156 research outputs found

    Advanced Wireless LAN

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    The past two decades have witnessed starling advances in wireless LAN technologies that were stimulated by its increasing popularity in the home due to ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers. This book presents some of the latest development status of wireless LAN, covering the topics on physical layer, MAC layer, QoS and systems. It provides an opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to explore the problems that arise in the rapidly developed technologies in wireless LAN

    Optimum WLAN Protocol and Network Architecture Identification for VOIP Application

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    This research developed a novel algorithm to evaluate Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) metrics of different IEEE 802.11 technologies in order to identify the optimum network architecture among Basic Service Set (BSS), Extended Service Set (ESS), and the Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS). The proposed algorithm will yield the rank order of different IEEE 802.11 technologies. By selecting the optimum network architecture and technology, the best overall network performance that provides a good voice quality is guaranteed. Furthermore, it meets the acceptance threshold values for the VoIP quality metrics. This algorithm was applied to various room sizes ranging from 2x3m to 10x14m and the number of nodes ranged from one to forty. The spatial distributions considered were circular, uniform, and random. The Quality of Service (QoS) metrics used were delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss

    QoS assurance in wireless networks

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o bezdrátových sítích WiFi, popisuje základní standardy a jejich doplňky. Práce je rozdělena na 2 části – teoretickou a praktickou. První část je věnována teoretickému popisu nejznámějších standardů IEEE 802.11 a detailnímu popisu standardu 802.11e. Druhá část práce se zabývá návrhem a vlivem služby Wireless Multimedia v bezdrátové síti jak v reálném prostředí, tak i v simulačním programu Opnet Modeler. V závěru jsou shrnuty a popsány získané výsledky měření.The bachelor´s work deals with wireless network WiFi and describes basic standards and their supplements. This work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part of the work is applied to theoretic description of the best known standards IEEE 802.11 and detailed description of standard 802.11e. The second part of the work takes an interest in proposal and influence of service Wireless Multimedia in wireless network both in real world and in simulation program Opnet Modeler. Obtained results of the measurement are described and summarized in the conclusion.

    Experimental analysis of WiMAX and meshed Wi-Fi quality of service

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA indústria das telecomunicações tem sofrido uma evolução enorme nosúltimos anos. Tanto em termos de comunicações sem fios, como em termos deligações de banda larga, assistiu-se a uma adesão massiva por parte domercado, o que se traduziu num crescimento enorme, já que a tecnologia temque estar um passo à frente da procura, de forma a suprir as carências dosconsumidores. Assim, a evolução persegue um objectivo claro: possibilidadede possuir conectividade de banda larga em qualquer lugar e instante. Nestecontexto, aparecem as tecnologias WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability forMicrowave Access) e WI-FI em Malha como possibilidades para atingir estefim. O tema desta dissertação incide no estudo das tecnologias de WiMAX e WI-FIem Malha, mais concretamente no estudo da Qualidade de Serviço (QoS)providenciada pelas normas IEEE 802.16 e IEEE 802.11s para serviços deVoIP e VoD. Esta tese apresenta a arquitectura desenvolvida para a correcta integração deQoS para serviços em tempo real no acesso à banda larga sem fios depróxima geração. De seguida, apresenta testes efectuados com osequipamentos disponíveis de WiMAX e WI-FI em Malha, de forma a mostrar ocorrecto comportamento da atribuição extremo-a-extremo de QoS nos cenáriosescolhidos com serviços em tempo real, bem como os efeitos da mobilidade natecnologia WI-FI em Malha. ABSTRACT: The telecommunication industry has suffered a massive evolution throughoutpast years. In terms of wireless communications, as well as broadbandconnections, we’ve seen a massive adoption by the market, which conductedinto an enormous growth, since the technology must always be one step aheadof the demand, in order to be to fulfill the needs of the consumers. Therefore,the evolution pursues one clear goal: the possibility to establish a broadbandconnection anywhere and anytime. In this context, the WiMAX (WorldwideInteroperability for Microwave Access) and Meshed WI-FI technologies appearas possibilities to reach this goal. The subject of this thesis is the study of both the WiMAX and Meshed WI-FItechnologies, and more concretely the study of the QoS provided by theIEEE802.16 and IEEE 802.11s standards to VoIP and VoD services. This thesis presents the architecture developed to provide the correctintegration of QoS for real-media traffic in next generation broadband wirelessaccess. It presents tests carried out with the available WiMAX and Meshed WI-FI equipments, to show the correct behavior in the attribution of end-to-endQoS in selected scenarios with real-time services, as well as mobility effects onWI-FI Wireless Mesh technology

    A MAC Throughput in the Wireless LAN

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    Support of resource-aware vertical handovers in WLAN hotspots

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    Endgeräte wie Smartphones oder Tablets bieten häufig eine Vielfalt drahtloser Zugänge zum Internet an. Üblicherweise schließt dies die 802.11 WLANs und auch Technologien drahtloser Weitverkehrsnetze (WWANs) aus dem Bereich LTE oder WiMAX ein. Aufgrund dieser Optionen haben sich die Endanwender daran gewöhnt, überall und zu jeder Zeit auf ihre Internetdienste zuzugreifen. Damit hat auch der Datenverkehr pro Anwender zugenommen, was eine Herausforderung insbesondere für die Betreiber von WWANs ist. Soweit verfügbar, favorisieren Endanwender heutzutage eher einen drahtlosen Zugang zum Internet über WLANs als über WWANs. Des Weiteren haben die 3GPP-Standardisierungsgremien Ansätze erarbeitet, die zusätzlich Verkehr aus WWANs in Netze mit geringerer Abdeckung wie WLAN- oder Femto-Zellen abgeben. Solche Ansätze werden auch als "Traffic Offloading" bezeichnet und haben das Ziel, die WWANs zu entlasten. Dabei werden jedoch eher einfache Strategien verfolgt, die auf der Nutzung zusätzlicher Kapazitäten heterogener Netze beruhen und dann angewendet werden, wenn ein alternatives Zugangsnetz für ein Endgerät verfügbar ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigen wir Gewinne auf, die entstehen, wenn man die Auswahl der Endgeräte für ein WLAN-Netz stattdessen auf Basis der von ihnen belegten Ressourcen durchführt. In diesem Kontext schlagen wir vor, Geräte mit stark negativem Einfluss auf die WLAN-Kapazität wieder zurück in das WWAN zu reichen, was wir als "Onloading" bezeichnen. Ein solches "Onloading" zieht Herausforderungen in unterschiedlichen Richtungen mit sich. Die fortschreitende Miniaturisierung hat in den letzten Jahren zu dem Trend geführt, die Anzahl der Netzwerkkarten (NICs) in Endgeräten zu reduzieren. Wir bezeichnen eine NIC als multimodal, wenn sie mehrere Funktechnologien unterstützt, aber zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt immer nur eine davon genutzt werden kann. Deswegen stellt für eine multimodale NIC das "Onloading" während einer laufenden Verbindung eine Herausforderung dar. Wir schlagen einen Ansatz vor, der vorbereitende Mechanismen für ein "Onloading" als auch eine laufende Verbindung im WLAN über eine solche NIC ermöglicht. Des Weiteren ist es wichtig, in einem WLAN Hotspot zu entscheiden, welche Geräte einen negativen Einfluss auf die Kapazität des Netzes haben. Dafür haben wir eine Metrik entwickelt, die eine Entscheidungsgrundlage für das Onloading bildet. Diese Metrik basiert rein auf einer Beobachtung des Netzes und seiner Geräte, ermöglicht jedoch keine Entscheidung für sich neu assoziierende Geräte im WLAN. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass viele Eigenschaften der NICs durch herstellerabhängige Implementierungen geprägt werden. Solche Algorithmen bieten eine zusätzliche Herausforderung, da ihre internen Abläufe üblicherweise unbekannt sind. Ein bekanntes Beispiel für solche Algorithmen stellt die Anpassung der WLAN-Link-Datenraten dar. Diese Algorithmen wählen die jeweiligen Modulations- und Kodierungsschemata (MCSs) für die drahtlosen Übertragungen aus. Robuste MCSs resultieren dabei in geringere Link-Datenraten und haben somit einen starken Einfluss auf die Kapazität einer WLAN-Zelle. Aus diesem Grund fokussieren wir uns auf eine Abschätzung der Datenratenwahl eines Endgerätes. Damit lassen sich im Vorfeld Aussagen treffen, ob ein Gerät starken Einfluss auf die WLAN-Kapazität haben wird, so dass es für ein "Onloading" in Frage kommt.End-user devices such as smart phones and tablets have become very popular as they offer a variety of wireless Internet accesses ranging from the WLAN standards to WWAN technologies such as LTE or even WiMAX. Due to these different wireless access options and new emerging applications—e.g., from the areas of video streaming, social networks, as well as Internet clouds—people are increasingly connecting to the Internet with their de- vices while being on the move. In line with this, the number of devices as well as the traffic demand of end users have been reported to increase rapidly over the last years which imposes a strong challenge especially for the operators of WWANs. Thereby, end users frequently tend to use settings that favor a connectivity to the Internet whenever possible rather over WLAN than over WWAN access. Further, the cellular standardization bodies of the 3GPP envision solutions to hand over on-going wireless sessions from cellular to other small cell accesses such as WLANs or femto cells. This is also known as traffic offloading essentially freeing capacity in terms of users with a certain service in the cellular accesses. Nevertheless this offloading follows a rather simple strategy to utilize additional capacity of heterogeneous accesses such as WLANs whenever being available for a given device. This thesis shows that stronger gains can be expected if the selection of devices to be served in WLANs is conducted in a resource-aware fashion including an evaluation of the WLAN traffic in terms of the channel occupation time and MAC overhead as result of contention, interference, and fluctuating channels. In this context, this thesis envisions to onload unfavorable devices negatively affecting the WLAN capacity back to WWAN accesses. A support of such an onloading imposes challenges in different dimensions. From the hardware design of devices, there is a strong trend to limit the number of separate network interface cards (NICs) due to space and cost issues. We refer to a multi-mode NIC if it covers multiple technologies, while at a given time only access to one technology is possible. Thus, smoothly onloading a device with such a NIC is by far not trivial. We present an approach that conducts handover preparation mechanisms, while also allowing a continuous WLAN communication over a multi-mode NIC. Further, it is by far not trivial to judge which subset of associated devices is negatively affecting the capacity of a WLAN hotspot. Thus, a careful evaluation of devices regarding a selection for an onloading back to WWAN accesses imposes a challenge yet. In this direction, we present a performance metric that identifies devices degrading the WLAN capacity. While our performance metric tackles a reactive selection, it falls short to support a predictive evaluation, e.g., of devices which just joined the WLAN cell. Even worse, proprietary algorithms inside a WLAN stack impose a severe challenge as their internal routines are usually not conveyed via typical management interfaces. A well-known example for this category of algorithms are the link data rate adaptation schemes, with which WLAN devices adjust the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) for their transmissions. As MCSs resulting in low link data rates may specifically degrade the capacity of a WLAN cell, we focus on an estimation regarding the data rate selection of a device as a third contribution of this thesis. This estimation enables to select devices that will likely degrade the capacity of the WLAN hotspot for an onloading in advance

    802.11n and 802.11e standards for wireless networks

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku standardů bezdrátových sítí. Teoreticky popisuje nejznámější standardy skupiny standardů IEEE 802.11, jejich funkce a chování. Dále práce podrobněji rozebírá nový standard 802.11n a specifikaci standardu 802.11e, WMM. Práce obsahuje zprávu o praktických testech standardů 802.11n a WMM, které slouží pro objektivní posouzení schopností těchto standardů.This bachelor thesis is focused on broad issue of wireless network standards. It theoretically describes the most famous standards of IEEE 802.11 group, functions and behavior. It also closely analyzes the new standard 802.11n and the specification of 802.11e, WMM. The paper includes a report of practical tests of standards 802.11n and WMM, which serves for an objective appreciation of capabilities of these norms.

    Comparative Evaluation of UMTS, WLAN, BWA, MBWA, and UWB Systems

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    UMTS, WLAN, BWA and UWB systems are compared in this paper. The comparative analysis covers system capacity, QoS, and radiowave propagation

    Service quality support in WLAN networks

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na bezdrátové sítě WiFi a přenos multimediálních služeb pomocí těchto sítí. Pojednává o spojení služeb telekomunikačních a datových sítí, jejich společném využití pro přenosy dat v reálném čase, konkrétně přes bezdrátové přenosové médium pomocí standardů IEEE 802.11. Popisuje jednotlivé standardy 802.11, hlavně standard 802.11e, na který je celá práce zaměřena. Druhá část práce se zabývá navržením stanovišť pro provedení měření na ověření, funkčnosti podpory kvalitativních požadavků QoS v testované síti.The bachelor´s thesis is focused on wireless networks WiFi and the transmission of multimedia using these networks. It discusses the connection of telecommunication and data networks, their common use for transfer of data in real time, particularly through wireless transmission medium using standards IEEE 802.11. It describes individual standards 802.11, mainly 802.11e on which is this bachelor´s thesis focused. The second part of the work is focused on designing the networks for measuring to verify the functionality of service quality support in the tested networks.