483 research outputs found

    Improving Itinerary Recommendations for Tourists Through Metaheuristic Algorithms: An Optimization Proposal

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    In recent years, recommender systems have been used as a solution to support tourists with recommendations oriented to maximize the entertainment value of visiting a tourist destination. However, this is not an easy task because many aspects need to be considered to make realistic recommendations: the context of a tourist destination visited, lack of updated information about points of interest, transport information, weather forecast, etc. The recommendations concerning a tourist destination must be linked to the interests and constraints of the tourist. In this research, we present a mobile recommender system based on Tourist Trip Design Problem (TTDP)/Time Depending (TD) – Orienteering Problem (OP) – Time Windows (TW), which analyzes in real time the user’s constraints and the points of interest’s constraints. For solving TTDP, we clustered preferences depending on the number of days that a tourist will visit a tourist destination using a k-means algorithm. Then, with a genetic algorithm (GA), we optimize the proposed itineraries to tourists for facilitating the organization of their visits. We also used a parametrized fitness function to include any element of the context to generate an optimized recommendation. Our recommender is different from others because it is scalable and adaptable to environmental changes and users’ interests, and it offers real-time recommendations. To test our recommender, we developed an application that uses our algorithm. Finally, 131 tourists used this recommender system and an analysis of users’ perceptions was developed. Metrics were also used to detect the percentage of precision, in order to determine the degree of accuracy of the recommender system. This study has implications for researchers interested in developing software to recommend the best itinerary for tourists with constraint controls with regard to the optimized itineraries

    Curated routes: the project of developing experiential tracks in sub-urban landscape

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    The Curated Routes project reflects on the visiting routes’ ability to make apparent the internal characteristics of urban environments. The project’s name allude to the intellectual function of curation and the materiality of routes. Curate deals with the practice of arranging material –tangible or intangible- in a way that a new understanding of an area is revealed. The word routes refers to the linear associations that link places and guide movement. The Curated Routes aim to reinforce the development of bonding ties between people and urban environments by re-constructing the way we visit and explore a place. The overall goal of the project is to outline the conceptual guidelines of a visitors’ guide that could later be used for the development of the informatics model. The project follows the methodology that the context-aware routes apply, though particular attention is paid to the second phase of the process where an innovative approach is applied. The introduction of the “chronotope” filters enables us to “knit” the terrestrial route to a range of informative storylines, and hence to develop different interpretations of an urban environment

    Itinerary Recommendation Algorithm in the Age of MEC

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    To provide fully immersive mobile experiences, next-generation touristic services will rely on the high bandwidth and low latency provided by the 5G networks and the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) paradigm. Recommendation algorithms, being integral part of travel planning systems, devise personalized tour itineraries for a user considering the popularity of the Points of Interest (POIs) of a city as well as the tourist preferences and constraints. However, in the context of next-generation touristic services, recommendation algorithms should also consider the applications (e.g., augmented reality) the tourist will consume in the POIs and the quality in which such applications will be delivered by the MEC infrastructure. In this paper, we address the joint problem of recommending personalized tour itineraries for tourists and efficiently allocating MEC resources for advanced touristic applications. We formulate an optimization problem that maximizes the itinerary score of individual tourists, while optimizing the resource allocation at the network edge. We then propose an exact algorithm that quickly solves the problem optimally considering instances of realistic size. Finally, we evaluate our algorithm using a real dataset extracted from Flickr. Results demonstrate gains up to 100% in the resource allocation and user experience in comparison with a state-of-the-art solution

    Divertimi: A Tourist Guide to a Unique and Enriching Experience

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    This project lays a foundation for the development of an e-tourism website by Azienda di Promozione Turistica della Provincia di Venezia, the provincial tourism authority in the Veneto region of Italy. Our design employs individual and group profiling to recommend destinations and attractions. Social networking and various forms of user-generated narratives support travel recommendations. Finally, we propose a system for offering a personalized trip package based on user interests

    Enhancing travel recommendations: Ai-driven personalization through user digital footprints

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo examinar la manera en que la huella digital que dejan los usuarios en internet puede utilizarse para optimizar la personalización de los servicios turísticos, mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial. El documento propone que el auge de la inteligencia artificial ha abierto un mundo de oportunidades para desarrollar nuevas herramientas para mejorar la experiencia de viaje digital. El enfoque se basa en la idea de que las huellas digitales son únicas y particulares de cada individuo y estos valiosos datos pueden dar lugar a sugerencias de viaje más inteligentes y certeras. Se consideran las actitudes de comportamiento del usuario, como la influencia del contenido generado por el usuario en las redes sociales y el boca a boca electrónico en el proceso de planificación del viaje, así como las implicaciones de este rastro de datos en la optimización de los servicios de viaje personalizados. Este modelo describe la relación entre la inteligencia artificial y la hiper personalización de servicios. Como es una tendencia creciente que está alterando nuestra realidad actual, la tesis presentada desarrolla una aplicación de viajes a medida que, con el permiso del usuario, aprovecha los datos recopilados de las redes sociales personales para construir un plan de viaje específico basado en las preferencias individuales.This thesis aims to examine the way the digital footprint users leave behind can be utilized to optimize the personalization of tourism services, through the use of artificial intelligence. The paper proposes that the surge of artificial intelligence has opened a world of opportunities to develop new tools to improve the digital travel experience. The approach is based on the idea that digital footprints are unique and particular to each individual and this valuable data can result in smarter and unerring travel suggestions. Behavioral attitudes of the user, such as the influence of user-generated content in social media and e-word of mouth in the travel planning process, are considered, as well as the implications of this data trail in the optimization of customized travel services. This model describes the relationship between artificial intelligence and hyper-personalization of services. As it is a growing trend that is disrupting our current reality, the presented thesis develops a tailor-made traveling application that, with permission of the user, leverages the data collected from personal social media to build a specific travel plan based on each user’s preferences

    Marketing of Tourism Destination in the Context of Tiger Safari

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    Tiger tourism plays a significant role in the overall scenario of Indian tourism. The forest destination managers face a major challenge in satisfying their visitors since tigers are elusive by nature and most of the time tourists return dissatisfied without sighting a tiger after a forest safari. This paper is the first scientific study of its kind based on empirical data in the context of tiger tourism and proposed a model to identify the optimum path in the forest with a higher probability of tiger sighting

    Travel Package Recommendation

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    Location Based SocialNetworks (LBSN) benefit the users by allowing them to share their locations and life moments with their friends. The users can also review the locations they have visited. Classical recommender systems provide users a ranked list of single items. This is not suitable for applications like trip planning,where the recommendations should contain multiple items in an appropriate sequence. The problem of generating such recommendations is challenging due to various critical aspects, which includes user interest, budget constraints and high sparsity in the available data used to solve the problem. In this paper, we propose a graph based approach to recommend a set of personalized travel packages. Each recommended package comprises of a sequence of multiple Point of Interests (POIs). Given the current location and spatio-temporal constraints, our goal is to recommend a package which satisfies the constraints. This approach utilizes the data collected fromLBSNs to learn user preferences and also models the location popularity

    Tour recommendation for groups

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    Consider a group of people who are visiting a major touristic city, such as NY, Paris, or Rome. It is reasonable to assume that each member of the group has his or her own interests or preferences about places to visit, which in general may differ from those of other members. Still, people almost always want to hang out together and so the following question naturally arises: What is the best tour that the group could perform together in the city? This problem underpins several challenges, ranging from understanding people’s expected attitudes towards potential points of interest, to modeling and providing good and viable solutions. Formulating this problem is challenging because of multiple competing objectives. For example, making the entire group as happy as possible in general conflicts with the objective that no member becomes disappointed. In this paper, we address the algorithmic implications of the above problem, by providing various formulations that take into account the overall group as well as the individual satisfaction and the length of the tour. We then study the computational complexity of these formulations, we provide effective and efficient practical algorithms, and, finally, we evaluate them on datasets constructed from real city data