10 research outputs found

    Understanding How to Inform Blind and Low-Vision Users about Data Privacy through Privacy Question Answering Assistants

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    Understanding and managing data privacy in the digital world can be challenging for sighted users, let alone blind and low-vision (BLV) users. There is limited research on how BLV users, who have special accessibility needs, navigate data privacy, and how potential privacy tools could assist them. We conducted an in-depth qualitative study with 21 US BLV participants to understand their data privacy risk perception and mitigation, as well as their information behaviors related to data privacy. We also explored BLV users' attitudes towards potential privacy question answering (Q&A) assistants that enable them to better navigate data privacy information. We found that BLV users face heightened security and privacy risks, but their risk mitigation is often insufficient. They do not necessarily seek data privacy information but clearly recognize the benefits of a potential privacy Q&A assistant. They also expect privacy Q&A assistants to possess cross-platform compatibility, support multi-modality, and demonstrate robust functionality. Our study sheds light on BLV users' expectations when it comes to usability, accessibility, trust and equity issues regarding digital data privacy.Comment: This research paper is accepted by USENIX Security '2

    Ambient auditory awareness are remote places

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-59).by Gerardo Macario Vallejo Rosas.S.M

    Human Behavior Experimentation and Participation in Scientific Activities in the Wild

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    La cooperació és un dels trets del comportament que defineixen els éssers humans, però, encara estem tractant de comprendre per què els humans cooperem. Els experiments conductuals estan dissenyats per donar llum sobre els mecanismes de cooperació i altres trets del comportament. Aquesta dissertació es centra en avançar en el camp de l'experimentació conductual utilitzant les pràctiques de ciència ciutadana, i es divideix en dos blocs. En el primer, presentem dues plataformes, una que permet estudiar com promoure el pensament científic i la participació científica, i l'altra que permet estudiar els trets del comportament humà amb un conjunt de jocs de comportament. Les dues plataformes estàn dissenyades per ajudar a crear experiments en el camp i per fomentar la participació en el marc de la ciència ciutadana. En el segon bloc avaluem les plataformes a través d'un conjunt d'experiments, i analitzem l'existència de patrons de comportament. Primer, vam estudiar la solidesa de la plataforma observant si sorgeixen estratègies iguals en rèpliques del mateix experiment realitzat amb diferents mostres de població. En el segon experiment, analitzem els patrons de comportament que emergeixen quan els participants s'enfronten a un conjunt de dilemes socials. Els dos últims experiments són "collective-risk dilemmas" sobre el canvi climàtic. En un, estudiem com les desigualtats de recursos generen comportaments injustos. L'altre es porta a terme dins d'un ecosistema concret per estudiar les tensions que hi ha entre els diferents actors del col·lectiu. Tenint en compte els resultats dels experiments, podem entendre com ens comportem quan enfrontem dilemes socials i, en conseqüència, avaluar els trets de comportament i l'aparició de patrons de comportament. Els dissenys, els resultats i la metodologia d'anàlisi presentats en aquest treball ajudaran a establir les bases per a futurs experiments de comportament al camp.La cooperación es uno de los rasgos de comportamiento que definen a los seres humanos, sin embargo, todavía estamos tratando de comprender por qué los humanos cooperamos. Los experimentos conductuales están diseñados para arrojar luz sobre los mecanismos de cooperación y otros rasgos de comportamiento. Esta disertación se centra en avanzar en el campo de la experimentación conductual utilizando las prácticas de ciencia ciudadana, y se divide en dos bloques. En el primero, presentamos dos plataformas, una que permite estudiar cómo promover el pensamiento científico y la participación científica, y otra para estudiar los rasgos del comportamiento humano con un conjunto de juegos de comportamiento. Ambas plataformas están diseñadas para ayudar a crear experimentos en el campo y para fomentar la participación en el marco de la ciencia ciudadana. En el segundo bloque evaluamos las plataformas a través de un conjunto de experimentos, y analizamos la existencia de patrones de comportamiento. Primero, estudiamos la solidez de la plataforma al observar si surgen estrategias iguales en réplicas del mismo experimento realizado con diferentes muestras de población. En el segundo experimento, analizamos los patrones de comportamiento que emergen cuando los participantes enfrentan un conjunto de dilemas sociales. Los dos últimos experimentos son "collective-risk dilemmas" sobre el cambio climático. En uno, estudiamos cómo las desigualdades de recursos generan comportamientos injustos. El otro se lleva a cabo dentro de un ecosistema concreto para estudiar las tensiones que existen entre los diferentes actores del colectivo. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de los experimentos, podemos entender cómo nos comportamos cuando enfrentamos dilemas sociales y, en consecuencia, evaluar los rasgos de comportamiento y la aparición de patrones de comportamiento. Los diseños, los resultados y la metodología de análisis presentados en este trabajo ayudarán a establecer las bases para futuros experimentos de comportamiento en el campo.Cooperation is one of the behavioral traits that define human beings, however we are still trying to understand why humans cooperate. Behavioral experiments are designed to shed light into the mechanisms behind cooperation -- and other behavioral traits. This dissertation is focused on advancing the field of behavioral experimentation using experiments based on citizen science, and it is divided in two blocks. In the first, we present two platforms, one to understand how it can serve as a catalyst to promote of scientific thinking and engage in science, and another to study traits of human behavior with a suite of behavioral games. Both platforms are designed to help creating experiments in the wild and to encourage the participation within the framework of citizen science. In the second block we evaluate the platforms through a set of experiments, and we analyze the existence of behavioral patterns. First, we study the robustness of the platform by looking whether equal strategies emerge in replicas of the same experiment performed with different population samples. In the second experiment we analyze the behavioral patterns that emerge when participants face a set of social dilemmas. The last two experiments are collective-risk dilemmas framed in climate change. In one, we study how the resource inequalities generate unfair behaviors. The other is carried out within a given ecosystem to study the tensions that exist between actors of the collective. Considering the experiments' results, we can comprehend how we behave when we face social dilemmas, and consequently evaluate behavioral traits and the emergence of behavioral patterns. The designs, the results and the methodology of analysis presented in this work will help set the basis for future behavioral experiments in the field

    Haptic role allocation and intention negotiation in human-robot collaboration

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    This dissertation aims to present a perspective to build more natural shared control systems for physical human-robot cooperation. As the tasks become more complex and more dynamic, many shared control schemes fail to meet the expectation of an effortless interaction that resembles human-human sensory communication. Since such systems are mainly built to improve task performance, the richness of sensory communication is of secondary concern. We suggest that effective cooperation can be achieved when the human’s and the robot’s roles within the task are dynamically updated during the execution of the task. These roles define states for the system, in which the robot’s control leads or follows the human’s actions. In such a system, a state transition can occur at certain times if the robot can determine the user’s intention for gaining/relinquishing control. Specifically, with these state transitions we assign certain roles to the human and the robot. We believe that only by employing the robot with tools to change its behavior during collaboration, we can improve the collaboration experience. We explore how human-robot cooperation in virtual and physical worlds can be improved using a force-based role-exchange mechanism. Our findings indicate that the proposed role exchange framework is beneficial in a sense that it can improve task performance and the efficiency of the partners during the task, and decrease the energy requirement of the human. Moreover, the results imply that the subjective acceptability of the proposed model is attained only when role exchanges are performed in a smooth and transparent fashion. Finally, we illustrate that adding extra sensory cues on top of a role exchange scheme is useful for improving the sense of interaction during the task, as well as making the system more comfortable and easier to use, and the task more enjoyable

    Digital work in the planetary market

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    Many of the world’s most valuable companies rely on planetary networks of digital work that underpin their products and services. This important book examines implications for both work and workers when jobs are commodified and traded beyond local labor markets. For instance, Amazon’s contractors in Costa Rica, India, and Romania are paid to structure, annotate, and organize conversations captured by ‘Alexa’ to train Amazon’s speech recognition systems. Findings show that despite its planetary connections, labor remains geographically “sticky” and embedded in distinct contexts. The research emphasizes the globe-spanning nature of contemporary networks without resorting to an understanding of “the global” as a place beyond space.Aujourd’hui, de nombreux emplois peuvent être exercés depuis n’importe où. La technologie numérique et la connectivité Internet généralisée permettent à presque n’importe qui, n’importe où, de se connecter à n’importe qui d’autre pour communiquer et interagir à l’échelle planétaire. Ce livre examine les conséquences, tant pour le travail que pour les travailleurs, de la marchandisation et de l’échange des emplois au-delà des marchés du travail locaux. Allant au-delà du discours habituel sur la mondialisation « le monde est plat », les contributeurs examinent à la fois la transformation du travail lui-même et les systèmes, réseaux et processus plus larges qui permettent le travail numérique dans un marché planétaire, en offrant des perspectives empiriques et théoriques. Les contributeurs - des universitaires et des experts de premier plan issus de diverses disciplines - abordent une variété de questions, notamment la modération du contenu, les véhicules autonomes et les assistants vocaux. Ils se penchent d’abord sur la nouvelle expérience du travail et constatent que, malgré ses connexions planétaires, le travail reste géographiquement collé et intégré dans des contextes distincts. Ils examinent ensuite comment les réseaux planétaires de travail peuvent être cartographiés et problématisés, ils discutent de la multiplicité productive et de l’interdisciplinarité de la réflexion sur le travail numérique et ses réseaux et, enfin, ils imaginent comment le travail planétaire pourrait être réglementé. Les directeurs Mark Graham est professeur de géographie de l’Internet à l’Oxford Internet Institute et chargé de cours à l’Alan Turing Institute. Il est l’éditeur du livre Digital Economies at Global Margins (MIT Press et CRDI, 2019). Fabian Ferrari est un candidat au doctorat à l’Oxford Internet Institute

    Uncovering Information Operations On Twitter Using Natural Language Processing And The Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint

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    Information Operations (IO) are campaigns waged by covert, powerful entities to distort public discourse in a direction that is advantageous for them. It is the behaviors of the underlying networks that signal these campaigns in action, not the specific content they are posting. In this dissertation we introduce a social media analysis system that uncovers these behaviors by analyzing the specific post timings of underlying accounts and networks. The presented method first clusters tweets based on content using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Each of these clusters - referred to as topics - are plotted in time using the attached metadata for each tweet. These topic signals are then analyzed using the Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint (DWFP), which creates binary images of each topic that describe localized behaviors in the topic\u27s propagation through Twitter. The features extracted from the DWFP and the underlying tweet metadata can be applied to various analyses. In this dissertation we present four applications of the presented method. First, we break down seven culturally significant tweet storms to identify characteristic, localized behavior that are common among and unique to each tweet storm. Next, we use the DWFP signal processing to identify bot accounts. Then this method is applied to a large dataset of tweets from the early weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic to identify densely connected communities, many of which display potential IO behaviors. Finally, this method is applied to a live-stream of Turkish tweets to identify coordinated networks working to push various agendas through a volatile time in Turkish politics


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    Nowadays, character education becomes a major concern in Indonesia. Character development has been done by various strategy, but the results is yet to be seen. Character development should beginin elementary school in order that the children's charactercould formed early so that it could be developed until they are mature. One of the efforts of character building is integrating the local wisdom in learning. One of them is the Javanese culture. Javanese culture has a variety of rules called the "unggah-ungguh" that always give good models to the public community, especially to the Javanese. Along with the times, the Javanese culture that upholds ethics began to degraded and replaced by foreign cultures that came later. The parents’ roles in instilling the Javanese culture to their children also decreased gradually. This paper will examine the Javanese culture’s roles toward the character building in elementary schools’ students. Descriptive method supported by a depth review of the literature and the previous studies is used in this paper as a method. Based on the results of these reviews, we obtain some information about the types and mechanisms of Javanese culture in character building of students, especially elementary school students