756 research outputs found

    ConFiG: Contextual Fibre Growth to generate realistic axonal packing for diffusion MRI simulation

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    This paper presents Contextual Fibre Growth (ConFiG), an approach to generate white matter numerical phantoms by mimicking natural fibre genesis. ConFiG grows fibres one-by-one, following simple rules motivated by real axonal guidance mechanisms. These simple rules enable ConFiG to generate phantoms with tuneable microstructural features by growing fibres while attempting to meet morphological targets such as user-specified density and orientation distribution. We compare ConFiG to the state-of-the-art approach based on packing fibres together by generating phantoms in a range of fibre configurations including crossing fibre bundles and orientation dispersion. Results demonstrate that ConFiG produces phantoms with up to 20% higher densities than the state-of-the-art, particularly in complex configurations with crossing fibres. We additionally show that the microstructural morphology of ConFiG phantoms is comparable to real tissue, producing diameter and orientation distributions close to electron microscopy estimates from real tissue as well as capturing complex fibre cross sections. Signals simulated from ConFiG phantoms match real diffusion MRI data well, showing that ConFiG phantoms can be used to generate realistic diffusion MRI data. This demonstrates the feasibility of ConFiG to generate realistic synthetic diffusion MRI data for developing and validating microstructure modelling approaches

    Recent advances in diffusion neuroimaging: applications in the developing preterm brain

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    Measures obtained from diffusion-weighted imaging provide objective indices of white matter development and injury in the developing preterm brain. To date, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used widely, highlighting differences in fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) between preterm infants at term and healthy term controls; altered white matter development associated with a number of perinatal risk factors; and correlations between FA values in the white matter in the neonatal period and subsequent neurodevelopmental outcome. Recent developments, including neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) and fixel-based analysis (FBA), enable white matter microstructure to be assessed in detail. Constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) enables multiple fibre populations in an imaging voxel to be resolved and allows delineation of fibres that traverse regions of fibre-crossings, such as the arcuate fasciculus and cerebellar-cortical pathways. This review summarises DTI findings in the preterm brain and discusses initial findings in this population using CSD, NODDI, and FBA

    Integration of multi-shell diffusion imaging derived metrics in tractography reconstructions of clinical data

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    Tese de mestrado integrado Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Engenharia Clínica e Instrumentação Médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Nos últimos anos, com o rápido avanço das técnicas imagiológicas, a oportunidade de mapear o cérebro humano in vivo com uma resolução sem precedentes tornou-se realidade, permanecendo ainda hoje como uma das áreas de maior interesse da neurociência. Sabendo que o movimento natural das moléculas de água nos tecidos biológicos é altamente influenciado pelo ambiente microestrutural envolvente, e que a anisotropia que este processo aleatório assume na matéria branca pode ser explorada com o intuito de inferir características importantes associadas ao tecido neuronal, a ressonância magnética ponderada por difusão (dMRI, do inglês “Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging") afirmou-se como a técnica de imagem mais amplamente utilizada para a investigação in vivo e não invasiva da conectividade cerebral. A primeira técnica padrão de dMRI foi a imagiologia por tensor de difusão (DTI, do inglês "Diffusion Tensor Imaging"). Implementada com a capacidade de fornecer sensibilidade à microestrutura do tecido, esta técnica permite extrair informação acerca da tridimensionalidade da distribuição da difusão de moléculas de água através da aplicação de seis gradientes de difusão não colineares entre si. Além da difusividade média (MD, do inglês "Mean Diffusivity"), é também possível extrair outros índices microestruturais, como a anisotropia fraccional (FA, do inglês "Fractional Anisotropy"), que fornece informação acerca da percentagem de difusão anisotrópica num determinado voxel. Ambas as métricas são amplamente utilizadas como medidas de alterações microestruturais, todavia, apesar da sua sensibilidade, estes marcadores não são específicos quanto às características individuais da microestrutura tecidual. Regiões com reduzida FA podem camuflar regiões de conformação de cruzamento de fibras, ou fibras muito anguladas, que a DTI não consegue resolver. A razão para esta limitação reside no número reduzido de diferentes direções de difusão que são exploradas, assim como no pressuposto de que a distribuição das moléculas de água é gaussiana, o que não é necessariamente verdade. De forma alternativa e com o intuito de tais limitações serem ultrapassadas, é possível implementar uma representação matemática do sinal adquirido de forma a explorar o propagador de difusão, da qual a imagiologia por ressonância magnética do propagador aparente médio (MAP-MRI, do inglês “Mean Apparent Propagator Magnetic Resonance Imaging”) é exemplo. Esta técnica analítica caracteriza-se pelo cálculo da função de densidade de probabilidade associada ao deslocamento de spin, o que permite descrever o caráter não-gaussiano do processo de difusão tridimensional e quantificar índices escalares inerentes ao processo de difusão, os quais sublinham as características complexas intrínsecas à microestrutura do tecido. Estes parâmetros incluem o deslocamento médio quadrático (MSD, em inglês “mean square displacement”), a probabilidade de retorno à origem (RTOP, do inglês “return-to-the origin probability”) e suas variantes de difusão em uma e duas dimensões – a probabilidade de retorno ao plano (RTPP, do inglês “return-to-the plane probability”) e a probabilidade de retorno ao eixo (RTAP, do inglês “return-to-the axis probability”), respetivamente. Em resposta às limitações da DTI associadas à falta de especificidade para distinguir características microestruturais dos tecidos, surgiu ainda o modelo de Dispersão de Orientação de Neurite e Imagem de Densidade (NODDI, do inglês “Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging”), o qual utiliza o processo de difusão para estimar a morfologia das neurites. Tendo como premissa subjacente que o sinal de difusão pode ser definido pela soma da contribuição dos sinais de diferentes compartimentos, este modelo biofísico diferencia o espaço intra e extracelular o que, por sua vez, permite quantificar a dispersão e densidade das neurites. Deste modo, dois parâmetros intrínsecos à microestrutura envolvente podem ser calculados: a densidade neurítica e o índice de dispersão da orientação das neurites. No entanto, de forma a garantir a viabilidade clínica do modelo, este pode ser aplicado por meio do método AMICO (do inglês “Accelerated Microstructure Imaging via Convex Optimization”) através do seu ajuste linear, o que permite o cálculo do índice de dispersão da orientação das neurites (ODI, do inglês “Orientation Dispersion Index”), da fração de volume intracelular (ICVF do inglês, “Intracellular Volume Fraction”), e da fração de volume isotrópico (ISOVF, do inglês “Isotropic Volume Fraction”). O estudo da configuração arquitetural das estruturas cerebrais in vivo, por meio da dMRI associada aos métodos de tractografia, permitiu a reconstrução não invasiva das fibras neuronais e a exploração da informação direcional inerente às mesmas, sendo que o seu estudo tem revelado uma enorme expansão por meio do estabelecimento de marcadores biológicos perante a presença de diversas condições patológicas. O objetivo principal desta dissertação prende-se com existência de uma variação proeminentenas métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca no cérebro humano. Atualmente, a maioriados estudos de tractografia tem por base uma abordagem que se resume à análise do valor escalar médio da métrica de difusão para a estrutura cerebral em estudo, pelo que se tem verificado um crescente interesse na utilização de métodos que considerem a extensão da variabilidade nas métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de modo a providenciarem um maior nível de detalhe ao nível do processo de difusão, evitando interpretações erróneas dos parâmetros microestruturais. Desta forma, em primeiro lugar, foi desenvolvido uma análise ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca, tendo por base a variação dos valores assumidos pelos parâmetros microestruturais acima mencionados. No presente estudo foi possível demonstrar a eficácia de tal abordagem ao longo de três tratos de matéria de branca (fascículo arqueado, trato corticoespinhal, e corpo caloso), para além de permitir, através da variância assumida pelos diversos parâmetros microestruturais, o estudo detalhado de regiões anatómicas que assumem uma distribuição complexa de múltiplos conjuntos populacionais de fibras, como é o caso do centro semioval, o qual constitui uma região de cruzamento de fibras provenientes dos três tratos de matéria branca em estudo. De seguida, esta técnica foi utilizada com sucesso na identificação de diferenças microestruturais por meio do estudo dos diversos parâmetros de difusão em pacientes com diagnóstico prévio de epilepsia no lobo temporal (TLE, do inglês “Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”), com foco epiléptico localizado no hemisfério esquerdo, e controlos. O estudo do ambiente microestrutural por meio dos múltiplos mapas escalares permitiu averiguar a alteração do processo de difusão e/ou anisotropia, associadas ao efeito fisiopatológico da TLE na organização da matéria branca. Os resultados revelaram diferenças localizadas, as quais se traduziram num aumento da difusividade e redução da anisotropia do processo de difusão ao longo dos tratos em estudo dos pacientes com TLE, sugerindo deste modo uma perda na organização das diversas estruturas anatómicas e a expansão do espaço extracelular face aos controlos. Verificou-se ainda que pacientes com esta condição neurológica sofrem de alterações microestruturais que afetam redes cerebrais em grande escala, envolvendo regiões temporais e extratemporais de ambos os hemisférios. Adicionalmente, aplicada como técnica capaz de investigar padrões de mudança na matéria branca, procedeu-se à realização de um estudo assente na estatística espacial baseada no trato (TBSS, do inglês “Tract-Based Spatial Statistics”). Após a exploração das diversas métricas de difusão, os pacientes com TLE (com lateralização à esquerda) demonstraram alterações no processo de difusão, ilustradas pelos diversos padrões de mudança microestrutural de cada métrica em estudo, concordantes com os resultados anteriormente aferidos pela análise ao longo do trato. Por fim, uma análise baseada em fixel (FBA, do inglês “Fixel-Based Analysis”) foi realizada, a qual permitiu uma análise estatística abrangente de medidas quantitativas da matéria branca, com o intuito de detetar alterações no volume intra-axonal por variação na densidade intra-voxel e/ou reorganização da morfologia macroscópica. Para identificar tais diferenças entre pacientes e controlos, três parâmetros foram considerados: densidade das fibras (FD, do inglês “Fibre Density”), seção transversal do feixe de fibras (FC, do inglês “Fibre-bundle Cross-section”), e densidade de fibras e seção transversal (FDC, do inglês “Fibre Density and Cross-section). Reduções na FD, FC e FDC foram identificadas em pacientes com TLE (com lateralização à esquerda) em comparação com os controlos, o que está de acordo com as mudanças microestruturais que resultam do processo de degeneração que afeta as estruturas de matéria branca com a perda de axónios na presença de uma condição neuropatológica como a TLE. Apesar do resultado final positivo, tendo em conta a meta previamente estabelecida, está aberto o caminho para o seu aperfeiçoamento, tendo em vista as direções futuras que emergem naturalmente desta dissertação. Como exemplo disso, poder-se-á recorrer ao estudo pormenorizado das metodologias técnicas associadas à abordagem apresentada que tem por base a análise das métricas de difusão ao longo dos tratos de matéria branca, uma vez que o desvio padrão associado a cada valor atribuído pelas diversas métricas foi significativo, o que de alguma forma poderá ter influenciado os resultados e, consequentemente, as conclusões deles extraídas, tendo em vista a sua viabilidade enquanto aplicação clínica. Como nota final, gostaria apenas de salientar que a imagiologia por difusão e, em particular, a tractografia têm ainda muito espaço para progredir. A veracidade desta afirmação traduz-se pela existência de uma grande variedade de modelos e algoritmos implementados, bem como de técnicas e metodologias de análise à informação microestrutural retida tendo por base o perfil de difusão que carateriza cada trato em estudo, sem que no entanto, exista consenso na comunidade científica acerca da melhor abordagem a seguir.Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is a non-invasive imaging method which has been successfully applied to study white matter (WM) in order to determine physiological information and infer tissue microstructure. The human body is filled with barriers affecting the mobility of molecules and preventing it from being constant in different directions (anisotropic diffusion). In the brain, the sources for this anisotropy arise from dense packing axons and from the myelin sheath that surrounds them. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is widely used to extract fibre directions from diffusion data, but it fails in regions containing multiple fibre orientations. The constrained spherical deconvolution technique had been proposed to address this limitation. It provides an estimate of the fibre orientation distribution that is robust to noise whilst preserving angular resolution. As a noninvasive technique that generates a three-dimensional reconstruction of neuronal fibres, tractography is able to map in vivo the human WM based on the reconstruct of the fibre orientations from the diffusion profile. Most of the tractography studies use a “tract-averaged” approach to analysis, however it is well known that there is a prominent variation in diffusion metrics within WM tracts. In this study we address the challenge of defining a microstructural signature taking into account the potentially rich anatomical variation in diffusion metrics along the tracts. Therefore, a workflow to conduct along-tract analysis of WM tracts (namely, arcuate fasciculus, corticospinal and corpus callosum) and integrate not only DTI derived measures, but also more advanced parameters from Mean Apparent Propagator-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MAP-MRI) and Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) model, was developed across healthy controls and patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE). Beyond the true biological variation in diffusion properties along tracts, this technique was applied to show that it allows a more detailed analysis of small regions-of-interest extracted from the tract in order to avoid fibres from WM pathways in the neighbourhood, which might lead to equivocal biological interpretations of the microstructural parameters. Consequently, the along-tract streamline distribution from the centrum semiovale, which is known to be a complex fibre geometry with multiple fibres populations from arcuate fasciculus, corticospinal and corpus callosum, was investigated. Finally, to validate our approach and highlight the strength of this extensible framework, two other methods were implemented in order to support the conclusions derived from the along-tract analysis computed between-groups. Firstly, a tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analysis was performed to study the WM change patterns across the whole brain in patients with TLE, and explore the alteration of multiple diffusion metrics. This voxel-based technique provides a powerful and objective method to perform multi-subject comparison, based on voxel-wise statistics of diffusion metrics but simultaneous aiming to minimize the effects of misalignment using a conventional voxel-based analysis method. With this in mind, the results showed increased diffusivity and reduced diffusion anisotropy, suggesting a loss of structural organization and expansion of the extracellular space in the presence of neuropathological condition as TLE. Secondly, the fixel-based analysis (FBA) was performed allowing a comprehensive statistical analysis of WM quantitative measures in order to have access to changes that may result within WM tracts in the presence of TLE. The microstructural/macrostructural changes in WM tracts of TLE patients were observed in temporal and extratemporal regions of both hemispheres, which agrees with the concept that epilepsy is a network disorder

    How our brains are wired: Are the applications of diffusion imaging useful given the current limitations?

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    Diffusion imaging (DI) enables researchers to study white matter (WM) pathways in the human brain in-vivo by labelling water molecules and measuring their diffusion into different directions. Connectivity patterns are inferred assuming that water diffuses rather along than across fibre bundles. This paper introduces the concept of DI, addresses suitable applications and evaluates gains versus limitations. Common applications are (1) generating WM atlases, (2) mapping connectional models of functionally subdivided brain regions, (3) linking disorders to connectivity abnormalities, (4) verifying WM pathways from animal studies, (5) linking personality traits to particular connectivity patterns, (6) measuring structural changes resulting from experience or ageing and (7) presurgical planning. Despite limitations like the moderate spatial resolution, or – more fundamentally – the lack of a gold standard and the kissing/crossing problem, DI can be regarded as a useful tool if researchers choose methods carefully and consider the known limitations

    Adaptive microstructure-informed tractography for accurate brain connectivity analyses

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    Human brain has been subject of deep interest for centuries, given it's central role in controlling and directing the actions and functions of the body as response to external stimuli. The neural tissue is primarily constituted of neurons and, together with dendrites and the nerve synapses, constitute the gray matter (GM) which plays a major role in cognitive functions. The information processed in the GM travel from one region to the other of the brain along nerve cell projections, called axons. All together they constitute the white matter (WM) whose wiring organization still remains challenging to uncover. The relationship between structure organization of the brain and function has been deeply investigated on humans and animals based on the assumption that the anatomic architecture determine the network dynamics. In response to that, many different imaging techniques raised, among which diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has triggered tremendous hopes and expectations. Diffusion-weighted imaging measures both restricted and unrestricted diffusion, i.e. the degree of movement freedom of the water molecules, allowing to map the tissue fiber architecture in vivo and non-invasively. Based on DW-MRI data, tractography is able to exploit information of the local fiber orientation to recover global fiber pathways, called streamlines, that represent groups of axons. This, in turn, allows to infer the WM structural connectivity, becoming widely used in many different clinical applications as for diagnoses, virtual dissections and surgical planning. However, despite this unique and compelling ability, data acquisition still suffers from technical limitations and recent studies have highlighted the poor anatomical accuracy of the reconstructions obtained with this technique and challenged its effectiveness for studying brain connectivity. The focus of this Ph.D. project is to specifically address these limitations and to improve the anatomical accuracy of the structural connectivity estimates. To this aim, we developed a global optimization algorithm that exploits micro and macro-structure information, introducing an iterative procedure that uses the underlying tissue properties to drive the reconstruction using a semi-global approach. Then, we investigated the possibility to dynamically adapt the position of a set of candidate streamlines while embedding the anatomical prior of trajectories smoothness and adapting the configuration based on the observed data. Finally, we introduced the concept of bundle-o-graphy by implementing a method to model groups of streamlines based on the concept that axons are organized into fascicles, adapting their shape and extent based on the underlying microstructure

    Conduction velocity along a key white matter tract is associated with autobiographical memory recall ability

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    Conduction velocity is the speed at which electrical signals travel along axons and is a crucial determinant of neural communication. Inferences about conduction velocity can now be made in vivo in humans using a measure called the magnetic resonance (MR) g-ratio. This is the ratio of the inner axon diameter relative to that of the axon plus the myelin sheath that encases it. Here, in the first application to cognition, we found that variations in MR g-ratio, and by inference conduction velocity, of the parahippocampal cingulum bundle were associated with autobiographical memory recall ability in 217 healthy adults. This tract connects the hippocampus with a range of other brain areas. We further observed that the association seemed to be with inner axon diameter rather than myelin content. The extent to which neurites were coherently organised within the parahippocampal cingulum bundle was also linked with autobiographical memory recall ability. Moreover, these findings were specific to autobiographical memory recall and were not apparent for laboratory-based memory tests. Our results offer a new perspective on individual differences in autobiographical memory recall ability, highlighting the possible influence of specific white matter microstructure features on conduction velocity when recalling detailed memories of real-life past experiences

    Tractographie adaptative basée sur la microstructure pour des analyses précises de la connectivité cérébrale

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    Le cerveau est un sujet de recherche depuis plusieurs décennies, puisque son rôle est central dans la compréhension du genre humain. Le cerveau est composé de neurones, où leurs dendrites et synapses se retrouvent dans la matière grise alors que les axones en constituent la matière blanche. L’information traitée dans les différentes régions de la matière grise est ensuite transmise par l’intermédiaire des axones afin d’accomplir différentes fonctions cognitives. La matière blanche forme une structure d’interconnections complexe encore dif- ficile à comprendre et à étudier. La relation entre l’architecture et la fonction du cerveau a été étudiée chez les humains ainsi que pour d’autres espèces, croyant que l’architecture des axones déterminait la dynamique du réseau fonctionnel. Dans ce même objectif, l’Imagerie par résonance (IRM) est un outil formidable qui nous permet de visualiser les tissus cérébraux de façon non-invasive. Plus partic- ulièrement, l’IRM de diffusion permet d’estimer et de séparer la diffusion libre de celle restreinte par la structure des tissus. Cette mesure de restriction peut être utilisée afin d’inférer l’orientation locale des faisceaux de matière blanche. L’algorithme de tractographie exploite cette carte d’orientation pour reconstruire plusieurs connexions de la matière blanche (nommées “streamlines”). Cette modélisation de la matière blanche permet d’estimer la connectivité cérébrale dite structurelle entre les différentes régions du cerveau. Ces résultats peuvent être employés directement pour la planification chirurgicale ou indirectement pour l’analyse ou une évaluation clinique. Malgré plusieurs de ses limitations, telles que sa variabilité et son imprécision, la tractographie reste l’unique moyen d’étudier l’architecture de la matière blanche ainsi que la connectivité cérébrale de façon non invasive. L’objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de répondre spécifiquement à ces limitations et d’améliorer la précision anatomique des estimations de connectivité structurelle. Dans ce but, nous avons développé un algorithme d’optimisation globale qui exploite les informations de micro et macrostructure, en introduisant une procédure itéra- tive qui utilise les propriétés sous-jacentes des tissus pour piloter la reconstruction en utilisant une approche semi-globale. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la possibilité d’adapter dynamiquement la position d’un ensemble de lignes de courant candidates tout en intégrant le préalable anatomique de la douceur des trajectoires et en adap- tant la configuration en fonction des données observées. Enfin, nous avons introduit le concept de bundle-o-graphy en mettant en œuvre une méthode pour modéliser des groupes de lignes de courant basées sur le concept que les axones sont organisés en fascicules, en adaptant leur forme et leur étendue en fonction de la microstructure sous-jacente.Abstract : Human brain has been subject of deep interest for centuries, given it’s central role in controlling and directing the actions and functions of the body as response to external stimuli. The neural tissue is primarily constituted of neurons and, together with dendrites and the nerve synapses, constitute the gray matter (GM) which plays a major role in cognitive functions. The information processed in the GM travel from one region to the other of the brain along nerve cell projections, called axons. All together they constitute the white matter (WM) whose wiring organization still remains challenging to uncover. The relationship between structure organization of the brain and function has been deeply investigated on humans and animals based on the assumption that the anatomic architecture determine the network dynamics. In response to that, many different imaging techniques raised, among which diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has triggered tremendous hopes and expectations. Diffusion-weighted imaging measures both restricted and unrestricted diffusion, i.e. the degree of movement freedom of the water molecules, allowing to map the tissue fiber architecture in vivo and non-invasively. Based on DW-MRI data, tractography is able to exploit information of the local fiber orien- tation to recover global fiber pathways, called streamlines, that represent groups of axons. This, in turn, allows to infer the WM structural connectivity, becoming widely used in many different clinical applications as for diagnoses, virtual dissections and surgical planning. However, despite this unique and compelling ability, data acqui- sition still suffers from technical limitations and recent studies have highlighted the poor anatomical accuracy of the reconstructions obtained with this technique and challenged its effectiveness for studying brain connectivity. The focus of this Ph.D. project is to specifically address these limitations and to improve the anatomical accuracy of the structural connectivity estimates. To this aim, we developed a global optimization algorithm that exploits micro and macro- structure information, introducing an iterative procedure that uses the underlying tissue properties to drive the reconstruction using a semi-global approach. Then, we investigated the possibility to dynamically adapt the position of a set of candidate streamlines while embedding the anatomical prior of trajectories smoothness and adapting the configuration based on the observed data. Finally, we introduced the concept of bundle-o-graphy by implementing a method to model groups of streamlines based on the concept that axons are organized into fascicles, adapting their shape and extent based on the underlying microstructure.Sommario : Il cervello umano è oggetto di profondo interesse da secoli, dato il suo ruolo centrale nel controllare e dirigere le azioni e le funzioni del corpo in risposta a stimoli esterno. Il tessuto neurale è costituito principalmente da neuroni che, insieme ai dendriti e alle sinapsi nervose, costituiscono la materia grigia (GM), la quale riveste un ruolo centrale nelle funzioni cognitive. Le informazioni processate nella GM viaggiano da una regione all’altra del cervello lungo estensioni delle cellule nervose, chiamate assoni. Tutti insieme costituiscono la materia bianca (WM) la cui organizzazione strutturale rimane tuttora sconosciuta. Il legame tra struttura e funzione del cervello sono stati studiati a fondo su esseri umani e animali partendo dal presupposto che l’architettura anatomica determini la dinamica della rete funzionale. In risposta a ciò, sono emerse diverse tecniche di imaging, tra cui la risonanza magnetica pesata per diffusione (DW-MRI) ha suscitato enormi speranze e aspettative. Questa tecnica misura la diffusione sia libera che ristretta, ovvero il grado di libertà di movimento delle molecole d’acqua, consentendo di mappare l’architettura delle fibre neuronali in vivo e in maniera non invasiva. Basata su dati DW-MRI, la trattografia è in grado di sfruttare le informazioni sull’orientamento locale delle fibre per ricostruirne i percorsi a livello globale. Questo, a sua volta, consente di estrarre la connettività strutturale della WM, utilizzata in diverse applicazioni cliniche come per diagnosi, dissezioni virtuali e pianificazione chirurgica. Tuttavia, nonostante questa capacità unica e promettente, l’acquisizione dei dati soffre ancora di limitazioni tecniche e recenti studi hanno messo in evidenza la scarsa accuratezza anatomica delle ricostruzioni ottenute con questa tecnica, mettendone in dubbio l’efficacia per lo studio della connettività cerebrale. Il focus di questo progetto di dottorato è quello di affrontare in modo specifico queste limitazioni e di migliorare l’accuratezza anatomica delle stime di connettività strutturale. A tal fine, abbiamo sviluppato un algoritmo di ottimizzazione globale che sfrutta le informazioni sia micro che macrostrutturali, introducendo una procedura iterativa che utilizza le proprietà del tessuto neuronale per guidare la ricostruzione utilizzando un approccio semi-globale. Successivamente, abbiamo studiato la possibilità di adattare dinamicamente la posizione di un insieme di streamline candidate incorporando il prior anatomico per cui devono seguire traiettorie regolari e adattando la configurazione in base ai dati osservati. Infine, abbiamo introdotto il concetto di bundle-o-graphy implementando un metodo per modellare gruppi di streamline basato sul concetto che gli assoni sono organizzati in fasci, adattando la loro forma ed estensione in base alla microstruttura sottostante


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    Glioblastomas (GBMs) is a malignant type of central nervous system tumours and its presentation is almost 80% of all malignant primary brain neoplasia. This kind of tumour is highly invasive infiltrating the white matter area and is confined to the central nervous with a very poor patient outcome survival around 10 months. Of the existing treatment approaches, Convection Enhanced drug Delivery (CED) offers several advantages for the patient but still suffers from significant shortcomings. Enhanced Delivery Ecosystem for Neurosurgery in 2020 (EDEN2020) is a European project supported with a new catheter development as the key project point in an integrated technology platform for minimally invasive neurosurgery. Due to the particular anatomy and size, sheep (Ovis aries) have been selected as experimental large animal model and a new Head Frame system MRI/CT compatible has been made and validated ad hoc for the project. In order to understand experimentally the best target point for the catheter introduction a sheep brain DTI atlas has been created. Corticospinal tract (CST), corpus callosum (CC), fornix (FX), visual pathway (VP) and occipitofrontal fascicle (OF), have been identified bilaterally for all the animals. Three of these white matter tracts, the corpus callosum, the fornix and the corona radiata, have been selected to understand the drugs diffusion properties and create a computational model of diffusivity inside the white matter substance. The analysis have been conducted via Focused Ion Beam using scanning Electron Microscopy combined with focused ion beam milling and a 2D analysis and 3D reconstruction made. The results showed homogeneous myelination via detection of ~40% content of lipids in all the different fibre tracts and the fibrous organisation of the tissue described as composite material presenting elliptical tubular fibres with an average cross-sectional area of circa 0.52\u3bcm2 and an estimated mean diameter of 1.15\u3bcm. Finally, as the project is currently ongoing, we provided an overview on the future experimental steps focalised on the brain tissue damage after the rigid catheter introduction

    The functional anatomy of white matter pathways for visual configuration learning

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    The role of the medial temporal lobes (MTL) in visuo-spatial learning has been extensively studied and documented in the neuroscientific literature. Numerous animal and human studies have demonstrated that the parahippocampal place area (PPA), which sits at the confluence of the parahippocampal and lingual gyri, is particularly important for learning the spatial configuration of objects in visually presented scenes. In current visuo-spatial processing models, the PPA sits downstream from the parietal lobes which are involved in multiple facets of spatial processing. Yet, direct input to the PPA from early visual cortex (EVC) is rarely discussed and poorly understood. This thesis adopted a multimodal neuroimaging analysis approach to study the functional anatomy of these connections. First, the pattern of structural connectivity between EVC and the MTL was explored by means of surface-based ‘connectomes’ constructed from diffusion MRI tractography in a cohort of 200 healthy young adults from the Human Connectome Project. Through this analysis, the PPA emerged as a primary recipient of EVC connections within the MTL. Second, a data-driven clustering analysis of the PPA’s connectivity to an extended cortical region (including EVC, retrosplenial cortex, and other areas) revealed multiple clusters with different connectivity profiles within the PPA. The two main clusters were located in the posterior and anterior portions of the PPA, with the posterior cluster preferentially connected to EVC. Motivated by this result, virtual tractography dissections were used to delineate the medial occipital longitudinal tract (MOLT), the white matter bundle connecting the PPA with EVC. The properties of this bundle and its relation to visual configuration learning were verified in a different, cross-sectional adult cohort of 90 subjects. Finally, the role of the MOLT in the visuo-spatial learning domain was further confirmed in the case of a stroke patient who, after bilateral occipital injury, exhibited deficits confined to this domain. The results presented in this work suggest that the MOLT should be included in current visuo-spatial processing models as it offers additional insight into how the MTL acquires and processes information for spatial learning