5 research outputs found

    Optical Communication

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    Optical communication is very much useful in telecommunication systems, data processing and networking. It consists of a transmitter that encodes a message into an optical signal, a channel that carries the signal to its desired destination, and a receiver that reproduces the message from the received optical signal. It presents up to date results on communication systems, along with the explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in this field. The chapters cover general concepts of optical communication, components, systems, networks, signal processing and MIMO systems. In recent years, optical components and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth for optical communications systems. The researcher has also concentrated on optical devices, networking, signal processing, and MIMO systems and other enhanced functions for optical communication. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from the teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunication industries

    Characterization and design of coherent optical OFDM transmission systems based on Hartley Transform

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    Nowadays, due to huge deployment of optical transport networks, a continuous increase towards higher data rates up to 100 Gb/s and beyond is observed. Furthermore, an evolution of the current optical networks is forecasted, acquiring new functionalities, e.g. elastic spectrum assignment for the optical signals. The target for these new challenges in transmission is to find techniques ready to deal with a growth of demand for bandwidth continuously asked by network operators, for whom the standard systems do not meet the new functionalities while higher rates are being set up. A solution for covering all of those needs is to adapt techniques capable to deal with such enormous data rates, and ensuring the same high efficiency for long distances and mitigate the optical impairments accumulated along the transmission path. Additionally, these transmission techniques are expected to provide some degree of flexibility, in order to enhance the network flexibility. A promising technology that can fully cope with those requires is the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM provides several advantages, namely high sensitivity and spectral efficiency, simple integration and possibility to fully recover a signal in phase, amplitude and polarization. These systems are composed by digital signal processing (DSP) blocks that easily process data and can equalize and compensate the main impairments, providing high tolerance for dispersion effects. However, CO-OFDM systems are not free from drawbacks. Their high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduce their tolerance to nonlinearities. Furthermore, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to any frequency shift and phase offset. Hence, a constant envelope optical OFDM (CE-OFDM) is proposed for significantly reducing the PAPR and solving high sensitivity to nonlinear impairments. It consists in a phase modulated discrete multi-tone signal, which is coherently detected at the receiver side. An alternative transform, the discrete Hartley transform, is proposed to speed up calculations in the DSP and eliminate the need to have a Hermitian symmetry. The optical CE-OFDM by its unique flexibility and rate scalability turns out as a great technology applicable to different configurations, ranging from access to core networks. In case of access solutions, several cases are investigated. First, the optical CE-OFDM is applied for radio access network signals delivery by means of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay in deployed access architecture. A decomposed radio access network is deployed over an existing standard passive optical network (PON), capable to avoid interference and cross talks with access signals between network clients. The system exhibited narrow channel spacing, while reducing losses fed into the access equipment path. Next, a full duplex 10 Gb/s bidirectional PON transmission over a single wavelength with RSOA based ONU is investigated. The key point of that system is the upstream transmission, which is achieved re-modulating the phase of a downstream intensity modulated signal after proper saturation. The reported sensitivity performances show a power budget matching the PON standards and an OSNR easy to reach on non-amplified PON. Next, a flexible metropolitan area network of up to 100km with traffic add/drop using WDM is investigated. There the narrowing effect of the optical filters is studied. Finally, an elastic upgrade of the existing Telefonica model of the Spanish national core network is proposed. For that, the transceiver architecture is proposed to be operated featuring polarization multiplexing. Respect to the existing fixed grid, the flexible approach (enabled by the CE-OFDM transceiver) results into reduced bandwidth occupancy and low OSNR requirement.Hoy en d铆a, debido al gran despliegue de las redes de 贸pticas de transporte, se espera un aumento continuado hacia mayores velocidades de datos, hasta 100 Gb/s y m谩s all谩. Por otra parte, la evoluci贸n que se prev茅 para las redes 贸pticas actuales, incluye la adquisici贸n de nuevas funcionalidades, por ejemplo, la asignaci贸n del espectro de forma el谩stica para las se帽ales 贸pticas. Por tanto, el claro desaf铆o en cuanto a las tecnolog铆as de transmisi贸n es encontrar t茅cnicas preparadas para hacer frente a un crecimiento de la demanda de ancho de banda; demanda que continuamente se incrementa por parte de los operadores de red, para quienes los sistemas est谩ndar no se acaban de ajustar a las nuevas funcionalidades que esperan para la red. Una soluci贸n para cubrir todas estas necesidades es la adaptaci贸n de t茅cnicas capaces de hacer frente a estas velocidades de datos enormes, y garantizar el mismo nivel de eficiencia para las largas distancias y mitigar las deficiencias 贸pticas acumuladas a lo largo de la ruta de transmisi贸n. Adem谩s, se espera que estas t茅cnicas de transmisi贸n puedan proporcionar cierto grado de flexibilidad, a fin de mejorar y hacer m谩s eficiente la gesti贸n de la red. Una tecnolog铆a prometedora que puede hacer frente a estos requisitos es lo que se llama multiplexaci贸n por divisi贸n de frecuencias ortogonales, combinado con la detecci贸n 贸ptica coherente (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofrece varias ventajas, entre otras: alta sensibilidad y eficiencia espectral y, sobre todo, la posibilidad de recuperar por completo de una se帽al en fase, la amplitud y la polarizaci贸n. Estos sistemas est谩n compuestos por bloques de procesado de se帽ales digitales (DSP) que permiten detectar los datos f谩cilmente as铆 como tambi茅n compensar las principales degradaciones, proporcionando alta tolerancia a los efectos de dispersi贸n. Sin embargo, los sistemas CO-OFDM no est谩n exentos de inconvenientes. Su alta relaci贸n de potencia de pico a potencia media (PAPR) reduce sensiblemente la tolerancia no linealidades. Por otra parte, los sistemas CO-OFDM son sensibles a cualquier cambio de frecuencia y desplazamiento de fase. Por tanto, se propone un sistema OFDM de envolvente constante (CE-OFDM) para reducir significativamente la PAPR y solucionar la alta sensibilidad a las degradaciones no lineales. Consiste en una se帽al OFDM modulada en fase, que se detecta coherentemente en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta de Hartley, se propone para acelerar los c谩lculos en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM por su flexibilidad y escalabilidad 煤nica, resulta una tecnolog铆a aplicable a diferentes escenarios, que van desde las redes de acceso hasta las redes troncales. En el caso de las soluciones de acceso, se investigan varios casos. En primer lugar, el CE-OFDM aplica para el desarrollo y soporte de datos de una red radio, reutilizando una red 贸ptica de acceso ya desplegada. A continuaci贸n, se investiga la transmisi贸n bidireccional d煤plex a 10 Gb / s sobre una sola longitud de onda empleando un RSOA a las unidades de usuario. El punto clave de este sistema es la transmisi贸n en sentido ascendente, que se consigue re-modulando la fase de una se帽al de intensidad modulada despu茅s de saturar de forma adecuada. A continuaci贸n, se estudia una red de 谩rea metropolitana flexible de hasta 100 km. Concretamente el efecto de concatenaci贸n de filtros 贸pticos es el objetivo de este estudio. Finalmente, se propone una actualizaci贸n el谩stica del modelo de Telef贸nica I+D para la red troncal espa帽ola. Por ello, se propone operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexaci贸n de polarizaci贸n. Los resultados muestran que esta combinaci贸n reduce sensiblemente el empleo de ancho de banda esto como los requisitos de los enlaces transmisi贸n, reduciendo tambi茅n los costes tanto de desarrollo como de operaci贸n y mantenimiento de la red.Avui dia, a causa del gran desplegament de les xarxes de 貌ptiques de transport, s'espera un augment continuat cap a majors velocitats de dades, fins a 100 Gb/s i m茅s enll脿. D'altra banda, l'evoluci贸 que es preveu per a les xarxes 貌ptiques actuals, inclou l'adquisici贸 de noves funcionalitats, per exemple, assignaci贸 de l'espectre de forma el脿stica per als senyals 貌ptics. Per tant, el clar desafiament pel que fa a les tecnologies de transmissi贸 茅s trobar t猫cniques preparades per fer front a un creixement de la demanda d'ample de banda; demanda que cont铆nuament es fa per part dels operadors de xarxa, per als qui els sistemes est脿ndard no s'acaben d'ajustar a les noves funcionalitats que esperen per a la xarxa. Una soluci贸 per a cobrir totes aquestes necessitats 茅s l'adaptaci贸 de t猫cniques capaces de fer front a aquestes velocitats de dades enormes, i garantir el mateix nivell d'efici猫ncia per a les llargues dist脿ncies i mitigar les defici猫ncies 貌ptiques acumulades al llarg de la ruta de transmissi贸. A m茅s, s'espera que aquestes t猫cniques de transmissi贸 puguin proporcionar cert grau de flexibilitat, per tal de millorar i tornar m茅s eficient la gesti贸 de la xarxa. Una tecnologia prometedora que pot fer front a aquests requisits 茅s el que s'anomena multiplexaci贸 per divisi贸 de freq眉猫ncies ortogonals, combinat amb la detecci贸 貌ptica coherent (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofereix diversos avantatges, entre altres: alta sensibilitat i efici猫ncia espectral i, sobretot, la possibilitat de recuperar per complet d'una senyal en fase, l'amplitud i la polaritzaci贸. Aquests sistemes estan compostos per blocs de processament de senyals digitals (DSP) que permeten detectar les dades f脿cilment aix铆 com tamb茅 compensar les principals degradacions, proporcionant alta toler脿ncia pels efectes de dispersi贸. No obstant aix貌, els sistemes CO-OFDM no estan exempts d'inconvenients. La seva alta relaci贸 de pot猫ncia de pic a pot猫ncia mitjana (PAPR) redueix sensiblement la toler脿ncia a no linealitats. D'altra banda, els sistemes de CO-OFDM s贸n sensibles a qualsevol canvi de freq眉猫ncia i despla莽ament de fase. Per tant, es proposa un sistema OFDM d'envolvent constant (CE-OFDM) per a reduir significativament la PAPR i solucionar l'alta sensibilitat a les degradacions no lineals. Consisteix en un senyal OFDM modulat en fase, que es detecta coherentment en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta d'Hartley, es proposa accelerar els c脿lculs en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM per la seva flexibilitat i escalabilitat 煤nica, resulta una tecnologia aplicable a diferents escenaris, que van des de les xarxes d'acc茅s fins a les xarxes troncals. En el cas de les solucions d'acc茅s, s'investiguen diversos casos. En primer lloc, el CE-OFDM s'aplica per al desplegament i suport de dades d'una xarxa radio, reutilitzant una xarxa 貌ptica d'acc茅s ja desplegada. A continuaci贸, s'investiga la transmissi贸 bidireccional d煤plex a 10 Gb/s sobre una sola longitud d'ona emprant un RSOA a les unitats d'usuari. El punt clau d'aquest sistema 茅s la transmissi贸 en sentit ascendent, que s'aconsegueix re-modulant la fase d'un senyal d'intensitat modulada despr茅s de saturar-la de forma adequada. A continuaci贸, s'estudia una xarxa d'脿rea metropolitana flexible de fins a 100 km. Concretament l'efecte de concatenaci贸 de filtres 貌ptics 茅s l'objectiu d'aquest estudi. Finalment, es proposa una actualitzaci贸 el脿stica del model de Telef贸nica I+D per a la xarxa troncal espanyola. Per aix貌, es proposa operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexaci贸 de polaritzaci贸. Els resultats mostren que aquesta combinaci贸 redueix sensiblement l'ocupaci贸 d'ample de banda aix貌 com tamb茅 els requisits dels enlla莽os transmissi贸, reduint tamb茅 els costos tant de desplegament com d'operaci贸 i manteniment de la xarxa

    Bandwidth Compressed Waveform and System Design for Wireless and Optical Communications: Theory and Practice

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    This thesis addresses theoretical and practical challenges of spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) systems in both wireless and optical domains. SEFDM improves spectral efficiency relative to the well-known orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) by non-orthogonally multiplexing overlapped sub-carriers. However, the deliberate violation of orthogonality results in inter carrier interference (ICI) and associated detection complexity, thus posing many challenges to practical implementations. This thesis will present solutions for these issues. The thesis commences with the fundamentals by presenting the existing challenges of SEFDM, which are subsequently solved by proposed transceivers. An iterative detection (ID) detector iteratively removes self-created ICI. Following that, a hybrid ID together with fixed sphere decoding (FSD) shows an optimised performance/complexity trade-off. A complexity reduced Block-SEFDM can subdivide the signal detection into several blocks. Finally, a coded Turbo-SEFDM is proved to be an efficient technique that is compatible with the existing mobile standards. The thesis also reports the design and development of wireless and optical practical systems. In the optical domain, given the same spectral efficiency, a low-order modulation scheme is proved to have a better bit error rate (BER) performance when replacing a higher order one. In the wireless domain, an experimental testbed utilizing the LTE-Advanced carrier aggregation (CA) with SEFDM is operated in a realistic radio frequency (RF) environment. Experimental results show that 40% higher data rate can be achieved without extra spectrum occupation. Additionally, a new waveform, termed Nyquist-SEFDM, which compresses bandwidth and suppresses out-of-band power leakage is investigated. A 4th generation (4G) and 5th generation (5G) coexistence experiment is followed to verify its feasibility. Furthermore, a 60 GHz SEFDM testbed is designed and built in a point-to-point indoor fiber wireless experiment showing 67% data rate improvement compared to OFDM. Finally, to meet the requirements of future networks, two simplified SEFDM transceivers are designed together with application scenarios and experimental verifications

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modi铿乪d our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the 铿乪ld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks