102 research outputs found

    Robust Motion and Distortion Correction of Diffusion-Weighted MR Images

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    Effective image-based correction of motion and other acquisition artifacts became an essential step in diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis as the micro-structural tissue analysis advances towards higher-order models. These come with increasing demands on the number of acquired images and the diffusion strength (b-value) yielding lower signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and a higher susceptibility to artifacts. These conditions, however, render the current image-based correction schemes, which act retrospectively on the acquired images through pairwise registration, more and more ineffective. Following the hypothesis, that a more consequent exploitation of the different intensity relationships between the volumes would reduce registration outliers, a novel correction scheme based on memetic search is proposed. This scheme allows for incorporating all single image metrics into a multi-objective optimization approach. To allow a quantitative evaluation of registration precision, realistic synthetic data are constructed by extending a diffusion MRI simulation framework by motion and eddy-currents-caused artifacts. The increased robustness and efficacy of the multi-objective registration method is demonstrated on the synthetic as well as in-vivo datasets at different levels of motion and other acquisition artifacts. In contrast to the state-of-the-art methods, the average target registration error (TRE) remained below the single voxel size also at high b-values (3000 s.mm-2) and low signal-to-noise ratio in the moderately artifacted datasets. In the more severely artifacted data, the multi-objective method was able to eliminate most of the registration outliers of the state-of-the-art methods, yielding an average TRE below the double voxel size. In the in-vivo data, the increased precision manifested itself in the scalar measures as well as the fiber orientation derived from the higher-order Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) model. For the neuronal fiber tracts reconstructed on the data after correction, the proposed method most closely resembled the ground-truth. The proposed multi-objective method has not only impact on the evaluation of higher-order diffusion models as well as fiber tractography and connectomics, but could also find application to challenging image registration problems in general

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications

    SciTech News Volume 70, No. 2 (2016)

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    Table of Contents: Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 4 New Members 6 Chemistry Division 7 New Members11 Engineering Division 12 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 17 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 1

    Automatic Circle Detection on Images Based on an Evolutionary Algorithm That Reduces the Number of Function Evaluations

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    This paper presents an algorithm for the automatic detection of circular shapes from complicated and noisy images with no consideration of the conventional Hough transform principles. The proposed algorithm is based on a newly developed evolutionary algorithm called the Adaptive Population with Reduced Evaluations (APRE). Our proposed algorithm reduces the number of function evaluations through the use of two mechanisms: (1) adapting dynamically the size of the population and (2) incorporating a fitness calculation strategy, which decides whether the calculation or estimation of the new generated individuals is feasible. As a result, the approach can substantially reduce the number of function evaluations, yet preserving the good search capabilities of an evolutionary approach. Experimental results over several synthetic and natural images, with a varying range of complexity, validate the efficiency of the proposed technique with regard to accuracy, speed, and robustness

    Deep Learning Architectures for Heterogeneous Face Recognition

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    Face recognition has been one of the most challenging areas of research in biometrics and computer vision. Many face recognition algorithms are designed to address illumination and pose problems for visible face images. In recent years, there has been significant amount of research in Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR). The large modality gap between faces captured in different spectrum as well as lack of training data makes heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) quite a challenging problem. In this work, we present different deep learning frameworks to address the problem of matching non-visible face photos against a gallery of visible faces. Algorithms for thermal-to-visible face recognition can be categorized as cross-spectrum feature-based methods, or cross-spectrum image synthesis methods. In cross-spectrum feature-based face recognition a thermal probe is matched against a gallery of visible faces corresponding to the real-world scenario, in a feature subspace. The second category synthesizes a visible-like image from a thermal image which can then be used by any commercial visible spectrum face recognition system. These methods also beneficial in the sense that the synthesized visible face image can be directly utilized by existing face recognition systems which operate only on the visible face imagery. Therefore, using this approach one can leverage the existing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) solutions. In addition, the synthesized images can be used by human examiners for different purposes. There are some informative traits, such as age, gender, ethnicity, race, and hair color, which are not distinctive enough for the sake of recognition, but still can act as complementary information to other primary information, such as face and fingerprint. These traits, which are known as soft biometrics, can improve recognition algorithms while they are much cheaper and faster to acquire. They can be directly used in a unimodal system for some applications. Usually, soft biometric traits have been utilized jointly with hard biometrics (face photo) for different tasks in the sense that they are considered to be available both during the training and testing phases. In our approaches we look at this problem in a different way. We consider the case when soft biometric information does not exist during the testing phase, and our method can predict them directly in a multi-tasking paradigm. There are situations in which training data might come equipped with additional information that can be modeled as an auxiliary view of the data, and that unfortunately is not available during testing. This is the LUPI scenario. We introduce a novel framework based on deep learning techniques that leverages the auxiliary view to improve the performance of recognition system. We do so by introducing a formulation that is general, in the sense that can be used with any visual classifier. Every use of auxiliary information has been validated extensively using publicly available benchmark datasets, and several new state-of-the-art accuracy performance values have been set. Examples of application domains include visual object recognition from RGB images and from depth data, handwritten digit recognition, and gesture recognition from video. We also design a novel aggregation framework which optimizes the landmark locations directly using only one image without requiring any extra prior which leads to robust alignment given arbitrary face deformations. Three different approaches are employed to generate the manipulated faces and two of them perform the manipulation via the adversarial attacks to fool a face recognizer. This step can decouple from our framework and potentially used to enhance other landmark detectors. Aggregation of the manipulated faces in different branches of proposed method leads to robust landmark detection. Finally we focus on the generative adversarial networks which is a very powerful tool in synthesizing a visible-like images from the non-visible images. The main goal of a generative model is to approximate the true data distribution which is not known. In general, the choice for modeling the density function is challenging. Explicit models have the advantage of explicitly calculating the probability densities. There are two well-known implicit approaches, namely the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) which try to model the data distribution implicitly. The VAEs try to maximize the data likelihood lower bound, while a GAN performs a minimax game between two players during its optimization. GANs overlook the explicit data density characteristics which leads to undesirable quantitative evaluations and mode collapse. This causes the generator to create similar looking images with poor diversity of samples. In the last chapter of thesis, we focus to address this issue in GANs framework

    Reconstrução e classificação de sequências de ADN desconhecidas

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    The continuous advances in DNA sequencing technologies and techniques in metagenomics require reliable reconstruction and accurate classification methodologies for the diversity increase of the natural repository while contributing to the organisms' description and organization. However, after sequencing and de-novo assembly, one of the highest complex challenges comes from the DNA sequences that do not match or resemble any biological sequence from the literature. Three main reasons contribute to this exception: the organism sequence presents high divergence according to the known organisms from the literature, an irregularity has been created in the reconstruction process, or a new organism has been sequenced. The inability to efficiently classify these unknown sequences increases the sample constitution's uncertainty and becomes a wasted opportunity to discover new species since they are often discarded. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is the development and validation of a tool that provides an efficient computational solution to solve these three challenges based on an ensemble of experts, namely compression-based predictors, the distribution of sequence content, and normalized sequence lengths. The method uses both DNA and amino acid sequences and provides efficient classification beyond standard referential comparisons. Unusually, it classifies DNA sequences without resorting directly to the reference genomes but rather to features that the species biological sequences share. Specifically, it only makes use of features extracted individually from each genome without using sequence comparisons. RFSC was then created as a machine learning classification pipeline that relies on an ensemble of experts to provide efficient classification in metagenomic contexts. This pipeline was tested in synthetic and real data, both achieving precise and accurate results that, at the time of the development of this thesis, have not been reported in the state-of-the-art. Specifically, it has achieved an accuracy of approximately 97% in the domain/type classification.Os contínuos avanços em tecnologias de sequenciação de ADN e técnicas em meta genómica requerem metodologias de reconstrução confiáveis e de classificação precisas para o aumento da diversidade do repositório natural, contribuindo, entretanto, para a descrição e organização dos organismos. No entanto, após a sequenciação e a montagem de-novo, um dos desafios mais complexos advém das sequências de ADN que não correspondem ou se assemelham a qualquer sequencia biológica da literatura. São três as principais razões que contribuem para essa exceção: uma irregularidade emergiu no processo de reconstrução, a sequência do organismo é altamente dissimilar dos organismos da literatura, ou um novo e diferente organismo foi reconstruído. A incapacidade de classificar com eficiência essas sequências desconhecidas aumenta a incerteza da constituição da amostra e desperdiça a oportunidade de descobrir novas espécies, uma vez que muitas vezes são descartadas. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo desta tese é fornecer uma solução computacional eficiente para resolver este desafio com base em um conjunto de especialistas, nomeadamente preditores baseados em compressão, a distribuição de conteúdo de sequência e comprimentos de sequência normalizados. O método usa sequências de ADN e de aminoácidos e fornece classificação eficiente além das comparações referenciais padrão. Excecionalmente, ele classifica as sequências de ADN sem recorrer diretamente a genomas de referência, mas sim às características que as sequências biológicas da espécie compartilham. Especificamente, ele usa apenas recursos extraídos individualmente de cada genoma sem usar comparações de sequência. Além disso, o pipeline é totalmente automático e permite a reconstrução sem referência de genomas a partir de reads FASTQ com a garantia adicional de armazenamento seguro de informações sensíveis. O RFSC é então um pipeline de classificação de aprendizagem automática que se baseia em um conjunto de especialistas para fornecer classificação eficiente em contextos meta genómicos. Este pipeline foi aplicado em dados sintéticos e reais, alcançando em ambos resultados precisos e exatos que, no momento do desenvolvimento desta dissertação, não foram relatados na literatura. Especificamente, esta ferramenta desenvolvida, alcançou uma precisão de aproximadamente 97% na classificação de domínio/tipo.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic


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