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the FPI grant BES-2014-069253 and projects DPI2013-46982-C2-1-R and DPI2016-78831-C2-1-R. Moreover, with relation to this grant, a short stay was done at the end of 2017 at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, United States of America, under the supervision of Prof. Ali Cinar, for four months from 01/09/2017 to 29/12/2017.Montaser Roushdi Ali, E. (2020). STOCHASTIC SEASONAL MODELS FOR GLUCOSE PREDICTION IN TYPE 1 DIABETES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/136574TESI

    Computational analysis of the metabolic phenotypes in type 1 diabetes and their associations with mortality and diabetic complications

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    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that destroys the secretion of insulin (in the pancreas); insulin is a vital hormone for maintaining normal glucose metabolism. Insulin replacement therapy can prevent the acute symptoms, but is not able to fully match the natural regulation, which puts a metabolic stress on tissues. For some patients, the stress manifests as gradual damage to blood vessels and the nervous system over the next few decades after diabetes diagnosis. The aim of the thesis was to describe the metabolic profiles and to investigate their connections with the spectrum of clinical symptoms. Simultaneously, new techniques were applied to measure the profiles (1H NMR spectroscopy) and to visualize the multivariate statistical associations (the self-organizing map). A total of 4,197 patients with type 1 diabetes were recruited for the thesis by the Finnish Diabetic Nephropathy Study. A quarter of the patients exhibited an obesity-related phenotype (high triglycerides, cholesterol, apolipoprotein B-100, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high C-reactive protein). A third of the individuals had a diabetic kidney disease phenotype (high urinary albumin and serum creatinine). The combination of the two was associated with a 10-fold population-adjusted mortality. Nevertheless, there was no discernible metabolic threshold between the phenotype models, nor were there any single variable that could predict the outcomes accurately. These results suggest a need for multifactorial and multidisciplinary paradigms for the research, treatment and prevention of diabetic complications