87 research outputs found

    Improved Spatial Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communications

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    Transmission and reception methods with multiple antennas have been demonstrated to be very useful in providing high data rates and improving reliability in wireless communications. In particular, spatial modulation (SM) has recently emerged as an attractive transmission method for multiple-antennas systems due to its better energy efficiency and lower system complexity. This thesis is concerned with developing transmission techniques to improve the spectral efficiency of SM where antenna/subcarrier index involves in conveying information bits. In the first part of the thesis, new transmission techniques are developed for SM over frequency-flat fading channels. The first proposed scheme is based on a high-rate space-time block code instead of using the classical Alamouti STBC, which helps to increase the spectral efficiency and achieve a transmit diversity order of two. A simplified maximum likelihood detection is also developed for this proposed scheme. Analysis of coding gains and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms previously-proposed SM schemes at high data transmission rates. Then, a new space-shift keying (SSK) modulation scheme is proposed which requires a smaller number of transmit antennas than that required in the bi-space shift keying (BiSSK). Such a proposed SSK-based scheme is obtained by multiplexing two in-phase and quadrature generalized SSK streams and optimizing the carrier signals transmitted by the activated antennas. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other SSK-based schemes via minimum Euclidean distance analysis and computer simulation. The third scheme proposed in this part is an improved version of quadrature SM (QSM). The main feature of this proposed scheme is to send a second constellation symbol over the in-phase and quadrature antenna dimensions. A significant performance advantage of the proposed scheme is realized at the cost of a slight increase in the number of radio-frequency (RF) chains. Performance comparisons with the most recent SM schemes confirm the advantage of the proposed scheme. The last contribution of the first part is an optimal constellation design for QSM to minimize the average probability of error. It is shown that, the error performance of QSM not only depends on the Euclidean distances between the amplitude phase modulation (APM) symbols and the energies of APM symbols, but also on the in-phase and quadrature components of the QSM symbols. The analysis of the union bound of the average error probability reveals that at a very large number of transmit antennas, the optimal constellations for QSM converge to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellation. Simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of the obtained constellations over other modulation schemes. In the second part of the thesis, the applications of SM in frequency-selective fading channels are studied. First, a new transmission scheme that employs SM for each group of subcarriers in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission is investigated. Specifically, OFDM symbols in each group are passed through a precoder to maximize the diversity and coding gains, while SM is applied in each group to convey more information bits by antenna indices. Performance analysis and simulation results are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over a previously-proposed combination of SM and OFDM. Next, the performance of OFDM based on index modulation and a flexible version of OFDM, knows as OFDM with multiple constellations, is compared for both case of "no precoding'' and "with precoding'' of data symbols. It is shown that the precoded OFDM with multiple constellations outperforms precoded-IM based OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels. The last part of the thesis investigates a multiuser downlink transmission system based on in-phase and quadrature space-shift keying modulation and precoding to reduce the minimum number of transmit antennas while keeping the complexity of the receiver low. In addition to the maximum likelihood (ML) detection, the low complexity zero forcing (ZF) receiver is also studied. Theoretical upper bounds for the error probabilities of both ML and ZF receivers are obtained and corroborated with simulation results

    Design guidelines for spatial modulation

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    A new class of low-complexity, yet energyefficient Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmission techniques, namely the family of Spatial Modulation (SM) aided MIMOs (SM-MIMO) has emerged. These systems are capable of exploiting the spatial dimensions (i.e. the antenna indices) as an additional dimension invoked for transmitting information, apart from the traditional Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APM). SM is capable of efficiently operating in diverse MIMO configurations in the context of future communication systems. It constitutes a promising transmission candidate for large-scale MIMO design and for the indoor optical wireless communication whilst relying on a single-Radio Frequency (RF) chain. Moreover, SM may also be viewed as an entirely new hybrid modulation scheme, which is still in its infancy. This paper aims for providing a general survey of the SM design framework as well as of its intrinsic limits. In particular, we focus our attention on the associated transceiver design, on spatial constellation optimization, on link adaptation techniques, on distributed/ cooperative protocol design issues, and on their meritorious variants

    Collaborative modulation multiple access for single hop and multihop networks

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    While the bandwidth available for wireless networks is limited, the world has seen an unprecedented growth in the number of mobile subscribers and an ever increasing demand for high data rates. Therefore efficient utilisation of bandwidth to maximise link spectral efficiency and number of users that can be served simultaneously are primary goals in the design of wireless systems. To achieve these goals, in this thesis, a new non-orthogonal uplink multiple access scheme which combines the functionalities of adaptive modulation and multiple access called collaborative modulation multiple access (CMMA) is proposed. CMMA enables multiple users to access the network simultaneously and share the same bandwidth even when only a single receive antenna is available and in the presence of high channel correlation. Instead of competing for resources, users in CMMA share resources collaboratively by employing unique modulation sets (UMS) that differ in phase, power, and/or mapping structure. These UMS are designed to insure that the received signal formed from the superposition of all users’ signals belongs to a composite QAM constellation (CC) with a rate equal to the sum rate of all users. The CC and its constituent UMSs are designed centrally at the BS to remove ambiguity, maximize the minimum Euclidian distance (dmin) of the CC and insure a minimum BER performance is maintained. Users collaboratively precode their transmitted signal by performing truncated channel inversion and phase rotation using channel state information (CSI ) obtained from a periodic common pilot to insure that their combined signal at the BS belongs to the CC known at the BS which in turn performs a simple joint maximum likelihood detection without the need for CSI. The coherent addition of users’ power enables CMMA to achieve high link spectral efficiency at any time without extra power or bandwidth but on the expense of graceful degradation in BER performance. To improve the BER performance of CMMA while preserving its precoding and detection structure and without the need for pilot-aided channel estimation, a new selective diversity combining scheme called SC-CMMA is proposed. SC-CMMA optimises the overall group performance providing fairness and diversity gain for various users with different transmit powers and channel conditions by selecting a single antenna out of a group of L available antennas that minimises the total transmit power required for precoding at any one time. A detailed study of capacity and BER performance of CMMA and SC-CMMA is carried out under different level of channel correlations which shows that both offer high capacity gain and resilience to channel correlation. SC-CMMA capacity even increase with high channel correlation between users’ channels. CMMA provides a practical solution for implementing the multiple access adder channel (MAAC) in fading environments hence a hybrid approach combining both collaborative coding and modulation referred to as H-CMMA is investigated. H-CMMA divides users into a number of subgroups where users within a subgroup are assigned the same modulation set and different multiple access codes. H-CMMA adjusts the dmin of the received CC by varying the number of subgroups which in turn varies the number of unique constellation points for the same number of users and average total power. Therefore H-CMMA can accommodate many users with different rates while flexibly managing the complexity, rate and BER performance depending on the SNR. Next a new scheme combining CMMA with opportunistic scheduling using only partial CSI at the receiver called CMMA-OS is proposed to combine both the power gain of CMMA and the multiuser diversity gain that arises from users’ channel independence. To avoid the complexity and excessive feedback associated with the dynamic update of the CC, the BS takes into account the independence of users’ channels in the design of the CC and its constituent UMSs but both remain unchanged thereafter. However UMS are no longer associated with users, instead channel gain’s probability density function is divided into regions with identical probability and each UMS is associated with a specific region. This will simplify scheduling as users can initially chose their UMS based on their CSI and the BS will only need to resolve any collision when the channels of two or more users are located at the same region. Finally a high rate cooperative communication scheme, called cooperative modulation (CM) is proposed for cooperative multiuser systems. CM combines the reliability of the cooperative diversity with the high spectral efficiency and multiple access capabilities of CMMA. CM maintains low feedback and high spectral efficiency by restricting relaying to a single route with the best overall channel. Two possible variations of CM are proposed depending on whether CSI available only at the users or just at the BS and the selected relay. The first is referred to Precode, Amplify, and Forward (PAF) while the second one is called Decode, Remap, and Forward (DMF). A new route selection algorithm for DMF based on maximising dmin of random CC is also proposed using a novel fast low-complexity multi-stage sphere based algorithm to calculate the dmin at the relay of random CC that is used for both relay selection and detection

    SystÚmes MIMO : conception, estimation du canal, et détection

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques from the reception algorithms, i.e., channel estimation, symbol detection, and interference suppression, to the advanced spatial modulation (SM) transmission schemes, i.e., the signal constellation design for high performance and energy efficiency. In the reception algorithms, the proposed schemes are derived based on the detection theory, i.e., maximum likelihood (ML), linear minimum mean square error (MMSE), successive interference cancellation (SIC), combining with the statistical analysis, i.e., Bayesian linear regression and Bayesian model comparison, in order to deal with the channel uncertainty, i.e., fading, correlations, thermal noise, multiple interference, and the impact of estimation errors.In the transmission schemes, the signal constellations are targeted to find a good trade off between the average transmit energy and the minimum Euclidean distance in the signal space. The proposed schemes, denoted by enhanced SM (ESM), introduce novel modulation/antenna combinations and use them as the information bits for transmission. The number of those combinations is the double or the quadruple of the number of active antenna indices (or index combinations) in conventional SM systems, and this increases the number of bits transmitted per channel use by one or two.The results of simulations show that good system performance can be achieved with the advanced MIMO techniques. Several examples are presented in this thesis to provide insights for the MIMO system designs.Cette thĂšse aborde plusieurs problĂšmes fondamentaux des systĂšmes de communications sans fil avec des antennes multiples, dites systĂšmes MIMO (multiple input, multiple output). Les contributions se situent aussi bien au niveau des algorithmes de rĂ©ception qu’au niveau de la gĂ©nĂ©ration du signal Ă  l’émission.La plus grande partie de la thĂšse est dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  l’étude des algorithmes de rĂ©ception. Les points abordĂ©s comprennent la modĂ©lisation et l’estimation du canal, la dĂ©tection robuste des symboles, et la suppression des interfĂ©rences. Un nouveau modĂšle de canal est proposĂ© dans le chapitre 3 en exploitant les corrĂ©lations dans les domaines temporel, frĂ©quentiel et spatial, et en rĂ©duisant l’espace des paramĂštres aux termes dominants. Ce modĂšle est utilisĂ© pour proposer ensuite un estimateur de canal Ă  faible complexitĂ© et aussi un sĂ©lecteur de mots de code pour envoyer vers l’émetteur les informations sur l’état du canal. Dans le chapitre 4, la rĂ©ception robuste est Ă©tudiĂ©e pour les systĂšmes MIMO-OFDM sans une connaissance parfaite du canal. Des rĂ©cepteurs robustes sont proposĂ©s pour les cas avec ou sans connaissance statistique du canal. La conception de rĂ©cepteurs pour les systĂšmes MIMO-OFDM en prĂ©sence d’interfĂ©rence est Ă©tudiĂ©e dans le chapitre 5 et des rĂ©cepteurs robustes sont proposĂ©s prenant en compte sĂ©parĂ©ment l’interfĂ©rence causĂ©e par les ondes pilotes et celle causĂ©e par les symboles d’une part et l’asynchronisme entre le signal et l’interfĂ©rence d’autre part.Dans la deuxiĂšme partie de la thĂšse (chapitre 6), nous abordons les modulations spatiales qui sont particuliĂšrement adaptĂ©es aux systĂšmes MIMO dans lesquels le nombre de chaines d’émission est infĂ©rieur aux nombre d’antennes. Remarquant que l’efficacitĂ© spectrale de ces systĂšmes reste trĂšs faible par rapport Ă  la technique de multiplexage spatiale, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© des modulations spatiales amĂ©liorĂ©es (ESM, pour Enhanced Spatial Modulation) qui augmentent substantiellement l’efficacitĂ© spectrale. Ces modulations sont basĂ©es sur l’introduction de modulations secondaires, obtenues par interpolation. La technique ESM gagne plusieurs dĂ©cibels en rapport signal Ă  bruit lorsque les constellations du signal sont choisies de façon Ă  avoir la mĂȘme efficacitĂ© spectrale que dans les modulations spatiales conventionnelles

    Index modulation for next generation wireless communications.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.A multicarrier index modulation technique in the form of quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (QSM-OFDM) is proposed, in which transmit antenna indices are employed to transmit additional bits. Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrates a 5 dB gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) over other OFDM schemes. Furthermore, an analysis of the receiver computational complexity is presented. A low-complexity near-ML detector for space-time block coded (STBC) spatial modulation (STBC-SM) with cyclic structure (STBC-CSM), which demonstrate near-ML error performance and yields significant reduction in computational complexity is proposed. In addition, the union-bound theoretical framework to quantify the average bit-error probability (ABEP) of STBC-CSM is formulated and validates the Monte Carlo simulation results. The application of media-based modulation (MBM), to STBC-SM and STBC-CSM employing radio frequency (RF) mirrors, in the form of MBSTBC-SM and MBSTBC-CSM is proposed to improve the error performance. Numerical results of the proposed schemes demonstrate significant improvement in error performance when compared with STBC-CSM and STBC-SM. In addition, the analytical framework of the union-bound on the ABEP of MBSTBC-SM and MBSTBC-CSM for the ML detector is formulated and agrees well with Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, a low-complexity near-ML detector for MBSTBC-SM and MBSTBC-CSM is proposed, and achieves a near-ML error performance. Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate a trade-off between the error performance and the resolution of the detector that is employed. Finally, the application of MBM, an index modulated system to spatial modulation, in the form of spatial MBM (SMBM) is investigated. SMBM employs RF mirrors located around the transmit antenna units to create distinct channel paths to the receiver. This thesis presents an easy to evaluate theoretical bound for the error performance of SMBM, which is validated by Monte Carlo simulation results. Lastly, two low-complexity suboptimal mirror activation pattern (MAP) optimization techniques are proposed, which improve the error performance of SMBM significantly

    Signal design for Multiple-Antenna Systems and Wireless Networks

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    This dissertation is concerned with the signal design problems for Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna systems and wireless networks. Three related but distinct problems are considered.The first problem considered is the design of space time codes for MIMO systems in the case when neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel. We present the theoretical concept of communicating over block fading channel using Layered Unitary Space Time Codes (LUSTC), where the input signal is formed as a product of a series of unitary matrices with corresponding dimensionality. We show the channel capacity using isotropically distributed (i.d.) input signaling and optimal decoding can be achieved by layered i.d. signaling scheme along with a low complexity successive decoding. The closed form layered channel capacity is obtained, which serves as a design guideline for practical LUSTC. In the design of LUSTC, a successive design method is applied to leverage the problem of optimizing over lots of parameters.The feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the transmitter in MIMO systems is known to increase the forward channel capacity. A suboptimal power allocation scheme for MIMO systems is then proposed for limited rate feedback of CSI. We find that the capacity loss of this simple scheme is rather small compared to the optimal water-filling solution. This knowledge is applied for the design of the feedback codebook. In the codebook design, a generalized Lloyd algorithm is employed, in which the computation of the centroid is formulated as an optimization problem and solved optimally. Numerical results show that the proposed codebook design outperforms the existing algorithms in the literature.While it is not feasible to deploy multiple antennas in a wireless node due to the space limitation, user cooperation is an alternative to increase performance of the wireless networks. To this end, a coded user cooperation scheme is considered in the dissertation, which is shown to be equivalent to a coding scheme with the encoding done in a distributive manner. Utilizing the coding theoretic bound and simulation results, we show that the coded user cooperation scheme has great advantage over the non-cooperative scheme
