5 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Content Distribution over Multi-Homed Wireless Networks

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    ABSTRACT-The growing availability of IP based heterogeneous wireless access technologies coupled with the increasing capabilities of mobile devices is creating opportunities for multimedia distribution. Through its multi-homing feature, the ability to support multiple network connections in a single end to end association, the transport layer Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) can enable seamless and transparent communication sessions over multiple heterogeneous networks. This paper analyzes the performance of multimedia distribution when making use of two multihomingSCTPbasedapproaches: Single Path Transfer and Concurrent Multi-path Transfer, in which a single or all paths within an association are used simultaneously for data transmission. In this investigation various retransmission policies and different parameter sets are used in turn and recommendations are made for achieving best results during video delivery. In order to perform this study a novel realistic evaluation tool-set was proposed and is described, which can simulate video delivery over SCTP. Our simulation results and analysis show how to optimize the transmission of multimedia content over SCTP associations in both single and multipath scenarios. INDEX TERMS-Concurrent multi-path transfer, multi-homing, multimedia distribution, SCTP, single path transfer

    MP-CFM: MPTCP-Based communication functional module for next generation ERTMS

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    184 p. El contenido de los cap铆tulos 4,5,6,7,8 y 9 est谩 sujeto a confidencialidadEl Sistema Europeo de Gesti贸n del Tr谩fico Ferroviario (ERTMS, por sus siglasen ingl茅s), fue originalmente dise帽ado para los ferrocarriles europeos. Sinembargo, a lo largo de las dos 煤ltimas d茅cadas, este sistema se ha convertidoen el est谩ndar de-facto para los servicios de Alta Velocidad en la mayor铆a depa铆ses desarrollados.El sistema ERTMS se compone de tres subsistemas principales: 1) el Sistemade Control Ferroviario Europeo (ETCS, por sus siglas en ingl茅s), que act煤acomo aplicaci贸n de se帽alizaci贸n; 2) el sistema Euroradio, que a su vez est谩dividido en dos subsistemas, el M贸dulo de Seguridad Funcional (SFM, porsus siglas en ingl茅s), y el M贸dulo de Comunicaci贸n Funcional (CFM, porsus siglas en ingl茅s); y 3) el sistema de comunicaciones subyacente, GSM-R,que transporta la informaci贸n intercambiada entre el sistema embarcado enel tren (OBU, por sus siglas en ingl茅s) y el Centro de Bloqueo por Radio(RBC, por sus siglas en ingl茅s). El sistema de se帽alizaci贸n ETCS soporta tresniveles dependiendo del nivel de prestaciones soportadas. En el nivel 3 seintroduce la posibilidad de trabajar con bloques m贸viles en lugar de bloquesfijos definidos en la v铆a. Esto implica que la distancia de avance entre dos trenesconsecutivos puede ser reducida a una distancia m铆nima en la que se garanticela seguridad del servicio, aumentando por tanto la capacidad del corredorferroviario. Esta distancia de seguridad viene determinada por la combinaci贸nde la distancia de frenado del tren y el retraso de las comunicaciones dese帽alizaci贸n. Por lo tanto, se puede afirmar que existe una relaci贸n directaentre los retrasos y la confiabilidad de las transmisiones de las aplicaciones dese帽alizaci贸n y la capacidad operacional de un corredor ferroviario. As铆 pues,el estudio y mejora de los sistemas de comunicaciones utilizados en ERTMSjuegan un papel clave en la evoluci贸n del sistema ERTMS. Asimismo, unaoperatividad segura en ERTMS, desde el punto de vista de las comunicacionesimplicadas en la misma, viene determinada por la confiabilidad de lascomunicaciones, la disponibilidad de sus canales de comunicaci贸n, el retrasode las comunicaciones y la seguridad de sus mensajes.Unido este hecho, la industria ferroviaria ha venido trabajando en ladigitalizaci贸n y la transici贸n al protocolo IP de la mayor parte de los sistemasde se帽alizaci贸n. Alineado con esta tendencia, el consorcio industrial UNISIGha publicado recientemente un nuevo modelo de comunicaciones para ERTMSque incluye la posibilidad, no solo de operar con el sistema tradicional,basado en tecnolog铆a de conmutaci贸n de circuitos, sino tambi茅n con un nuevosistema basado en IP. Esta tesis est谩 alineada con el contexto de migraci贸nactual y pretende contribuir a mejorar la disponibilidad, confiabilidad yseguridad de las comunicaciones, tomando como eje fundamental los tiemposde transmisi贸n de los mensajes, con el horizonte puesto en la definici贸n deuna pr贸xima generaci贸n de ERTMS, definida en esta tesis como NGERTMS.En este contexto, se han detectado tres retos principales para reforzar laresiliencia de la arquitectura de comunicaciones del NGERTMS: 1) mejorarla supervivencia de las comunicaciones ante disrupciones; 2) superar laslimitaciones actuales de ERTMS para enviar mensajes de alta prioridad sobretecnolog铆a de conmutaci贸n de paquetes, dotando a estos mensajes de un mayorgrado de resiliencia y menor latencia respecto a los mensajes ordinarios; y3) el aumento de la seguridad de las comunicaciones y el incremento de ladisponibilidad sin que esto conlleve un incremento en la latencia.Considerando los desaf铆os previamente descritos, en esta tesis se proponeuna arquitectura de comunicaciones basada en el protocolo MPTCP, llamadaMP-CFM, que permite superar dichos desaf铆os, a la par que mantener laretrocompatibilidad con el sistema de comunicaciones basado en conmutaci贸nde paquetes recientemente propuesto por UNISIG. Hasta el momento, esta esla primera vez que se propone una arquitectura de comunicaciones completacapaz de abordar los desaf铆os mencionados anteriormente. Esta arquitecturaimplementa cuatro tipos de clase de servicio, los cuales son utilizados porlos paquetes ordinarios y de alta prioridad para dos escenarios distintos; unescenario en el que ambos extremos, el sistema embarcado o OBU y el RBC,disponen de m煤ltiples interfaces de red; y otro escenario transicional en el cualel RBC s铆 tiene m煤ltiples interfaces de red pero el OBU solo dispone de una煤nica interfaz. La arquitectura de comunicaciones propuesta para el entornoferroviario ha sido validada mediante un entorno de simulaci贸n desarrolladopara tal efecto. Es m谩s, dichas simulaciones demuestran que la arquitecturapropuesta, ante disrupciones de canal, supera con creces en t茅rminos derobustez el sistema dise帽ado por UNISIG. Como conclusi贸n, se puede afirmarque en esta tesis se demuestra que una arquitectura de comunicaciones basadade MPTCP cumple con los exigentes requisitos establecidos para el NGERTMSy por tanto dicha propuesta supone un avance en la evoluci贸n del sistema dese帽alizaci贸n ferroviario europeo

    Managed access dependability for critical services in wireless inter domain environment

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    The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry has through the last decades changed and still continues to affect the way people interact with each other and how they access and share information, services and applications in a global market characterized by constant change and evolution. For a networked and highly dynamic society, with consumers and market actors providing infrastructure, networks, services and applications, the mutual dependencies of failure free operations are getting more and more complex. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between the various actors and users may be used to describe the offerings along with price schemes and promises regarding the delivered quality. However, there is no guarantee for failure free operations whatever efforts and means deployed. A system fails for a number of reasons, but automatic fault handling mechanisms and operational procedures may be used to decrease the probability for service interruptions. The global number of mobile broadband Internet subscriptions surpassed the number of broadband subscriptions over fixed technologies in 2010. The User Equipment (UE) has become a powerful device supporting a number of wireless access technologies and the always best connected opportunities have become a reality. Some services, e.g. health care, smart power grid control, surveillance/monitoring etc. called critical services in this thesis, put high requirements on service dependability. A definition of dependability is the ability to deliver services that can justifiably be trusted. For critical services, the access networks become crucial factors for achieving high dependability. A major challenge in a multi operator, multi technology wireless environment is the mobility of the user that necessitates handovers according to the physical movement. In this thesis it is proposed an approach for how to optimize the dependability for critical services in multi operator, multi technology wireless environment. This approach allows predicting the service availability and continuity at real-time. Predictions of the optimal service availability and continuity are considered crucial for critical services. To increase the dependability for critical services dual homing is proposed where the use of combinations of access points, possibly owned by different operators and using different technologies, are optimized for the specific location and movement of the user. A central part of the thesis is how to ensure the disjointedness of physical and logical resources so important for utilizing the dependability increase potential with dual homing. To address the interdependency issues between physical and logical resources, a study of Operations, Administrations, and Maintenance (OA&M) processes related to the access network of a commercial Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)/Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) operator was performed. The insight obtained by the study provided valuable information of the inter woven dependencies between different actors in the delivery chain of services. Based on the insight gained from the study of OA&M processes a technological neutral information model of physical and logical resources in the access networks is proposed. The model is used for service availability and continuity prediction and to unveil interdependencies between resources for the infrastructure. The model is proposed as an extension of the Media Independent Handover (MIH) framework. A field trial in a commercial network was conducted to verify the feasibility in retrieving the model related information from the operators' Operational Support Systems (OSSs) and to emulate the extension and usage of the MIH framework. In the thesis it is proposed how measurement reports from UE and signaling in networks are used to define virtual cells as part of the proposed extension of the MIH framework. Virtual cells are limited geographical areas where the radio conditions are homogeneous. Virtual cells have radio coverage from a number of access points. A Markovian model is proposed for prediction of the service continuity of a dual homed critical service, where both the infrastructure and radio links are considered. A dependability gain is obtained by choosing a global optimal sequence of access points. Great emphasizes have been on developing computational e cient techniques and near-optimal solutions considered important for being able to predict service continuity at real-time for critical services. The proposed techniques to obtain the global optimal sequence of access points may be used by handover and multi homing mechanisms/protocols for timely handover decisions and access point selections. With the proposed extension of the MIH framework a global optimal sequence of access points providing the highest reliability may be predicted at real-time

    Performance Improvements of mSCTP-CMT in Ubiquitous Network Scenarios

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