23 research outputs found

    A joint multi user detection scheme for UWB sensor networks using waveform division multiple access

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    A joint multiuser detection (MUD) scheme for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is proposed to suppress multiple access interference (MAI) caused by a large number of sensor nodes. In WSNs, waveform division multiple access ultra-wideband (WDMA-UWB) technology is well-suited for robust communications. Multiple sensor nodes are allowed to transmit modulated signals by sharing the same time periods and frequency bands using orthogonal pulse waveforms. This paper employs a mapping function based on the optimal multiuser detection (OMD) to map the received bits into the mapping space where error bits can be distinguished. In order to revise error bits caused by MAI, the proposed joint MUD scheme combines the mapping function with suboptimal algorithms. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed MUD scheme provides good performances in terms of suppressing MAI and resisting near-far effect with low computational complexity

    Quantum Machine Learning for 6G Communication Networks: State-of-the-Art and Vision for the Future

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    The upcoming 5th Generation (5G) of wireless networks is expected to lay a foundation of intelligent networks with the provision of some isolated Artificial Intelligence (AI) operations. However, fully-intelligent network orchestration and management for providing innovative services will only be realized in Beyond 5G (B5G) networks. To this end, we envisage that the 6th Generation (6G) of wireless networks will be driven by on-demand self-reconfiguration to ensure a many-fold increase in the network performanceandservicetypes.Theincreasinglystringentperformancerequirementsofemergingnetworks may finally trigger the deployment of some interesting new technologies such as large intelligent surfaces, electromagnetic-orbital angular momentum, visible light communications and cell-free communications – tonameafew.Ourvisionfor6Gis–amassivelyconnectedcomplexnetworkcapableofrapidlyresponding to the users’ service calls through real-time learning of the network state as described by the network-edge (e.g., base-station locations, cache contents, etc.), air interface (e.g., radio spectrum, propagation channel, etc.), and the user-side (e.g., battery-life, locations, etc.). The multi-state, multi-dimensional nature of the network state, requiring real-time knowledge, can be viewed as a quantum uncertainty problem. In this regard, the emerging paradigms of Machine Learning (ML), Quantum Computing (QC), and Quantum ML (QML) and their synergies with communication networks can be considered as core 6G enablers. Considering these potentials, starting with the 5G target services and enabling technologies, we provide a comprehensivereviewoftherelatedstate-of-the-artinthedomainsofML(includingdeeplearning),QCand QML, and identify their potential benefits, issues and use cases for their applications in the B5G networks. Subsequently,weproposeanovelQC-assistedandQML-basedframeworkfor6Gcommunicationnetworks whilearticulatingitschallengesandpotentialenablingtechnologiesatthenetwork-infrastructure,networkedge, air interface and user-end. Finally, some promising future research directions for the quantum- and QML-assisted B5G networks are identified and discussed

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    Internet of Things 2.0: Concepts, Applications, and Future Directions

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    Applications and technologies of the Internet of Things are in high demand with the increase of network devices. With the development of technologies such as 5G, machine learning, edge computing, and Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things has evolved. This survey article discusses the evolution of the Internet of Things and presents the vision for Internet of Things 2.0. The Internet of Things 2.0 development is discussed across seven major fields. These fields are machine learning intelligence, mission critical communication, scalability, energy harvesting-based energy sustainability, interoperability, user friendly IoT, and security. Other than these major fields, the architectural development of the Internet of Things and major types of applications are also reviewed. Finally, this article ends with the vision and current limitations of the Internet of Things in future network environments

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    Advanced meta-heuristic approaches and their application to operational optimization in forest wildfire management

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    La última década ha sido testigo de un aumento vertiginoso de la cantidad y frecuencia de desastres a gran escala, principalmente debido a los fenómenos devastadores derivados de paradigmas climatológicos y ambientales a gran escala como el calentamiento global. De entre ellos son las inundaciones, huracanes y terremotos los desastres de mayor frecuencia de aparición y fatales consecuencias durante este período, tal como certifican los más de 20.000 muertos a consecuencia de un terremoto en la región de Gujarat (India) en 2001, o las 230.000 y 316.000 pérdidas humanas de los terremotos de Indonesia y Haití en 2004 y 2010, respectivamente. En este contexto, el enfoque de esta tesis se centra en una casuística concreta de desastre a media-gran escala cuya frecuencia y severidad han crecido de manera igualmente preocupante en los últimos tiempos: los incendios, definidos como un fuego de grandes dimensiones no voluntariamente iniciado por el ser humano, y que afecta a aquello que no está destinado a quemarse. Pese a la diversidad de iniciativas, campañas y procedimientos orientados a la minimización del impacto y las consecuencias de los incendios, varios sucesos fatales acontecidos en los últimos años han puesto en duda la efectividad de las políticas actuales de gestión de recursos contra incendios como aeronaves, vehículos terrestres, equipamiento de comunicaciones radio, logística de abastecimiento y las brigadas desplegadas en el área afectada. Un ejemplo manifiesto de esta falta de eficacia es la muerte de once bomberos ocurrida en un incendio de 130 kilómetros cuadrados en la zona de Guadalajara (España) en 2005, oficialmente atribuida a una deficiente coordinación entre el puesto de mando y los equipos de extinción debida, fundamentalmente, a problemas de cobertura en los sistemas de radiocomunicación. Aunque la causa de esta falta de coordinación ha sido cuestionada por las autoridades y los agentes involucrados desde entonces, lo cierto es que este suceso supone un ejemplo evidente de la necesidad de estudiar y desarrollar herramientas algorítmicas que ayuden al personal de comandancia a ejecutar óptimamente sus tareas de coordinación y control. Desafortunadamente la coyuntura de crisis económica mundial que azota con especial fuerza los países del Sur de Europa ha mermado dramáticamente las partidas presupuestarias para la prevención y extinción de incendios en beneficio de programas nacionales de reducción de déficit. A consecuencia de estos recortes, el coste ha irrumpido con fuerza como un criterio de extrema relevancia en la planificación operativa de este tipo de desastres: desde la perspectiva de un problema de optimización, los recursos contra incendios son actualmente gestionados con el objetivo fundamental de maximizar su efectividad contra incendios, sujeto a la restricción de que el coste agregado asociado a las decisiones tomadas no supere un determinado umbral presupuestario. Pese a que estas restricciones de coste están bien acotadas, en la práctica la mayoría de los procedimientos de gestión de recursos contra incendios están fuertemente determinados por la capacidad limitada del ser humano para tomar decisiones ágiles en escenarios de elevada complejidad y heterogeneidad. Por los motivos anteriormente expuestos, la presente Tesis doctoral propone la adopción de algoritmos meta-heurísticos para solventar eficientemente problemas de optimización que modelan procesos de gestión de recursos contra incendios. Esta familia de algoritmos de optimización es capaz de explorar el espacio solución de un problema dado merced a la aplicación iterativa de mecanismos inteligentes de búsqueda explorativa y explotativa, produciendo soluciones que sacrifican calidad por una complejidad computacional menor en comparación con la resultante de procesos determinísticos de búsqueda exhaustiva. En particular la Tesis plantea la búsqueda por harmonía (del inglés Harmony Search) como la técnica meta-heurística de optimización común a las herramientas diseñadas para la gestión de recursos en dos escenarios diferentes: ? El primer escenario analizado contempla el despliegue óptimo de redes de comunicación inalámbrica para la coordinación de equipos de extinción en incendios forestales de gran escala. Desde el punto de vista formal, el problema del despliegue dinámico de retransmisores que caracteriza matemáticamente este escenario consiste en estimar el número y localización de los retransmisores radio que deben ser desplegados en el área afectada por el incendio, de tal modo que el número de nodos móviles (i.e. recursos) con cobertura radio es maximizado a un coste del despliegue mínimo. A fin de reflejar la diversidad de equipamiento de retransmisión radio existente en la realidad, este problema es reformulado para considerar modelos de retransmisor con diferentes características de cobertura y coste. El problema resultante es resuelto de manera eficiente mediante sendos algoritmos mono- y bi-objetivo que conjugan 1) la Búsqueda por Harmonía como método de búsqueda global; y 2) una versión modificada del algoritmo de agrupación K-means como técnica de búsqueda local. El desempeño de los métodos propuestos es evaluado mediante experimentos numéricos basados en datos estadísticos reales de la Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha (España), merced a cuyos resultados queda certificada su practicidad a la hora de desplegar infraestructura de comunicación en este tipo de desastres. ? El segundo escenario bajo estudio se concentra en el despliegue y planificación óptima de vehículos aéreos de extinción de incendios basados en estimaciones predictivas del riesgo de incendio de una cierta área geográfica. De manera enunciativa, el problema subyacente busca la asignación de recursos a aeródromos y aeropuertos con restricciones de capacidad que maximice la utilidad de dichos recursos en relación al riesgo de incendio y minimice, a su vez, el coste de ejecutar dicha asignación. La formulación de este problema también considera, dentro de la definición de dicha función de utilidad, la distancia relativa entre aeropuerto, punto de potencial riesgo de incendio y el recurso acuífero (lago, río o mar) más cercano. Para su resolución eficiente se propone el uso de algoritmos de optimización basados, de nuevo, en la Búsqueda por Harmonía, incorporando además métodos voraces de reparación capacitiva. La aplicabilidad práctica de estos métodos es validada mediante experimentos numéricos en escenarios sintéticos y un caso práctico que incluye valores reales del riesgo de incendio, posiciones de recursos acuíferos e instalaciones aeroportuarias. En resumen, esta Tesis evidencia, desde un punto de vista práctico, que la meta-heurística moderna supone una solución algorítmica computacionalmente eficiente para tratar problemas de gestión de recursos contra incendios sujetos a restricciones de coste

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms