14 research outputs found

    Air Interface for Next Generation Mobile Communication Networks: Physical Layer Design:A LTE-A Uplink Case Study

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    Physical Layer Parameter and Algorithm Study in a Downlink OFDM-LTE Context

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    Técnicas de processamento com múltiplas antenas para o sistema LTE

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesPerformance, mobilidade e partilha podem ser consideras como as três palavras-chave nas comunicações móveis de hoje em dia. Uma das necessidades fundamentais do ser humano é a partilha de experiencias e informação. Com a evolução ao nível do hardware móvel, a crescente popularidade de smartphones, tablets e outros dispositivos moveis, fez com que a exigência em termos de capacidade e taxa de transferência por parte das redes móveis não parasse de crescer. As limitações das redes 3G fizeram com que não conseguissem corresponder a tais exigências e como tal, a transição para uma tecnologia mais robusta e eficiente passou a ser inevitável. A resposta escolhida como solução a longo prazo é a rede designada por LTE, desenvolvida pela organização 3GPP é assumido que será a rede de telecomunicações predominante no futuro. As vantagens mais sonantes são, naturalmente, elevadas taxas de transmissão, maior eficiência espectral, redução da latência e de custos de operação. As principais tecnologias em que o LTE se baseia, são o OFDM e sua variante para múltiplo acesso, OFDMA, usado para o downlink e o SC-FDMA para o uplink. Além disso, usa sistemas com múltiplas antenas para impulsionar a eficiência espectral. Apesar de já implementado em alguns países por diversas operadoras, constantes pesquisas continuam a ser realizadas com o intuito de melhorar a sua performance. Nesta dissertação é proposto um esquema duplo de codificação na frequência e no espaço (D-SFBC) para um cenário baseado em OFDM com 4 antenas de transmissão e duas antenas de recepção (4 × 2 D-SFBC) para o downlink. No cenário considerado, 4 símbolos de dados são transmitidos utilizando unicamente 2 sub-portadoras, fazendo com que, este sistema seja limitado pela interferência. Para de forma eficiente descodificar os símbolos de dados transmitidos, foi desenvolvido um equalizador iterativo no domínio da frequência. Duas abordagens são consideradas: cancelamento da interferência em paralelo (PIC) e sucessivo cancelamento de interferência (SIC). Uma vez que apenas 2 sub-portadoras são usadas para transmitir quatro símbolos de dados em paralelo, o esquema desenvolvido duplica a taxa de dados quando comparado com o esquema 2 × 2 SFBC, especificado no standard do LTE. Os esquemas desenvolvidos foram avaliados sob as especificações para LTE e usando codificação de canal. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas implementados neste trabalho utilizando um equalizador iterativo supera os convencionais equalizadores lineares na eliminação da interferência adicional introduzida, em apenas 2 ou 3 iterações.Performance, mobility and sharing can be assumed as the three keywords in the mobile communications nowadays. One of the fundamental needs of human beings is to share experiences and information. With the evolution of mobile hardware level, the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, has made that the demand in terms of capacity and throughput by mobile networks did not stop growing. Thus, the limitations of 3G stops it of being the answer of such demand, and a transition to a powerful technology has become unavoidable. The answer chosen is LTE, developed by the 3GPP organization is assumed to be the predominant telecommunications network in the future. The most relevant advantages are high transmission rates, higher spectral efficiency, reducing latency and operating costs. The key technologies in which LTE is based, are OFDM and its variant schemes for multiple access, OFDMA, used for downlink, and SC-FDMA for the uplink. It also uses multiple antennas systems in order to improve spectral efficiency. Although already implemented in some countries by several operators, continuous research is conducted in order to improve their performance. In this dissertation it is proposed a double space-frequency block coding (D-SFBC) scheme for an OFDM based scenario with 4 transmit antennas and 2 receive antennas (4×2 D-SFBC) for the downlink. In the considered scenario, 4 data symbols are transmitted by using only 2 subcarriers and thus the system is interference limited. To efficiently decode the transmitted data symbols an iterative equalizer designed in frequency domain is developed. Two approaches are considered: parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and successive interference cancellation (SIC). Since only 2 subcarriers are used to transmit 4 data symbols in parallel the developed scheme achieve the double data rate when compared with the 2×2 SFBC, specified in the LTE standard. The developed schemes were evaluated under the main LTE specifications and using channel coding. The results have show that the schemes implemented in this work using an interactive equalizer outperforms the conventional linear equalizers in the interference removal, just by using 2 or 3 iterations

    Multi-Cell Uplink Radio Resource Management. A LTE Case Study

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    Agile wireless transmission strategies

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    Comparação do desempenho de arquiteturas híbridas para comunicações na banda das ondas milimétricas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA proliferação massiva das comunicações sem os faz prever que o número de utilizadores aumente exponencialmente até 2020, o que tornar a necessário um suporte de tráfego milhares de vezes superior e com ligações na ordem dos Gigabit por segundo. Este incremento exigir a um aumento significativo da e ciência espectral e energética. Impõe-se portanto, uma mudança de paradigma dos sistemas de comunicação sem os convencionais, imposta pela introdução da 5a geração. Para o efeito, e necessário desenvolver novas e promissoras técnicas de transmissão, nomeadamente a utilização de ondas milimétricas em sistemas com um número massivo de antenas. No entanto, consideráveis desafios emergem ao adotar estas técnicas. Por um lado, este tipo de ondas sofre grandes dificuldades em termos de propagação. Por outro lado, a adoção de arquiteturas convencionais para sistemas com um número massivo de antenas e absolutamente inviável, devido ao custo e ao nível de complexidade inerentes. Isto acontece porque o processamento de sinal ao nível da camada f sica e maioritariamente feito em banda base, ou seja, no domínio digital requerendo uma cadeia RF por cada antena. Neste contexto as arquiteturas híbridas são uma proposta relativamente recente que visa simplificar a utilização de um grande número de antenas, dividindo o processamento entre os domínios analógico e digital. Para além disso, o número de cadeias RF necessárias e bastante inferior ao número total de antenas do sistema, contribuindo para obvias melhorias em termos de complexidade, custo e energia consumida. Nesta dissertação e implementada uma arquitetura híbrida para ondas milimétricas, onde cada cadeia RF está apenas conectada a um pequeno conjunto de antenas. E considerado um sistema contendo um transmissor e um recetor ambos equipados com um grande número de antenas e onde, o número de cadeias RF e bastante inferior ao número total de antenas. Pré-codificadores híbridos analógico/digital, recentemente propostos na literatura são utilizados e novos equalizadores híbridos analógico/digital são projetados. E feita uma avaliação de performance à arquitetura implementada e posteriormente comparada com uma outra arquitetura, onde todas as antenas estão conectadas a todas as cadeias RF.The expected massive proliferation of wireless systems points out an exponential increase in the number of users until 2020, which is needed to support up to one thousand times more tra c and connections in order of Gigabit per second. However, these goals require a signi cantly improvement in the spectral and energy e ciency. As a result, it is essential to make a paradigm shift in conventional wireless systems, imposed by the introduction of fth generation (5G). For this purpose, new and promising transmission techniques will be needed, namely the use of millimeter Waves (mmWave) in systems with a massive number of antenna elements. Nevertheless, considerable challenges emerge in the adoption of these techniques. On one hand, mmWave su er great di culties in terms of propagation. On the other hand, the using of conventional architectures for systems with a large number of antennas is absolutely impracticable because of the costs and the level of complexity. This happens because the signal processing in physical layer is mostly done in baseband, which means, that one RF chain for each antenna is required. In this context the hybrid architectures are a relatively recent proposal where the aim is to simplify the use of a large number of antenna elements, dividing the processing between the analog and digital domains. Moreover, the number of RF chains needed are much lower than the total number of antenna elements of the system, which contribute to obvious improvements in terms of complexity, costs and energy consumption. In this Dissertation a hybrid mmWave based architecture, where each RF chain is only connected to a small set of antennas, is implemented. It is considered a system comprising a transmitter and a receiver both equipped with a massive number of antennas and where the number of RF chains is much lower than the number of antennas. Hybrid analog/digital precoders recently proposed in the literature are used and a new hybrid analog/digital equalizer is designed. The implemented architecture is then evaluated and compared with other architecture, where all the antennas are connected to all RF chains

    A random access MAC protocol for MPR satellite networks

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaRandom access approaches for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks are usually incompatible with the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of multimedia tra c, especially when hand-held devices must operate with very low power. Cross-Layered optimization architectures, combined with Multipacket Reception (MPR)schemes are a good choice to enhance the overall performance of a wireless system. Hybrid Network-assisted Diversity Multiple Access (H-NDMA) protocol, exhibits high energy e ciency, with MPR capability, but its use with satellites is limited by the high round trip time. This protocol was adapted to satellites, in Satellite-NDMA, but it required a pre-reservation mechanism that introduces a signi cant delay. This dissertation proposes a random access protocol that uses H-NDMA, for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks, named Satellite Random-NDMA (SR-NDMA). The protocol addresses the problem inherent to satellite networks (large round trip time and signi cant energy consumption) de ning a hybrid approach with an initial random access plus possible additional scheduled retransmissions. An MPR receiver combines the multiple copies received, gradually reducing the error rate. Analytical performance models are proposed for the throughput, delay, jitter and energy e ciency considering nite queues at the terminals. It is also addressed the energy e ciency optimization, where the system parameters are calculated to guarantee the QoS requirements. The proposed system's performance is evaluated for a Single-Carrier with Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) receiver. Results show that the proposed system is energy e cient and can provide enough QoS to support services such as video telephony

    Convergence of packet communications over the evolved mobile networks; signal processing and protocol performance

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    In this thesis, the convergence of packet communications over the evolved mobile networks is studied. The Long Term Evolution (LTE) process is dominating the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) in order to bring technologies to the markets in the spirit of continuous innovation. The global markets of mobile information services are growing towards the Mobile Information Society. The thesis begins with the principles and theories of the multiple-access transmission schemes, transmitter receiver techniques and signal processing algorithms. Next, packet communications and Internet protocols are referred from the IETF standards with the characteristics of mobile communications in the focus. The mobile network architecture and protocols bind together the evolved packet system of Internet communications to the radio access network technologies. Specifics of the traffic models are shortly visited for their statistical meaning in the radio performance analysis. Radio resource management algorithms and protocols, also procedures, are covered addressing their relevance for the system performance. Throughout these Chapters, the commonalities and differentiators of the WCDMA, WCDMA/HSPA and LTE are covered. The main outcome of the thesis is the performance analysis of the LTE technology beginning from the early discoveries to the analysis of various system features and finally converging to an extensive system analysis campaign. The system performance is analysed with the characteristics of voice over the Internet and best effort traffic of the Internet. These traffic classes represent the majority of the mobile traffic in the converged packet networks, and yet they are simple enough for a fair and generic analysis of technologies. The thesis consists of publications and inventions created by the author that proposed several improvements to the 3G technologies towards the LTE. In the system analysis, the LTE showed by the factor of at least 2.5 to 3 times higher system measures compared to the WCDMA/HSPA reference. The WCDMA/HSPA networks are currently available with over 400 million subscribers and showing increasing growth, in the meanwhile the first LTE roll-outs are scheduled to begin in 2010. Sophisticated 3G LTE mobile devices are expected to appear fluently for all consumer segments in the following years