6 research outputs found

    Infrastructural Security for Virtualized Grid Computing

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    The goal of the grid computing paradigm is to make computer power as easy to access as an electrical power grid. Unlike the power grid, the computer grid uses remote resources located at a service provider. Malicious users can abuse the provided resources, which not only affects their own systems but also those of the provider and others. Resources are utilized in an environment where sensitive programs and data from competitors are processed on shared resources, creating again the potential for misuse. This is one of the main security issues, since in a business environment competitors distrust each other, and the fear of industrial espionage is always present. Currently, human trust is the strategy used to deal with these threats. The relationship between grid users and resource providers ranges from highly trusted to highly untrusted. This wide trust relationship occurs because grid computing itself changed from a research topic with few users to a widely deployed product that included early commercial adoption. The traditional open research communities have very low security requirements, while in contrast, business customers often operate on sensitive data that represents intellectual property; thus, their security demands are very high. In traditional grid computing, most users share the same resources concurrently. Consequently, information regarding other users and their jobs can usually be acquired quite easily. This includes, for example, that a user can see which processes are running on another user´s system. For business users, this is unacceptable since even the meta-data of their jobs is classified. As a consequence, most commercial customers are not convinced that their intellectual property in the form of software and data is protected in the grid. This thesis proposes a novel infrastructural security solution that advances the concept of virtualized grid computing. The work started back in 2007 and led to the development of the XGE, a virtual grid management software. The XGE itself uses operating system virtualization to provide a virtualized landscape. Users’ jobs are no longer executed in a shared manner; they are executed within special sandboxed environments. To satisfy the requirements of a traditional grid setup, the solution can be coupled with an installed scheduler and grid middleware on the grid head node. To protect the prominent grid head node, a novel dual-laned demilitarized zone is introduced to make attacks more difficult. In a traditional grid setup, the head node and the computing nodes are installed in the same network, so a successful attack could also endanger the user´s software and data. While the zone complicates attacks, it is, as all security solutions, not a perfect solution. Therefore, a network intrusion detection system is enhanced with grid specific signatures. A novel software called Fence is introduced that supports end-to-end encryption, which means that all data remains encrypted until it reaches its final destination. It transfers data securely between the user´s computer, the head node and the nodes within the shielded, internal network. A lightweight kernel rootkit detection system assures that only trusted kernel modules can be loaded. It is no longer possible to load untrusted modules such as kernel rootkits. Furthermore, a malware scanner for virtualized grids scans for signs of malware in all running virtual machines. Using virtual machine introspection, that scanner remains invisible for most types of malware and has full access to all system calls on the monitored system. To speed up detection, the load is distributed to multiple detection engines simultaneously. To enable multi-site service-oriented grid applications, the novel concept of public virtual nodes is presented. This is a virtualized grid node with a public IP address shielded by a set of dynamic firewalls. It is possible to create a set of connected, public nodes, either present on one or more remote grid sites. A special web service allows users to modify their own rule set in both directions and in a controlled manner. The main contribution of this thesis is the presentation of solutions that convey the security of grid computing infrastructures. This includes the XGE, a software that transforms a traditional grid into a virtualized grid. Design and implementation details including experimental evaluations are given for all approaches. Nearly all parts of the software are available as open source software. A summary of the contributions and an outlook to future work conclude this thesis

    Využití tenchnologie GRID při zpracování medicínské informace

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    Práce se soustředí na vybrané oblasti biomedicínského výzkumu, které mohou profitovat ze současných výpočetních infrastruktur vybudovaných ve vědecké komunitě v evropském a světovém prostoru. Teorie výpočtu, paralelismu a distribuovaného počítání je stručně uvedena s ohledem na počítání v gridech a cloudech. Práce se zabývá oblastí výměny medicínských snímků a představuje propojení Gridového PACS systému s existujícími distribuovanými systémy pro sdílení DICOM snímků. Práce se dál zaměřuje na studium vědy týkající se lidského hlasu. Práce představuje vzdálený způsob přístupu k aplikaci pro analýzu hlasu v reálném čase pomocí úpravy protokolů pro vzdálenou plochu a pro přenos zvukových nahrávek. Tento dílčí výsledek ukazuje možnost využití stávajících aplikací na dálku specialisty na hlas. Oblast lidské fyziologie a patofyziologie byla studována pomocí přístupu tzv. systémové biologie. Práce přispívá v oblasti metodologie modelování lidské fyziologie pro tvorbu komplexních modelů založených na akauzálním a objektově orientovaném modelovacím přístupu. Metody pro studium parametrů byly představeny pomocí technologie počítání v gridech a v cloudech. Práce ukazuje, že proces identifikaci parametrů středně komplexních modelů kardiovasculárního systému a komplexního modelu lidské fyziologie lze významně zrychlit...This thesis focuses on selected areas of biomedical research in order to benefit from current computational infrastructures established in scientific community in european and global area. The theory of computation, parallelism and distributed computing, with focus on grid computing and cloud computing, is briefly introduced. Exchange of medical images was studied and a seamless integration of grid-based PACS system was established with the current distributed system in order to share DICOM medical images. Voice science was studied and access to real-time voice analysis application via remote desktop technology was introduced using customized protocol to transfer sound recording. This brings a possibility to access current legacy application remotely by voice specialists. The systems biology approach within domain of human physiology and pathophysiology was studied. Modeling methodology of human physiology was improved in order to build complex models based on acausal and object-oriented modeling techniques. Methods for conducting a parameter study (especially parameter estimation and parameter sweep) were introduced using grid computing and cloud computing technology. The identification of parameters gain substantial speedup by utilizing cloud computing deployment when performed on medium complex models of...nezařazení_neaktivníFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security

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    Computer scienc

    Small TCBs of policy-controlled operating systems

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    IT Systeme mit qualitativ hohen Sicherheitsanforderungen verwenden zur Beschreibung, Analyse und Implementierung ihrer Sicherheitseigenschaften zunehmend problemspezifische Sicherheitspolitiken, welche ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Trusted Computing Base (TCB) eines IT Systems sind. Aus diesem Grund sind die Korrektheit und Unumgehbarkeit der Implementierung einer TCB entscheidend, um die geforderten Sicherheitseigenschaften eines Systems herzustellen, zu wahren und zu garantieren. Viele der heutigen Betriebssysteme zeigen, welche Herausforderung die Realisierung von Sicherheitspolitiken darstellt; seit mehr als 40 Jahren unterstützen sie wahlfreie identitätsbasierte Zugriffssteuerungspolitiken nur rudimentär. Dies führt dazu, dass große Teile der Sicherheitspolitiken von Anwendersoftware durch die Anwendungen selbst implementiert werden. Infolge dessen sind die TCBs heutiger Betriebssysteme groß, heterogen und verteilt, so dass die exakte Bestimmung ihres Funktionsumfangs sehr aufwendig ist. Im Ergebnis sind die wesentlichen Eigenschaften von TCBs - Korrektheit, Robustheit und Unumgehbarkeit - nur schwer erreichbar. Dies hat zur Entwicklung von Politik gesteuerten Betriebssystemen geführt, die alle Sicherheitspolitiken eines Betriebssystems und seiner Anwendungen zentral zusammenfassen, indem sie Kernabstraktionen für Sicherheitspolitiken und Politiklaufzeitumgebungen anbieten. Aktuelle Politik gesteuerte Betriebssysteme basieren auf monolithischen Architekturen, was dazu führt, dass ihre Komponenten zur Durchsetzung ihrer Politiken im Betriebssystemkern verteilt sind. Weiterhin verfolgen sie das Ziel, ein möglichst breites Spektrum an Sicherheitspolitiken zu unterstützen. Dies hat zur Folge, dass ihre Laufzeitkomponenten für Politikentscheidung und -durchsetzung universal sind. Im Ergebnis sind ihre TCB-Implementierungen groß und komplex, so dass der TCB- Funktionsumfang nur schwer identifiziert werden kann und wesentliche Eigenschaften von TCBs nur mit erhöhtem Aufwand erreichbar sind. Diese Dissertation verfolgt einen Ansatz, der die TCBs Politik gesteuerter Betriebssysteme systematisch entwickelt. Die Idee ist, das Laufzeitsystem für Sicherheitspolitiken so maßzuschneidern, dass nur die Politiken unterstützt werden, die tatsächlich in einer TCB vorhanden sind. Dabei wird der Funktionsumfang einer TCB durch kausale Abhängigkeiten zwischen Sicherheitspolitiken und TCB-Funktionen bestimmt. Das Ergebnis sind kausale TCBs, die nur diejenigen Funktionen enthalten, die zum Durchsetzen und zum Schutz der vorhandenen Sicherheitspolitiken notwendig sind. Die präzise Identifikation von TCB-Funktionen erlaubt, die Implementierung der TCB-Funktionen von nicht-vertrauenswürdigen Systemkomponenten zu isolieren. Dadurch legen kausale TCBs die Grundlage für TCB-Implementierungen, deren Größe und Komplexität eine Analyse und Verifikation bezüglich ihrer Korrektheit und Unumgehbarkeit ermöglichen. Kausale TCBs haben ein breites Anwendungsspektrum - von eingebetteten Systemen über Politik gesteuerte Betriebssysteme bis hin zu Datenbankmanagementsystemen in großen Informationssystemen.Policy-controlled operating systems provide a policy decision and enforcement environment to protect and enforce their security policies. The trusted computing base (TCB) of these systems are large and complex, and their functional perimeter can hardly be precisely identified. As a result, a TCB's correctness and tamper-proofness are hard to ensure in its implementation. This dissertation develops a TCB engineering method for policy-controlled operating systems that tailors the policy decision and enforcement environment to support only those policies that are actually present in a TCB. A TCB's functional perimeter is identified by exploiting causal dependencies between policies and TCB functions, which results in causal TCBs that contain exactly those functions that are necessary to establish, enforce, and protect their policies. The precise identification of a TCB's functional perimeter allows for implementing a TCB in a safe environment that indeed can be isolated from untrusted system components. Thereby, causal TCB engineering sets the course for implementations whose size and complexity pave the way for analyzing and verifying a TCB's correctness and tamper-proofness.Auch im Buchhandel erhältlich: Small TCBs of policy-controlled operating systems / Anja Pölck Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2014. - xiii, 249 S. ISBN 978-3-86360-090-7 Preis: 24,40