16 research outputs found

    Fiber amplifiers, directly modulated transmitters and a ring network structure for optical communications

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    The three technologies that are considered the key elements in building a metropolitan area optical network are studied in this thesis. They are optical amplification, high-speed low cost transmitters and ring network structures. These studies concentrate on cost reduction of these three technologies thus enabling the use of optical networks in small customer base metropolitan areas. The research on optical amplification concentrated first on the solution doping process, at present the most used method for producing erbium doped fiber. It was found that separationing the soot growth and the sintering improved the uniformity of the porous layer. This made the homogeneity of the doping concentration in the fiber core better. The effects of index profile variations that arise from the non-ideal solution doping process were also simulated. In the search for a better doping method a new nanoparticle glass-forming process, the direct nanoparticle deposition, was developed. In this process the doping is done simultaneously with glass formation. Utilizing this new process it was possible to improve the uniformity of the doping resulting in higher usable doping levels and shorter erbium doped fiber lengths in the amplifiers. There were fewer limitations in the amplifier caused by optical non-linearities and polarization mode dispersion since shorter fiber lengths were needed. The double cladding fiber, which avoids the costly coupling of the pump laser into a single mode waveguide, was also studied. This pumping scheme was found to improve the inversion uniformity in the erbium doped fiber core thereby enhancing the power conversion efficiency for the long wavelength band amplifier. In characterizing the erbium doped fiber amplifier the gain and noise figure was measured with a temporal filter setup. It was made of simple, low cost components but yielded accurate measurements since the noise originating from the amplified spontaneous emission was measured at the signal wavelength. In the study of fiber amplifier controlling schemes the input power of the fiber amplifier was successfully used to regulate the pump laser. This feed-forward control scheme provides a simple, low cost control and managment system for the erbium doped fiber amplifier in metropolitan area network applications that require flexible adding and dropping of wavelength channels. The transmitter research focused on the DFB laser due to its simplicity and low cost structure. A solid state Fabry-Perot etalon made from double polished silicon chip was used as a frequency discriminator in the chirp analyser developed for the DFB lasers. This wavelength discriminator did not require repeated calibration or active stabilisation and was controled electrically enabling automatic measurements. The silicon Fabry-Perot etalon was also used for simultaneous spectral filtering and wavelength control of the laser. The usable dispersion limited transmission length was increased when the filter was used in conjunction with the directly modulated distributed feedback laser transmitter. The combination of spatial multiplexing and dense wavelength division multiplexing in ring topology was investigated in the course of the research on the ring network as the feeder part of the metropolitan network. A new way to organize different wavelengths and fibers was developed. This ring network structure was simulated and an experimental ring network built. The results of the studies demonstrated that the same limitations effecting uni-directional ring structures also are the main limitations on the scalability of the spatial and wavelength division multiplexed ring networks based on bi-directional transmission when the node spacing is short. The developed ring network structure demonstrated major cost reductions when compared with the heavy use of wavelength division multiplexing. The node structure was also greatly simplified resulting in less need for different wavelength transmitters in each node. Furthermore the node generated only minor losses for the passing signals thus reducing the need for optical amplification.reviewe

    Resource allocation and scalability in dynamic wavelength-routed optical networks.

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    This thesis investigates the potential benefits of dynamic operation of wavelength-routed optical networks (WRONs) compared to the static approach. It is widely believed that dynamic operation of WRONs would overcome the inefficiencies of the static allocation in improving resource use. By rapidly allocating resources only when and where required, dynamic networks could potentially provide the same service that static networks but at decreased cost, very attractive to network operators. This hypothesis, however, has not been verified. It is therefore the focus of this thesis to investigate whether dynamic operation of WRONs can save significant number of wavelengths compared to the static approach whilst maintaining acceptable levels of delay and scalability. Firstly, the wavelength-routed optical-burst-switching (WR-OBS) network architecture is selected as the dynamic architecture to be studied, due to its feasibility of implementation and its improved network performance. Then, the wavelength requirements of dynamic WR-OBS are evaluated by means of novel analysis and simulation and compared to that of static networks for uniform and non-uniform traffic demand. It is shown that dynamic WR-OBS saves wavelengths with respect to the static approach only at low loads and especially for sparsely connected networks and that wavelength conversion is a key capability to significantly increase the benefits of dynamic operation. The mean delay introduced by dynamic operation of WR-OBS is then assessed. The results show that the extra delay is not significant as to violate end-to-end limits of time-sensitive applications. Finally, the limiting scalability of WR-OBS as a function of the lightpath allocation algorithm computational complexity is studied. The trade-off between the request processing time and blocking probability is investigated and a new low-blocking and scalable lightpath allocation algorithm which improves the mentioned trade-off is proposed. The presented algorithms and results can be used in the analysis and design of dynamic WRONs

    Analytical model of asynchronous shared-per-wavelength multi-fiber optical switch

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    In this paper, a buffer-less shared-per-wavelength optical switch is equipped with multi-fiber interfaces and operated in asynchronous context. An analytical model to evaluate loss performance is proposed using an approximate Markov-chain based approach and the model is validated by simulations. The model is demonstrated to be quite accurate in spite of the difficulty in capturing correlation effects especially for small switch sizes. The model is also applied to calculate the number of optical components needed to design the optical switch according to packet loss requirements. The impact of the adoption of multiple fiber interfaces is outlined in terms of the remarkable saving in the number of wavelength converters employed, while increasing at the same time the number of optical gates needed by the space switching subsystem. The numerical results produced are a valuable basis to optimize overall switch cost. © 2011 IEEE

    Optimised Design and Analysis of All-Optical Networks

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    This PhD thesis presents a suite of methods for optimising design and for analysing blocking probabilities of all-optical networks. It thus contributes methodical knowledge to the field of computer assisted planning of optical networks. A two-stage greenfield optical network design optimiser is developed, based on shortest-path algorithms and a comparatively new metaheuristic called simulated allocation. It is able to handle design of all-optical mesh networks with optical cross-connects, considers duct as well as fibre and node costs, and can also design protected networks. The method is assessed through various experiments and is shown to produce good results and to be able to scale up to networks of realistic sizes. A novel method, subpath wavelength grouping, for routing connections in a multigranular all-optical network where several wavelengths can be grouped and switched at band and fibre level is presented. The method uses an unorthodox routing strategy focusing on common subpaths rather than individual connections, and strives to minimise switch port count as well as fibre usage. It is shown to produce cheaper network designs than previous methods when fibre costs are comparatively high. A new optical network concept, the synchronous optical hierarchy, is proposed, in which wavelengths are subdivided into timeslots to match the traffic granularity. Various theoretical properties of this concept are investigated and compared in simulation studies. An integer linear programming model for optical ring network design is presented. Manually designed real world ring networks are studied and it is found that the model can lead to cheaper network design. Moreover, ring and mesh network architectures are compared using real world costs, and it is found that optical cros..

    Dimensionerings- en werkverdelingsalgoritmen voor lambda grids

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    Grids bestaan uit een verzameling reken- en opslagelementen die geografisch verspreid kunnen zijn, maar waarvan men de gezamenlijke capaciteit wenst te benutten. Daartoe dienen deze elementen verbonden te worden met een netwerk. Vermits veel wetenschappelijke applicaties gebruik maken van een Grid, en deze applicaties doorgaans grote hoeveelheden data verwerken, is het noodzakelijk om een netwerk te voorzien dat dergelijke grote datastromen op betrouwbare wijze kan transporteren. Optische transportnetwerken lenen zich hier uitstekend toe. Grids die gebruik maken van dergelijk netwerk noemt men lambda Grids. Deze thesis beschrijft een kader waarin het ontwerp en dimensionering van optische netwerken voor lambda Grids kunnen beschreven worden. Ook wordt besproken hoe werklast kan verdeeld worden op een Grid eens die gedimensioneerd is. Een groot deel van de resultaten werd bekomen door simulatie, waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van een eigen Grid simulatiepakket dat precies focust op netwerk- en Gridelementen. Het ontwerp van deze simulator, en de daarbijhorende implementatiekeuzes worden dan ook uitvoerig toegelicht in dit werk

    Virtual network provisioning over flexible optical transport infrastructure

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    Current transport network owners are focused on offering services on top of the infrastructures they own, while end users have no control over them. Traditionally, this has been their business model, as the cost of building the infrastructures to provide services is considerably high. However, the traffic on Internet has been, and still is, rapidly increasing over the years. Additionally new emerging services are pushing the limits of existing telecommunication infrastructures, particularly transport optical networks. To overcome such situation, network virtualization has been considered as an effective solution for the future optical networks architectures. Thanks to Virtual Optical Networks (VONs), it is possible to create mission-specific logic infrastructures, which fulfil the exact requirements of the applications that will run on top of them, sharing a unique physical substrate. However, the applicability of virtualization techniques to the optical domain is still under research, being on key point the mapping of the virtual resources to the actual physical ones. However, virtualization per se does not provide a solution flexible enough in terms of bandwidth utilization. For this to happen, an equally flexible transport technology must be adopted. Elastic Optical Networks (EONs) have been presented as an efficient solution for flexible bandwidth allocation. Additionally, due to the dinamicity of the traffic patterns that such virtual networks will face, it is highly desirable to provide a physical substrate that will help on keeping the associated operational expenditures (OPEX) at low levels, being a very important parameter the energy consumption. The energy consumption topic has been subject of big research efforts in order to provide more energy efficient optical transport networks, which, at their turn, will help on the creation of less costly virtual infrastructures. This thesis is devoted to the study of resource allocation to VONs, aiming to provide a flexible, efficient and optimized environment for the embedding of the VONs to the actual physical substrate. The considered scenario is composed of an underlying optical transport network and multiple client VONs that have to be allocated on top. In such scenario, a key aspect relates to how actual resources are associated to the virtual ones, guaranteeing the isolation among VONs and satisfying the resources requirements of every one of them. After an introduction to the thesis, chapter 2 surveys nowadays optical network infrastructures, concluding on the need to move towards a more dynamic and efficient optical network infrastructure. Next, it proceeds to summarize the state of the art of the concepts that enable for such network architecture, namely, VONs, EONs and energy efficient optical infrastructures. Then, chapters 3, 4 and 5 focus on providing solutions to optimize specific aspects of these enabling concepts. More in details, chapter 3 studies the main challenges on the VON embedding problem and presents solutions that allow for an optimized resoure assignment to VONs in a physical substrate depending on the VONs characteristics and the sppecific network substrate. Chapter 4 proposes the Split Spectrum (SS) approach as a way to improve the spectrum utilization of EONs. Finally, chapter 5 focuses on provide and evaluate routing and architectural solutions in aims to reduce the energy consumption of the optical substrate so as VONs with lower OPEX can be deployed on top of it.Els actuals propietaris de xarxes de transport es centren en oferir serveis mitjançant les infraestructures que posseeixen, mentre els usuaris finals no tenen cap control sobre aquests. Tradicionalment, aquest ha estat el seu model de negoci, ja que el cost de construir aquestes infraestructures és considerablement elevat. Tanmateix, el tràfic a Internet ha estat creixent de manera ràpida durant els últims anys. A més, l'aparició de nous serveis està portant al límit les actuals infraestructures de telecomunicacions, especialment les xarxes òptiques de transport. Per tal de superar aquesta situació, la virtualització de xarxes és considerada com una solució efectiva per les futures arquitectures de xarxes òptiques. Gràcies a les Xarxes Òptiques Virtuals (VONs), és possible crear infraestructures lògiques específiques en la seva missió, les quals permeten satisfer els requisits de les aplicacions que s'executaran a través d'elles, compartint un únic substrat físic. Tanmateix, l'aplicació de les tècniques de virtualització en el domini òptic encara és subjecte d'investigació, sent el mapeig entre els recursos virtuals i els recursos físics un punt clau que cal adreçar. No obstant això, la virtualització en si mateixa no proporciona una solució prou flexible en termes d'utilització de l'espectre. Per aquest motiu és necessari que el substrat físic adopti una tecnologia igualment flexible. Les Xarxes Òptiques Elàstiques (EONs) es presenten com una solució eficient per a una assignació flexible de l'espectre. A més, a causa del dinamisme dels perfils de trafic als quals s'enfrontaran les VONs, és desitjable proporcionar una infraestructura física que ajudi a mantenir baixes les despeses operatives (OPEX) d'aquestes xarxes, sent un paràmetre molt important el consum energètic. El tema del consum energètic ha estat subjecte de grans iniciatives de recerca per tal de proporcionar xarxes de transport òptiques més eficients energèticament, les quals permetran crear VONs menys costoses. Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estudi l'assignació de recursos a les VONs, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un entorn flexible, eficient i optimitzat per a la incrustació de les VONs al substrat físic. L'escenari considerat es compon d'una xarxa de transport subjacent i múltiples VONs client a col·locar sobre el substrat físic. En aquest escenari, un aspecte clau es refereix a com els recursos reals s'associen als virtuals, garantint l'aïllament entre VONs i satisfent els recursos demanats per cada una d'elles. Després d'una introducció a la tesi, el capítol 2 revisa les infraestructures de xarxa òptica actuals, concloent en la necessitat d'avançar cap a infraestructures més dinàmiques i eficients. Tot seguit, es procedeix a resumir l'estat de l'art dels conceptes que habilitaran aquesta arquitectura de xarxa, bàsicament, VONs, EONs i les xarxes òptiques de baix consum. A continuació, els capítols 3, 4 i 5 es centren en proporcionar solucions per optimitzar aspectes específics d'aquests conceptes. Més en detall, el capítol 3 estudia els principals reptes en el problema de la incrustació de VONs i presenta solucions que permetin assignar recursos de manera optimitzada a les VONs en un substrat físic. El capítol 4 proposa el concepte de l'Split Spectrum (SS) com una forma de millorar la utilització de l'espectre en les EONs. Finalment, el capítol 5 es centra en proporcionar i avaluar solucions arquitectòniques i d'enrutament amb l'objectiu de reduir el consum d'energia del substrat òptic de tal manera que VONs amb menor OPEX puguin ser desplegades a través d'ell.Los actuales propietarios de las redes de transporte se centran en ofrecer servicios mediante las infraestructuras que poseen y gestionan, mientras que los usuarios finales no tienen ningún control sobre estos. Tradicionalmente, este ha sido el modelo de negocio adoptado por los operadores de redes, ya que el coste de construir y mantener las infraestructuras correspondientes por tal de ofrecer servicios mediante ellas era, y aun es, considerablemente elevado. No obstante, el tráfico en Internet ha crecido de manera rápida y sostenida durante los últimos años y se prevé que continuara con este crecimiento en el futuro. Además, la aparición de nuevos servicios y paradigmas, están llevando al límite las actuales infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones, especialmente las redes de trasporte óptico. Por tal de superar dicha situación, la virtualización de redes ha sido considerada como una solución efectiva para las futuras arquitecturas de redes ópticas. Gracias a las Redes Ópticas Virtuales (VONs), es posible crear infraestructuras lógicas especificas en su misión, las cuales podrán satisfacer los requisitos de las aplicaciones que se ejecutaran a través de ellas, usando y compartiendo un único sustrato físico. No obstante, la aplicación de las técnicas de virtualización en el dominio óptico aun es sujeto de investigación, siendo el mapeo entre los recursos virtuales y los físicos (también conocido como incrustación de la red virtual) un punto clave a solucionar. No obstante, la virtualización por si misma no ofrece una solución suficientemente flexible en términos de utilización del ancho de banda. Por tal de proporcionar un entorno de virtualización suficientemente flexible para acomodar cualquier ancho de banda con suficiente granularidad, es necesario que el sustrato físico adopte una tecnología de transporte igual de flexible. Las Redes Ópticas Elásticas (EONs) se presentan como una solución eficiente para una asignación flexible del ancho de banda en redes ópticas. Además, debido a la heterogeneidad y dinamismo de los perfiles de tráfico a los cuales se enfrentaran las redes virtuales, es altamente deseable proporcionar una infraestructura física que ayuda a mantener bajos los gastos operativos (OPEX) de estas redes, siendo un parámetro muy importante el consumo energético asociado a la operación de las VONs. El tema del consumo energético ha sido, y aun es, sujeto de grandes iniciativas de investigación centradas en desarrollar nuevas arquitecturas de dispositivos o algoritmos de asignación de recursos conscientes del consumo energético por tal de proporcionar redes de transporte ópticas más eficientes energéticamente que, a su vez, permitan crear infraestructuras virtuales menos costosas des del punto de vista energético. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la composición y asignación de recursos a las VONs, con el objetivo de proporcionar un entorno flexible, eficiente y optimizado para la incrustación de las VONs en el sustrato físico real. El escenario considerado se compone de una red de transporte subyacente, ya sea una Red Óptica de Conmutación de Longitud de Onda (WSON) o EON, y múltiples VONs cliente, las cuales se colocaran encima del sustrato físico. En este escenario, un aspecto clave se refiere a como los recursos reales se asocian a los virtuales, garantizando el aislamiento entre VONs y satisfaciendo los recursos pedidos (por ejemplo, capacidad de enlace) por cada una de ellas. Después de una introducción a la tesis, el capítulo 2 revisa las infraestructuras de redes ópticas actuales, concluyendo en la necesidad de avanzar hacia una infraestructura de red óptica más dinámica y eficiente por tal de afrontar el crecimiento del tráfico en Internet y la aparición de nuevos servicios y paradigmas. Seguidamente, se procede a resumir el estado del arte de los conceptos y paradigmas que permitirán habilitar esta arquitectura de red, básicamente, VONs, EONs y las infraestructuras ópticas de bajo consumo energético. A continuación, los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se centran en proporcionar soluciones para optimizar aspectos específicos de estos conceptos con la finalidad de proporcionar un marco optimizado que ayudara en la configuración de las futuras infraestructuras de redes ópticas y sus modelos de negocio. Concretamente, el capítulo 3 estudia los principales retos en el problema de la incrustación de VONs y presenta soluciones que permiten una asignación de recursos optimizada a las VONs en un sustrato físico dependiendo de las características de las VONs y del sustrato de red. El capítulo 4 propone el concepto de Split Spectrum (SS) como una forma de mejorar la utilizaci_on del espectro en las EONs. Finalmente, el capítulo 5 se centra en proporcionar y evaluar soluciones arquitectónicas y de enrutamiento con el objetivo de reducir el consumo energético del sustrato óptico de tal manera que VONs con menor OPEX puedan ser desplegadas mediante este sustrato

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2010, nr 3

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