28 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient UAVs Deployment for QoS-Guaranteed VoWiFi Service

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    This paper formulates a new problem for the optimal placement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) geared towards wireless coverage provision for Voice over WiFi (VoWiFi) service to a set of ground users confined in an open area. Our objective function is constrained by coverage and by VoIP speech quality and minimizes the ratio between the number of UAVs deployed and energy efficiency in UAVs, hence providing the layout that requires fewer UAVs per hour of service. Solutions provide the number and position of UAVs to be deployed, and are found using well-known heuristic search methods such as genetic algorithms (used for the initial deployment of UAVs), or particle swarm optimization (used for the periodical update of the positions). We examine two communication services: (a) one bidirectional VoWiFi channel per user; (b) single broadcast VoWiFi channel for announcements. For these services, we study the results obtained for an increasing number of users confined in a small area of 100 m2 as well as in a large area of 10,000 m2. Results show that the drone turnover rate is related to both users’ sparsity and the number of users served by each UAV. For the unicast service, the ratio of UAVs per hour of service tends to increase with user sparsity and the power of radio communication represents 14–16% of the total UAV energy consumption depending on ground user density. In large areas, solutions tend to locate UAVs at higher altitudes seeking increased coverage, which increases energy consumption due to hovering. However, in the VoWiFi broadcast communication service, the traffic is scarce, and solutions are mostly constrained only by coverage. This results in fewer UAVs deployed, less total power consumption (between 20% and 75%), and less sensitivity to the number of served users.Junta de Andalucía Beca 2020/00000172Unión Europea FEDER 2014-202

    Optimización en el despliegue de servicios de Voz sobre IP (VoIP) sobre redes WiFi con restricciones de calidad de servicio

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    Las tecnologías de Voz sobre IP (VoIP) han permitido el despliegue de nuevos servicios de voz a través de Internet durante las dos últimas décadas. Por otro lado, las redes inalámbricas de área local (WLAN) basadas en el estándar IEEE 802.11 (i.e., WiFi) han experimentado un crecimiento de popularidad debido a su bajo coste y flexibilidad. Sin embargo, el despliegue de comunicaciones de VoIP con garantías de calidad sobre redes IEEE 802.11 implica una serie de dificultades (i.e., los paquetes pueden sufrir pérdidas, colisiones, y retardos variables) que no han sido satisfactoriamente resueltas con las técnicas y modelos disponibles en la actualidad. En esta tesis se desarrolla un nuevo modelo analítico de la sub-capa MAC de IEEE 802.11 que permite estimar la calidad y consumo energético de las conversaciones en un escenario realista de VoIP sobre WiFi (VoWiFi). Además, el modelo anterior se utiliza para plantear y resolver dos nuevas aplicaciones de despliegue y optimización de servicios VoWiFi: (a) el despliegue de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs) para proveer de un servicio de VoWiFi con garantías de calidad a un conjunto de usuarios y, (b) un nuevo mecanismo de control de admisión de llamadas en la red WiFi corporativa y unifica el acceso al servicio tanto para usuarios de terminales cableados como inalámbricos. Validamos el modelo analítico propuesto frente a simulaciones realizadas con el simulador de red ns-3. Los resultados muestran la utilidad del modelo propuesto para predecir las prestaciones (e.g., retardo, pérdidas) y el consumo energético en la tarjeta de red cuando se transmiten flujos de voz sobre IEEE 802.11 en condiciones no ideales. Esta capacidad de predicción ha sido clave en las propuestas realizadas de nuevas aplicaciones. En el caso del despliegue de drones, nos ha permitido definir un nuevo problema de posicionamiento inicial que puede resultar muy práctico en situaciones de rescate al aire libre. En el caso del control de admisión en entornos corporativos, el modelo nos ha permitido predecir la capacidad máxima de flujos de voz que puede ser admitida en la organización para garantizar calidad a las conversaciones existentes. Usando esta capacidad, hemos planteado un algoritmo nuevo que puede ser utilizado para unificar el control de acceso para usuarios WiFi y usuarios de terminales cableados y que aumenta el número de usuarios concurrentes respecto a los algoritmos existentes.Voice over IP (VoIP) technologies have enabled the deployment of new voice services over the Internet during the last two decades. Meanwhile, wireless local area networks (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard (i.e., WiFi) have grown in popularity due to their low cost and flexibility. However, the deployment of quality-guaranteed VoIP communications over IEEE 802.11 networks implies a series of technical difficulties (i.e. lost packets, collisions, and delays) that have not been successfully addressed by the techniques and models available today. In this thesis, we develop a new analytical model for the IEEE 802.11 MAC sub-layer that allows one to estimate quality and energy consumption in a realistic VoIP over WiFi (VoWiFi) scenario. In addition, the previous model is used to propose and solve two new applications for the deployment and optimization of VoWiFi services: (a) deploying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to provide a VoWiFi service under guaranteed quality to a group of ground users and, (b) a new call admission control mechanism for WiFi corporate networks, which unifies the access to the voice service for both wired and wireless terminals. We validate the proposed analytical model against simulation results obtained with the ns-3 network simulator. Results show the accuracy of the proposed model for the prediction of the performance (e.g. delay, losses) and energy consumption of network interfaces when voice flows are transmitted over IEEE 802.11 under non-ideal conditions. This prediction capability has been a key component of the two VoWiFi applications developed. In the UAV deployment, it has allowed us to define a new initial positioning problem that can be very practical in outdoor rescue situations. Regarding admission control in corporate environments, the model has allowed us to predict the maximum capacity of voice flows that can be admitted in the organization to guarantee quality to existing conversations. Using this capability, we have proposed a new algorithm that can be used to unify access control for wireless and wired users, and that increases the number of concurrent users with respect to existing algorithm

    5g new radio performance assessment

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    Abstract. Each decade, a new generation of wireless cellular technology presents a step-change in what cellular wireless systems can do compared to the previous generation. It is the beginning of new wireless technology in mobile phone networks called 5th Generation Mobile Phone Network (5G), a robust technology from its predecessors. 5G New Radio (5G NR) is the first step in adapting the 5G wireless technology to the existing cellular infrastructure. This thesis analyzes the 5G NR performance as part of the 5G test network (5GTN) deployed at the University of Oulu. The architecture of the 5GTN is a so-called non- standalone (NSA) network where the 4G Long-Term Evolution (4G-LTE) cellular network provides the control plane of the network. The performance of the 5G NR was obtained by measuring a few primary Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and data transmission measurements to observe the mobile network strength. This thesis first described the importance of 5G and its history, the deployment timeline, the basic architecture of adaption and synchronization process with the current mobile network, and future possibilities. After that, the main KPI parameters, deployed software, and the test case environment are described, and the 5GTN architecture is also covered. Later, the test results are presented, and lastly, a brief discussion of the outcome of the test result is provided. Finally, a comparison between the 5G NR BTS cells within the test environment network is provided. Performance measurements have been performed at the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu and the surrounding premises under the 5GTN, the broadest open- access test network of 5G. The test cases were created during the time of field testing. The measurement key performance indicators (KPIs) have been carefully chosen for these test case scenarios, where the recorded result’s output were analyzed and represented clearly through this study. Data throughput tests have been performed parallelly during the field testing within the network to assess the 5G performance in terms of data rate. Along with the KPI parameter and throughput tests, there is a clear indication that 5G NR offers the fastest connection as part of the existing mobile network infrastructure

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue lT Market Clock for Enterprise Networking lnfrastructure, 2010 Emerging Technology Trends-Finding the Next Big Thing Money and Mobile Access Challenge Community Colleges A Business Perspective on Hosted Communications FMC: Ready to Fly or Flop? Challenges Facing Broadband Wireless Providers Deploying IEEE 802.11n Data and Security Networks Campuswide While Optimizing Energy Efficiency Interview President\u27s Message. From the Executive Director O&A from the CI

    SPEC5G: A Dataset for 5G Cellular Network Protocol Analysis

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    5G is the 5th generation cellular network protocol. It is the state-of-the-art global wireless standard that enables an advanced kind of network designed to connect virtually everyone and everything with increased speed and reduced latency. Therefore, its development, analysis, and security are critical. However, all approaches to the 5G protocol development and security analysis, e.g., property extraction, protocol summarization, and semantic analysis of the protocol specifications and implementations are completely manual. To reduce such manual effort, in this paper, we curate SPEC5G the first-ever public 5G dataset for NLP research. The dataset contains 3,547,586 sentences with 134M words, from 13094 cellular network specifications and 13 online websites. By leveraging large-scale pre-trained language models that have achieved state-of-the-art results on NLP tasks, we use this dataset for security-related text classification and summarization. Security-related text classification can be used to extract relevant security-related properties for protocol testing. On the other hand, summarization can help developers and practitioners understand the high level of the protocol, which is itself a daunting task. Our results show the value of our 5G-centric dataset in 5G protocol analysis automation. We believe that SPEC5G will enable a new research direction into automatic analyses for the 5G cellular network protocol and numerous related downstream tasks. Our data and code are publicly available

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue lT Market Clock for Enterprise Networking lnfrastructure, 2010 Emerging Technology Trends-Finding the Next Big Thing Money and Mobile Access Challenge Community Colleges A Business Perspective on Hosted Communications FMC: Ready to Fly or Flop? Challenges Facing Broadband Wireless Providers Deploying IEEE 802.11n Data and Security Networks Campuswide While Optimizing Energy Efficiency Interview President\u27s Message. From the Executive Director O&A from the CI

    Diseño a nivel de arquitectura de una red LTE-A para una zona urbana de acuerdo con los estándares 3GPP

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    Realizar un estudio sobre el diseño a nivel de arquitectura de una red LTEA para una zona urbana de acuerdo con los estándares 3GPP, así presentar las diferencias a nivel de arquitectura, red, equipos y protocolos entre redes LTE y LTE-A

    Watching your call:breaking VoLTE privacy in LTE/5G networks

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